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Critical thinking practice on pop culture, but we don't talk by popular demand, hosted by Des. Hammer Time 是一个聊流行文化的播客节目,讨论内容以主播个人对流行文化的理解出发,也会请朋友们来聊聊天,展开我们认为有价值的话题。 If you don’t know now you know. Newsletter & 播客订阅:https://hidesssss.substack.com/ 给主播写信:sonicelsa@gmail.com hidesssss.substack.com
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这是一档建立在七个小时时差之上的跨国实验播客,一端位于中国,一端位于西班牙。若将人生当作一张有效期不等的地球临时签证,那么每个人都将成为宇宙的临时乘客:入境日期已知,离境时刻待定。在变幻的未知图景中,两位临时乘客借助科技跨越距离,分享在地球两端观察到的文化细节,探讨充满可能性的未来生活方式。 This is a multinational experimental podcast based on a time difference of seven hours, with one side in China and the other in Spain. In the changing global situation, two universal residents are using the technology to share cultural details of the Earth Village. We are looking forward to welcoming you to join us and explore the possible future ...
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🔐解鎖海外生活,旅遊妙計,自我成長,以及與來賓勁辣的新觀點對話。 台灣嬰仔,在加拿大生活六年、台灣數十年、東南亞菲律賓生活三年後遇到冤家路窄的義大利先生,現在兩人一起在阿拉伯冒險。✈️每年固定飛台灣-義大利-阿拉伯,加上未解鎖清單中的國家。如果你的生命轉角也處處是驚喜,歡迎你一起來說故事🎤 找我聊天,或是關注巧娃的旅行影音&記事 IG: Silva's Coffee Time https://www.instagram.com/silvas_coffee_time/ FB:巧娃的空中咖啡時間 https://www.facebook.com/ciaovaworld Podcast/Google Podcast/Spotify等各大平台搜尋: "巧娃的空中咖啡時間" 歡迎你/妳贊助巧娃一杯咖啡,讓我能邀請更多來賓與大家分享知識及新觀點喔! https://pay.firstory.me/user/silvascoffeetime Powered by Firstory Hosting
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狄彦嵩,毕业于普林斯顿大学,拥有MBA和法学博士学位,律师及投资人,目前在中国(北京和上海)生活了11年。 在很多朋友的鼓励和支持下,他决定用中文做一档轻松、有趣、接地气的访谈节目。节目主要和大家一起探讨中外商业环境的差异,邀请的嘉宾也都来自中西方顶尖的公司,既有五百强大公司也有初创公司。希望大家觉得有意思,也欢迎大家多提宝贵意见!
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「喂,Iphie嗎?我是Wendy,你最近怎麼樣?」 / 歡迎來到打個電話給你Podcast,我們是Wendy和Iphie,目前居住在香港和北京的妙齡女性代表,一個從事且沈迷電影,另一個熱衷人類學和社會創新,在信仰的路上越走越誠懇。 / 我們曾經也叫「我不夠好嗎」,在這麼大的世界有一些自我懷疑也是正常的吧?所以我們每周的一通電話,有時聊點感情的娛樂的,有時分享些理性的思辨的,有時也會不小心觸及心中柔軟的疼痛的。 / 如果聽Podcast是為了陪伴,希望我們這一通電話,能用最真誠卻也最隨意的對話,溫暖你的時間。 / (這八十年代的煽情文案真是充分暴露年齡毫不手軟...) / ✨Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/one_call_away_podcast/ ✨Patreon: patreon.com/onecallaway ✨YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@onecallaway3444
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|每人一個教養故事| 收集你我他的教養故事,或成長路上的一刻省思。讓父母傾聽每個家庭各自的選擇,了解每位孩子成長的掙扎,再觀照自己,一起成為更好的父母、更好的孩子,還有更好的自己。 |爸媽練習生| 總是覺得自己不夠好?羨慕其他人成為了優雅父母?不解自己的孩子為何特別難搞?別傻了!我們都是爸媽練習生而已,你沒有比別人更不好,我們敢說每個父母都走過那些挫敗、崩潰、自責、懷疑人生的路……受夠了那些亮麗光鮮的勵志故事?來跟我們一起聽聽那些成為父母後的真心話! |親子書房| 成為父母要學習的事情變多,時間卻變少了!讓我們在僅有的時間裡,讀一本好書,看一齣好劇,成為養分,既滋養自己,也灌溉孩子的成長。 |用聲音回答你| 顧名思義,用聲音回答父母的教養疑難,讓大家從別人面對的挑戰觀照自身,一起學習成為更好的父母!
