出生台湾,现在正在暴走世界的Lily边走边爱的学英语环游世界的历程,2014年开始每天一集播客已经走了43个国家,每天分享一句旅行格言,带你探索充满爱、丰盛和自由的人生,只因生命就是一场精彩的旅程! 免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战 https://flywithlily.com/30 预约一个30分钟的免费通话咨询 https://calendly.com/flywithlily/30mins
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這裡是「療生」的延伸電台,歡迎用聽的 --------------------------------------- 療生報導網站:https://tingwei1680.wixsite.com/heal Powered by Firstory Hosting
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你知道各種麵食的英語怎麼說嗎?如何用英語介紹我們特有的麵食文化呢?「學英語環遊世界」主播Lily Wong,受邀科技部人文創新與社會實踐計畫、國立中山大學社會實踐與研究發展中心並參與SKB文明鋼筆文具店在4.10~5.9的「畫說鹽埕麵」展覽來獻聲說法! 本系列總共十集! 高雄「畫說鹽埕麵」展覽的細節內容網站,歡迎大家到高雄鹽埕SKB玩: https://www.kaostar.com/star/yanchengnoodles 關注主播最新動態 FB| http://facebook.com/flywithlily IG | http://instagram.com/flywithlily Webpage| http://flywithlily.com Podcast製作 FB| http://facebook.com/ipodcasttw 「FLY WITH LILY 學英語環遊世界」最新節目收聽最新節目 Spotify https://reurl.cc/m9KdgG Apple Podcast https://reurl.cc/Kj161j Google Podcast ht ...
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《小黑老师说一句顶十句》栏目是2017年10月正式开播,面向广大零基础的中小学生和成人,每期节目4分钟左右,通过【基础口语】+【成功学】+【品格养成】的节目思路,让孩子养成持续收听,热爱学习的习惯。 主播小黑老师曾经担任高校英语教师、上市教育集团出国语言培训师、CCTV全国体育解说员大赛冠军、北京人民广播电台节目主持、中国翻译协会会员、北大成功家庭教育讲师,从事英语教育17年,正式出版英语类书籍15本,包括《雅思28天黄金法则-TOP发音训练法》、《雅思8分口语创意》、《剑桥雅思9学以致用》、《雅思精华必背1618词》、《新东方一考通六级听力》、《口语串串香》等。
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囉囉說與台語的趴趴走音相近, 所以顧名思義, 就是分享各種看表演及活動心得!! 最後就是台語練習啦~ 來FB找我:玉米跳跳跳(@corn0o0) https://www.facebook.com/%E7%8E%89%E7%B1%B3%E8%B7%B3%E8%B7%B3%E8%B7%B3-106190635196630 有話跟我說:https://popcorn.firstory.io/voicemail/ckpdspq3674gr0820ooeawahs Firstory: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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深夜沒事做 跟朋友一起on 坐下來聊聊天 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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一對小夫妻來聊聊性生活上的大小事 透過 PODCAST這個平台 帶給大家一個私密、安全又有趣的聊天空間 平常不敢讓人知道,但又很想分享的性趣事 希望可以帶給大家一些不一樣的新靈感 並帶著心愛的另一半嘗試不同的愛情火花 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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出生就被診斷出腦性麻痺, 一歲多才會翻身, 六歲才跨出人生中的「第一步」, 從語言治療到全國朗讀冠軍, 從小在台大復健,現在是台大學生。 在那個還不太會說話的年紀, 睜開眼睛就要哼哼唱唱, 是我熱愛音樂最起初的方式, 也是最真實的證明。 但,最珍貴的,永遠是家人、朋友、夢想和信念。 