Just hanging out and talking about trending topics.
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Our Curious Amalgam explores topics in antitrust, competition, consumer protection, data protection, and privacy law around the world with leading experts in those areas. It is an amalgam because it is a group of diverse topics all in one place. It is curious because it gets the experts and asks them in-depth questions.
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A podcast brought to you by those goofballs from Nerds Amalgamated, for nerds by nerds about nerd pop-culture news. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Plateforme multimédia dédiée aux jeux vidéo. Emission de radio, Web-TV. Actu JV, jeux indé, e-Sport, chroniques, rétro...
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Amalgam Is a Podcast Focusing on Creatives and Entrepreneurs.
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Podcast tema 1
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6 amigas que se conectan a través de experiencias e ideas, construyéndose unas a otras y a las que puedan escuchar mientras evolucionamos con el mundo.
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Winner of The Grassroots Production of the Year Award #AudibleAPA2019 2020 British Podcast Awards Nominee - Best Sex & Relationships Podcast - Amplifying the voices of Muslim women
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Welcome to the Colombia podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by rawpixel on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@rawpixel
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1257 Amalienborg - podcasten, der tager monarkiet alvorligt. Vi går både nysgerrig og kritisk til kongehuset som konstitutionel kerne i Danmark. Vi dækker de vigtigste begivenheder og tendenser: Fra statsbesøg over nytårstalen og sociale medier til betydningen for erhvervslivet. Udkommer hver fjerde uge. Vært: Jakob Steen Olsen.
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For school project Cover art photo provided by Daniel Olah on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@danesduet
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Life changes understanding the concepts of minD
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Welcome to the Amala Rose podcast! A journey of Self discovery
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Indonesian Interista
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Welcome to Christine Amala Hayes, where amazing things happen. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/christine-amala-hayes/support
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Pessoas e ideias entre fados. Com António Vieira, na Rádio Amália.
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En podcast om at være elev på Skovbo Efterskole med alt hvad det indebærer.
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Amaly Legacy is a podcast that offers perspectives at the nexus of philanthropy, impact investments, and social and environmental innovation. We offer insights on unlocking funds across donations, grants, debt, equity and innovative finance.
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Amalthea bokkafé är en bokhandel och mötesplats. Vi är en del av Malmös utomparlamentariska vänster och vill erbjuda en plats för samtal, bildning och kultur. Du kan lyssna på (nästan) alla våra föredrag på vår pod.
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Music. Meditation. Yoga. Eastern Philosophy. Good vibe. Good sense. And more! With Amala Purana Das former student monk and motivational speaker. Amala’s life mission is to share his journey in life with others and to help others rediscover their inner spiritual nature. Tune in. Turn off. And enjoy the transcendental flow.
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"Mal Amal" [Arabic for What to Do?] documents the daily struggles of migrant and local workers. Available in English and Arabic (on a separate podcast feed). Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Podcast ini tentang aku, kamu, dia dan kita. Tentang berbagi agar menjadi lebih baik dan bermakna. Agar hidup menjadi manusia seutuhnya yang manfaatnya mendunia, dan bukan hanya sekadar hidup. Semoga memberi makna atas setiap kata yg terdengar. Semoga berkesan di hati pendengar ☺
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In de nieuwe podcastserie 'Van Oranje: van Willem tot Amalia' nemen presentator Kevin Goes en koningshuisverslaggever Jeroen Schmale luisteraars mee door de geschiedenis van de Oranje-dynastie aan de hand van bepalende figuren. Het tweede seizoen gaat over de stadhouders: van Maurits tot Willem Batavus en alles daar tussenin.