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- 來一點甜,來一點委屈,來一點人際關係 來一點戀愛學,來一點正能量,來一點工作小抱怨 你的空中閨蜜,海蒂兒與凡妮莎莎 每週和你來一杯...關於生活的100種味道。 - 想聽更多內容歡迎訂閱我們​ 美週一點點每週日更新 喜歡我們的頻道,記得到Apple Podcast給我們五顆星~​ 並追蹤我們的IG粉絲頁​ 有任何建議或想聽的內容歡迎私訊小盒子~​ 也歡迎到IG首頁點選連結贊助我們!給我們鼓勵! https://pse.is/3pgazp KKBOX / Apple Podcast / Spotify /​ Google Podcast / Firstory / SoundOn ​ 都聽得到我們!​ - Instagram 美週一點點 | https://instagram.com/yourbestieisonline 平面拍攝&莎莎的抗癌點滴 | https://instagram.com/mowa102 海蒂兒-活動&婚禮主持人 | https://instagram.com/hedy_weddinghost Powered by Firstory Hosting
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「科技財經研究室」跟你聊聊全球的科技財經議題。 如果你喜歡我的節目,在 Podcast 上,還有幾個節目可以收聽。最新節目「今晚看什麼?」跟你推薦在 Netflix 和其他平台上面節目,紀錄片,影集電影。「研究生 Talk」第二季是訪談節目;另外還有兩間研究室「消費理財研究室」,跟你聊聊理財,信用卡,哩程和旅遊。「日本研究室」會聊一些日本的大小事。
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如果你聽不明白,不要慌張 因為大部分的時間,我們也不曉得在講什麼。 - 追蹤我✨ IG唉居🔍MSGAD_KW 👉🏻 https://instagram.com/msgad_kw 可以私訊紙飛機/🍎Podcast/Firstory留言給我們喲~ Powered by Firstory Hosting
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節目介紹: 廖零打的美國時間 The Linda Liao Show 在節目裡一起與主持人Linda探索聊奇人異事, 電影,娛樂跟生活中各種有趣新鮮事 主持人:LINDA 廖語晴 節目時長: 40-60 分鐘, 每周一次 Description : It all started off with the idea of "motherficial Intelligence", a podcast that explores the intersection of motherhood and artificial intelligence. Then Linda took a different turn into new media and broadens what she brings to the show each week. As a mother of twin boys, Linda is always on the hunt for new and adventurous things that brighten her days in America. Bo ...
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This podcast is not so much as a share of my points of view on education as a discussion of education with anyone who hear this podcast. I really thank it for letting my voice be heard by more people. The current education is not yet a benefit for all people, but we never give up improving it. We argued, struggled and even sacrificed, for a better education. Time has been different, so are our views on education. I believe that any improvement is made by "standing on the shoulders of Giants" ...
