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The Angie Creates Podcast interviews curious humans on how they seek to become the most alive versions of themselves through creative expression like movement, writing, and art.
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為什麼血是紅色的🩸?為什麼大便臭臭的💩?為什麼恐龍滅絕了🦖?好奇的小孩們總是有好多的問題在腦袋裡轉呀轉!「媽媽老師,我想問問題」是一個為全世界的好奇小孩們設計的Podcast - 孩子們可以勇敢提問,然後媽媽老師會帶著小朋友一起去尋找答案。在節目中我們不僅探討自然科學常識,開啟孩子視角,更深入關懷孩子們心靈,包含社會情緒學習、身體健康管理、品格養成等等...孩子的身心靈各個方面遇到的疑問和煩惱,都有我們來當家庭的後盾。我們會邀請各個領域的專家、其他家長,以及孩子們一起探索,一起學習,一起去找答案。 "Ask Mama Laoshi" is a podcast in Mandarin made for curious minds around the world. Children can ask any questions without being judged, and we not only answer them but also show them how to look for the answers. In this children-centered show, ...
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哈囉 ~ 歡迎來到系蝦米 ! 這裡是由一群大學生們所經營的小節目。 你也跟我們一樣嗎? 高中糾結著要選什麼科系;大學面對突如其來的自由又不知該做什麼... 我們藉由這個節目講講這些話題來思考生活, 也希望給來收聽的你一些方向 ! --- 追蹤 IG 看精華 Follow最新消息 給習慣用 FB 的你 聽不太清真拍謝~ Medium 有詳細文章 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Welcome to “What’s Up with Chengyu” where we explore the fascinating world of Chinese idioms! In each episode, we delve into the origins and meaning behind a Chinese idiom “chengyu”. Whether you're a language enthusiast, a history buff, or simply curious about the world around you, What’s Up with Chengyu has something for you. Join us as we unlock the secrets of chengyu, culture and more, one idiom at a time! Follow along for your weekly dose of language and culture 🎙Subscribe 📱Instagram: wh ...
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✨本集介紹 Episode Overview✨ 為什麼鳥會飛而人卻不會飛呢?🐦鳥又是怎麼飛的?🦅在這一集中,我們邀請到了自然老師小巴老師來回答這些有趣的問題,並且一起來探索到底鳥的身體到底做了哪些改變才能夠飛起來。另外,還有很多關於鳥的有趣小秘密,鳥吃什麼?🪱鳥有毒嗎?☠️聽完這一集答案就將揭曉囉! Have you ever wondered why birds can fly, but humans can’t? Are birds poisonous? ☠️ Do all birds have feathers? 🐦 Join us in our latest episode as we team up with the amazing Ms. Xiao Ba, a science t…
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✨本集介紹 Episode Overview✨ 動物們也會大便嗎?那他們的大便又和人的大便一樣嗎?小朋友的好奇心總是無遠弗屆,從自己身上的大便想到動物身上了。這一集我們邀請到昆蟲專家陳思叔叔和我們一起探討糞金龜關於大便的特殊行為喔!! Children's observations are windows into boundless curiosity, guiding us through the mysteries of the natural world. From their own poop to that of animals', our exploration continues. 💩 Do animals poop? Is their poop similar to hum…
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I'm so honored to have Mestre Pinga Fogo ( Gui Torres) from Benção Capoeira on the show today! He is my Capoeira instructor here in Austin. In this heart-warming conversation, Gui shared with us: Why is Capoeia a healing movement practice? Why did he choose to come to the States, and the challenges he overcame along the way Differences between teac…
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📚 點擊追蹤安吉的寫書資訊 👉 成為媽媽的心事蝦郎災?今天安吉有幸請到讓我飆淚千百次的來賓:台中心之悅翎孕產婦小天地的吳秀娟老師(拍掌尖叫)!吳老師在這集和我們分享孕婦在懷孕常有的迷思、身體和情緒關係、他所看到女人成為媽媽後各種心路歷程,以及懷孕、生產和當媽後身體要注意的事. Follow 心之悅翎: D Card: Tiktok: IG: FB: 網站: ht…
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(Note: this episode was recorded back in June 2023) My guest today is Valerie! Valerie is @vals_pals_ on Twitter. She is a computer science graduate,work in finance, and a writer. Valerie is relentless in mining her emotions. She writes personal essays about sticky, taboo topics that people don’t normally talk about, such as jealousy of fellow crea…
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✨本集介紹 Episode Overview✨ 大便為什麼是棕色的💩?為什麼大便總是臭臭的🫢?人為什麼會放屁呢?人又為什麼會拉肚子呢?在上集和媽媽老師一起鑽進身體裡,了解消化系統的運作方式之後,我們要更深入探索關於大便的知識囉! Join us in this episode as we delve more into the fascinating world of poop! Why is it brown💩? Why is it so smelly🫢? What causes those embarrassing farts? And what exactly is diarrhea, and why does it occur? Get ready to unravel the my…
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✨本集介紹 Episode Overview✨ 人為什麼會大便🚽?大便💩又是怎麼做出來的?好奇的小朋友們對這個有點臭臭🫢卻幾乎每天都會看到的東西,總是充滿了好多好多問題。讓我們和AI小幫手一起搭上身體探測艇🚀鑽進身體裡,來發掘消化系統的秘密吧! "Why do people poop🚽? And how is poop💩 made in our body? Curious kiddos always have so many questions about this smelly🫢 thing in our daily life. Let's board the body explorer ship🚀 with our AI assistant and reveal the secrets …