在這裡,我們聊人生、聊夢想、聊音樂, 還有各種你想得到的生活大小事。 一起來「談天說地」吧! Facebook :宋修宏 Ken Sung Instagram:ken_sung_ Youtube:宋修宏 Ken Sung 各項合作歡迎私訊或來信 [email protected] -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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关注并获取更多原版绘本和英语学习资料 主播微信 HeyIm Ash 加入绘本群领取原版绘本PDF 专辑内容相当丰富,由系列绘本和经典英文绘本组成,主题涉及非常广泛。通过原版绘本故事的大量输入,带着小朋友们寻找每个问题的答案。每个孩子的学习能力和习惯不同,学习效果也因人而异。本专辑旨在以输入促进输出,帮助同学们纠正语音语调,咬字发音,以及提升语言组织回答问题的能力,从而更快更轻松地爱上英语。
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主题:一位女性如何以低预算环游世界? 内容大纲 开场(2-3 分钟) 介绍 Nakisa:从伊朗移民美国,开始旅行的契机 她的旅行经历概述(截至2024年8月,78个国家) 这集的主题:如何以低预算展开世界冒险? 旅行故事与经历(10-12 分钟) 在疫情封锁期间旅居智利巴塔哥尼亚 7 个月 阿富汗和巴基斯坦的挑战与文化冲击 如何在陌生国家找到当地人帮助(Couchsurfing & Workaway) 低预算旅行技巧(8-10 分钟) 如何规划旅行?(选择大洲、签证、交通方式) 省钱技巧:沙发冲浪、搭便车、当志工 安全贴士:如何作为女性独自旅行 心态与成长(5-7 分钟) 旅行带来的改变:学会“自爱”和“拥抱错误” 为什么每个人都应该聆听自己的内心,而不是社会期望 Nakisa 的人生哲学…
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打包相关常用英语单词 1. Luggage - 行李 2. Carry-on - 随身行李 3. Backpack - 背包 4. Suitcase - 行李箱 5. Packing cube - 打包收纳袋 6. Toiletries - 盥洗用品 7. Travel essentials - 旅行必需品 8. Lightweight - 轻便的 9. Compact - 小巧的、紧凑的 10. Multi-purpose - 多功能的 节目中还会分享: -为什么决定只带 7 公斤? -极简打包核心思维 -我的 7 公斤行李清单 -面对挑战:怎么克服打包焦虑? -实用小技巧: **总结与鼓励: 轻装不只是减少行李,更是在练习放下对物质的依赖,让自己在路上更自在。下一次旅行,不妨试着只带随身…
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实用短句教学: "Where is the check-in counter?" (请问哪里是报到柜台?) "Can I have a window seat, please?" (可以给我靠窗的座位吗?) "How much is the excess baggage fee?" (超重行李费是多少?) "Where can I find the boarding gate?" (登机门在哪里?) "I think my luggage is missing." (我想我的行李不见了。) 小技巧: 重复练习句子,搭配不同语气,让自己更自然
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“Welcome to a brand new chapter. � 这不仅是一个新的开始,更是一个机会,让我们启动内心深处尚未被点燃的潜力。 This is your moment. This is your year. � 欢迎来到《学英语环游世界》播客,我是主播Lily,今天邀请你和我一起,Activate Your New Year!” 格言1: “The future depends on what you do today.” — Mahatma Gandhi “未来取决于你今天的行动。” 格言2: “Don’t let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.” — Dalai Lama “不要让他人的行为破坏你的内在平静…
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大家好呀,欢迎来到本期特别的公告时间!原本呢,我信誓旦旦地告诉大家,我的播客会在1月13日重启,对吧?嗯,现在我要厚着脸皮告诉大家一个小变化:我们的新启动日期将推迟到2月3日。 如果你有什么想法、问题或者建议,记得联系我!让我们一起把这段时间变得更有意义。毕竟,好的事情值得等待,而等待让我们更有期待! 新年快乐!!
