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Experimentet: Det sista pillret

Tredje Statsmakten Media och Perfect Day

Experimentet En podd om hur vi testar oss fram. Högaktuell vetenskapsjournalistik och dokumentärer från Tredje Statsmakten Media och Perfect Day Det sista pillret Radiojournalisten och småbarnspappan Johan Cedersjö är en av 1,2 miljoner svenskar som tar antidepressiv medicin. Men efter tio år har han bestämt sig för att försöka sluta. Trots att han är livrädd för vem han är utan pillren. Samtidigt som Johan börjar trappa ner sin medicin, börjar han också undersöka varför så många tar den för ...
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Det politiska spelet är för dig som älskar politik – Parisa Höglund, Fredrik Furtenbach och Helena Gissén guidar dig genom maktens korridorer. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Ansvarig utgivare: Klas Wolf-Watz
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Daily Detroit

Daily Detroit

What to know and where to go in Metro Detroit! We have conversations that push Detroit forward and share local stories about restaurants, business, development, local government, policy, technology, things to do, transit and more. All in about 22 minutes a day.
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Actions Detrimental with Denny Hamlin will give listeners an unfiltered, honest and bold perspective from NASCAR’s most polarizing figure. Hamlin and co-host Jared Allen will unpack the previous race and look forward to upcoming events throughout the Cup Series with candid commentary and insights from the driver’s seat.
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Frolic and Detour

Sergio Gregorio

"Frolic and Detour," hosted by Sergio Gregorio, explores the journeys of individuals who, through honest reflection and bold decisions, have embraced their own pivots in pursuit of purpose.
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Detox Din Hjerne

Morten Elsøe & Anne Gaardmand

Detox Din Hjerne er podcasten, der udrenser dit sind for usunde usandheder om sundhed. I hvert afsnit vil stifterne af VaneCoach-uddannelsen, Morten Elsøe og Anne Gaardmand, punktere de myter og overbevisninger om ernæring, træning og vægttab, der står i vejen for sund adfærd – og et vellevet liv.
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Welcome to Homebrew Detritus, a podcast by nerds and hopefully for nerds. So what is this Homebrew Detritus? Well, it‘s a Pathfinder game with a setting we‘ve built ourselves. The world, it‘s people and places, and the characters played by the other members are all unique to this story. Rule of cool will almost always beat rules as written.
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Den kolde krig var mørk og hemmelig. Hemmeligst af alt var de autonome Stay Behind-netværk, som CIA og Nato understøttede i vesteuropa og Tyrkiet. I ‘Det hemmeligste af det hemmelige’ dykker dokumentarist Christian Kirk Muff og journalist Anders Christiansen ned i en verden af gedulgt efterretningsarbejde og ‘påfaldende ulykker’. Hvis du vil lytte til episoderne i fuld længde, så besøg Har du input, spørgsmål eller kommentarer? Skriv til [email protected]
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Detroit is Different

Detroit is Different

The Detroit is Different podcast is about exposing artistry, business, ideas, and dynamic people, places, and things that make Detroit a mecca. Tune in weekly and subscribe to get the true stories from the people shaping the culture of an American classic city.
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Vad blir det för mord?

Johanna Wagrell och Elinor Svensson | Acast

En oseriös podcast om mord. Komikerna tillika true crime-virtuoserna Johanna Wagrell och Elinor Svensson, berättar varje vecka ett mord/brott/hemskhet. Spekulationer och killgissningar blandas med tramsbyxeri och fruktansvärt intressanta grejer. Varje torsdag släpper vi ett Bonusavsnitt! Prenumerera på dem här --> Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Det Ringer In!

Jennie Wilson

Det är viktigt att vi pratar om skolan. Lärande och undervisning är komplext och det finns sällan enkla svar. En del saker kan vi lärare och ledare inte påverka. Men en del saker kan vi påverka! Häng med och få stöd kring hur du kan utveckla din roll som ledare och lärare. Kom ihåg: Du gör skillnad!
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Depression Detox Show | Daily Inspirational Talks

Malikee Josephs (Muh Leek - Jo Seffs)

Get UNSTUCK. Be inspired by the best motivational, inspirational, and brain health experts to live a happier and more purposeful life! Join host Malikee Josephs Monday through Friday for your dose of motivation. If you’re struggling with feelings of unhappiness, loneliness, emptiness, anxiety, sadness, grief & loss, or not having a sense of purpose, this show is for YOU! ——————If you are in need of medical care, please consult with a therapist or physician.If you are in a crisis or thinking ...
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What does it mean to be a man in the 21st century? Detoxicity is an interview podcast designed to explore the many possible answers to that question The podcast will cover a wide range of topics from relationships to creativity, from psychology to sexuality with thoughtfulness, sensitivity, and humor. Detoxicity is hosted by radio personality and mental health/sexuality educator Mike Joseph.
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Er Det Sant?