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Rádio Amália - La Hora del Flamenco
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Al-Quran Tadabbur Wa Amal-Juz-29
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Winner of The Grassroots Production of the Year Award #AudibleAPA20192020 British Podcast Awards Nominee - Best Sex & Relationships Podcast-Amplifying the voices of Muslim women Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/amaliah-the-podcast. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Visitanos: https://twitter.com/canunnino; www.ninocanun.blogspot.com; www.facebook.com/NinoCanunSerrano
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choti si zindgi with Amal may hum zindgi ki choti choti khusyuo ku talash kernay ki aik choti si koish kary gay.aur jany gay koish ahkekat may hoti kiya ha. Cover art photo provided by sickk vibes on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@sickk_vibes
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Ini adalah silsilah kajian islam dengan tema Silsilah Amalan Hati dan Penyakit Hati yang di isi oleh Al Ustadz Firanda Andirja Hafidzahullahu ta'ala. Semoga ini membantu kita untuk memperbaiki hati kita.
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ⴰⵎⴰⵍⴰⵙ - AMALAS - أملاس ⴰⵀⵉⵍ ⵉⵜⵜⵓⵜⵍⴰⵢ ⴰⴼ ⵢⵉⵏⴻⵖⵎⵉⵙⴻⵏ ⵏ ⵜⵙⴻⵔⵜⵉⵜ ⴷ ⵜⴷⴻⵎⵙⴰ ⴷⴳ ⵍⵉⴱⵢⴰ, ⵢⴻⵍⵍⴰ ⴷⵉⵙⵡⴻⵏ ⴷ ⴰⴽ ⵏⵉⵎⴻⵍ ⵢⴰⵍ ⵎⴻⵜⵜⴰ ⵢⴻⵍⵍⴰ. ⵉⵛⴰ ⵏ ⵟⴰⵀⴰ ⴰⵎⴻⵏⵚⵓⵔⵉ برنامج إخباري أسبوعي يَرصدُ أهم التطورات والأحداث السياسية والاقتصادية والخدمية وما يُدور حولها وَيُوَافِيكم بِتفاصيل الخبر. ⵉⵛⴰ ⴷ ⵜⵉⵔⴰ - ⵟⴰⵀⴰ ⴰⵎⴻⵏⵚⵓⵔⵉ إعداد تقديم : طه أمنصوري ⵍⵉⴱⵢⴰ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ - Libya Tamazight - ليبيا تمازيغت 95.1 FM ⵍⵉⴱⵢⴰ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ ⵉⵥⵓⵔⴰⵏ ⴷ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⴳⵉⵜ ليبيا تمازيغت جذور و هوية #أملاس #ⴰⵎⴰⵍⴰⵙ #AMALAS #libya_tamazight #ⵍⵉⴱⵢⴰ_ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ #ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵜ
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Emergency Medicine’s #1 Journal Publication: Clinical advances and trends from the most trusted emergency medical news source in emergency medicine.
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Previously known as "BRC & Friends" for many, many years, it is shifting to "The Amalgamation" in order to level up the content and production value. Launch of the The Amalgamation Podcast, Spring 2025. https://theamalgamation.substack.com?utm_medium=podcast (theamalgamation.substack.com)
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Amal talks about Youth and other topics that interest them in this thought provoking series of Podcasts. Conversations are in Arabic about topics that matter to women, parents and youth in the Arab world. I will interview adults and youth from all across the Arab world in conversations to share their experiences with us. I want to talk about topics that are important to youth and don't usually have the chance to talk to anyone about. We will be talking in Arabic and it's an opportunity for y ...
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Am 2. September 2004 brennt die Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek in Weimar. Mehr als 50.000 unschätzbar wertvolle Bücher verbrennen, mehr als doppelt so viele werden zum Teil schwer beschädigt. Der 5-teilige Storytelling-Podcast erzählt die Geschichte des Brandes aus der Perspektive der engagierten Menschen, die die Bibliothek gerettet haben.