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針對最近的社會事件延伸閱讀《我12歲,你介意嗎》 我們的青春《排球少年劇場版》 這集最後有半小時 我非分享《莉茲與青鳥》的超精彩片段遺失了非常難過 但考量上架時間與再錄一次的壓力 還是先讓這集上架了,之後會有機會再補齊 社群傳送門:https://portaly.cc/neildrinkmilk 匿名提問箱:https://marshmallow-qa.com/neildrinkmilk?utm_medium=url_text&utm_source=promotion 斗內尼爾喝牛奶:https://pay.firstory.me/user/neildrinkmilk DC 群:https://discord.gg/YFBa65nrjx IG:https://www.instagram.co…
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你追星嗎?當年的“追星族“和現在的”飯圈“好像已經是兩個截然不同的概念了。三十歲之後,喜歡的明星不是沒有,但追星的體力一定都有所下降,追星的方式自然也要有所改變!本期重點:02:09 Wendy是怎麼成為9m88二級聯絡人的?06:44 小時後追星都做過什麼事?13:03 那些年Wendy”偶然“追到的星32:22 如果不是“作品”,追星的人到底是在追什麼?39:16 明星塌房後會抵制ta的作品嗎?42:02 長大後終於能接觸到明星是什麼感覺?59:19 和明星合作,怎麼面對身份感的落差?P.S 我們三年級還沒有到2000年!哎還是說到2000年了會顯得我們稍微年輕一點...?/本期主播:也算追過星的Wendy和Iphie/收聽渠道:可在小宇宙、喜馬拉雅、網易雲音樂、Spotify、Appl…
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我选大公司 I think most of the time I’ll go with the big companies 价格公道 it usually has a reasonable price 价格优势 the price advantage 商品靠谱 the products could be quite reliable 解决 work it out 个人购物习惯 that is my personal shopping habit
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学校是一个学习的好的地方 that is'a really good place for us to study on campus 学习环境和氛围好 it has the very nice academic environment, physical environment and atmosphere 小组学习或者自己学 studying in a group or studying alone 学生适应在学校才能学得进去啦 young students are used to it
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S1E3 AI寫故事可以直接出版賺錢嗎? 我的辣香草 新的AI平台 玩玩看 www.whatcanaido.com 線上可以用的人工智慧數不清,這個網站人工智慧今天能做什麼幫你整合分門別類 讓你不再有選擇障礙 都去試試看 那個AI工具可以讓你生活,工作起來更輕鬆,更有趣 https://www.instagram.com/yeslinda/ https://www.facebook.com/lindalinda777 https://www.youtube.com/@LindaLiao由Linda Liao
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穿着舒适 wearing t-shirt would certainly make me feel very comfortable in my life 喜欢黑白色 不喜欢亮色系 the black color and white color would be my favorite, I am not really into those candy colors 材料舒服 the material on t-shirt is very soft , and it is very comfortable to wear 夏天更流行 in summertime it could be more popular in my country…
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本期我和老林讨论的是 Hip Hop 团体The Coup. 在以奥克兰为重要地标的湾区嘻哈场景中,The Coup 的影响力和知名度或许不如其他同行,但主脑 Boots Riley 高明的叙事技巧和始终如一的共产主义理想让团体成为了独树一帜的存在。在诸多通过音乐表达强烈政治主张的艺术家中,The Coup 的特别就在于他们从 90s 初建立就聚焦于对资本主义和大企业的讽刺,用朴素的街头故事戳穿美丽世界的虚伪,号召人民团结起来抵抗资本剥削和权力压迫。 (相对而言)过于激进的政治主张显然无法让 The Coup 融入主流,不过这正是他们的可贵,Riley 的政治说教并不令人感到沉重,相反,他是充满幽默和同理心的演讲大师,老林评价他是现存少有的黑豹子孙,他令人折服的感染力和在音乐上的精进是嘻哈社…
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不满意现状 You know they need to find something different in life that's it 生活单调无聊 the life is quite boring and simple 完成艰难的一天 they have to finish a tough day 也算规律的生活 some sorts of regular life 极限运动让人兴奋 the dangerous sport could make them feel very excited 所有负面情绪都烟消云散 fatigues, bad emotions, all of these negatives would be gone…
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你體驗過最痛的事情是什麼?拔牙?紋身?做手術?還是生孩子?作為一個關注心靈成長的節目,偶爾也要關注一下我們的生理狀況,比如說剛拔完牙Wendy就來跟大家錄節目了。如果妳是很怕痛的人,可能還是不要聽這期節目比較好...本期重點:00:46 Wendy和Iphie的拔牙分享,很痛!16:25 寧願承受針灸的痛,也不要擔當頸椎病的痛23:31 運動的痛是痛並快樂著?31:08 美容會痛嗎?紋身會痛嗎?打耳洞痛嗎?39:29 生孩子那種十級疼痛怎麼辦...?47:46 越長大越能忍受疼痛嗎?/本期主播:剛拔完牙的Wendy和怕痛的Iphie/收聽渠道:可在小宇宙、喜馬拉雅、網易雲音樂、Spotify、ApplePodcast等平台搜索「打個電話給你One Call Away」/關注我們:聽眾群:請聯…