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🧨 🐉 為什麼我們慶祝農曆新年?年獸是真的嗎?為什麼過年有紅包?🧧 為什麼農曆新年要吃年糕,餃子和魚?🥟🐟 在這一集中,我們將探討農曆新年有趣的傳統! 🎉🐉 Why do we celebrate Lunar New Year? Is the Nian monster real? Why do kids get red envelopes? 🧧 Why do we eat rice cakes 年糕, dumplings 餃子 🥟 and fish 魚 🐟during this special time of the year? Join Mama Laoshi to explore the fun traditions of the Lunar New Year! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬…
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為什麼人會打呼?為什麼小朋友們不能太晚睡?還有,螞蟻和魚會不會睡覺?準備好了嗎?讓我們一起來探索這些關於睡眠的「有趣」但又重要的問題! 😴✨🐜🐟 Welcome to another exciting episode where we embark on a journey through the fascinating world of sleep! Why do people snore when they sleep? Why do kids have to go to bed early? And do ants and fish take naps too? Get ready for a fun learning journey as we tackle these "funny…
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人為什麼需要睡覺😪😴?睡覺的時候為什麼會閉上眼睛🙈呢?為什麼我們會做夢💭?甚至還有些人會夢遊呢?這一集我們要和兒童神經科醫生俊言叔叔一起來了解關於睡覺的秘密,讓每一個好奇小朋友們都知道怎麼樣才能睡得好睡得飽喔🌙✨! Join pediatric neurologist Dr. Jim on a magical journey through the night as we solve the mysteries of sleep😪😴 in this episode. Discover why we need to sleep 😪😴and why we close eyes🙈 during sleep, dive into the fantasy world of dreams💭. But w…
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My guest on this episode is Karena de Souza. Karena is a strategist, speaker, and coach focusing on GenZ and the Future of Work. She is a mother of three, the youngest one just graduated from university. She is also the author of Contours of Courageous Parenting. In this heart-warming episode, we chatted about: Her story of growing up in Uganda and…
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人為什麼會變老👴🏻?老人為什麼有白頭髮🧓🏻?又為什麼要戴上老花眼鏡👓啊?那老人還喜歡玩、喜歡學習嗎?各位好奇的小朋友,快來聽聽爺爺奶奶們告訴你他們最喜歡玩什麼、都在學那些新東西吧! 🎙️ Ever wondered about the secrets of aging? In this podcast episode, we tackle the questions you've always pondered but might have been too shy to ask. Why do we age? What causes our hair to turn gray or white? Why do wrinkles appear? In part 2 of our aging …
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人為什麼會變老👴🏻?為什麼有些人年紀大了卻很年輕,又有些人還很年輕時看起來就有點老了呢?🧓🏻好奇小朋友們觀察👀到了許多人變老時外表的變化,但到底怎麼樣才算是老了?原來爺爺奶奶們的老化也像小朋友們長高變重一樣,是成長的過程之一,好奇小朋友們快和媽媽老師一起,從身體裡頭的DNA🧬來發現人類變老的秘密吧! Why do people age👴🏻? Why do older people look different🧓🏻? In this episode, we will answer the kiddos' questions about aging, explore the meaning of aging, and unravel the incredible role played by f…
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My guest today is Kelly Davis. Kelly is from the U.S and is currently based in Lisbon, Portugal. Before Lisbon, she spent the last ten years in Asia, especially in Taiwan and South Korea. Kelly is an independent learning coach, ed-tech consultant, and previous cofounder of an online self-directed ed-tech startup, Kubrio. She now works with creators…
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My guest today is Rychelle Moses! Rychelle is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in criminal justice. She is a digital artist, a powerlifter, and a blue belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. She worked as a domestic violence victim advocate and loved the prevention and education work she did. Last year, she realized that going the traditional route and working in…
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為什麼人受傷了會流血呢?🩸血液到底是什麼東西?血都是紅色的嗎?為什麼血是紅色的呢?流血了該怎麼辦?是坐在原地不停的哭😭😨,還是有其他辦法😄?我們的好奇小朋友們有好多關於血液的問題,讓我們和美國紅十字會分子生物實驗室的血液專家👨‍🔬—馬丁叔叔,一起來探究這個人體中最重要的組成。 Why do people bleed when they get hurt 🩸? What exactly is blood? Is all blood red? Why is it red? What should we do when we are hurt and start bleeding? We collected so many interesting blood-related questions f…
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🦖✨本集介紹 Episode Overview✨🦖 這一集將介紹小朋友一定都知道的動物—恐龍!最大的恐龍到底有多大嗎?恐龍吃什麼?恐龍又是什麼顏色的呢?還有為什麼現在恐龍都不見了?🦕🌋🌿 我們將和媽媽老師一起踏上探索學習的旅程,回到數千萬年前,研究這些曾經生活在地球上的神奇動物。從霸氣的暴龍到強壯的三角龍,讓我們一起來發現恐龍的秘密,並一起學習一些超酷的恐龍小常識! In this episode, we're exploring a fascinating topic that every kid knows a little something about—Dinosaurs! How big were the largest dinosaurs? What did dinosaurs …
