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A weekly Cantonese language podcast for intermediate learners covering a line-up of little observations about the Canton culture beyond dim sum. The purpose is to create an alternative to traditional textbook tapes for repeated listening and have more fun. Host Yasmin is from Hong Kong. She is passionate about language learning, capable of 5 languages. . 以改善廣東話學習者(中級)聽力為宗旨嘅輕鬆節目!內容以趣味性出發,圍繞主持人對廣東文化嘅一啲小發現同個人日常。主持人Yasmin,香港人,熱愛語言學習,識得五種語言,希望透過呢個自然地講廣東話嘅節目,提供另類嘅學習機會俾大家。本節目每週更新。
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It’s not just a school subject. It’s not just a tool of trade. No. It’s the language of Shakespeare, of Charles Darwin, of Andrew Lloyd Webber, of Steve Jobs, of Winston Churchill. It is the tongue shared by some of the most brilliant minds in the world. Learn it well, and your world will be a lot bigger. And you don’t even have to be born or raised in an English speaking country. With the right training, and a superhuman determination to excel, you too can speak English as expressively and ...
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龙飞虎(原名:Chris Lonsdale)

龙飞虎(英文名:Chris Lonsdale),心理学家、语言学家、教育家, 6个月学会任何一种外语方法创始人。功夫英语自学课程体系设计师。 功夫英语拥有独创的“6个月长好英语DNA”课程系统,这个系统将帮助您: 1)掌握8000多英语高频词; 2)掌握6000多词组及短句; 3)解决98%以上日常生活、工作、商务最重要的沟通需要。 更多了解功夫英语,请关注: 微信公号:功夫英语 新浪微博:@功夫英语自学汇 腾讯微博:@功夫英语 学习问题咨询:answers@kungfuenglish.com 国内报名功夫英语:400-8938-696 国际报名功夫英语:+86-755-8882 0630 功夫英语官网:www.kungfuenglish.com “学习外语的过程中,方法和思路是影响人的学习速度及学习结果的关键性影响因 素。”龙飞虎说。为了帮助中国人彻底解决英语学习的苦恼,使用科学准 确的方法,有效率有效果的提高自己的英语水平,龙飞虎决定用《龙飞虎讲功夫英语》视频广播,从思路和观点上帮助大家跨越自己快速学习的一切阻碍因素。 在这个 视频广播中,无论你的需要是:英语 学英语 自学 ...
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This podcast is not so much as a share of my points of view on education as a discussion of education with anyone who hear this podcast. I really thank it for letting my voice be heard by more people. The current education is not yet a benefit for all people, but we never give up improving it. We argued, struggled and even sacrificed, for a better education. Time has been different, so are our views on education. I believe that any improvement is made by "standing on the shoulders of Giants" ...
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⚡ 一分鐘英文充電站,再忙也要讓自己的英文力充電一下 Hello everyone! I am Mu Mu. English is a fun language to learn. Let's learn English together! ❤ 大家好! 我是沐沐 想要學英文但卻總是擠不出時間嗎? ⏰ 別擔心! 每天只要一分鐘,就可以學一個單字 讓我陪你一起輕鬆學 如果喜歡我的節目的話,也歡迎到以下連結!💖 在我的IG (#ladymumuenglish)裡有單字和例句的有聲圖卡 📣 大家可以多多利用喔! ✨ IG: http://instagram.com/ladymumuenglish ✨ FB: https://www.facebook.com/ladymumuenglish ✨ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/LadyMuMu ☕ 歡迎贊助我一杯咖啡,讓我持續創作! 一起快樂學吧!! https://pay.firstory.me/user/ladymumuenglish Powered by Firstory Hosting
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