Bauer Media

Christer og Halvor er komikere. De liker å diskutere og drøfte påstander. Det betyr ikke at de har greie på noe som helst. Likevel har de laget podkast hvor de diskuterer påstander vi slenger rundt oss og tror holder vann. Men er det egentlig sant? "Er det sant?" er produsert av Bauer Media.
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OY-DETOX - менің авторлық подкастым. Түрлі саладағы маман-замандастарыммен бірге ақпарат ағынында адасып кетпей, ой, сана тазалығын сақтау жолдарын іздейтін боламын. Жоба авторы және жүргізушісі - Әйнел Әмірхан Телеграм - Инстаграм - @ainelkai Қандай да бір сұрақтарыңыз, ұсыныстарыңыз болса, маған [email protected] электрондық поштасына хабарласа аласыздар. Подкастты қолдау Подкаст барысында қонақтар айтатын ойлар олардың жеке пі ...
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Detroit Church is a multicultural, multigenerational church planted in the heart of Detroit. Led by Sonny Smith, we exist to join Jesus on mission in this great city, making All Things New! For more information visit our website at
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Vi sa ju det

Vickan, Sally & Julia

Podden som pratar om karriär, arbetsliv & välmående. Vi delar med oss av våra egna liv, ofiltrerat, öppet och ärligt och visar att även om livet inte alltid är en dans på rosor, så blir det rätt bra ändå!
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show series
Varför får så många fler kvinnor än män SSRI utskrivet? I det här bonusavsnittet träffar Johan sin kompis Lina Thomsgård från podden Dumma människor, för att prata om medicinen som rustning. Och så träffar vi psykiatriprofessorn Lisa Ekselius som forskar kring några av 478 000 anledningar till att kvinnor står på SSRI. experimentet@tredjestatsmakte…
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Trump overvelder amerikansk politikk med et ras av planer. Verden holder pusten, men amerikanerne liker det de ser. Etter 3 uker, så er tallene klare: Trump har aldri vært så populær. Et stigende flertall amerikanere støtter ham. Og hele 70% sier han har gjennomfører det han lover. Samtidig har handlingene allerede dramatiske konsekvenser. Å sette …
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Vi är en dryg månad in i det nya spelåret och efter att i vårt förra avsnitt ha pratat om vad vi tyckte var bra från förra året så ska vi nu blicka framåt och prata om vad vi vill se härnäst, under 2025. Vi försöker oss på ett par förutsägelser (eller snarare gissningar) och listar tre saker var som vi skulle vilja hände eller kom under året. Inneh…
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1996 slinker 19 år gamla Kristin Smart inom en fest på universitetsområdet, men hon kommer aldrig hem. Dessutom verkade hon bli himla full på kort tid, och utan att dricka något. Och så följdes hon sista biten hem av en kille som såklart var känd för att vara ett creep. Och ändå ska det dröja decennier innan någon döms. tw: allt, i vanlig ordning V…
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En overflod af udokumenterede påstande i toppen af timen, Munden som kaffedistributør, Ketamin-for-mange-penge-tabt-forstanden-Musk, Tesla til op over skorstenen, og, “I’m about to make a name for myself,” Forholdet til USA har nået et nyt lavpunkt og Mette, er vred, Bibi døde af grin, Konflikternes konflikt i Mellemøsten løses af Trump, en salafis…
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er det mere frit at rejse sig op fra og sætte sig ned på en skammel end at danse hæmningsløst rundt? anne, ida og jeppe dykker ned i det lidt nørdede spørgsmål om fri bevægelse for hvornår er bevægelse egentlig fri? er det et spørgsmål om et udvendigt mulighedsrum eller om en indre kvalitet? spørgsmålet viser sig at pege dybt ind i hvad det overhov…
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Skolskjutningen är det värsta massmordet i modern svensk historia. Hur länge råder borgfreden innan politiken tar vid i igen? Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Hela veckans avsnitt ägnas åt det pågående traumat efter attentatet på Campus Risbergska i Örebro. Tio döda och sex skadade när gärningsmannen Rickard Andersson öppnade eld i kor…
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I den här podden tänker jag högt. Jag delar tankar och tips, funderar kring metoder och förhållningssätt. Men jag har inte tänkt klart. Jag har inte de rätta svaren. Och jag tror det är viktigt. Vi måste inte ha tänkt klart innan vi delar med oss av vad vi tänker. Vi måste kunna pröva ofärdiga tankar och låta dem växa med hjälp av människor runt om…
