Hong Kongers - Stay alive ! Never give up !
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亂聊一些日常生活的議題,如果你也是剛出社會的迷途小白兔,歡迎收聽。 聯絡我 ➡️ https://open.firstory.me/user/rosieyu/platforms Powered by Firstory Hosting
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成為會員聽埋Midnigt食堂: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latenighthideout/subscribe 深夜Hideout 基本上會討論吓關於 Path of Exile (流亡黯道 PoE) 同生活上事無大小嘅事 各位香港人不妨 stay awhile and listen Midnight 食堂 Subscribe: https://anchor.fm/latenighthideout/subscribe ========= 其他平台: ========= POE: /global 852 korean Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/ssbMhhWs-ZdmMGM1 Discord: https://discord.gg/faEcd7cJte Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/hfokYT/
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每週彙整美股市場的經濟指標、重要事件和漲幅排行 帶你回顧過去、展望未來,stay well-informed。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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喂!STAY COOL! Wednesday Cool!最酷的週三帶給你最酷的行動主題! Hello!我們是「酵母菌」,90 後不誤正業男子雙人團體。 2021 年,嶄新的一年,你是否有了新計畫?或許想做某件事的念頭正悄悄萌芽?又或是總在留意著某些主題的資訊,卻因為覺得自己不夠了解而遲遲未身體力行? 讓酵母菌帶著你一起發酵吧!與我們一起展開「認識 → 行動」的探索之旅! -- 《喂!STAY COOL!》每一集將會介紹一個時下正在關注的有趣主題,並邀請身邊有相關經驗的朋友一同把酒言歡,酒後吐真言,帶給你最真實的資訊與想法。 透過 Podcast 認識主題以後,酵母菌將會立馬與你一同展開行動,設計該主題的活動並邀請幾位聽眾朋友一起完成! 請準備好,一起發笑,一起發酵,與我們一同探索每次釀造的奧妙。 -- 釀造過程哀居不能少:https://www.instagram.com/haha_mommy_fxxking_cool 加入粉專發酵剛剛好:https://www.facebook.com/hahamommyfxxkingcool Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Why we set up the channel? 經驗告訴我們:你的公司不是最爛的、你的老闆不是最難搞的、你的team member不是最奇葩的、而你也不是世界上唯一辛苦的人。 因此職場很硬將邀請形形色色的人來分享職場上深不可測的喜怒哀樂、由跨世代的角度著眼對話與分析,用實際經驗告訴你如何吞下去。 人生很短,沒有人可以掌握所有事,而你能做的只有KEEP FIGHTING AND STAY TUNED! Who are we? M:做過獵頭,在強颱會嚇瘋的101看過從一線員工到CXO的N個履歷也完成N場面試;做過外派N年的傳產銷售員,在要自備雨傘的茅坑裡由不經事的少女進化成扛起一片天的女漢子,看過各種大風大浪、經歷的奇特事物三天三夜都講不完。 Z:90後的HR領域初心者,從head-hunter到in-house、從台北到北京,努力在惰性中發揮奴性,試著在夾縫中求生存,懶得汲汲營營但用力經營,相信努力一定會有回報,職場小人一定惡有惡報,望前輩提攜加速升級,認真工作才能早日休息。
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上班 下班 然後呢? 下班就是要聽鬧鬧跟歐歐 尬聊人生大小事 職場奇葩 投資理財等 透視上班族心聲 顛覆下班後人生! 讓大家舒壓百分百,生活幾霸昏! 歡迎乾爹、乾媽來贊聲 offworknow86@gmail.com https://linktr.ee/offworknow86 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Hi tipsy tipsy,歡迎來聽Effy & Louie跨海聊天喝酒秀。我們擅長各種親密關係療癒分享討論-從家庭、朋友、兩性到我們關心的國際、社會議題,另外也會亂聊彼此在米國、台灣的生活體驗及生活中的各種自我探索。希望透過這裡能帶給你們滿滿的陪伴感,新朋友或老朋友都一起舉杯聽聊天~Bottoms up!! 歡迎持續收聽輕鬆並深入挖掘亞洲孩子內心的療癒心聲與各種女孩垃圾話漫談,聽的時候記得配點飲料,open up your drink and enjoy!!!喜歡的話請訂閱我們,apple podcast留言評分給我們五顆星,stay tuned and santé!! ▶︎請我們喝半杯酒Sponsor us:https://reurl.cc/1xGrbV ▶︎歡迎寫信給我們 Write to us:tipsyanglerfish@gmail.com ▶︎Follow us on Instagram:tipsyanglerfish,Facebook:微醺鮟鱇魚的脫殼秀 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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微信公众号:thisisyangyi 新浪微博:@杨一1
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嗨,我是 Chelsea,開了間聲音咖啡廳,集結地球上有趣的人們,分享閱讀、創業、職人與斜槓故事等多元主題,透過對談帶給你突破框架的想法與觀點,從閱讀、美感及文化培養,找到最適合你的生活與事業藍圖。 🌿 品牌築夢計畫 l 預約與 Chelsea 的一對一諮詢:https://imchelsea.com/brandcoaching 🏷《閱讀配方》給新世代讀者的共讀社群 - https://imchelsea.com/creativeguide 🏷 來 Instagram 找我聊天:https://www.instagram.com/imchelseacom/ 🏷 追蹤 Creative Guide《閱讀配方》https://www.instagram.com/creative_guide_ 🔔 支持我的節目,請我喝杯咖啡,讓我能分享更多故事 ☕️ https://reurl.cc/KkGz5q 📩 匿名提問信箱 - 飛鴿傳書給我:https://imchelsea.com/askchelsea Powered by Firstory Hosting
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文本和更多内容 关注VX公众号和视频号:家森Jason The aim of this website is to provide you with good materials for IELTS and English Speaking. 品质原创雅思口语内容;每日更新