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格言: "Take risks; they’ll lead you to rewards you never imagined." 冒险吧,它们会带你走向意想不到的回报。 挑战问题: "How do I envision my life a year from now if I take these steps outside my comfort zone?" 如果我采取这些步骤走出我的舒适区,我如何想象自己一年后的生活? 我的回答: Looking ahead, in a year’s time, I see myself not only physically stronger but more confident in my body. The consistent training…
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格言: "Dare to be brave and watch your life transform." 勇敢地去做,并见证你的生活转变。 挑战问题: "What are some daily affirmations I can use to encourage myself?" 我可以用来鼓励自己的每日肯定句是什么? 我的回答: "I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to. I am strong, resilient, and open to new opportunities. Every step I take outside my comfort zone brings me closer to my dreams.…
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格言: "Success lies in the steps you’re afraid to take." 成功藏在你害怕踏出的步伐中。 挑战问题: "What stories do I tell myself about my limitations, and how can I challenge them?" 我对自己的限制讲述了哪些故事,我可以如何挑战它们? 我的回答: I’m currently traveling around the world, hoping to visit 100 countries before I die. However, the stories I sometimes tell myself are: "I might not be able t…
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格言: "Embrace the unknown with open arms." 用开放的心拥抱未知。 挑战问题: "How do I perceive vulnerability, and how can embracing it lead to growth?" 我如何看待脆弱,接受脆弱如何促进成长? 我的回答: I believe that vulnerability is nothing to be ashamed of; in fact, it is a powerful way to connect with others on a deeper, more authentic level. In my life, I have faced and embraced vulne…
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格言: "She found her strength by stepping out of her comfort zone." 她走出舒适圈,找到了自己的力量。 挑战问题: "What role does gratitude play in my life, and how can it support my growth?" 感恩在我的生活中扮演什么角色,它如何支持我的成长? 我的回答: For the past four years, I have been keeping a gratitude journal and having daily discussions about gratitude. This practice has profoundly impacted my…
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格言: "Push past the limits; greatness lies beyond them." 超越限制,伟大就在彼岸。 挑战问题: "How can I cultivate a mindset of curiosity and exploration?" 我如何培养好奇心和探索精神? 我的回答: Over the past few years, my curiosity has deepened through traveling and meeting people from diverse backgrounds. Whenever I encounter an explorer, their stories and experiences often inspire …
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格言: "Adventure awaits when you leave the safety of the shore." 当你离开安全的岸边,冒险就在等待着你。 挑战问题: "What does my ideal self look like, and what steps can I take to become her?" 我理想中的自己是什么样子的,我可以采取哪些步骤成为她? 我的回答: My ideal self is an independent, intellectual, warm, kind-hearted, open-minded, well-traveled, fit, healthy, and stylish woman who is full of wisdom …
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格言: "Fear is temporary, but regret is forever." 恐惧是短暂的,遗憾却是永恒的。 挑战问题: "How can I stay motivated during moments of doubt or fear?" 在怀疑或恐惧的时刻,我如何保持动力? 我的回答: It's hard to move forward in fear, but if I really want something, I would love to take some action to move towards it. For example, traveling the world is something I'm already doing, but there …
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格言: "A little discomfort is the price of greatness." 一点点不舒服是成就伟大的代价。 挑战问题: "How can I reframe failures or setbacks as learning opportunities?" 我如何将失败或挫折重新框定为学习机会? 我的回答: I don’t like the feelings of failure, as they often come with disappointment and self-doubt. However, through my own journey, I’ve come to realize that failure is an essential part …
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格言: "Leave behind the ordinary, and explore the extraordinary." 摆脱平凡,探索非凡。 比较Day 11 "Break free from the ordinary and find the extraordinary." 摆脱平凡,发现非凡。 挑战问题: "What are my core values, and how can they guide my journey outside my comfort zone?" 我的核心价值观是什么,它们如何引导我走出舒适区? 我的回答: My core values are love, exploration, abundance, gratitude, and freedom. …
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先聊我去參加徵選的事情, 接著聊聊看金V獎的心得, 當然也有分享一夥知道的表演資訊。 每一段大概都十幾分鐘左右,話說我是補檔才發現, 公視有徵三期生VT,可惡~~~~ os:雖然知道就算去也不會上,因為: X-玩遊戲 X-唱歌 X-特殊才藝 X-操作和閱讀有障礙 O-雜談閒聊 O-惠台噢,X-其他外文(英文退化到小學生不如) 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckmctby83iokg0807c5yb83bp 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckmctby83iokg0807c5yb83bp/comments =---=---=---=---= 來FB找我: https://www.fa…
