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華人權益促進會全新每月錄音節目將會聚焦三藩市灣區,關注華人移民社區議題。通過與各方社會人士及專家對談,以社區視角出發,談論話題包括華促會核心項目及相關議題的最新資訊,例如移民權益,經濟正義,語言正義及社區正義及其他議題。 節目主要以廣東話及國語為主。 Each month, Chinese for Affirmative Action’s audio workshop series covers issues that impact Chinese-speaking immigrant communities in the San Francisco Bay Area. Through community conversations and interviews with area experts, we explore different community perspectives and connect people with key resources on CAA’s core issue areas such as immigrant rights, economi ...
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Hi,我是彩虹咖娜🌈 目前是IET ®大天使綜合能量療癒師、Access bars®執行師、身體程序執行師、天使牌卡解讀師、擴大療癒法一階教師,也是一位部落客~正在開發自己∞的可能性! 開始Podcast是因為近期開始想透過聲音陪伴自己以及大家,聊聊身心靈,以及自己開始探索未知&靈修日記✨ 各種人生遇到的酸甜苦澀都來分享~ 讓我們一起成長、一起揚升吧🦄✨ 🎙獨角獸療心室: 每個人都像獨角獸,有著獨一無二的經歷,也有著獨一無二的美麗,讓我們一起活出內在的光,散播彩虹光給整個地球和宇宙吧!。 🎙主持人:彩虹咖娜 💖請我喝咖啡,祝福彼此豐盛喜悅~創造美好的流動吧!: 💛 IG:rainbow.kana 💙FB: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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两类人喜欢去 Two kinds of people would be super fan 上班族压力大的人 the employees who sit in the office and suffer from heave workload 让疲倦消失 let the fatigues gone from their life 成里长大的年轻人 the young adults who are used to the city life
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理想的房子就在郊区 My dream house would certainly be on the suburb ‘ 慢节奏生活适合我 the slow pace of life would be right for me 太吵闹了 I mean that would be too crowed and noisy in my mind 房价是另外考虑的因素 the price is another reason that I have to think about
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