Bing listening into the core of your Chinese study. Work on your pronunciation in every lesson.
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南部老百姓是由2位23歲充滿人生疑慮的新鮮上班族所創立的頻道,在周圍充斥著不斷辭職找工作的朋友影響下,我們試圖去做一個初階工作的訪談,在最入門以及提供最多工作機會的職業下,他們的工作環境、薪資、未來發展、工作內容,是否有符合大家的期待,或個人職涯選擇 ,我們期望這個節目減少求職者的試錯機會也增加初階工作的讓大家誤會與複雜工作內容的曝光,也期待著自我的提升,各位!~~我們是~~南部老百姓~~一個主持人最平民內容最貧瘠的頻道,歡迎你們。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Easy To Read Chinese Short Story, Book 1, is the first book in the series that is for Chinese learners and by Chinese learners. It’s a collection of 17 best entries in Chinese Writing Contest 2021.To find out more about the contest, go to https://www.mslmaster.com由April
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這次我們訪未的對象是 Monica 性學研究者與教育推廣家 一個容易令人誤解的行業,但跟你我想的絕對不一樣 絕對不是床上功夫或嘴上技巧 是一個從根本去了解與洞悉個人習慣的起源認知理解 這行業沒你我想的容易 如果你想聽性愛過程那絕對是沒有的ㄛ #卡卡老師性教育 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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這次採訪邀請到南部知名的國文補教老師 在嘉義以南都曾經有過補教國文的經驗 主角就是!!! ... .... 鍾心國文的曉菲老師 【忠於專業,本持一心】是曉菲的座右銘 訪談過程中 我們發現曉菲融合自身研究所輔導諮商的專業 在國文教學上,超前使用近幾年很夯的互動式行銷技巧 遊戲化的教學、互動式引導學生自己得出本該是教條式的理論 訪談內容大致分為 1.進入補教業的原因(為什麼不選擇學校體系?) 2.近20年的從業經歷的辛酸與收穫 3.給即將入行或喜歡語文、文案的朋友一些建議 如果各位還有什麼其他主題想了解 直接告訴我們,聊給你聽哈! Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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You’ve learned a lot during the previous five lessons, articulating problems, describing places, talking about fitness, learning food ingredients, and practicing geography. It’s time for a thorough review, and make the end of this Basic Level B a fresh beginning of your next stage of Chinese study.Learn more about MSL Master here: https://www.mslma…
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“I want to change a job.”Unhappy about your job? You’re not alone.In this lesson, the topic is job related issues, such as benefits, insurance, annual leaves, and why people change jobs or quit working. Learn more about MSL Master here:由April
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“Where would you like to live?”In this lesson, places and neighbourhoods are the centre of our conversations.The practice is focused on describing places you have been to and neighbourhoods you’d love to live in.For more info about MSL Master Chinese courses, visit https://mslmaster.com由April
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“What music do you like?”Music is such a good topic to talk about. In this lesson, you will learn how to say different genres in Chinese and talk about your media related preferences in general.An important sentence pattern is introduced in this lesson for you to say longer sentences with no fear.For more info about MSL Master Chinese courses, visi…
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本集邀請到前職業軍人-柄诏 聊聊過去在軍中的事跡和他的個人感想 聽眾可以獲得 1.軍中的不同部門工作內容 2.軍中財務部門的做事風格 3.邀請來賓的個人感想和提煉 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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訪談內容包括 1.為什麼要進台電? 2.台電的工作內容和部門區分? 3.想進入台電的第一步是什麼? 想聽什麼其他行業別的,都可以留言給我們哦! 譬如演藝、餐飲、酒吧、空姐.etc Powered by Firstory Hosting
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In this lesson, you’ll learn furniture, and practice describing the arrangements of the furniture, and also practicing giving instructions, such as “put the lamp on the desk”. Position words are the focus of this lesson.Learn about Mandarin Express books here: https://mslmaster.com由April
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In this lesson, you’ll learn how to say different jobs in Chinese, such as “doctor”, “singer”, “housewife”, “manager” and etc. You’ll practice how to express your opinions about these jobs, for example, “This job is boring”, or “That job is stressful”. The final exercise is a questionnaire for finding out what job is the best job for you. Learn abo…
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Some cities and countries were introduced in Lesson 1. In this lesson, more are added. Moreover, students will learn how to say some major languages in Chinese, such as “Spanish”, “Portuguese”, “German”, and so on.The focus of this lesson is to practice how to do self-introductions, and to talk about neighbourhoods. Two important sentence patterns …
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Start learning Chinese with audio lessons! Based on Mandarin Express Intro Level A Student’s Book, these lessons teach practical Chinese expressions and essential sentence patterns students can use immediately. For more information, visit www.mslmaster.com由April
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人力資源-職業訪談 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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