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show episodes
Aimed at owners of small and micro recruitment firms who want to scale their businesses. You can see the range of topics we cover - all aimed at making it easier for you to create a business that gives you the income, freedom and wealth you seek. Check out the live show every other Thursday at 12:30 on LinkedIn and YouTube.
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À MESA com Enoque Francisco!

Seja bem-vindo ao meu podcast! Meu desejo é sentar à mesa com você, partilhando minha vida e meu coração. Então, a mesa está posta e arrumada, vamos partilhar a vida! Support this podcast:
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Life’s a mess. To embrace this, a couple of buddies come together to dissect all of the messes they can in order to better understand the never ending and mind boggling puzzle of life. Sit back, chill and continue the conversation with others. Without further ado, a mess is...
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Listen to the latest Ames High games. You can listen to these games LIVE on the radio on 1430 KASI or use this link to listen to them on the free iHeartRadio app:
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Betty Brochet

Podcast A.M.E.S, le podcast des médiums énergéticiennes subtiles. Je suis Betty Brochet et accompagnatrice et formatrice en énergie subtile. Médium et énergéticienne, j'accompagne chaque année des centaines de personnes à développer leur potentiel médiumnique et énergétique. Chaque humain, sur cette Terre, a en lui cette source incroyable de connexion au monde invisible. Ce n'est ni un don ni réservé à une certaine catégorie de personnes. Être médium énergéticienne est juste un potentiel à d ...
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KAIROS - Hope Ames

Lutheran Church of Hope Ames

Kairos for college students meets Wednesdays at 8:00 pm at The Link, 2712 Stange Rd. The goal of this weekly meet-up is to give college students (believers and non-believers alike) in Ames a spiritually safe place to explore Christianity, and discover the joy of living in God’s unconditional love. ALL students are welcome!
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Âmes soeurs

Productions Trait d’union

Une histoire d’amitié entre Ursulines et Augustines. Depuis leur arrivée au Canada en 1639, les Ursulines et les Augustines entretiennent des liens privilégiés. Cette série raconte, du point de vue des religieuses, l’histoire d’une amitié féminine au long cours, ponctuée d’épreuves et de réjouissances, marquée par l’entraide, l’humeur et l’affection.
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Hope Ames - Lutheran Church of Hope