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En januardag i 1919 gør professor Carl Julius Salomonsen sig klar til at holde lysbilledforedrag. Her vil han forklare, hvorfor moderne kunst er et sikkert tegn på virusinfektion. Kom med, når vi frygtløst dykker ned i den yderst smitsomme 'Dysmorfisme'! Vært: Rikke Mia Skovdal Medvirkende: Hanne Abildgaard…
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Join us as we dive into everything from transportation updates - like a possible new multi-modal transit hub at the campus of Michigan Central that would connect Chicago to Toronto through Detroit, to replacing an accident-prone intersection on the east side, and even pondering the best foods to eat while driving. Plus, find out why you should neve…
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Speaker: Bruce Lipton (Cell Biologist, NYT Bestselling author, Epigenetic Expert) Message: The power of our mind, our perception, and our beliefs. Source: "This Is PROOF Your Beliefs Create Your Reality" - Dr Bruce Lipton Connect with Bruce Lipton: Website: Instagram: brucelipton YouTube: Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. Bruce H. …
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The Super Bowl was a bloodbath. Chris, Jeremy and Ryan talk about it and what applicable lessons the Lions can take away from the Eagles' success. Want to support the PODcast and get great snacks? Use promo code POD15 at to get 15% off your order on craft beef jerky, biltong and meat sticks. Learn more about your ad choices. …
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There was no race this weekend but Denny Hamlin and the guys didn’t take the week off. They're back to cover: 2:00 - Super Bowl was tough watching with a Chiefs fan 7:40 - Xfinity fastest lap is back 19:40 - NASCAR trying to put an end to race manipulation 27:50 - Damaged Vehicle Policy gets an update 31:30 - Big punishment if a driver needs a waiv…
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Today, we're talking about rats. They've been in the news a lot lately - whether at the center of a ongoing downtown coney feud or suburban communities wrestling with the problem. So what actually works? What don't we know? Dr. Bobby Corrigan is a rodentologist who has spent his life learning and learning to control these animals. A timestamp break…
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Журналист Әйнел Әмірхан және аудармашы Бақытгүл Салыхова бұл жолы ядролық сынақ пен радиацияның әсері мен тигізген зардабы туралы жазылған кітаптарды талқылайды. Шығарылым көрермендерден келіп түскен сұрақтарға жауап беруден басталады. Жалпы OyLab жүргізушілердің кітап оқу барысында алған әсері, уайымы мен сезімдері, туындаған сұрақтарға жауап ізде…
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Speaker: Dr. Eric Thomas (# 1 motivational speaker and authors Message: Encourages us to become more disciplined thinkers to connect to our inner dialogue deeply. Source: Eric Thomas | The 1% Routine (Eric Thomas Motivation) Connect with Dr. Eric Thomas: Website: Instagram: etthehiphoppreacher YouTube: etthehiphoppreacher…
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The Detroit Red Wings win streak is over, but they head into the Four Nations Faceoff break still in a Stanley Cup Playoff position... Tune in as we open by discussing the 6-3 loss to Vasilevskiy, Kucherov, and the Tampa Bay Lightning in Hockeytown, including Alex DeBrincat's strong performance, weak goaltending from Alex Lyon and Cam Talbot, Taras…
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Host Arthur White, Detroit Opera's Director of Community and Audience Engagement, chats with countertenor Anthony Roth Costanzo and soprano Nicole Heaston, as they begin rehearsals for Detroit Opera's production of Rinaldo! Arthur is joined by Nathalie Doucet, Detroit Opera's Head of Music and Director of the Detroit Opera Resident Artist Program. …
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The Pistons just acquired Dennis Schroeder, Lindy Waters III, and a couple of second round picks, so the guys thought they’d bring in an expert to break it all down. Laz Jackson joins Wes and Blake to discuss Schroeder’s play, his role for the rest of the season and if he changes the expectations for the rest of the season. They also hit on Trajan …
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Наши музыкальные друзья!Добро пожаловать на "Ритмы времени" спецвыпуск, посвящённый техно-музыке - жанру, который захватил сердца и танцполы по всему миру! Не пропустите возможность окунуться в мир техно - музыки, которая олицетворяет энергию, ритм и инновации.Присоединяйтесь к нам и позвольте музыке вести вас!…
