Northstar Church in Panama City, FL is a place where everybody's welcome, nobody's perfect and anything can happen! We hope that you enjoy these messages from our lead pastor Marty Martin and the Northstar teaching team. We hope that they encourage and challenge you to live a life of worship. For more information and resources, such as videos and notes that accompany these messages, please visit
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Join us for inspiration and encouragement through real stories from around the globe. Students, parents, and scholars will share advice on many topics including college, online learning, homeschooling, health, faith, and navigating daily life. #educated To learn more about NorthStar Academy, visit us at
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Physical therapy is more than just 3 sets of 10 reps! This podcast provides you with collaborative information and interviews from experts in the field within physical therapy and other allied health professionals in order for you to achieve and champion your optimal health and self-management. Particular conditions like lymphedema, lipedema and various pelvic health dysfunctions for all pelvises that are not easily understood in the medical community and require an inter-disciplinary team a ...
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Podcast by Scott McBean
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Podcast by NorthStar Church - Kennesaw, GA
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Podcast by Pastor Roy Evans
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This is the podcast of Northstar Church in Blacksburg, Virginia. Our vision is to help believers in Christ "be the church."
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Embark on a transformative journey with the "NorthStar Gaze" podcast, sharing intimate stories from Geo-Stem luminaries. In 1-on-1 chats, explore their journeys and profound contributions to geography and GIS. Inspired by our Telescope program, each episode offers a telescopic view into their lives. Uncover the human side of Geo-Stem, where passion meets purpose, and racial justice is central. "The NorthStar Gaze" is your invitation to a Homecoming, where diverse voices paint the tapestry of ...
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speaking tentatively to an angry person without personal judgment
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Cody Johnson's journey from student at NorthStar Academy to aspiring diplomat is a testament of faith, adaptability, and the importance of lifelong learning. Through personal stories of travel and growth, he emphasizes embracing opportunities, learning from diverse cultures, and the necessity of self-awareness in achieving one's calling. • Embracin…
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Hey there, welcome to the NorthStar Physical Therapy podcast! I am your host, Dr. Shirlea North and I dive into lymphedema, lipedema, and various pelvic health dysfunctions. My goal is to provide to you a better way to understand these conditions so that you empower yourself with knowledge to advocate for yourself. Let NorthStar Physical Therapy gu…
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returning to Jesus, who was wounded so I could be with God
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the extra grace that is given when I respond rightly to attacks that are wrong
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listening for truth in correction no matter what
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putting on love as I let Christ‘s peace in God‘s word rule and dwell in me
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died, put off, putting off, put on and being renewed
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setting my affections on God‘s kingdom
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Description: Jesus invites us to move away from hurry and into solitude. This Sunday's message will help us discover the importance of solitude, and how it helps to connect and quiet our soul in a hurried world. The place where rest and peace can truly be found.
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putting off my old self while holding fast to Jesus
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Unsevered from Jesus by denying my gifts or elevating my experiences
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disciplined to be content without fully gratified, fleshly desires
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my eyes opened to seek Jesus first
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putting off my old self and putting on the new self
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God lifts my eyes to Him as I find my worth in Him
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my mind set on the invisible eternal things of God‘s kingdom
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Description: Do you ever feel like your soul can't catch up with your body in your fast-paced life? Join us this Sunday to discover how to slow your pace so you can live with more peace.
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walking in humility and contentment by the power of the Holy Spirit
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the power to love and obey God that comes from his word in my heart
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doing everything as Jesus would with a heart of gratitude
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living wholeheartedly for God by His powerful grace
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my eyes opened to God‘s beauty as I seek Him above everything
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Karen Keagy shares her journey from growing up in the Amazon jungle to becoming a grandmother, highlighting divine encounters and the importance of family legacy. Her stories of adventure, missionary work, and faith inspire listeners to embrace God’s calling on their lives.由NorthStar Academy
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thinking through the result of my old self being crucified with Christ
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repenting as I look deeply at God‘s kindness
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Description: With so much pulling at us every day, what if there was a small step we could take that would make a big difference in how we experience life? Join us this Sunday for a fresh look at simplicity.
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letting Jesus love through me, so my words come with the Holy Spirit‘s power
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doing the work God entrusts to me today, entrusting the outcome to Him
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rejoicing in God as He comes to me
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experiencing the effects of God’s grace because I work, but depend on God’s grace
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all in reverence for those God has created around me
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developing a settled disposition of excepting God’s dealings with me as good
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Hey there, welcome to the NorthStar Physical Therapy podcast! I am your host, Dr. Shirlea North and I dive into lymphedema, lipedema, and various pelvic health dysfunctions. My goal is to provide to you a better way to understand these conditions so that you empower yourself with knowledge to advocate for yourself. Let NorthStar Physical Therapy gu…
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regarding Jesus as my greatest treasure
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Description: God designed us with an innate need to stop. Today's message will help us remove the mystery of what it means to Sabbath, and challenge us to step into the command God gave us.
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working with all God‘s energy that works within me
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straining to be godly without relying on my human effort
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working hard and relying on God‘s mighty power to make us mature in Christ
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loved by God to enter into the suffering of people
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Zoe and Rachel, club coordinators at NorthStar Academy, share their experiences of building community within an online educational environment. They emphasize the importance of connection, leadership, and fostering a sense of belonging through diverse clubs, illustrating how these initiatives create meaningful relationships among students. • Discus…
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put to death my evil desires
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looking beyond what I see to Jesus in my real life in him
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Description: Jesus invites us to move away from hurry and into the relaxed rhythm of his way. This message will help us discover what the Way of Jesus is and how we can live that out.
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holding fast to Jesus and growing from God‘s growth
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wondrous freedom from God‘s just punishment
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trusting God‘s power to refuse the powerful attraction of my sinful nature
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shaped and grateful as I walk today in Christ
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order and discipline that result in a “Jesus can be trusted” life
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