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大酸梅與趴趴熊搭配宵夜的實況。 更新頻率:這不是你可以問的問題 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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第1季 口說英語通-台灣篇 30個關於台灣的熱門觀光景點與特色美食的單元,貼近生活情境的英語用語,有效提升日常生活英語的口說能力。 第2季 口說英語通-旅遊篇 彙整最常與外國友人聊天的30個話題,訓練並提升日常生活英語的口說能力。 第3、4季 詞彙英語通 以主題分類呈現進階和實用篇,精選英語單字和詞組,讓你在英語的用字遣辭更精準。附有實用例句及相關詞彙片語,立即體會用法並有效提高學習的效率及興趣。 第5季 口說英語通-精選深入聊天篇 精選15個和外國友人深入聊天的主題,讓齊斌老師帶你一題一題來破解! 第6季 辦公英語通 從各種 "辦公室情境" 的 主題式精選英語 "對話" 中,學習英語口語表達、正確的發音及英語文法與句型。有主題式情境的實用英語語句,能有效提高聽眾學習興趣,另外從相關的語句與文法句型的練習中,加強英語能力並且運用在 "上班" 生活中。 第7季 新聞英語通 English All Pass: News 從實用新聞英語中,訓練並提升對新聞英語聽力與理解能力,進而達到雙語的能力。以新聞主題分類的方式,介紹報導情境的英語用語,強化新聞英語聽力的理解,同時讓聽者能體會其新 ...
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澳洲网络营销专家 Kai Yan (颜开),在这个频道里,分享关于网络营销策略, 网络营销获客,网络营销传化率,网络营销软件平台等话题。 iWebPower澳洲网隆 https://www.iwebpower.com/
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嗨 我 是 米居☺️ 與 喜 歡 音 樂 的 好 朋 友 美慧🥰 分 別 挑 選 喜 歡 的 音 樂 每 週 在 線 上 和 大 家 分 享 ❤️ 休假中,敬請期待我們回來! - 野蠶試聽教室 | 美慧:https://open.firstory.me/user/cka0y80zsidw80873k3bggaq8/platforms - 每月雙週週日晚間更新。 - 封面設計|小柴 - 來信分享:amimy57@gmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting
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👉🏻CONVERSATION W: Why are you going to the States? M: I’m going to see an old friend. (sudden turbulence) W: Oh my god, a turbulence! M: Fasten your seatbelt and hold my hand! W: Oh, (how) I hate turbulence! M: Stay calm, it will be over soon. (turbulence resides) M: There, you see, we’re all in one piece. W: Thanks so much, but you can let go of m…
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🌿 獨立品牌陪跑計畫 - https://imchelsea.com/brandcoaching 🌿 Stay Golden - https://www.staygolden.tw/ 現在的你是上班族嗎? 你有沒有想過,若不在公司上班的話,你想做什麼工作、過怎樣的生活呢? 今天的來賓 Alice 在經歷印象深刻的人生轉變後, 離開原先外商業務工作,給自己時間探索生活的可能性, 搬到海邊生活、決定創立以花草能量療癒身心的品牌, 如果你也想從心打造身心平衡的工作與生活,來聽聽 Alice 的分享吧! 🏷《閱讀配方》給新世代讀者的共讀社群 - https://imchelsea.com/creativeguide 🌟 來找我聊天:https://www.instagram.com/imchelse…
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难说哦 It is tough to say 背后有两个原因 There are two reasons behind it 开心 放松 By doing so, I would feel very relaxed and my fatigues and bad emotions would be gone for sure 啥也不干 without doing anything
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💨颱風天居家上班😭還是出門唱歌 ☔️小心風雨不如在家聽故事 💸詐騙集團又來了 🔑房東竟成為新目標 👀新型詐騙層出不窮 不只要辨識口音 🇹🇼還要精通台式慣用語 特別注意🔥來電號碼很奇怪 💥收訊很差 不要隨便點選連結 報案靠自己 💡我們好精明 ☎️請愛用反詐騙專線 來我們的instagram逛逛 https://linktr.ee/offworknow86 Song: Diamond Eyes - Hold On [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/Reloaded Watch: http://youtu.be/-KHmQUWCrYk 歡迎乾爹、乾媽來贊聲 of…
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我觉得很有趣 I found it quite fun in my life 过去尝试 I used to give it a try 现在比以前年纪大了点 at the moment I am a bit older than the past 现在需要和想要的是简单生活 what I need and what I want at the moment is just a simple life
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在大城市出生和长大 I was born in a super large city and then I grew up there 家乡 my home city 众所周知 as is known to all 定居 settle down
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昂贵的东西 expensive products 贵重的 ridiculous expensive 人们趋之若鹜 millions of people are super fan 炫耀 it's a good way for them to show off
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玩耍一会(小盆友之间)after playing with my best friends for a while 很放松 it could be very relaxing 现在成年了 but now, I have become an adult 放空 watching the sky without thinking anything