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My guest today is Lucy Liang, who was also the guest of Ep. 77. Yes, we are mothers now! It's been a wild ride since discovering we were pregnant on the same day, with due dates a week apart. In this episode, we discussed: Our desire to be mothers. Our pregnancy journey through the three trimesters. Our unexpected delivery experiences. The postpart…
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萬籟俱寂 How do you describe silence? You might be able to pick up some idea from the poet 常建 cháng jiàn, who's known for his crafted words in portrait the mountain scenery and temples. Join me in this episode as we delve into the beauty of nature through the eyes of the ancient Chinese poet, and get to know a little more about what mot…
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Are you a music enthusiast? Music has the power to trigger our emotions, evoke memories, and transport us to different states of being. But there is a type of music that can be described as "music of dissipation", according to the philosopher Hán Fēi Zǐ (韓非子). In this episode, we'll explore the origin of 靡靡之音 mǐ mǐ zhī yīn, and discover what this p…
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We all experienced this frustration. Spend a lot time and energy talking to others and only realize they didn't get it or not evening listening. Here is the advice from 牟子/móuzi/, an ancient Chinese scholar, don't play music to cows 對牛彈琴 More about 琴 ✅琴瑟和鳴 from S2E04. Relationship goal. More about this episode on …
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Our guest today is João Mateus! João is a Portuguese educator and thinker. He has a degree in jazz guitar and developed his entrepreneurial mindset while a teenager, being an active musician. After a wrist injury, he co-founded a training company and worked with thousands of people and hundreds of companies as a Trainer, Coach, and Designer of Lear…
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The relationship has always been an essential element toward happiness in life. A poetry published in 700 BC tells us what a perfect relationship looks like or sounds like in the case of this weeks idiom And when communication fails, is what you are about to experience. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone 😺 M…
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🐰Lunar New Year 🧧 is just around the corner! Before I head to Japan for a long waiting (3 years!) holiday, here are the idioms commonly used to describe the new year celebrations. If you are the FOMO type, is the perfect description for the places you should not miss. And if you spot a place that’s …
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Is there a track that keeps playing in your head even when the music stops? And who’s voice is euphoric that you just can’t have enough? is the idiom to describe that music or voice brings euphoria to you and lasting in the air as if you can still hear it. Not a spooky story at all, let’s find out! More about this episode on…
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Have you ever worked with someone you admire and heard so much about before you actually meet them? If so, this is the idiom to describe your reaction, like you hear thunder⚡️ Make sure you use it next time when you want to impress someone you first meet and express how exciting you are! ✅久仰大名 如雷貫耳, jiǔ yǎn…
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本集來賓是甲思敏遊牧生活Jasmine journey Podcast 的主持人甲思敏.甲思敏因為太愛旅行,拼命尋找一邊旅行一邊工作的方法,經過幾年的摸索,如願成為「數位遊牧民族」.現在是一名在世界各國數位遊牧的華語老師,經營Podcast【甲思敏遊牧生活】分享旅行故事,也是線上課程【從0到1線上華語實戰課】創辦人,致力於幫助喜歡教學的人,開始線上華語事業,幫助喜歡旅行的人,展開數位遊牧的生活! 本集我們聊到甲思敏如何成為華語老師、踏上數位遊牧生活、他怎麼安排生活/旅遊/探索,以及未來的計畫. Connect with Us: 收到安吉的電子明信片 安吉的IG…
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How long do you usually spend on writing an essay or a piece of article? 2 hours? A day? a couple of weeks? Meet Zuǒsī 左思, the man spent a decade to compose ONE piece but initial feedback was rather underwhelming. Find out what he did to make his work went viral causing a paper shortage in the capital city Luoyang.