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等车经历 several years ago when I just waited for my brand new car 爸妈给我买车 I had an opportunity to buy a brand new car and my parents bought it for me 预算有限 My budget was a bit limited 超喜欢大奔 I was a super fan of Mercedes 两门车 银色外观 The two-door sport car could be my ideal one and the color was my favorite, too, metallic gray 爸妈支持我 no matter what I do, no m…
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AI複製了我的聲音 這樣好嗎? Open AI 還有Eleven Labs現在快速的學習人說話的方式 對創作者算是一大福音但倫理道德上好像有點尷尬 詐騙集團已經大量在使用複製聲音在做壞事了 Reddit2021年堪稱最大的一場網路及廚師大戰 你會站那邊? 美國政府在努力規劃,使用行政命令來約束複製聲音的技術 真的有效嗎? https://www.instagram.com/yeslinda/ https://www.facebook.com/lindalinda777 https://www.youtube.com/@LindaLiao由Linda Liao
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尼爾覺得後勢看漲《雷雷雷》 閒聊一下《劍星與 Sweet Baby 事件》 很不龍介的《邪惡根本不存在》 分享一下《woffy的金馬奇幻片單》 我非的金馬奇幻片單: 盜墓奇美拉 謀殺綠腳趾 超越無限兩分鐘 狸太怨 其他聊到的: 巴頓芬克、醉鄉民搖、布萊德彼特之即刻毀滅 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cjyqpmw8l2qci07437m3pfqe6 社群傳送門:https://portaly.cc/neildrinkmilk 匿名提問箱:https://marshmallow-qa.com/neildrinkmilk?utm_medium=url_text&utm_source=promotion DC 群:https://discord.…
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這期節目的習慣延伸到生活更多不同的層面,按照我們一貫的風格,來到下半集總是要更深刻一些。難不成還能用習慣去定義一個人不成?聽了你就知道啦~/本期重點:00:36 有什麼引以為傲的習慣嗎?11:41 堅持最久的習慣是什麼?堅持了多久?19:02 時代的眼淚 - 163博客25:47 有什麼令人意想不到的習慣?35:00 覺得自己有什麼壞習慣嗎?44:30 有沒有覺得自己哪個習慣很有代表性?/本期主播:Wendy和Iphie/收聽渠道:可在小宇宙、喜馬拉雅、網易雲音樂、Spotify、ApplePodcast等平台搜索「打個電話給你One Call Away」/關注我們:聽眾群:請聯繫接線員微信ID:Onecallawaypodcast小紅書:打个电话给你Instagram:打個電話給你 one…
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Yes sure of course, our life can be certainly influenced by different kinds of robots 当然啦 机器人给我们生活带来了影响 无人驾驶很流行 the robot driving can be very popular in today's society 仍然有问题 but I think there are still some problems on it 不太信任 we couldn't trust it with a hundred percent
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聪明人 because I'm not a smart person/intelligent/clever 我喜欢独立思考 what I like to do is thinking independently 好朋友 我会给建议 But if my close friends come to me, I would probably give them some advice 尊重他人和他们的生活 I would show respect to them and their life
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2个重要的地方 I think two points are important when we need to cook 准备食材 作料 we need to prepare different kinds of raw materials, ingredients, the food, fruits, and vegetables 考虑预算 think about the financial budget for sure 厨房是关键 a good kitchen can be also important, the place where we cook should be quite reliable…
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我妈妈做饭很厉害 很多年啦 she has been doing this for a long time for my family, more than 20 years 传统食物 西餐食物都会 some Chinese traditional food or some foreign food, the western style fast food and so on 食材和原材料什么的 她可厉害啦 the ingredients and raw materials, I mean she's quite talented in this area 西红柿炒鸡蛋一绝 Fried eggs with tomato is the one that I love the most from…
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初試啼聲 蝦米是娘工智慧? Reddit上最火紅的故事 挑戰你倫理道德的那把尺, 要是你, 你會這麼做嗎? 阿里巴巴EMO人工智慧越來越厲害的Deep Fake到底要不要繼續開發下去? 全球第一個跟AI結婚的女人 以及全球第一家AI餐廳你知道嗎? https://www.instagram.com/yeslinda/ https://www.facebook.com/lindalinda777 https://www.youtube.com/@LindaLiao由Linda Liao
