Full-orbed biblical Reformational truth by the founder and president of the Center for Cultural Leadership.
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While liberals ordinarily overemphasize the “already” of the already/not yet, conservatives tend to overstress the “not yet.” A pox on both their houses.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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The Bible teaches that salvation is entirely by grace, and not by works, and equally that there can be no salvation without works. This is an apparent, not an actual, contradiction.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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Elders must know their job description, and sound theology isn’t the half of it.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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God deals with nations as nations, God blesses nations that adhere to biblical law, and God judges nations that turn their back on God and his written word.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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The most Christian political philosophy in the current philosophical Overton Window is classical liberalism. But Progressivism (Democratic Party) and the New Right (the Republican Party) are squeezing it out.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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“Our good God, our ever-flowing God, our God of Yes and Amen, has always been able to promise far more than we are able to believe. God loves to bury our finite faith under an avalanche of promises and gifts.”由P. Andrew Sandlin
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We cannot grasp the Christian worldview as we should if we do not understand the covenant and the kingdom.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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The Christian Faith is deeply anti-antinomian. This is a brief elaboration on the Bible’s teaching concerning God‘s law in creation, his law in Moses, and his law in the new covenant.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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Every movement away from the Bible is a movement toward an alien, competing word, and that word always leads to darkness, chaos, and damnation.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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The Christian worldview is founded the creational worldview. To confuse this sequence is to twist both Christianity and creation.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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The United States is the most spectacularly valuable political experiment in world history – because it was founded on Christian principles.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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Fundamentalism, modernism, scholasticism, and postmodernism are bad ways of interpreting the Bible. The canonical or covenantal or worldview-ish way is the only right way.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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A brief, direct, easy-to-understand explanation of one of the most harmful ways of thinking in the modern church.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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A recognition of “the near impossibility of simple refutations” might lead to a mutual laying down of arms in the acrimonious sacrament wars of paedobaptists (and paedocommunionists) versus credobaptists (and credocommunionists).由P. Andrew Sandlin
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If you’re discouraged and distraught over the surrounding depraved culture or persistent, personal difficulties, you might be helped by this bold, full-throated, biblical defense postmillenialism.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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The Battle for Reality is even more pressing than The Battle for the Bible.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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No matter how dire our situation, Jesus Christ is our utterly impregnable hope, and to rely on anyone or anything else is an insecure confidence.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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We are saved by Christ and his redemptive work alone, but our salvation inevitably produces godly works. None who live after salvation will enjoy eternal life if they lack good works. We are justified by a working faith.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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To know God’s calling in your life, immerse yourself in the manual of his cosmic operating system.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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What is a Christian worldview, and what is its primary competitor in the Western world today?由P. Andrew Sandlin
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The protology and eschatology of the Bible include promises of the advancement and victory of Christ‘s kingdom before the final, perfected eternal state. We must live as victorious people — because we are.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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The Bible festers with God’s promises to his people, and living consistently in those promises means living in consistent hope and victory.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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Creation is the backdrop and prerequisite of our Lord’s redemptive work, and to bypass creation is eventually to overturn the gospel.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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The optimal time to trust Christ and serve God is childhood and youth, not middle and old age. God‘s preventive grace is greater than his recovering and grace, and the apex testimony of God‘s work in the world is children and young people serving him with unremitting zeal.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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Salvation is much bigger than most Christians suppose. Unless we see salvation (as Paul does in Ephesians) in its personal, corporate, and cosmic dimensions, our view will be impoverished.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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To live in an atmosphere of prayers to live in constant expectation for God to do both small and mighty things. To live in this atmosphere of prayer is to live a transformed, victorious life.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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The family is a part of the creational OS. The blinding assaults against it in postmodern culture (socially constructed sexuality, homosexuality, gender reassignment surgery, and so on) are assaults on reality itself.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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Widespread biblical law presupposes a Christian culture and society, and that culture and society will inevitably lead to biblical law.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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Satan attempts to replace God’s very good created world with his diabolical alt-world. The goal of aggressive Christianity is to destabilize, delegitimize, and decimate his world.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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The biblical God is often consumed by zeal, and his holy jealousy fuels his zeal, which burns against the ungodly and rescues his people.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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To think correctly as a Christian you must first think correctly about creation.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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This talk to Christian high school students at the Worldview Leadership Academy is the simplest, most basic presentation I’ve ever given of the dominant, secular elite vision of our time.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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Behind the Marxism distinctive to our time is the towering shadow of Hegel and his dialectical view of reality.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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Want to be liberated from the intellectual tyranny of the present? Know the worldviews that created our postmodern world.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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The utopian revolutionaries are savaging every last residue of Christian culture, and the church’s double-decker Christianity has abetted the savagery.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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It’s not possible to properly grasp biblical worldview or theology without grasping covenant and kingdom.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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The closing charge to the H. Evan Runner Academy 2022.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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The ascended Lord is presently ruler of the nations, trampling down his enemies by Spirit, gospel and law, and our prayer, evangelism, and life should aggressively reflect this cosmic reign of our Lord.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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Satan offers man an alternative reality to God’s good created world, but God in Christ is de-privileging, deconstructing, and demolishing that world.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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Knowing God’s will for our lives is both easier and harder than we think: easier because there’s nothing mystical or mysterious about it, harder because it commits us to go against our apostate world at every point.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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There are two valid, indispensable modes of practicing our faith, but in our times, one is preferable. Do not bypass normative Christianity for extraordinary Christianity.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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If left free to flourish, Christianity always produces a Christian society. Christianity is not inherently anti-cultural; it is only anti-anti-Christian cultural.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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Seeking first the kingdom of God presupposes knowing what it is: God’s rule in the earth. To seek first his kingdom is to seek to extend his righteous rule everywhere.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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One of the most pernicious myths of the church is that children must grow up before they can be zealots for Jesus Christ. The most productive Christians in history were following the Lord before they can remember.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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God plays favorites. He pours out his favor on those who love, trust, and obey him. Zealous Christians ARE better than everybody else.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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Contemporary evangelicalism fosters a worldview that marginalizes and attempts to escape from creation. It’s a defeatist worldview.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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The Al Davis School of Eschatology — “Just Win, Baby.” Jesus is the present ruling king, and despite all the machinations of hell, he’s beating down evil and will eventually destroy it. Therefore, live in joy and hope and optimism.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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No sacrifice is too great for the Kingdom, but the Kingdom cannot be limited to a personal devotional hobby.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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God loves to bury His people beneath an avalanche of promises. It’s remarkable how our orthodoxy tends to extend to everything except trusting his promises.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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Exposing a great deception for Christian youth by the Father of Lies.由P. Andrew Sandlin
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