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Shout out to the audience from Richardson Taxes. Thank you for your support! Sometimes silence is golden. Sometimes, you don't want to have people 噤若寒蟬 jìn ruò hán chán. Find out the origin in today's podcast! More about this episode on Instagram 📱Whatsupwithchengyu Any feedback, inquiries, ideas ✉️ ⭐️Rate, review and follow thi…
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Back from my family trip and something else so I had to take another week off from it. First, if you are looking for a catchy name for your clinic, our first idiom is something to consider. 十全十美 shí quán shí měi. Find out why in today's episode! 樂極生悲, lè jí shēng bēi. Means happiness to the extreme and turns into unfortunate. 宥卮, yòu zhī. A…
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Fight doesn't always involved guns and knifes. Morden day competition at office and politics have more conspiracy plots and intrigue. You don't need to participate in any but definitely would be useful to spot the 勾心鬥角 at workplace. Let's find out the story behind the idiom. ✅ 杜牧, dù mù, poet from Tang Dynasty. The author of ē fá…
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A student's achievement is the teacher's too. And the only reason we made progress is the younger generation outdo the pervious. And 青出於藍 qīng chū yú lán is the best way you express your gratitude to those who helped you accomplished your challenges. ✅ 荀子 xún zǐ ✅ 靛青 diàn qīng, indigo blue ✅ 蓼藍 liǎo lán, indigo plant or the diffi…
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It's Mid Autumn Festival 中秋節 zhōng qiū jié this Saturday! People celebrate differently throughout the time but it's always about the moon 🌕 and mooncake 🥮 Find out why when 光風霽月 guāng fēng jì yuè is the perfect time to take a walk in this episode. More info about Mid Autumn Festival Poem in the episode 天垂六幕水浮空,霽月光…
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轉型 Angie Creates 的第一集,超級榮幸邀請到改變我人生走向的Write of Passage 的核心人物 Will Mannon 馬曉偉!本集曉偉和我們分享他為什麼喜歡學中文、我們兩個人的地震書單和學期制課程的趨勢分析. 關於曉偉 About Will 曉偉 Will Mannon 是我曾分享過的寫作課程「寫作的成年禮 (Write of Passage」的課程總監,之前也是另一門線上學期制課程 Building a Second Brain 的課程總監,這兩門課算是在全球學期制課程浪潮的探索先鋒.曉偉曾住在中國兩個月,包括上海和北京,也來過台灣一次。他在自己的Youtube 頻道 "Will Learns Chinese" 分享書評、創作和他的每日紀錄,也在他的 "Will …
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It's September! For some, it's the end of summer. How would you summarize your summer? 汗流浹背hàn liú jiá bèi is something we all shared I believe. Listen now and tell me if you are one of us! More about this episode on Instagram 📱Whatsupwithchengyu Any feedback, inquiries, ideas ✉️ ⭐️Rate, follow and share this podcast ⭐️ Music by…
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人生總是有聚有散,終於到了和好奇槓鈴說掰掰的時間了!本集解釋了為什麼我想要正式結束好奇槓鈴這個看板,開始以Angie Creates 邁向新人生.歡迎新朋好友繼續發摟安吉的創作啊~ 發摟我: IG: Angie Creates Website: Angie Creates 我的中文電子信: 好奇週報 Newsletter: Angie Creates 本集提到文章: From Fear to Thriving: My “Write” of Passage As An Immigrant Creator Leave a comment and share your thoughts:…
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Do you agree it's all fair in love and war? Especially at war, is deception part of the strategy? Hán Fēi Zǐ (韓非子), the icon from Legalism gave his thought in one idom bīng bú yàn zhà 兵不厭詐 and an intriguing story. Let hear it. ☑戰國時代 Jhànguó Shíhdài, Warring States Period ☑法家 Fǎjiā, Legalism ☑儒家 Jújiā, Confucianism More about this…
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A different arrangement was made this week, tell me how do you think about it? Today’s idiom is guǐ guǐ suì suì A ghostly idiom for the Ghost Month! What to find out what’s the Ghost Month and more spooky facts? Hit the play button! *雷公 léigōng, the God of Thunder *普渡 pǔdù, or 中元普渡 zhōng yuán pǔdù, Ghost Festival in Taiwa…
