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Star Audiovisual Media, production Company of Chinese Audio/Radio Drama. 以聲音和圖文模式呈現有聲小說劇、廣播劇,藝人經紀、IP孵化,配音及聲播藝術孵化培訓等相關內容,以影視優勢資源和行業經驗,布局有聲市場,在新技術新理念的引領下,創作出符合年輕化,碎片化,多元化的優質作品
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Start 2 Star 演藝培訓

【娛樂大巨誕】一個專為演藝圈巨星而生的頻道! 因為這個圈子很殘酷,所以我們會對你說得直接一點!!! 期待能遇到 #對拍我們心跳的巨星 若你已經自帶巨星光環、明星氣場、頂標的才藝技能 拜託寄信跟我們聊聊,不要讓我們錯過你! 📩 weiss@fusion-bomb.com Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Amy แอมมี่

曾於曼谷學習泰語一年🇹🇭 介紹泰文歌/泰國影視/日常生活 另一個藝文訪談節目👉 https://linktr.ee/amythaithai 來看INSTAGRAM👉amythaithai www.instagram.com/amythaithai 請我喝杯泰奶吧🥤 https://pay.firstory.me/user/amythaithai Powered by Firstory Hosting
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(中文在下方)Hey there, I'm a restaurant owner and I started this Podcast because I love to meet new people! To be honest I grew up super introverted and I really came out of my shell when I moved to Asia around 20 years ago. Now that I have a restaurant and a podcast, we livestream weekly from my restaurant. I love to share the stories of people that I meet in Taiwan and I hope you enjoy them too! From Pro MMA fighters to Globe Trekkers, CEOs to Street Vendors, Entrepreneurs to Professors, YouTub ...
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今天來到節目當中的是🎙️ 來自菲律賓的創作歌手Jose Miguel 他推出了首張創作專輯5 STAR OVERTHINKER 將爵士結合現代元素玩出新滋味! Jose在九月初來到台灣參加Jam Jam Asia的演出 這也是他首場的海外演出🌟 訪談中我們聊到專輯中多首歌曲 有浪漫、感性、性感、溫馨 各種音樂風格都能成為Jose的獨家爵士style 訪問中還意外聊到Jose原來跟Amy一樣 都很著迷於顯化manifesting🤩 而他甚至除了音樂事業之外 還是連鎖超商的老闆?! 我在訪問過程真的覺得 Jose是一個很有能量也非常有趣的人 接下來就趕快來聽聽我們的訪問吧~ ⭐本集有逐段中文翻譯 歡迎大家多多分享收聽⭐ Hi! I'm Amy, a podcaster from Taiwan. …
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第一個結合「真實犯罪」與「推理小說」的podcast節目。 喜歡聽真實犯罪故事以及喜歡閱讀推理小說的你,千萬別錯過。 即刻開始進入「惡之根」的世界,讓我們一起研究犯罪,遠離犯罪吧! https://fstry.pse.is/73hpn7 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 今天來到節目當中的是泰國創作歌手WIM 最近推出全新專輯'NOICE'🎶 更即將在11月來到台灣表演! 這次作品除了過往組合時期的復古與Chill氛圍 更呈現出WIM的多元風格 不管是俏皮的、性感的、真誠的 在這張專輯統統聽得到😎 趕快來聽聽我跟WIM的訪問吧! ⭐本集有逐段中文翻譯 歡迎大家多多分享收聽⭐ Hi! I'm Amy, a podcaster from Taiwan. In this …
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你在忙碌的生活中,找不到時間閱讀?前往台灣最受歡迎的 Podcast 說書節目「下一本讀什麼」,每週認識兩本好書,快速吸收好書精華。主題包含個人成長、投資理財、商業職場。一起透過閱讀,成為更好的自己。 https://fstry.pse.is/73c53s —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 今天來到節目當中的是成軍於2020年的泰國樂團 🌟Chucky Factory Land🌟 特別的團名靈感竟來自於瘋狂的朋友? 八月底來台表演還感受到 台灣聽眾不分熱情一起搖滾的心! 這次在節目中聊到新專輯🎶 《Lost in Noir》 他們形容這張專輯就像是日記也像備忘錄 記錄下現在的他們對於人生的態度 以及成長過程中可能碰到的混亂與快樂 是說這幾位受訪者思考都很跳躍 所以艾…
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今天來到節目當中的是泰國樂團Salad 看似成軍只有一年多🔍 不過其實三位成員不但是認識多年的老友 更都是經驗豐富的音樂人 他們在八月底來台演出 對於台灣聽眾的熱情印象深刻~ 這次在節目中聊到新專輯 《21st Century in a Nutshell》 以充滿實驗、電子感的音樂🎶 呈現了當代社會的各項議題 諸如人際關係、憂鬱、政治等 趕快一起來收聽節目吧~ ⭐本集有逐段中文翻譯 歡迎大家多多分享收聽⭐ Hi! I'm Amy, a podcaster from Taiwan. In this episode, I invited Thai band Salad into my show. Let's listen to the show and get to know more abou…
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嗨!大家好我是Amy👋 平常除了製作PODCAST艾咪曼谷日記之外 我主要的工作其實是在警廣擔任主持人 而對於廣播人來說一個很重要的年度盛事 就是每年的「廣播金鐘獎」 而今年的廣播金鐘獎Amy完全沒有入圍 心情上一直沒有辦法走出來😂 所以我邀請了幾位跟我一樣也沒入圍的廣播好朋友 希望透過這次聊天可以更加瞭解 公布入圍名單時他們正在做什麼 以及他們如何面對這次沒有入圍的心情 還有模擬自己如果得獎的話 在舞台上有什麼話想說🏆 這集誕生得很匆促而且時長很長沒什麼修剪 (有些地方還笑到爆音哈哈哈) 雖然我的初衷是想去排解我的失落 但是真心希望大家都可以來聽聽這集 因為我在訪問過程中獲得許多療癒 也希望大家能來認識這些非常可愛的聲音創作者 謝謝他們願意在這個特輯發聲 更謝謝他們一直用心製作節目🎤 聲音…
