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大家好,我是阿尼。在這個頻道中,我會把同一個故事用中英文各唸一遍,可以輕鬆聽又能夠學語言。Hello, I'm Annie. In this podcast, one story is read in both English and Chinese, perfect for leisure listening and language learning. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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High Light Tiawan 彰顯台灣智庫群 台灣民主化進程研究政治觀察 經濟,國防,教育,心理,社會政策討論參與 公民責任,公民義務,公民素質提升運動召集 FB請搜尋--彰顯台灣 拒絕參與政治的懲罰之一, 就是被糟糕的人統治… 許多事今天我們若不為社會的公平正義發聲, 改天我們就必須為自己的軟弱而戰… 世界敗壞不是由於惡人囂張,而是由於好人沉默 喜歡絕大部份的中國朋友… 喜歡中華文化,紅樓夢,繁體字, 喜歡中國的大山大水, 深愛川湘菜跟各地的中華料理… 不是很喜歡國民黨民進黨… 但我更討厭專制主義,討厭共產黨… 不希望身邊的人因為政治意志的不同被封號, 被消失,被入罪,被自殺… 別對政治冷感, 別成為黨爭互鬥的工具人… 我們應該還可以作些什麼… 我們都應該擁有個人的自由意識… 我們誰都不該是誰的棋子… 期待有生之年能見證一個… 屬於華人世界裡的思想啟蒙運動, 屬於華人世界的文藝復興時期… 人類學家 Margaret Mead說過: 永遠不要去懷疑那一小群, 有理想有抱負的公民可以改變世界, 事實上世界的改變向來全靠這群人。 別輕視小看了自己… 我們正在創造屬於自己與下一 ...
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茉莉是個非常矮小、有大暴牙、聲音像牛蛙的小女孩,但她有著滿滿的自信和勇氣,去面對嘲笑她的人。來看看她是怎麼做到的吧! Molly Lou Melon is a small girl with buck teeth and a voice like a bullfrog. But she faces those who laugh at her with tremendous convidence and courage. Let's see how she does it.由Annie 阿尼
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茉莉是個非常矮小、有大暴牙、聲音像牛蛙的小女孩,但她有著滿滿的自信和勇氣,去面對嘲笑她的人。來看看她是怎麼做到的吧! Molly Lou Melon is a small girl with buck teeth and a voice like a bullfrog. But she faces those who laugh at her with tremendous convidence and courage. Let's see how she does it.由Annie 阿尼
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喀喀喀喀喀,穀倉內部竟然傳出了打字聲,是乳牛在打字! 乳牛到底有什麼需求,讓農夫布朗這麼生氣呢? 乳牛和母雞一起罷工,農場要怎麼辦呢? 一起來聽聽! Click, click, clack. The sounds of a typewriter were coming from a barn! It was the cows that were typing! What did they ask for that made Farmer Brown so furious? What will happen to the farm when the cows and hens went on strike? Let's find out!…
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喀喀喀喀喀,穀倉內部竟然傳出了打字聲,是乳牛在打字! 乳牛到底有什麼需求,讓農夫布朗這麼生氣呢? 乳牛和母雞一起罷工,農場要怎麼辦呢? 一起來聽聽! Click, click, clack. The sounds of a typewriter were coming from a barn! It was the cows that were typing! What did they ask for that made Farmer Brown so furious? What will happen to the farm when the cows and hens went on strike? Let's find out!…
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你知道媽祖叫什麼名字嗎? 媽祖是如何成為大家敬愛的對象呢? 你有沒有參加或是看過媽祖遶境活動呢? 趕快來聽聽她的故事吧! Do you know what MaZu's real name is? How did MaZu become such a beloved goddness? Have you ever joined or watched the Pilgrimage festival? Let's hear her story!由Annie 阿尼
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你知道媽祖叫什麼名字嗎? 媽祖是如何成為大家敬愛的對象呢? 你有沒有參加或是看過媽祖遶境活動呢? 趕快來聽聽她的故事吧! Do you know what MaZu's real name is? How did MaZu become such a beloved goddness? Have you ever joined or watched the Pilgrimage festival? Let's hear her story!由Annie 阿尼
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Shy little Pip wants to play with Milly and Spike, but he doesn't know how to ask. He wants to give them the rainbow so he can be their friends. How will he catch the rainbow? Let's find out! 害羞的皮皮想要跟米莉和史派克一起玩,但他不知道該怎麼開口跟他們說。他想要把彩虹摘下來送給他們,這樣他們就能夠成為朋友了。皮皮要怎麼摘到彩虹呢?由Annie 阿尼
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Shy little Pip wants to play with Milly and Spike, but he doesn't know how to ask. He wants to give them the rainbow so he can be their friends. How will he catch the rainbow? Let's find out! 害羞的皮皮想要跟米莉和史派克一起玩,但他不知道該怎麼開口跟他們說。他想要把彩虹摘下來送給他們,這樣他們就能夠成為朋友了。皮皮要怎麼摘到彩虹呢?由Annie 阿尼
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(版本1) Elliot開開心心地跟家人一起去露營,沒想到闖下大禍,他難過得跑進樹林,沒想到卻迷路了!他該怎麼找回家人呢? 有誰可以幫助他呢? 快來聽聽看! (Version 1) Elliot goes camping with his family. But something bad happened! He sadly runs into the forest, but he gets lost! What is he going to do? Can he find his family again? Let's find out!由Annie 阿尼
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(版本2) Elliot開開心心地跟家人一起去露營,沒想到闖下大禍,他難過得跑進樹林,沒想到卻迷路了!他該怎麼找回家人呢? 有誰可以幫助他呢? 快來聽聽看! (Version 2) Elliot goes camping with his family. But something bad happened! He sadly runs into the forest, but he gets lost! What is he going to do? Can he find his family again? Let's find out!由Annie 阿尼
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狗狗吃了甜甜圈,會想再喝點蘋果汁,喝完了又想摘蘋果,之後又想玩球……究竟這隻活力十足的狗狗接下來又想做什麼呢? If you give a dog a donut, he'll want some apple juice. Then he'll want to pick apples, and after that, he'll want to play baseball. What does this energetic dog want to do next?由Annie 阿尼
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It's a slow day for business, and the cap peddler decides to take a walk around the country. Then, some monkeys take away his caps and wouldn't give them back! What's going to happen? How will the peddler get his caps back? Let's find out! 今天商人的生意不好,他決定去鄉下走走。沒想到,他的帽子被一群猴子搶走了! 他該怎麼辦? 來聽聽看吧!由Annie 阿尼
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各位收聽的朋友們,大家好,我是MIT, 對, 就是Made in Taiwan的臺灣人, 在這個節目裡我就叫MIT吧… 錄Pod cast第一集要說些什麼呢? 就是說說我對臺灣和中國的想法吧… 這世界上有哪一個正常的國家, 裏面的老百姓,不管是有錢的,沒有錢的, 有權力的,沒有權力的, 只要呼吸過那麼一點點自由空氣的人, 只要讓他一逮個機會,就會想要離開那個地方? 北韓就是…中國就是… 戰爭其實老早就已經開始了,從來沒有間斷過, 從國民黨戰敗來台至今, 共產黨從來沒有放棄過,要拿下國民黨,要拿下臺灣的企圖, 這個是陽謀、不是陰謀。 這個時代的戰爭不用槍,也不用炮, 諜戰電影、電視劇裡面的分化跟破壞,從來沒有間斷過, 深深的影響,這幾十年的臺灣… 台灣會亂、不是沒有原因的… 敵人用金錢用權力來…
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