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格言: "Step into the discomfort; it's where the magic happens." 走进不安的地方,奇迹就在那里发生。 挑战问题: "How do I feel about asking for help, and what might that look like in practice?" 我对寻求帮助的感觉如何,实际操作中会是什么样子? 我的回答: I often feel quite nervous about asking for help. For example, recently I ran out of data on my phone and needed internet access. I was wondering if th…
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格言: "Life is too short to play it safe." 人生太短,不该太过保守。 挑战问题: "What does self-care mean to me, and how can it support my growth journey?" 自我关怀对我意味着什么,它如何支持我的成长之路? 我的回答: At first, I didn’t fully understand how important self-care would be on my emotional healing journey, which eventually led me to this around-the-globe adventure. I realized I had a lo…
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格言: "Embrace the challenge, for it will make you stronger." 拥抱挑战,它会让你变得更强大。 挑战问题: "How can I celebrate my progress as I leave my comfort zone?" 我如何庆祝自己在走出舒适区时取得的进步? 我的回答: One way I celebrate my progress is by sharing my journey with the people I love. On this podcast, I consistently document my experiences and reflections, giving my listeners an ho…
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格言: "She who dares wins." 敢于挑战者得胜。 挑战问题: "How does my environment influence my comfort zone, and how can I change it?" 我的环境如何影响我的舒适区,我可以如何改变它? 我的回答: While traveling in South East Asia, I can use the affordability to focus on creative projects or invest time in learning new skills that can help my business grow. To change my environment’s impact, I …
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Day 16 格言 (Quote): "Nothing will change if you don’t leave your comfort zone." 中文翻译: 如果不离开舒适圈,什么都不会改变。 Day 16 挑战问题 (Challenge Question): What’s one new habit I can adopt to foster growth and resilience? 中文翻译: 我可以养成的一个新习惯是什么,以促进成长和韧性? 我的回答 (My Answer): One new habit I could adopt to foster growth and resilience in my online business is creating a da…
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格言: "Find strength in the unfamiliar and power in the unknown." 在陌生中找到力量,在未知中发现能量。 挑战问题: "In what areas of my life do I feel stagnant, and how can I ignite change?" 在我生活的哪些领域我感到停滞不前,我可以如何激发变化? 我的回答: As I get a bit older, I feel my body changes and I'm not as flexible and good with exercise anymore. I have been pretty lucky that my health is in top …
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格言: "Comfort zones are cages made of fear." 舒适圈是由恐惧组成的牢笼。 挑战问题: "What small steps can I take today to move outside my comfort zone?" 今天我可以采取哪些小步骤走出我的舒适区? 我的回答: I know there's a lot of fear within me about expanding my business and creating more impact. I fear that doing so might cause me to lose my freedom. As a result, I’ve stayed in a very comfor…
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格言: "Dare to live a life others only dream of." 敢于过上别人只敢梦想的生活。 挑战问题: "How do I handle discomfort, and what strategies can I employ to cope with it?" 我如何应对不适,我可以采取哪些策略来应对? 我的回答: I try to examine the reasons and perspectives behind my discomfort, analyzing why I feel this way. I believe that thoughts often lie at the root of feelings and emotions. By…
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格言: "Your journey of growth starts with a single step outside your comfort zone." 你的成长之旅始于走出舒适圈的第一步。 挑战问题: "What beliefs do I hold about myself that may limit my potential?" 我对自己有哪些信念可能限制了我的潜力? 我的回答: One belief I hold that may limit my potential is "I must have everything figured out before taking the next step." This belief often makes me hesitate…
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格言: "Break free from the ordinary and find the extraordinary." 摆脱平凡,发现非凡。(不烦不凡!!!) 挑战问题: "How can I create a support system to help me during this challenge?" 我如何建立一个支持系统来帮助我应对这个挑战? 我的回答: In my around-the-world journey, I have met many people with similar interests, and they constantly remind and encourage me to follow my dreams. I have also cultiv…
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格言: "Only by challenging yourself can you discover your full potential." 只有挑战自己,才能发掘全部潜能。 挑战问题: "What are some past experiences that helped me grow when I stepped outside my comfort zone?" 有哪些过去的经历帮助我在走出舒适区时成长? 我的回答(丰富版): One of the most transformative experiences in my life was when my mom suddenly passed away. It was a deeply painful and challeng…
