Welcome to 'Alternative Fitness Facts' podcast. Each day your hosts, John & Alexandrea Breski reveal diet and fitness misconceptions and mainstream lies. They will share stories of people that were at one point lied to and misguided by mainstream diets but eventually got on track with this fit couples guidance. In less than 10 minutes per day, you will find out how to separate the truth from the lies and become your vision. Learn the truth in an industry filled with lies.
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10000 calories in 1 day...? Is it possible and what are the consequences of attempting something so fullish... I mean... foolish?由Discover the Truth In an Industry Filled with Lies
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How long do you think you have to workout to burn off ....Trail MixOreosNaked JuiceApples Bananas Let's find out...由Discover the Truth In an Industry Filled with Lies
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What these professors have to say is astonishing.由Discover the Truth In an Industry Filled with Lies
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Are there really any benefits to Intermittent Fasting? We're getting to the bottom of this... today!由Discover the Truth In an Industry Filled with Lies
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Everyone talks about clean eating or healthy eating as the solution to changing what they see when they look in the mirror... Does that work?由Discover the Truth In an Industry Filled with Lies
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The struggle is real. Why is it so different...?由Discover the Truth In an Industry Filled with Lies
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There are some big advantages to being a bigger person… If you implement the right things you’re literally starting at a better spot than anyone else!由Discover the Truth In an Industry Filled with Lies
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There is one real issue with high sugar foods and it might not be what you think... Are we going to stop eating them... and should you?由Discover the Truth In an Industry Filled with Lies
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My wife was lying on the floor… eyes rolled in the back of her head. I was seconds away from calling 911…由Discover the Truth In an Industry Filled with Lies
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The 2 main reasons diets don’t work.由Discover the Truth In an Industry Filled with Lies
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A bad habit & tendency amongst dieters especially females… and sometimes males is thinking less is more. If I eat less meals that’s better… If I eat less food that’s better… Less… Less … Less until your body doesn’t know how to handle anything more than nothing… Scary right?由Discover the Truth In an Industry Filled with Lies
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