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可能係我黑仔 玩既野大部份都中Bug 而且已經超出我可以接受到quota 希望下季會好返啦 **資源有限不能夠製作字幕, 多謝支持** Youtube加入會員: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2m4uqcEr8pIxkO6odaDHjw/join Spotify訂閱Midnight食堂: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latenighthideout/subscribe 00:00 拓荒玩乜 06:42 成長之路 13:01 唔夠資源去打造 16:33 得返一度有火跌 19:13 賽季無野秩 20:41 召喚 22:54 英雄特性分別太大 24:36 T2裝過渡 27:12 萬7 29:22 一季內定位唔…
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两个原因 There are two reasons behind this topic 传统教育 classroom based education 学点喜欢的 learn something that they like 不靠谱 it's not reliable
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🌼 hellome 生日月優惠,結帳時輸入推薦碼【chelsea】贈 晨曦微光保濕面膜 一片 新好友推薦 - https://www.hellomeofficial.com/categories/for-new-friends/?sl-ref=chelsea 品牌首頁 - https://www.hellomeofficial.com/ 🌼 全站滿 NT2,000 即抽五大城市機票 ✈️ 推薦單品熱銷萬瓶精萃油、水感防曬隔離乳 這集我們要來打破一些品牌創業的迷思,關於「流量與品牌」 如果你認為創品牌一定要先成為網紅、自帶流量的話,這集會帶給你不同的想法! 邀請到我的愛用保養品牌 hellome 主理人 Belle 來分享她如何以素人之姿,開創獨特的品牌成長道路 以及與 hellome 成為合…
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公共节日和假期 public holidays and vacations or even on weekends 业余生活 a very important part of our leisure activities 有趣 It could be great fun 环境更糟糕 the environment would be getting worse than before
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一周两次 Probably twice a week 从喜剧到动作片 from comedies to action movie 从文艺片到爱情片 from literature films to romance 一年最多一次 probably once a year at the most
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🔧聽說美國新一代搶當水電工 ❤️🔥歐歐鬧鬧仔細研究後決定要轉(徵)行(友)了 💸你今年加薪了嗎 根據研究加薪幅度將(甘)創(有)新(影)高 ⁉️ 🎮 夢幻職業大洗牌 Z世代跟我們想的不一樣 來我們的instagram逛逛 https://linktr.ee/offworknow86 Song: Diamond Eyes - Hold On [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/Reloaded Watch: http://youtu.be/-KHmQUWCrYk 歡迎乾爹、乾媽來贊聲 offworknow86@gmail.com 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法:…
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Pocket FM is an audio series platform pioneering audio entertainment with millions of listeners worldwide. It features various audio series in multiple genres: romance, horror, thriller, and drama. It has an extensive library of audio series delivering whole new entertainment experiences for audiobook and podcast lovers.…
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年轻人 the young adults and teenagers 发生过的事 something that has happened in the past 和前人对话 they could talk to the great people in history 开拓眼界 wide horizons
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我的日常生活 my regular life 十多个小时 more than ten hours each day 和邻居交朋友的机会 opportunities to make friends with my neighbors 寒暄 make greetings
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强烈推荐两个办法 Two ways are highly recommended in my mind 从偶像身上学习 learn from some great people they admire or look up to 一个手工时间表很有效果 a handmade schedule would work well 找到平衡 strike a balance between them
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理想的房子就在郊区 My dream house would certainly be on the suburb ‘ 慢节奏生活适合我 the slow pace of life would be right for me 太吵闹了 I mean that would be too crowed and noisy in my mind 房价是另外考虑的因素 the price is another reason that I have to think about
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季季都咁大改 其實對較Casual 玩家(我) 負擔都幾大 每季當新Game咁玩 咁點解唔直接玩新Game呢? 所以呢排都試左好多新Game **資源有限不能夠製作字幕, 多謝支持** Youtube加入會員: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2m4uqcEr8pIxkO6odaDHjw/join Spotify訂閱Midnight食堂: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latenighthideout/subscribe 00:00 有PN都好亂 10:36 整裝變返第一季 12:47 契靈放得太後? 19:37 T7 T8差距太大? 29:36 SS6似鏡湖? 33:26 數據主導? 42:25 目標玩家…