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On your Friday editon of Daily Detroit: Jer spotlights The Mug, a cozy new coffee shop in the budding Piety Hill neighborhood, just north of Downtown. Then, Devon dishes on a revamped spot in the heart of Downtown: Soraya. Soraya is located where Maru sushi used to be in downtown Detroit. Plus, hear about the buzz around the GW Home concept that Ga…
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Når andre deler en udfordring med os, har vi instinktivt lyst til at løse det – fx ved at komme med “gode råd”.. Desværre er vores instinktive tilgang til at hjælpe sjældent sjældent særligt hjælpsom: Vores råd kan være overvældende og vores løsningsfokus kan føles som en forventning om forandring. Og det kan i sidste ende afskrække den, vi vil hjæ…
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Etterretningssjef Nils Andreas Stensønes er i studio for å snakke om deres årlige trusselrapport, som kom denne uka. Hovedfokuset er Russland og Kinas kamp om global makt og innflytelse. Hvordan opererer disse aktørene på nye måter? Hva ligger bak den økte åpenheten fra etterretningstjenesten? Og hvilken spionserie liker han best?…
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Speaker: Tali Sharot (Neuroscientist and professor of cognitive neuroscience) Message: How to effectively change someone's mind. Source: Tali Sharot: Intelligent People Have Greater Difficulty Changing Their Beliefs Connect with Tali Sharot: Website: N/A Instagram: N/A Book: Look Again: The Power of Noticing What Was Always There Previous Episodes:…
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Detroit Sports Podcast -- Doc N Jock Sports w/ John & Adam This week -- Myles Garrett wants out of Cleveland, is it time for Lions to push all-in and get him, David Shaw being named passing game coordinator! Plus: Detroit Tigers sign Jack Flaherty to a two-year $35M deal, was this enough or do the Tigers need to sign Bergman too, will the Pistons g…
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Speaker: Zig Ziglar (Author, speaker, and one of the original pioneers of personal development) Message: The key point to build winning relationships with others. Source: Zig Ziglar | How To Build Winning Relationship | زيج زيجلار | كيفية بناء علاقة رابحة | Great Speech Connect with Zig Ziglar: Website: Instagram: thezigzigla…
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Jeremy and Erik take listener questions in the lead up to the Super Bowl (no Lions in it :( ) Want to support the PODcast and get great snacks? Use promo code POD15 at to get 15% off your order on craft beef jerky, biltong and meat sticks. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Two big milestones: almost a year since the last time Patrick Kane scored a filthy game-winning goal and the Detroit Red Wings were in a playoff spot, and we're almost at the 10 year anniversary of the Winged Wheel Podcast (00:00). (Submit your favorite moments of the last decade of WWP here:…
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Dr. Velonda Anderson’s journey from military service to health-focused entrepreneurship is a testament to resilience, purpose, and community impact. Originally from Washington D.C., she lived in cities like Oakland and Atlanta before making Detroit her home in the 1980s. With a background in nursing, data processing, and personal training, she purs…
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Gale Henderson’s story is one of resilience, reinvention, and deep-rooted community values. A third-generation Detroiter with family ties to Alabama, she grew up on the west side of the city, where her family owned multiple homes and businesses, fostering a strong sense of connection and support. Her journey took her from journalism to corporate co…
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Cursed Heroes is a #pathfinder2e actual play of the Season of Ghosts adventure path. www.homebrewdetritus.comget merch at us by liking, sharing and commenting. thank youalso we like money…
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On this edition of the Detroit Red Wings/Detroit News podcast, Ted Kulfan talks about the team's four-game sweep on the western road trip and Sportsnet draft analyst Jason Bukala is the interview guest. Before Christmas, the odds of the Red Wings making the playoffs were less than one percent under coach Derek Lalonde. After Christmas, under new co…
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