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Welcome to the second episode of show! The idiom of the week is chē shuǐ mǎ lóng Car, Water, Horse and dragon. Is this about wildlife? Quite the opposite, it’s mostly used to describe living in the city. Find out why in today’s episode. More about this episode on Instagram 📱Whatsupwithchengyu Any feedback, inquiries, ideas ✉️ amofutbol@gmail…
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Welcome to the FIRST episode of show! Our very first idiom is suǒ xiàng pī mǐ 所向披靡 It's from one of the most well-known stories between Liu Bang and Xiang Yu. So let's find out what happened between them. More about this episode on Instagram 📱Whatsupwithchengyu Any feedback, inquiries, ideas ✉️ ⭐️Rate, review and follow this pod…
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Welcome to what’s up with Chengyu! What’s Chengyu? Chengyu is idiom in Mandarin Chinese. Fascinating history in a 4 characters term, well mostly 4. It’s not difficult to learn if you know the context. Join me to tackle it with stories of its origin and examples. Get more on Instagram 📱 whatsupwithchengyu Any feedback, corrections, inquiries ✉️amofu…
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本集邀請到女子運動教育SheSPorts 的創辦團隊成員 Gena、Cya 和阿超來分享品牌創辦故事! SheSports女子運動教育是由引爆運動訓練、逸啟飛運動教育、Double Pump女子籃球誌以及劉希曄Cya Basketball Studio共同創辦的平台。 SheSports希望讓運動進入女生的生命中,透過運動幫助女生成為更好的自己,學習自信、勇敢、堅持和團隊合作,藉由舉辦訓練營、講座、比賽、書寫等多元管道,和女生們一起成長,攜手探索運動的美好,目標是成為台灣最能與女生們一起成長的運動教育平台。 Follow Us: 好奇槓鈴 IG: SheSports FB https://m.facebook…
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Our guest today is Lucy Liang! Lucy is a dear friend and the host of the Meet Yourself Podcast. She founded the empowering fitness coaching business Coachviva with her business partner Richa while they were both working at Microsoft. In this episode, we chatted about her path from quitting tech to becoming a coach, her advice on behavior change, an…
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Tica Lin現為哈佛大學博士候選人,主攻數據視覺化與擴增實境互動設計之研究。她曾任職於 Visa 全球產品部門資深數據視覺化設計師,費城 76 人數據策略部門UX 設計師,並且以結合設計與科技為人類帶來更有數據導向的決策與體驗為職志。 本集我們討論到: Tica 為什麼會對AR/VR有興趣? 在國外留學/生活學習到(三件)最重要的事: 對於多元背景(diversity)重要性的體認、目標規劃與勇於嘗試、管理自我的情緒與期望 在哈佛求學的生活 給追求運動視覺化的人的求學或職涯建議 Follow US! Tica 粉專 Tica 視覺化x運動直播室部落格 訂閱好奇週報 …
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本集我和 Wei 聊聊自己的工作和人生價值,以及從價值出發回顧去年的生活、並許下新年的新希望! 「做自己的健身教練」第二梯次將在2/1開始報名囉!加入排隊名單獲得早鳥優惠: 來安吉的年度反思工作坊玩耍: Follow us on IG: Angie @curiousbarbell Wei @fitness_wefit1 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory …
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加入第二梯次等候名單: 距離課程結束已經一個月,我跟 Wei 教練都忙到暈頭轉向,是在忙什麼哩?本集我們聊聊各自的近況、課程第一梯次結束的反思,以及第二梯次預告. Follow US! 好奇槓鈴 IG: Wei 教練 IG: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory…
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這次邀請的學姊 Yvaine 大一讀的是中文系,大二平轉到廣告系 中間有提及一些轉系的心路歷程 聊天過程中也對廣告系以及廣告人的生態有許多的了解 推薦給未來想做廣告行銷相關的同學們收聽~~ --- 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: 追蹤 IG 看精華 Follow最新消息 給習慣用 FB 的你…
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通勤還是住宿?好多人大一或是大二沒宿舍後的煩惱... 這集單純做通勤仔的經驗分享 --- 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: 追蹤 IG 看精華 Follow最新消息 給習慣用 FB 的你 聽不太清真拍謝~ Medium 有詳細文章 https://me…
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Leave a comment and share your thoughts: 追蹤 IG 看精華 Follow最新消息 給習慣用 FB 的你 聽不太清真拍謝~ Medium 有詳細文章…
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