Instead of a traditional sermon, Rev. Marcum presents an extended and in-depth exploration of the scripture utilizing the best contemporary scholarship to help participants fully understand what the scriptures meant when they are written.
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Professor Pedro Henrique tira algumas duvidas sobre escatologia.
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由Rev. Walt Marcum
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由Rev. Walt Marcum
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由Rev. Walt Marcum
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由Rev. Walt Marcum
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由Rev. Walt Marcum
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The Landscape of American Protestantism: The Fundamentalist-Modernist Conflict of the 1920's
由Rev. Walt Marcum
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由Rev. Walt Marcum
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The Landscape of American Protestantism: Dispensationalism - The History of End Times Theology
由Rev. Walt Marcum
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The Landscape of American Protestantism: Dispensationalism - Understanding End Times Theology
由Rev. Walt Marcum
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由Rev. Walt Marcum
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由Rev. Walt Marcum
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由Rev. Walt Marcum
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由Rev. Walt Marcum
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由Rev. Walt Marcum
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由Rev. Walt Marcum
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由Rev. Walt Marcum
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由Rev. Walt Marcum
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由Rev. Walt Marcum
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The Bible: What You Need to Know: Introduction and Overview of the Bible - How We Got the Hebrew Bible
由Rev. Walt Marcum
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The Bible: What You Need to Know: Introduction and Overview of the Bible - Paul's Letters and the Other Writings
由Rev. Walt Marcum
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The Bible: What You Need to Know: Introduction and Overview Of the Bible - Acts and the Primitive Church
由Rev. Walt Marcum
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由Rev. Walt Marcum
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由Rev. Walt Marcum
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由Rev. Walt Marcum
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