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今天來到節目當中的是 泰國女團Pretzelle💥 他們近日不但發行新歌CRY MORE BABY (เสียใจกี่โมง) 以更加成熟多元的樣貌回歸 更在七月底來到台灣舉辦showcase 並參加了Taipei City Idol Expo🎤 吸引許多粉絲到場支持 本次訪問除了更加了解CRY MORE BABY (เสียใจกี่โมง) 這首歌的概念與製作過程❤️‍🔥 也能更認識Pretzelle三位成員 在舞台之外的模樣唷~~~ 然後在本集的艾咪泰日常 我也會分享最近看了Cocktail演唱會的心得 以及由GagaOOlala出品的台泰合作BL劇 《彈一場完美戀愛》記者會+首映會主持心得&前四集觀影心得 ⭐本集訪問部分為全泰文,有逐段中文翻譯,歡迎大家多多分享收聽⭐ Hi! I'…
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過年大魚大肉,棒免出來好難受? 交給 FutureSalad 全清高纖新沙拉飲✨ 純天然蔬果製成 無藥性成分好安心 一包含有5.7g膳食纖維能促進腸道蠕動 6到12小時順暢排空!輕輕鬆鬆 一次全清💩 連假不斷貨‼️屈臣氏實體門市販售中 Momo快速到貨 https://fstry.pse.is/73hqsq —— 以上為 FMTaiwan 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 今天來到節目當中的是 超有才華的泰國雙人組合LUSS💥 他們的音樂既有趣又豐富 在各國都吸引許多忠實的樂迷 LUSS即將在今年九月發行新專輯 'Is there anything on the Moon?' 近期也陸續釋出許多精彩單曲 最新發表的是和泰國音樂人TangBadVoice 合作的'Pao Yin…
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你在忙碌的生活中,找不到時間閱讀?前往台灣最受歡迎的 Podcast 說書節目「下一本讀什麼」,每週認識兩本好書,快速吸收好書精華。主題包含個人成長、投資理財、商業職場。一起透過閱讀,成為更好的自己。 https://fstry.pse.is/73c53s —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 今天來到節目當中的是James Alyn🎤 在超人氣組合HYBS結束之後 兩位成員都回歸自我,繼續創作好聽的音樂 James Alyn這次帶來新單曲Now and Ever🎶 歌曲表達了想珍惜對方與當下的美好心意 拍攝MV的過程也是相當精彩(例如打耳光的部分 趕快來聽聽我和Alyn聊天吧~~~ ⭐本集有逐段中文翻譯 歡迎大家多多分享收聽⭐ Hi! I'm Amy, a podca…
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這次要跟大家介紹《迷宮中的盲眼蚯蚓🪱》 故事看似在描述一對姐妹及一個男孩 他們之間糾葛的情感愛恨💔 實際上卻隱隱影射泰國的政治狀況 作者威拉蓬女士更以此本作品 獲得了東南亞國協文學獎🖋️ 而最近聯經出版社出版了中文版 本集非常榮幸能夠邀請到中文版譯者 也是大家都非常熟悉的「泰譯聞」版主🙋‍♂️梁震牧 一起來聊聊他眼中的威拉蓬女士 以及在翻譯這本書的過程中激發的思考 這集真的含金量很高!快點擊收聽吧~~~ 📖 📖 📖 📖 📖 📖 📖 📖 ⚡ 迷宮中的盲眼蚯蚓 ⚡ 🌟《迷宮中的盲眼蚯蚓》介紹 https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010990704 🌟威拉蓬.尼迪巴帕@Facebook https://www.facebook.com/veeraporn.niti…
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Did you know that 黃華揚 Huang Hua Yang is the top Freediver in Asia and #5 worldwide! Let's meet the man who went from Farmer to Freediving champ! Follow Hua Yang: https://www.instagram.com/huayangfreedive/ Best CPA in Taiwan: https://bit.ly/m/Referral (Use this link for the best deal)由Eddy LIVE
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Discover the inspiring story of one man’s journey around the entire island of Taiwan on foot, facing breathtaking landscapes and incredible challenges in his ultra marathon adventure.one equally well. Best accountant in Taiwan https://bit.ly/m/Referral (Use this link for the best deal)由Eddy LIVE
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第一個結合「真實犯罪」與「推理小說」的podcast節目。 喜歡聽真實犯罪故事以及喜歡閱讀推理小說的你,千萬別錯過。 即刻開始進入「惡之根」的世界,讓我們一起研究犯罪,遠離犯罪吧! https://fstry.pse.is/73hpn7 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 好~久~不~見~大家最近過得好嗎👋 這次要跟大家隆重介紹一本追星族讀了會超有感 嗑泰腐CP上癮的人讀了更超有共鳴的小說 張維中《划船去摘星🛶》 本書講的是專業追星戶與不追星男孩的相遇👬 更討論到同性婚姻、偶像文化等議題 感受純愛故事的同時又能激發對於「追星」的思考 維中老師因為踏入泰坑而喜歡上YinWar 更以自己追泰星的過程為靈感融入故事 這次我們除了介紹書中情節與角色 也分享許多追星人的心路歷程…
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How one couple successfully Homeschooled 4 successful and amazing kids in Taiwan! 🔥 Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ➡️ https://a.co/d/idBrncc ⭐️Join the Eddy’s VIP Club for to keep up to date on all things Eddy Here: ➡️ https://www.eddys.vip/ 🔥 Edit your short and long-form content the EASY way here:! ➡️ https://store.cont…
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Join us as we follow a German student immersing himself in the rich and vibrant culture of Taiwan. Lisa Erschow is a multilingual student that is closing in on 1 year in Taiwan. She has been a Radio guest, podcast guest, Intercultural speaker, model and more in Taiwan! Join me as we dive into what brought her to Taiwan and how she has achieved such…
