探戈雜談室 ep.41 |成為好舞者有三寶(來賓 Guest:Waichung,英文)Tango talk: 3 aspects to learn Argentine tango well (Eng)
Manage episode 331439025 series 2963372
探戈為何讓人上癮? Why tango makes people addicted?
去布宜諾斯艾利斯進修的行程如何安排? How to arrange your schedule of tango trip to Buenos Aires?
Practica的定義是什麼? There is a definition for a practica?
學好阿根廷探戈有哪三寶? What's the 3 aspects to learn tango well?
「舞會是你最好的老師」這句話,錯了!? It is wrong to say "milonga is your best teacher"?
你需要不同的技能應付不同的舞會特色 We need to practica different levels of skill for enjoying different milongas
(下集待續 to be continued)
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