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Programa dedicado a los pueblos Originarios de América: Música, entrevistas a personajes de la cultura originaria, tradiciones, la Pachamama, mitos, leyendas, ... Con la acertada conducción de la Licenciada Amalia Vargas y la colaboración de radio Túpac (Argentina). Todos los viernes a las: 10h00 (hora de Perú, Ecuador, Panamá y Colombia) 11h00 (hora de Bolivia y Chile) 12h00 (hora de Argentina) 16h00 (Europa / invierno) 17h00 (Europa / verano VIA MALKI Radio - www.malkiradio.com
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Scrub Your Celebrity History, UK Government Shutting Down Online Games and World First Human Brain Computer
Should celebrities watch what they say? The latest controversy has come out after Emilia Perez was torpedoed by a castmember's comments. And why not hold them to the same standards most of us are? Urban Dead, one of the longest running zombie MMOs, is being shut down due to the new Online Safety Act in the UK. While it's sad to see something with s…
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A UK fitness influencer is going viral after announcing that her women’s only gym will only be open to females. Now she’s being accused of transphobia and people who donated to her gofundme are demanding refunds. Let’s talk about it. Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/AmalaEkpunobi Watch or Listen on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3LNbCV1 Apple Po…
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Netflix’s ‘Love Is Blind’ dating show just finished its 8th season and one couple, Ben and Sara, is going viral for breaking up over politics. Ben was a Christian who claimed not to have a stance on gay marriage or BLM, leading Sara, who has a gay sister, to leave him at the altar. Is she wrong, is he wrong, or did they end up at the right decision…
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#316 Does Taking Control of Your Health Mean Losing Control of Your Data? The Privacy Risks of Healthcare Apps
Millions of us use mobile apps to help manage our physical and mental health and wellbeing. How well does existing law protect the private health data collected by these apps? In this episode, hosts Alicia Downey and Kelsey Paine talk to privacy and cybersecurity law expert David Turetsky about the issues posed by healthcare apps that collect sensi…
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Is having kids selfish because they’ll have to suffer through living in America? Can a stuffed animal disprove the gender binary? Should you feel “existential dread” when your boss asks you what you did this week at work? We’ll answer these questions and more on this week’s roundup of woke TikTok madness. Sorry about the audio again we’ll fix it fo…
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President Trump gave his address to a joint session of Congress last night, laying out his administration’s accomplishments thus far and setting the course for the future. Meanwhile, the Democrats absolutely embarrassed themselves by acting like petulant children throughout his speech, and things certainly didn’t get any better in the leftist media…
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In part two we go deeper down the rabbit hole and discover that Piper Rockelle is just one of many underage influencers caught up in this web of online exploitation. We also look into who is facilitating these issues and uncover a lawsuit involving another minor who was allegedly groomed into having "suggestive" content sold on an entirely differen…
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Balatro has been rerated after an appeal to PEGI. Now teenagers can legally play it. Amazon now has full control over James Bond. They promise there won't be any TV shows, but it remains to be seen what they'll do with the narrative problems the last movie left them. A company plans to release genetically modified mosquitos in Australia to control …
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I watched the Oscars last night so you don’t have to! We had an indigenous land acknowledgement, honoring of the sex worker community, a surprisingly wholesome speech, and plenty of woke and awkward moments. Let’s talk about it. Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/AmalaEkpunobi Watch or Listen on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3LNbCV1 Apple Podcast…
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#315 Are You In or Are You Out? Using Economics to Identify and Quantify Potential Class Members
Private class action lawsuits play a significant role in the vindication and development of U.S. antitrust law. But what are attorneys and courts to do when they know there's an injured class, but are not quite sure who's in it and who's not? Tram Nguyen, Ph.D., an economist and Managing Principal at Edgeworth Economics, joins Alicia Downey and Mat…
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A CNN panel started calling Trump a dictator, claiming he is “shredding” the Constitution for “taking over the military” and doing the job he was elected to do. Luckily, Scott Jennings was there to set them straight, leaving them speechless with some simple and calm questions. Let’s watch and react. Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/AmalaEkp…
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Negotiations between the U.S. and Ukraine just exploded on live TV as President Trump and Vice President J.D. Vance got into a heated exchange with Ukranian president Volodymyr Zelensky. Let’s watch and react. Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/AmalaEkpunobi Watch or Listen on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3LNbCV1 Apple Podcasts : https://apple.c…