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Growing up in the famous lineage of Chiang Kai - Shek in Taiwan must have been a very cool and unique experience. Andrew is the great grandson of CKS and he is a long time customer of Eddy's Cantina and we have always had great chats. So tonight we are lucky to interview him about his life and upbringing in Taiwan.…
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Pro B-ball in Taiwan is on the rise and Taiwan is showing love to not only the local talent but the import players as well. Meet Michael Efevberha aka #XinchuKobe while he shares his journey from the begining to ending up in Taiwan with his family playing hoops all along th由Eddy LIVE
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Meet SkullyOSkully, an up-and-coming Caribbean musician making his mark in Taiwan! Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ️ https://a.co/d/idBrncc ️Join the Eddy’s VIP Club to keep up to date on all things Eddy Here: ️ https://www.eddys.vip/ This video is NOT sponsored. Some product links are affiliate links which means if you bu…
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The incredible journey of a Polish man who transitioned from being a UFC fighter to serving in law enforcement and then coming to Taiwan. Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ️ https://a.co/d/idBrncc ️Join the Eddy’s VIP Club to keep up to date on all things Eddy Here: ️ https://www.eddys.vip/ This video is NOT sponsored. Some …
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How one man successfully reversed his health issues by adopting a carnivore diet. 🔥 Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ➡️ https://a.co/d/idBrncc ⭐️Join the Eddy’s VIP Club for to keep up to date on all things Eddy Here: ➡️ https://www.eddys.vip/ This video is NOT sponsored. Some product links are affiliate links which means i…
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In this video, we dive into the current state of the music industry in Taiwan. From the rise of indie artists to the impact of streaming platforms, we explore how Taiwanese musicians are navigating the ever-changing landscape. Join us as we uncover the unique trends and challenges faced by musicians in Taiwan and shed light on the vibrant music sce…
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Don't miss the action-packed highlights and exclusive interviews from the Tapout Island: No Gi Sub-Only Tournament that recently took Taipei by storm! Watch as the best grapplers in the region compete for glory in this adrenaline-fueled event. From jaw-dropping submissions to heart-stopping moments, this tournament had it all. Join us as we take yo…
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🔥 Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ➡️ https://a.co/d/idBrncc In this video, we delve into the world of podcasting in Taiwan and explore the possibility of 2024 being the year that podcasts finally go mainstream in the country. With the popularity of podcasts on the rise globally, Taiwan's podcasting scene is also experienci…
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The Taiwanica Podcast is where a Taiwanese and American couple come together to share their insights of Taiwan from the USA. IG;https://www.instagram.com/taiwanicapo... Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ️ https://a.co/d/idBrncc ️Join the Eddy’s VIP Club to keep up to date on all things Eddy Here: ️ https://www.eddys.vip/ Thi…
