Leave those kids alone: Religion in Scottish schools
Manage episode 342585710 series 2988337
In this episode we take a look at the role that religion still plays in Scottish schools, and how we would like to see this change. Our podcast host is Young Humanists Scotland ambassador and Humanist Society Scotland board member Chelsea Szczypior. Thought for the Podcast is given by celebrant and school teacher Shona Sharp. Our Chief Exec is in conversation with Professor Graeme Nixon about our campaign to end compulsory religious observance and segregation in Scotlan's school. Brian Eggo of the Glasgow Skeptics asks the question, what's the harm in faith schools in his inimitable style. Any finally we meet our new Policy and Campaign Officer Will Norton as he speaks to three young people about their experience of religion in schools.
Information for parents and carers on religion in schools: https://www.humanism.scot/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Non-Religious-Parents-Guide-from-Humanist-Society-Scotland.pdf
Information for young people on religion in schools: https://www.humanism.scot/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Non-Religious-Young-People-Guide-from-Humanist-Society-Scotland-2.pdf
Petition on ending compulsory religious worship in schools: https://www.humanism.scot/what-we-do/policy-campaigns/my-beliefs-my-choice/