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I started investigating some drama involving an influencer who is a minor collaborating with “Only Friends” creators at what’s known as “The Bop House.” But I ended up discovering something far more sinister than I ever imagined. Let’s get into it. Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/AmalaEkpunobi Watch or Listen on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3…
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An influencer is opening a women’s only gym in London, but some men are saying it’s doomed to fail because women only want to go to the gym for male attention. Meanwhile, the gym owner says women need refuge from male harassment. Who’s right? Let’s talk about it. Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/AmalaEkpunobi Watch or Listen on Spotify: htt…
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MSNBC has canceled the show of leftist pundit Joy Reid. I’ve reacted to Joy’s awful takes many a time on this channel, so let’s look at some of her lowlights and react to her tearful announcement video. Join the Club: https://www.patreon.com/AmalaEkpunobi Watch or Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3Zq6iX6bOQtNkcX9zlTa4G?si=536db43b19…
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Seventeen Magazine has done a cover feature on Zaya Wade, the 17-year-old trans child of NBA star Dwayne Wade and stepchild of actress Gabrielle Union, to gush about his experience as a trans person. The magazine is pedestalizing him as an inspiration for trans youth not long after his parents won an award for their trans advocacy on his behalf. Be…
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As conservatives get more involved in cultural conversations, leftists are accusing us of creating an alt-right pipeline. If you’ve listened to Candace talk about Blake Lively, watched a UFC fight, or liked a post from a conservative account, you’re on the pipeline right now… Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/AmalaEkpunobi Watch or Listen on…
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#314 A New Era for Private Antitrust Litigation in China? Impact of the June 2024 Judicial Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court
Private antitrust litigation has long been part of the landscape in China. What will be the impact of the Supreme People's Court latest judicial interpretation on the issue? Susan (Xuanfeng) Ning, lawyer at King & Wood Mallesons in Beijing, joins Matthew Hall and Anora Wang to discuss the background to the judicial interpretation and its likely con…
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Actor Hunter Schafer recently posted an 8 minute video after receiving a new passport with a “Male” biological sex marker. Let’s watch and react. Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/AmalaEkpunobi Watch or Listen on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3LNbCV1 Apple Podcasts : https://apple.co/48k9yNU Follow Me on Social Media: Instagram: https://www.inst…
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The Trump administration has begun downsizing the government, which of course means layoffs. Some sad stories of people losing their jobs are going viral, with many leftists crying and lashing out against Trump and Elon Musk. But is there logic behind the tears? Let’s talk about it. Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/AmalaEkpunobi Watch or Li…
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This week we interviewed Issac Fox of Astral Ticket Comics. Astral Tickets Comics Website - https://www.foxxycomics.com/ Youtube - Astral Ticket Comics - YouTube Facebook - ATFoxxyComics Instagram - Izumi Fox (@atfoxxycomics) • Instagram photos and videos X - https://x.com/ATFoxxyComics/ Kickstarter - https://www.kickstarter.com/profile/1784220658/…
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Michael Knowles went head to head with three trans women defending his stance on trans issues. Let's watch!Join the Club: https://www.patreon.com/AmalaEkpunobi Watch or Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3Zq6iX6bOQtNkcX9zlTa4G?si=536db43b1988481e Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/unapologetic-with-amala/id151934716…
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On Valentine’s Day conservative influencer Ashley St. Clair announced on X that she has become Elon Musk‘s 13th baby mama, but he's yet to confirm this publicly. Let’s discuss. Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/AmalaEkpunobi Watch or Listen on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3LNbCV1 Apple Podcasts : https://apple.co/48k9yNU Follow Me on Social Med…
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60 Minutes followed German police on a raid of a person’s home after they posted a meme online. Meanwhile, German officials are outraged and distraught over Vice President JD Vance’s speech challenging them to protect free speech. Let’s talk about it. Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/AmalaEkpunobi Watch or Listen on Spotify: https://spoti.f…
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TikTok is still kicking so today I’m reacting to woke tiktoks. We’ll be discussing befriending white people, skinny discrimination, whether men experience pain, and more. Let’s get into it! Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/AmalaEkpunobi Watch or Listen on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3LNbCV1 Apple Podcasts : https://apple.co/48k9yNU Follow Me …