Lutheran Church of Hope Ames

We believe that it's no accident that you're at this podcast. In fact, we've been praying for you! To find out more about Lutheran Church of Hope, please look through our history, our values and mission, feel free to visit us at
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show series
The image of the good shepherd brings up complicated feelings for me. I'll explain why - hoping everyone else sort of feels the same way. I don't have answers in this message. All I come with is a bunch of questions. I'll ask them and I'll try to answer them.1) Why does Jesus use this metaphor for himself in this particular setting? A lot to explai…
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We know that teams that stay together longer become more productive and so more profitable. But how do you do this? Simple, by becoming a sticky employer. This makes it easy for you to attract, retain and motivate the right people. In this edition of the hashtag#MARShow we will be exploring exactly how you do this. The key factors we’ll discuss are…
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What makes a great recruiter and how can you discover whether the person you’re interviewing is one or not? That’s the theme of today'sMike Ames Recruitment Show. Over the years I’ve employed well over 100 recruiters and estimate I’ve interviewed over 1000. I’ve learned some very hard lessons along the way (some cost me a lot of money). But I belie…
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There are lots of things we do without thinking about the reason we do them. A relevant example on a Sunday morning is how we order our worship services. Why do we worship? More specifically, why do we do the certain things we do in worship? It's called the liturgy - which means the work of the people. There's an intentionality to it - a reason - a…
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If the gods decreed all the possessions I'd gathered over the years were to be taken off me, except for one thing it would be this. My network, because with that intact I could get all my other assets back over time. That's the power of a strong network - it makes it easier and quicker to get things done. The problem is, the concept of modern netwo…
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So Jesus has been gone, his disciples aren't with him anymore. Peter says, "I’m going fishing, who’s with me?" And they all go back to their previous way of life.We often do this, too. God reveals something to us and we’re sure of what next steps to take. But life hits us hard and we end up not doing what we just committed to doing. We revert back …
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Would you like to know what you have to do to recruit and retain the best recruitment talent out there? If so, check this out. Lysha Holmes ( is our guest on this week’s show. She is a skilled and experienced rec-to-rec professional who has many years’ experience of recruiting recruiters. On the show we focus on d…
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Doubting Thomas story. Yay. The word "believe" is so important to John. He includes this story about someone who just can't believe. I'm glad that Thomas made it into the story. Because sometimes it's hard to believe. Do we really believe this stuff? I think it's a fair question - and it's a question we shouldn't hesitate to ask.Christianity is mad…
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One of the biggest complaints I get from recruitment leaders is “I don’t have enough time to do everything”. If this is you, this show is for you. In the fast-paced world of recruitment, time is our most valuable asset, but the modern world conspires against us. Countless emails flooding your inbox, a never-ending to-do list, firefighting, BD, clie…
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Hello and welcome to another episode of the AMES Australia podcast series “Australian Life”.  It’s great to have you with us today.  This podcast is sponsored by AMES Australia.  For more information about AMES, visit     Today's discussion will revolve around water safety in Australia, focusing on crucial aspects that ensure the w…
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Hello and welcome to episode 2 of the AMES Australia podcast series “Australian Life”. We are glad to have you with us today. This podcast is sponsored by AMES Australia. For more information about AMES, please visit Today we’ll be talking about the state of Australia’s housing market, and support available for the housing search. …
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The disciples are locked in a room. Jesus comes through the door and suddenly dead isn't dead anymore. Twice he says, "Peace be with you." Says, "As the Father is sending me, so I'm sending you." Here's what I think Jesus might be getting at: "Just like I created an environment for you to be transformed - become new - I'm now sending you into the w…
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When you run a recruitment firm the dream is to sell it but, how likely is this to happen and how much will it be worth? In this episode of the #MARShow we will answer both questions. We’ll also share the characteristics of recruitment companies that are particularly attractive to potential buyers. Well, when I say “we” I mean our special guest, Ca…
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We're going to walk through John's account of the resurrection. If we piece all the stories together, we can tell there was a whole lot of confusion about the day. How many guards were there? Was there really an earthquake? What did the angels say? Did Mary go to the tomb alone? Or not? All of these discrepancies in the story show that these people…
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This is for anybody who hates attending networking events or feels they don’t get very much from them. The good news is they are optional. A Real Network is a group of people who are willing and able to help you in your personal, and professional lives. Real Networking is the act of building and maintaining that network. But why bother? Because get…
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Bienvenue dans l'académie de l'A.M.E.S : l'académie des médiums énergéticiennes subtiles. Aujourd'hui, dans cet épisode, je te propose de vivre une expérience magique au contact de l'invisible. Au travers d'une méditation guidée, tu vas pouvoir être en connexion avec ton corps de manière subtile. Celui qui t'accompagne au quotidien et qui cherche s…
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Ever considered an MBO as either an exit strategy, or as a way of taking over the firm from your boss one day? Well, our next guest is Alan Shave who several years ago, successfully completed an MBO with his colleagues. The process of a MBO is more complicated than many believe and is fraught with danger on both sides. But Alan and his team steered…
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There's a Dallas Willard quote where he argues that Jesus is the smartest person who ever lived. It's pretty cool. Not only is Jesus brilliant, but he's also one of the greatest communicators to ever live. He communicated with words, yes. But he also communicated with his body.So the question is: as we watch Jesus enter Jerusalem, what is he trying…
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Probably the most common obstacle to growing a recruitment company right now is a lack of suitable candidates. Just imagine how much more money you could make if you could find more talent and then place them (the easy part). In this #MARShow our guest is marketing expert, James Whitelock who specialises in marketing techniques to attract candidate…
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*We apologize for the sound quality, our system was having difficulties this week*The parable of the rich young fool has been read and interpreted many ways. There are some who would see it as a cautionary tale against gaining wealth, and others who would say it is more about what you do with your wealth.Perhaps it is somewhere in between, asking u…
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Bienvenue dans l'académie de l'A.M.E.S : l'académie des médiums énergéticiennes subtiles. Dans cet épisode, je te propose de découvrir ton corps autrement. Viens vivre une expérience dans ton invisibilité, écoute ce que ton corps a à te dire ! Découvre aussi l'histoire fascinante de cette femme qui s'interdisait de vivre malgré les sollicitations s…
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Imagine you had a magic wand that instantly made you better at sales pitches, calls, emails, presentations, proposals et al. There is, and it’s called AIDA. AIDA is a simple technique you can use when you want somebody (who doesn’t know you very well) to do something you want. Hence, it’s brilliant in all things sales and marketing. Anytime you hav…
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Recruiters, did you know there are two kinds of BD: strategic and tactical. You need both, they’re very different and most recruiters only do tactical. This show is on this subject but let me quickly explain the difference between the two. TACTICAL BD Is either, “giz a job” or “I’ve got this great candidate…” by message or phone. In other words vac…
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Simple one note message. We're just gonna walk through the story and see if we can make sense of it. Mark's story is important to put into context to understand what's going on here.. The disciples have seen and experienced some mind-blowing things. They're on a spiritual high. Jesus senses it, so he asks them who people think he is. Then he asks t…
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