Musings of an Adult Child: Interview with Steve & Julia Cummings
Manage episode 419432718 series 3438440
If you've ever wanted to be a "fly on the wall" of a real-life, real-time, intimate conversation with pivoting partners and their adult child - this is the podcast you will be glad you heard.
The tables get turned on Steve and Julia on this episode of The Parent Pivot Podcast when their daughter Jamilyn interviews them about a variety of issues she is facing as their adult child living under their roof. Real life conversations with adult children in real time!
Don't miss it - and then share it with your adult child.
Mentioned on the podcast:
18 year-old Jamilyn does Dance Dares in the Airport.
Quote from Jim Carrey on depression: “I believe depression is legitimate. But I also believe that if you don’t exercise, eat nutritious food, get sunlight, consume positive material, surround yourself with support, then you aren’t giving yourself a fighting chance.”