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When it comes to your health, having digitized information available for seamless sharing across multiple healthcare providers and other stakeholders -- including patients themselves -- is a clear benefit. But can certain actors disrupt the goal of interoperability? David Schwartz, a healthcare-focused antitrust lawyer, joins Jeny Maier and Matt Ta…
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As the Trump administration tackles the issues of mass migration, censorship, and woke ideology in the U.S., Vice President J.D. Vance took European leaders to task for allowing their countries to be plagued by the same issues in an epic speech that’s now going viral. Let’s watch and react! Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/AmalaEkpunobi Wat…
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"Healthy” soda brand Poppi sent influencers vending machines in a marketing stunt that did go viral, but not for the reasons they intended. Now the brand has apologized, but people are still letting them have it while their biggest competitor has even joined the pile on. Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/AmalaEkpunobi Watch or Listen on Spot…
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Worcester became the first trans sanctuary city in America and there was a crazy city council meeting to make it happen. Let's react! Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/AmalaEkpunobi Watch or Listen on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3LNbCV1 Apple Podcasts : https://apple.co/48k9yNU Follow Me on Social Media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/th…
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Nike’s 2025 Super Bowl ad was all about supporting women, when they’ve loudly opposed the safety of women’s spaces and the integrity of their sports for years now. I’m calling them out. Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/AmalaEkpunobi Watch or Listen on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3LNbCV1 Apple Podcasts : https://apple.co/48k9yNU Follow Me on S…
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The US Copyright Office has decided that at this time, generative AI doesn't deserve copyright. We've got a small chance of a massive asteroid hitting Earth in 2032. The good news is NASA already has an astronaut who was a driller. There's been a disappointing update to the Stop Killing Games campaign with the UK rejecting changes to the law. This …
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Kendrick Lamar got the halftime spot at this year’s Super Bowl, but a lot of people walked away from the show with differing conclusions. Leftists see critiques of the American system. Conservatives couldn’t hear him??? Let’s explain what went down. Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/AmalaEkpunobi Watch or Listen on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/…
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#312 What New Direction Will Europe Take? New Ideas and New Leadership at the European Commission
How is the European Commission rethinking its approach to competition policy and enforcement as new leadership takes the helm, including the appointment of Spain's Teresa Ribera as the European Commissioner for Competition? Alicia Downey and Subrata Bhattacharjee talk to John Davies, Senior Advisor at the Brunswick Group, about the changing landsca…
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Donald Trump signed an executive order barring men from competing in women’s sports. This is a massive victory for women, but not everyone is happy about it. Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/AmalaEkpunobi Watch or Listen on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3LNbCV1 Apple Podcasts : https://apple.co/48k9yNU Follow Me on Social Media: Instagram: http…
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Suzanne Lambert is a TikTok influencer and self-described “Regina George” of the left who’s going viral for bullying Republican women online. Is she the savior the left needs right now, or doing more harm than good? Let’s talk about it. Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/AmalaEkpunobi Watch or Listen on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3LNbCV1 Apple…
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Counterfeit Alpha Pokemon Cards, Tariffs Coming For Your Comics And The End of Credit Card Numbers
CGC Cards has been accused of selling fake Pokemon alpha playtest cards signed by Takumi Akabane. Who is behind this devious act, and what are the implications for TCG collectors? Trump's tariffs on Canada could cause the price of comics to jump by 25%. Will this push independent comics out of business or create a new opportunity? In the next few y…
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Texas Representative Jasmine Crockett has made a habit out of spouting nonsense on television, at rallies, and on Capitol Hill. Most recently she ranted against “mediocre white men” on CNN and said she’s tired of “white tears.” She’s got a lot to say. It’s time to say something back. Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/AmalaEkpunobi Watch or L…
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The Democratic Party just elected new leadership, and the proceedings included a gender pronouns chart, talking about systemic racism, a Native American land acknowledgement, and a candidate randomly bursting into song? They appear to have learned absolutely nothing from being trounced in the 2024 presidential election. Let’s talk about it. Become …