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小时候爱看动作片 For me, the action movies could be my favorite when I was at my young age 小时候就喜欢这些 the violence and crimes made my personal life in the childhood 现在爱看喜剧片 I think that I'm really into the comedies 忙碌之余 去电影院看 after a tough day of work or study I would go to the cinema just to watch some comedies 清洁主线和背后含义 about the storyline about the meanin…
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从没学过 I haven't learned any kinds of musical instrument before 小时候喜欢钢琴 when I was at my young age, I was a super fan of piano 学点钢琴的周边 learn something one or two on piano 品学兼优好学生 a very good student with a better result, with a good score 数理化之类的科目 the subject of mathematics, physics and so on 我不被允许学钢琴 I wasn't allowed to do so…
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太喜歡只好再推一次《hazbin hotel & Helluva Boss》 一些我非的沙丘感想 燃燒生命的主題《坂本龍一 + 高谷史郎 TIME》 更人性化的教授 《坂本龍一:OPUS 》 如果能以想要的方式被留下《鏡:KAGAMI》 誠意滿載的台灣改編《搖滾芭比》 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cjyqpmw8l2qci07437m3pfqe6 社群傳送門:https://portaly.cc/neildrinkmilk DC 群:https://discord.gg/YFBa65nrjx IG:https://www.instagram.com/neildrinkmilk/ YT:https://www.youtube.com/c/尼…
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现在 at the moment/now/today/currently 住在市中心 I'm living just right in the city center, the central area of my city 早晚都塞车 I usually get stuck in the traffic, sometimes in the morning, sometimes just in the evening 真事儿 it happens for real 买房三要素 when you are trying to buy a new home, three points are important, location location location 走路 by walk 打车 b…
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你留意過自己的小習慣嗎?有些習慣我們不以為然,可是在別人眼中,這些習慣可能已經定義了我們是誰。特別是出門的時候!你的包包裡都會帶些什麼東西呢?這次讓我們體驗播客版What’s in my bag吧!/本期重點:03:41 廣告廠商聽到我們的心聲了嗎?08:36 日本生活影響到Iphie出門一定會帶去漬筆!13:12 出門要帶手帕還是紙巾?26:13 What’s In My Bag翻包包播客版來啦!38:11 如果今天和總統有約,要帶什麼包呢?40:18 長途旅行出遠門一定會帶什麼?/本期主播:翻包包的Wendy和Iphie/收聽渠道:可在小宇宙、喜馬拉雅、網易雲音樂、Spotify、ApplePodcast等平台搜索「打個電話給你One Call Away」/關注我們:聽眾群:請聯繫接線員…
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我用电脑做两件事 Two things can be done by my laptop 完成各种作业 I can finish different kinds of homework assignment and essays or reports 工作遇到问题的时候 when I'm dealing with my regular work or when I'm meeting some problems at work 工作效率提升 my working efficiency can be improved for sure 就是娱乐就是玩 just for fun 带着电脑到处走 and I could take the laptop anywhere that I want…
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我们家最有用的物件是跑步机 对我们和有帮助 The very useful object in my home is a treadmill and it works well for me and my parents 2年前决心减肥 2 years ago when I decided to lose weight and keep fit 纯白色的跑步机 不占地方 Its color is pure white which is my favorite, and it doesn't occupy too much space in my living room 价格也公道 it has a reasonable price too 不需要去户外跑步 遛弯 I don't have t…
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时间自由的话 if I have plenty of freedom/much free time 找个地方做一下 喝点东西 聊聊天 I like to sit in somewhere , the coffee shop, grab some coffee then share something with my friends in person 是我喜欢的 that could be my preference 文字信息或者语音消息 through the text message or voice message