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🔥 Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ➡️ https://a.co/d/idBrncc We review the shocking events that unfolded during a Muay Thai event where a Brazilian fighter was robbed of victory. Join us as we provide a live fight review of the controversial match and hear from the fighter himself in an exclusive interview. Tune in to hear …
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In this inspiring video, follow along with an American fighter as he embarks on a transformative journey through the world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Taiwan. 🔥 Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ➡️ https://a.co/d/idBrncc Discover how the practice of BJJ not only improved his physical skills but also transformed his perspective…
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Join us for an exclusive interview with Adam McMillan, the Director of The Center, Tianmu's premier community hub for English-speaking expats in Taiwan. Delve into the fascinating journey of leading this vital organization, providing support and resources to newcomers in Tianmu. From organizing events to fostering cultural exchange, discover how Th…
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Join us as we sit down with Serg. The Dreamer, a talented pop/rock artist and English teacher originally from Saint-Petersburg, Russia, now residing in Taiwan. In this captivating interview, Serg shares his remarkable journey of recording a music album in Taiwan, his experiences busking in the vibrant streets of Taiwan, and the profound impact of l…
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Join Eddy as he dives into an extraordinary journey with our special guest, who left Russia to follow his heart to Taiwan. In this exclusive interview, we explore the captivating love story that began in the USA and blossomed in Taiwan, the cultural shocks and exchanges between Russian, American, and Taiwanese ways of life, and the unique challenge…
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Meet Sonia and Kiana King, sisters embracing their Taiwanese-American roots. Kiana, an aspiring singer, will serenade us, while Sonia shares insights from her studies in TW, HK, and the USA. Join us for a heartfelt chat about their bicultural upbringing. Subscribe now at www.eddy.live for this musical and enlightening journey!" Follow Kiana on Spot…
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Tune into the Eddy Live Podcast for an enlightening conversation with John Eastwood, an American lawyer making waves in Taiwan's legal scene. Uncover the peculiarities of high-profile cases like Body Worlds, and get insider tips on navigating Taiwan's business and legal landscape. From cultural quirks to essential legal advice, this episode is pack…
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踏入拳擊擂台,與艾迪一同訪問台灣崛起的拳擊之星鍾「鐵肺」佳堯。從他多元化的背景到最近引人注目的比賽,揭示一位年輕運動員走向職業拳擊的故事。訂閱以獲取更多有關台灣領軍人物的內容,全部都來自艾迪的墨西哥餐廳! Step into the ring with Eddy as we interview Chung 'Iron Breath' Jia Yao, Taiwan's rising boxing star. From his multi-faceted background to his recent standout fight, uncover the story of a young athlete's journey to professional boxing. Subscribe…
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Join us in an exclusive interview with an extraordinary MMA fighter and BJJ black belt who's making waves in Taiwan's combat sports scene. Originally from Brazil, our guest shares his inspiring journey of transitioning from the vibrant Brazilian MMA culture to the rapidly growing Taiwanese arena. In this deep dive, we explore his unique experiences…