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格言: "Courage is feeling the fear and stepping out anyway." 勇气就是感到害怕,但依然踏出步伐。 挑战问题: "How do I define success for myself, and how can that evolve?" 我如何定义自己的成功,这种定义如何演变? 我的回答: If I'm doing what I'm passionate about and making money to support my around-the-world journey, I feel I'm successful. However, I also would love to find peace, happiness, and c…
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格言: "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." 生活从你的舒适圈尽头开始。 挑战问题: "What would I do differently if I knew I couldn’t fail?" 如果我知道自己不会失败,我会做什么不同的事情? 我的回答: If I knew I couldn't fail, I'd continue traveling and focusing on doing the things I enjoy. I'd like to believe that as long as I'm following my passion, I would be protected and taken care of…
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格言: "The future belongs to those who dare to take risks." 未来属于那些敢于冒险的人。 挑战问题: "What skills or talents do I want to develop further?" 我想进一步发展哪些技能或才能? 我的回答: I'd like to be better at learning and speaking languages. I find more sense of achievement when traveling and speaking their native language in the country that I travel in. So far I can speak En…
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格言: "Step into the unknown, and discover what you’re made of." 踏入未知,发现真正的自己。 挑战问题: "How do I usually react to change, and how can I shift that perspective?" 我通常如何对待变化,我可以如何改变这种看法? 我的回答: I like change in my environment; however, I have a hard time changing the status of one relationship. I experienced both of my parents passing away at an early age.…
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格言: "She believed she could, so she did." 她相信自己能做到,所以她做到了。 挑战问题: "What are three things I’ve always wanted to try but haven’t yet had the courage to do?"我一直想尝试但还没有勇气去做的三件事是什么? 我的回答: "I've been wanting to do some things I consider very beautiful but that would also push me out of my comfort zone. These include shaving my head, getting dreadlocks, an…
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格言: "The comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing grows there." 舒适圈是一个美丽的地方,但无法成长。 挑战问题: "Who are the women in my life that inspire me to take risks, and what can I learn from them?" 我生活中哪些女性激励我冒险,我可以从她们身上学到什么? 我的回答: There are many women who have been inspiring me to take risks. The first one would be Lisa, an English lady who I met in Spain,…
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格言: "Dare to be different, and step out of your comfort zone." 勇于与众不同,走出舒适圈。 挑战问题: "What is one risk I’ve always wanted to take but haven’t yet?" 我一直想冒的一个风险是什么,但还没有去做? 我的回答: I've been wanting to hire a team member to my Fly with Lily team, but I'm very scared to do it. I've had bad experiences working with others and felt very uneasy to delegate th…
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格言: "You are capable of more than you know." 你比自己想像中更有能力。 挑战问题: "How would I define my comfort zone, and what does it look like?" 我如何定义我的舒适区,它是什么样子的? 我的回答: My comfort zone would be settling for a well-paying job and staying in one place and not following my dreams, which is traveling the world with my online business. I was living very comfortably …
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今日格言: "Growth begins at the end of your comfort zone." 当你走出你的舒适圈,你就开始成长了。 Day 1 挑战问题: "What fears are holding me back from stepping outside my comfort zone?" 什么恐惧让我无法走出我的舒适区? 我的回答: I'm afraid to get hurt and be different than others, and I will end up getting nothing to show for. That was why I prefer to be in my comfort zone, where I don't stand o…
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今日格言:"Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world; declutter both." “你的外在世界是你内心世界的反映;清理两者。” Day 30 挑战问题:"How can you create a more intentional life through decluttering?"“如何通过断舍离创造一个更有意图的生活?” Living an intentional life means making deliberate choices about how you spend your time, energy, and resources in alignment with your values, goals,…
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今日格言:"Be brave enough to let go of what no longer serves you."“勇敢放下那些不再服务于你的事物。” Day 29 挑战问题:"What would your life look like if you were no longer weighed down by excess?" 中文:“如果你不再被过多的东西拖累,你的生活会是什么样子?” Answer: "My life is pure and simple. I'm just happy with everything I own. I'm open to new people, things, and experiences. I'm surrounded by natur…