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家人朋友最重要 The friends and family members could be the most important part 在家乡长大 I grew up in my home city 出去玩 hang out 遛个弯 go for a walk
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不是那么方便 Not that convenient, actually 买便宜东西的时候 when we tried to buy some products that were not very expensive 每天都要带着 we would carry coins almost everyday 很久没见过硬币啦 Till now, I haven't seen the coins for a while
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我有不同的观点 But now I hold a different opinion to it 顶尖学府 the top universities 教点东西 I would show my students something one or two 我接受 I am fine with it
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中價位 vs 高cp值餐廳各自出招 🍺年末聚餐先聽這集 👣市政府站一號出口必吃美食地圖 🐓鬧鬧讚不絕口的私廚料理 貼心客製特殊需求 🦐吃火鍋還要用沙漏計時 為什麼這麼忙呀 🐲歐歐身穿旗袍腳踏紅毯去吃火鍋 超浮誇裝潢服務開放揪團 🦞 鬧鬧讚不絕口老牌海鮮餐廳 免開瓶費 念念不忘龍蝦三明治 心太軟 歐歐疾心喊話 ☂️阿伯請還我雨傘 鬧鬧溫馨提醒☀️出門前記得擦防曬 餐廳資訊看這裡 🐟大灣碼頭熱炒生猛海鮮 02 3765 2200 台北市信義區松隆路1號 🦑三分半海鮮鍋物 02 2768 5553 台北市信義區基隆路一段147巷5弄9號 🍴象廚泰式料理 02 2749 1988 台北市信義區基隆路一段147巷9號 🐔春韭晴光店 02 2593 0155 台北市中山區中山北路二段183巷1-5號 🐉…
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团队精神 it is about teamwork spirit 有的人正能量 有的人负能量 some could be very positive, some could be very negative 同一个追求 the same goals and the same ambition 工作效率 it's about our efficiency at work
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👉🏻CONVERSATION W: Welcome aboard to Chinese Airlines, I am your flight attendant. M: Hi. I need help finding my seat. W: Would you kindly show me your ticket? M: Here it is. W: Okay, sir. The ticket says that your seat is located at 7-H, which is the eighth row from here and the seventh seat. M: Is that my seat? The window seat? W: Yes it is. M: Th…
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拒绝 戒掉 give up 人们不适应了 People are not used to it 过时的 because it's old fashioned 万事大吉 then everything will be okay
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在过去 in the past 流行 very popular and fashionable 人们不需要等待 people don’t have to spend a lot of time waiting for it in the restaurant 越来越流行 becoming more and more popular than before
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这个问题背后有两个原因There are actually two reasons behind this topic 和好的教育资源有关it has got to do something with the better resources for education 努力奋斗millions of people today are struggling for a better life 考虑think about
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傳奇裝備砍掉重練 POE玩家渴望既Mirror Shop 課金內容開始變到正常玩家都有入手途徑 果然TLI每季大改真係唔少野 **資源有限不能夠製作字幕, 多謝支持** Youtube加入會員: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2m4uqcEr8pIxkO6odaDHjw/join Spotify訂閱Midnight食堂: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latenighthideout/subscribe 00:00 成個發佈會都無人留意到... 05:06 商業化 07:31 敢認錯改返轉頭 11:57 吸引你課金 15:05 特性, 追憶, 遺物 16:51 打造/裝備改動 21:38 Mirror S…
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人们适应啦a lot of people are used to it 年轻人老年人喜欢一起住Old people like to live with their children or the young adults live with their parents 买不起房they can't afford a house 大家庭we usually have a big family, a family of ten people, a family of twenty people
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有两个理由Two problems can be identified 和效率有关it has got to do something with the efficiency 如果你想学点啥if you want to have a better understanding of certain skills or related knowledge 你很容易被干扰you would be easily distracted by other stuff
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很开心I felt like very happy about my life 想认识新朋友I was planning to get to know someone that I wasn't familiar with 我不认为很聪明I don't think it's a smart decision 患难见真情A friend in need is a friend indeed