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Dive into the ever-evolving realm of web development with a Dragon's Chamber finalist in this special episode of Eddy LIVE Podcast feat. Julien Ferard Join us as we uncover the evolution of web development, exploring the unique experiences and insights of our esteemed guest. From participation in the Dragons Chamber to the latest industry trends, t…
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Dive deep into the world of cryptocurrency with the insightful Full Value Dan! Join us as we explore the latest trends, NFTs, and the regulatory landscape that defines the crypto space. Full Value Dan shares his top picks in the crypto projects realm provides expert advice on risk management, and discusses the impact of decentralization on traditio…
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Join us in celebrating two years of incredible content creation with Lukas in Taiwan! In this exclusive interview, we dive deep into Lukas' journey from a challenging job loss to becoming a full-time YouTube sensation. Discover the evolution of his content, the secrets behind captivating thumbnails, and the crucial elements that make a video truly …
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Step into the world of punches, passion, and pure excitement as we sit down with First Drop CEO, Peter Hung, in an exclusive interview that unveils the inspiration behind Taiwan's premier boxing association. Discover what sets First Drop apart from the rest in Taiwan and Asia, and get an insider's perspective on the upcoming event – from fighter se…
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Welcome to another episode of "Eddy Live Podcast!" In this session, we're delving into the captivating world of health, fitness, and success with the extraordinary Alex Hoffmann. Join us as we unravel the secrets to Alex's impressive physique and thriving career, exploring everything from his morning rituals that set the tone for success to the uni…
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Join us for a flavor-packed journey at Eddy's Cantina! In this exclusive YouTube interview, Eddy, the co-founder, and his wife spill the beans on the challenges and triumphs of bringing authentic Mexican cuisine to Taiwan. From the spicy beginnings of their restaurant venture to the art of balancing marriage and business, discover the secret ingred…
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Join us in this episode as Tim, our guest, shares the inspiring journey of leaving the old-school corporate world to launch his podcast, 白大象的盒子 (The White Elephant's Box). Key Moments: Breaking Chains: Tim's bold move from corporate norms. Unveiling Perspectives: Discover the essence of his no-limits podcast. Triumphs & Challenges: Navigating the u…
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Embark on the heartwarming journey of Esjae and Tivamile, an inspiring intercultural couple navigating marriage, parenthood, and their new podcast! Discover their secrets to balancing love and laughter, blending cultures into their content, and finding inspiration for your journey. Join us for laughter-filled moments, behind-the-scenes stories, and…
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