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Well it’s awards season again, meaning it’s time for celebrities to sound off on political causes at awards shows. Let’s react to some of the wokest moments at the 2025 Grammy Awards from Chappell Roan, Shakira, Lady Gaga, Janelle Monae, and more. Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/AmalaEkpunobi Watch or Listen on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3L…
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#311 What Will Happen to Competition Law Enforcement in Mexico? Implications of the November 2024 Reforms
The independent Mexican competition law regulator, COFECE, has been abolished and absorbed into the Ministry of Economics. What does this mean for merger control and competition law enforcement in Mexico? Lucia Ojeda Cárdenas, lawyer at SAI Law & Economics in Mexico City, joins Matthew Hall and Subrata Bhattacharjee to discuss this dramatic reform …
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Leftists are now sharing information online about combatting the initiatives of the Trump administration. Because they feel as though they are being censored, they are labeling their videos and posts on social media with the inconspicuous “#CuteWinterBoots” as they tackle topics from helping illegal immigrants to saving DEI. Let’s talk about it. Be…
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A Detroit rapper known as “Dank Demoss” is suing Lyft after a driver told her she was too big to fit in his car. Is she a victim of discrimination or delulu? Let’s talk about it. Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/AmalaEkpunobi Watch or Listen on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3LNbCV1 Apple Podcasts : https://apple.co/48k9yNU Follow Me on Social M…
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Actor Anthony Mackie has created a PR nightmare for Marvel after saying that Captain America doesn’t represent America. Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/AmalaEkpunobi Watch or Listen on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3LNbCV1 Apple Podcasts : https://apple.co/48k9yNU Follow Me on Social Media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theamalaekpunobi…
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Nintendo says emulation is legal, but what does that mean? Are they being hypocrites for going after Yuzu? Trump has announced Project Stargate to advance AI for the US government. What could they want with images of people with too many fingers? Anime studios in Japan have started using AI as a tweening tool to speed up production. What does this …
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Selena Gomez is all over the Internet after posting then deleting a video of herself crying over the deportation of “her people,” referring to illegal Mexican immigrants. Let’s watch and react. Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/AmalaEkpunobi Watch or Listen on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3LNbCV1 Apple Podcasts : https://apple.co/48k9yNU Follow…
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Rumors are swirling that former President Barack Obama is having an affair with Jennifer Aniston based on *ALLEGED* DMs from her friend. Had there been any signs to foretell this happening? What would the political implications of this be—if any? Let’s talk about it. Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/AmalaEkpunobi Watch or Listen on Spotify:…
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#310 What Do Enforcers Say? A Global Perspective on Antitrust Issues Involving Cloud Computing & Infrastructure
Regulators around the world have raised antitrust concerns over concentrated control of key inputs into AI development and deployment, with access to cloud computing as one area of focus. What are the key concerns and proposed actions? A panel of experts from Argentina, Brazil, and the U.S. speak with Koren Wong-Ervin and Anora Wang on thoughts on …
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It’s only been a few days of Trump’s second term and the Internet is already lit up with leftists losing their minds. Let’s watch and react! Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/AmalaEkpunobi Watch or Listen on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3LNbCV1 Apple Podcasts : https://apple.co/48k9yNU Follow Me on Social Media: Instagram: https://www.instagram…
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Donald Trump has officially been inaugurated as the 47th President of the United States. Let’s react to all the trending topics from the ceremony, the new policies enacted, and of course, the leftist meltdowns. Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/AmalaEkpunobi Watch or Listen on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3LNbCV1 Apple Podcasts : https://apple.…
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Why Games Are So Expensive To Make, Retraining Your Tastebuds and How Harrison Ford Got Blade Runner
AAA games are getting so expensive to make that companies have started marketing them as AAAA games. Despite this, games haven't really increased in price. But who's responsible for spending so much money? You can retrain your tastebuds to like a food that you hate. Will this finally end the war over pineapple on pizza? Harrison Ford wasn't always …
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