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😱鬧鬧無預警被突襲 🔎錢包拿出來 招財指數得幾分 💯開運錢包的顏色你有了嗎 💰錢包用多久 該換了嗎 🎊我們滿2週年啦 🍺 心路歷(心)程(酸) 大公開 🍿鬧鬧週五不開趴 歐歐即將改造大轉型 ⭐️請給五星好評 留言給我們 來我們的instagram逛逛 https://linktr.ee/offworknow86 Song: Diamond Eyes - Hold On [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/Reloaded Watch: http://youtu.be/-KHmQUWCrYk 歡迎乾爹、乾媽來贊聲 offworknow86@gmail.com …
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很多人喜欢millions of people are super fan 很方便it is quite user-friendly 一个手机和免费网络就ok了just a mobile phone and the free wifi, then everything would be okay 价格优势是秘诀the price advantage is the secret
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👉🏻CONVERSATION W: American Airlines. May I help you? M: Yes, I'd like to book a flight from Taipei to Los Angeles on January 11, please? W: All right. Let me see if it's available. Mmm, yes. For how many? M: Just one. W: OK. May I have your last name? M: Chyi. C-H-Y-I. W: First name? M: Kenneth. K-E-N-N-E-T-H. W: OK. Mr. Chyi. You’re OK now. Thank …
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(4600期)你觉得跳伞是一个刺激的活动吗Do you think skydiving is an exciting activity 当然刺激啦of course I must say it is very exciting 我有点害怕for me I'm bit scared 挑战我的软肋challenge myself 尝试一下give it a try
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两类人会成为网红名人Two kinds of people can be very famous or become the celebrities 和性格有关No.1, it is about their personalities 和长相有关No.2, it is about the appearance in my mind 出名的秘密武器that is the secret weapon of becoming famous
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固执己见的人是Jason The person who has strong opinions in my mind, I must say it's Jason 固执己见脾气差 he usually has very, very strong opinions at that young age, you know, very, very bad temper at the same time 志趣相投 but we usually had a lot in common, the similar interest, hobbies 犟种 it is called jiangzhong, which means the opinionated guy…
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一路以為我有自知之明所以先唔玩Hardcore 但係今日Carl 同 Manson 就解釋比我知到底HC有乜咁好玩 不但只係兩隻Game既體驗 而且仲會上癮添!? **資源有限不能夠製作字幕, 多謝支持** Youtube加入會員: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2m4uqcEr8pIxkO6odaDHjw/join Spotify訂閱Midnight食堂: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latenighthideout/subscribe 00:00 唔死其實升得好快 05:45 Gauntlet 18:52 玩HC係第2隻Game 22:21 點解玩HC? 31:11 心態轉變 40:24 HC會上隱…
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不经常用 No, I don't like to use the pen or pencil often in my life 超级喜欢电脑和手机写东西 I'm a super fan of using the mobile phone and laptop 手写过时啦 I think the traditional way has been old fashioned 拒绝 I would say no to it
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市场繁荣 of course the society and country will be very, very prosperous 就我而言 不喜欢 But for my part, I don't like it 一张健身卡 like a gym membership card for example 要注意 Above all, the point is that we should keep an eye on this point
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十年前认识的 I got to know him probably ten years ago 从…到... Ranging from… 电子书那时候不流行 At that time, the ebook wasn't that popular 他充满智慧 And he must be full of wisdom
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✈️鬧鬧又飛韓國啦 這次認真逛景點🥓吃美食購物 回家前還要變美美的 👩🏼⚕️醫美項目價格怎麼挑 ✨聽說追星也要拜拜 🥯美食名店排隊攻略 👕潮牌入手快狠準 🇰🇷關於韓國旅遊生活的大小事 歡迎留言分享 來我們的instagram逛逛 https://linktr.ee/offworknow86 Song: Diamond Eyes - Hold On [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/Reloaded Watch: http://youtu.be/-KHmQUWCrYk 歡迎乾爹、乾媽來贊聲 offworknow86@gmail.com 留言告訴我你對這一集…
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