Oswego Supermodifieds a Legacy of Speed at the Steel Palace
Manage episode 433137704 series 2847910
The Oswego Speedway, located in Oswego New York, was built in 1951 when original owners Harry, George and William Caruso converted the one time Wine Creek Horse Track into a 3/8 mile dirt auto racing facility. The track was paved during 1952 and remained a 3/8 mile track until 1961 when it was enlarged to its current 5/8 mile size. The Oswego Speedway has been a continuously run weekly race track since it opened in August of 1951.
Dick O’Brien former Public Relations & Track Manager at Oswego Speedway kicked off this IMRRC Center Conversation about the history of Super Modified racing. He spent over 40 years in Motorsports and spoke to the early history of the track how it has significantly evolved this discipline of racing.
Following his presentation, Drivers from Oswego’s over 70 year history were invited on stage: Bentley Warren, Warren Coniam, Eddie and Brandon Bellinger, Alison Sload (the only woman to win a supermodified feature), Otto Sitterly, Dave Danzer, and car owner/promoter John Nicotra answered a wide variety of questions posed to them by “The voice of Oswego Speedway”, Roy Sova. Enjoy this funny and insightful view of how Oswego and supermodified racing has been a major influence in their racing careers.
This episode is part of our HISTORY OF MOTORSPORTS SERIES and is sponsored in part by: The International Motor Racing Research Center (IMRRC), The Society of Automotive Historians (SAH), The Watkins Glen Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Argetsinger Family - and was recorded in front of a live studio audience.
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