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爸爸妈妈和朋友 我信任他们 I think my parents and friends they would do it for me and of course I trust them for sure 爸妈经验丰富 my parents can be very experienced 靠谱 be very reliable 共同话题多 usually we have a lot in common 观点过时啦 but probably that cannot be right for today`s marriage, too old fashioned 当然会支持我啦 support me for sure…
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我的答案是肯定的 Yeah sure, I'm saying yes with a hundred percent 人们有点累 because a lot of people today are suffering 问题是找不到生活和工作的平衡 but the problem is that they couldn't find a balance between the regular work and their personal life 上班的人需要长假期 People who are at work need long vacations for sure
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这是生活的一部分 it's been a part of the everyday life 社交软件是好东西 不会消失泯灭 social media is a good thing you know, no good thing ever dies 社交媒体和相关软件 social media and its related apps 年纪大了用不明白 they are too old to use it in my mind 家庭琐事 family affairs
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最近狀態不佳的舉手!Iphie已經落地上海展開新生活,另一邊還留守香港的Wendy卻覺得陷入困境。可是短短一個週末,居然也從生活中汲取到養分,似乎找到了走出困境的方向。如果你此刻也覺得陷入某種困境,歡迎來聽聽看喔~/本期重點:03:12 來到上海生活的Iphie如沐春風?11:25 30歲之後的困境和之前的困境有什麼不同?20:50 在豆瓣看到曾經的自己,才看清現在的身份困境29:06 年齡和經驗是造成「困頓感」的原因嗎?37:36 找一個好朋友,互相說說對方身上讓自己佩服/羨慕的三個優點吧~57:52 有什麼突破困境的經驗或方法呢?/本期主播:和你一起戰勝困境的Wendy和Iphie/收聽渠道:可在小宇宙、喜馬拉雅、網易雲音樂、Spotify、ApplePodcast等平台搜索「打個電話給…
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很有趣 it could be great fun 认识新人之前都很激动 very excited before getting to know a brand new person in life 网络和软件 the Internet and its related social apps 不要忽略潜在问题 the potential dangers couldn't be ignored 个人安全 something on personal safety 区分好人坏人 tell the differences between the good ones and bad ones
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结束忙碌的一天之后 When I finish a very tough day 买点喜欢的吃的 sometimes I would grab something that I like 在街边小摊的地方溜达溜达 I just go for a walk on the street market 体验真实的生活 I could feel the real life of the world 买一些需要和喜欢的东西 buy something that I need and that I like 一般是晚上时间充裕的时候 normally it could be in the evening when I have much freedom…
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如果可以的话 if possible or if I could make it come true in life 在市区有大房子而不是郊区 have a super large house, not on the suburb but just in the city center 游泳池 后院是必须的 a swimming pool, a backyard. I mean, that could be very important and required 自己住 live independently or live on my own 有很多访客 I would certainly have a lot of visitors 老有意思啦 that could be great fu…
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现在 at the moment/currently/now/nowadays/today 昂贵的 some expensive ones from Prada GUCCI Louis Vuitton 便宜的 cheaper/inexpensive 年纪小的时候 in the past when I was at my young age 总这样做 I liked to do it very in life 喜欢便宜的 the cheaper ones would be my favorite
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理由很多 两点很重要 I think the reasons can be different, but two points should be identified 拒绝 say no/refuse/give up/get rid of 对未来生活事业规划清晰 they are pretty clear about the future life and career 参加聚会 join in/attend/go to/be enrolled in parties 没有兴趣 they got no interest 爱好不同 different hobbies and passion in life…
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