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今日格言:"In the process of letting go, you will lose many things from the past, but you will find yourself." “在放手的过程中,你会失去许多过去的东西,但你会找到自己。” Day 28 挑战问题: How can you practice gratitude for what you have while letting go of what no longer serves you? 中文翻译:“你如何在感恩现有的同时放下不再服务于你的东西?” My Answer: "I usually take 5 minutes in the first hour of my day for a gr…
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今日格言: "Decluttering is a journey to self-discovery." “简化生活是一段自我发现的旅程。” Day 27 挑战问题: What is the first step you can take to simplify your life today? “今天你可以采取什么第一步来简化生活?” Answer: Although I have already done a lot to simplify my life, I think the first step I can take today is to always leave a place tidier when I leave. For example, my desk is pret…
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今日格言: "The joy of letting go is greater than the fear of it."“放手的快乐大于对它的恐惧。” Day 26 挑战问题: How can decluttering your physical space inspire you to declutter your mind and emotions?“清理你的空间如何启发你清理心灵和情绪?” Answer: By letting go of my physical clutter, I started to feel more self-aware of my emotions and realized how much negativity I had been holding on…
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你现在可以到我的网站 Flywithlily.com 下载“简化生活的30日挑战手册”喔! 今日格言: "Create a life you love by removing what you don’t." “透过移除你不爱的事物,来创造你爱的生活。” 今日问题: What’s the most meaningful thing you’ve gained by letting go of something? “你放下一些东西后获得的最有意义的东西是什么?” My Answer: For me, by letting go of material things and unnecessary commitments, I've gained more freedom and time. …
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你现在可以到我的网站 Flywithlily.com 下载“简化生活的30日挑战手册”喔! 今日格言: "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." “简单是最极致的优雅。” Day 24 挑战问题: How can decluttering help you build a life that reflects who you truly are? “断舍离如何帮助你建立一个反映真实自我的生活?” For me, I feel that as I strip away my belongings, I'm also stripping away mental clutter. It's like a magical approach to sim…
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你现在可以到我的网站 Flywithlily.com 下载“简化生活的30日挑战手册”喔! 今日格言: "Let go of the unnecessary, and you’ll find what is truly essential." “放下不必要的,你会找到真正重要的东西。” Day 23 挑战问题: What emotions come up when you think about decluttering, and how can you work through them? “当你想到断舍离时会产生哪些情绪?你如何处理它们?” Answer: "I often think about the things that I really have a hard time let…
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你现在可以到我的网站 flywithlily.com下载“简化生活的30日挑战手册”喔! 今日格言: "Owning less is better than organizing more." “拥有更少比常常要整理更好。” Day 22 挑战问题:How can you make decluttering a regular practice rather than a one-time event? “如何让断舍离成为常规,而不是一次性事件?” My Answer: To make decluttering a regular practice, I believe it’s important to create small, consistent habits. For exampl…
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你现在可以到我的网站 Flywithlily.com 下载“简化生活的30日挑战手册”喔! 今日格言:"Decluttering is infinitely easier when you think of it as deciding what to keep rather than what to throw away." “当你把断舍离看作决定保留什么而不是丢掉什么时,简化生活就变得容易许多。” Day 21 挑战问题:What does "enough" look like for you in terms of possessions, commitments, and relationships?“在物品、承诺和关系方面,对你来说什么是『足够』?” My Answer: When…
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這一集,我們來談藥愛成癮者 如果想用看的,請點擊:https://reurl.cc/Nld0R5 節目段落: 療生的創立 什麼是藥愛 目前的趨勢與使用族群 會有什麼副作用、腦部現象 以及何種處境 該怎麼治療 刻板印象 最後祝福 *封面圖片來源:Pinterest Powered by Firstory Hosting
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你现在可以到我的网站 Flywithlily.com 下载“简化生活的30日挑战手册”喔! 今日格言:"Clutter isn't just physical stuff. It’s old ideas, toxic relationships, and bad habits." “不只是物理的东西会造成杂乱,旧想法、有毒的关系和坏习惯也会。” Day 20 挑战问题: How does a clutter-free environment contribute to your happiness and well-being? “干净整齐的环境如何促进你的幸福和福祉?” My Answer: I am very lucky that even though I’ve been travel…
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你现在可以到我的网站 flywithlily.com 下载“简化生活的30日挑战手册”喔! 今日格言:"Live simply so others can simply live." “简单生活,让他人也能简单生活。” Day 19 挑战问题:What are you afraid of losing if you let go of certain items or habits?“如果你放下一些物品或习惯,你害怕失去什么?” For me, I sometimes worry that if I let go of certain things, I might be losing money or precious memories that remind me of differen…
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你现在可以到我的网站flywithlily.com下载“简化生活的30日挑战手册”喔! 今日格言: "Less is more."“少即是多。” Day 18 挑战问题:"How can decluttering help you move closer to your dreams and goals? “清理杂物(断舍离)如何帮助你更接近梦想和目标?” My Answer: Now that I’m traveling with only the things I truly need, I can focus more on the priorities in my life. I feel light and at ease. I'm already on my world trav…
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