Sermons from our Sunday services. Check us out at!
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Weekly podcast of sermon audio from Anthem Church (Chicago, IL)Follow: @anthem_church_chicagoVisit:
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Teachings from ANTHEM CHURCH featuring Lead Pastor Brad Jenkins, Teaching Pastor Paul Taylor, and featured guests. We hope that these messages will be a voice of hope to you as you pursue the grand adventure of following Jesus. For more information visit
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An anthem is a song that binds people together and sets them apart. It's the chorus that resonates in the hearts of those with a common belief. It's a place where the voice of an individual is added to the collective sound of a gathering. It's the sound of unity amplified as those with a Kingdom focus come together. Anthem Church is a community that exists to preach Jesus and love people. Our vision is to add a new sound to the timeless message of the gospel in the Sunshine Coast region.
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Text: Hebrews 10:11-18 For more resources and information from Anthem Church, visit us at由Anthem Church
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Even during the crucifixion, one of the darkest moments in human history, God was weaving a story of redemption and hope. Do we believe this same God works in this same way today?由Andrew Clark
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Text: Hebrews 10:1-10 For more resources and information from Anthem Church, visit us at由Anthem Church
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Whether we trust in Jesus or are yet to believe, we all have moments and seasons where we wrestle deeply with God. Can our faith hold such wrestlings? How do we wrestle through doubt, fear, and uncertainty?由Andrew Clark
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For more resources and information from Anthem Church, visit us at由Anthem Church
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As Jesus is on trial, his threat to the current kingdom of the day is assessed. Is he a king? Is he building a kingdom? Is he disrupting the status quo? Jesus summarizes his answer as follows: "My kingdom is not of this world." Jesus is building something beautiful, but it is unseen - will we choose to live as citizens of the kingdom of heaven?…
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Anthemchicago.org由ANTHEM CHURCH
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On Ash Wednesday, we started our journey through the book of Joel on Wednesday nights. We are also leaning into this season of reflection, examining our lives and turning to Jesus in fresh response and faith. Listen as Andrew shares a new dream for our church, one that puts us squarely in God's will for our community.…
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For more resources and information from Anthem Church, visit us at由Anthem Church
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One of the greatest harms to the church is hypocrisy - having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power in our lives. How do we avoid living a double life? How can we remain true to God, to ourselves, and to others? We have been set free in Jesus to live authentically, fully acknowledging our sin and our need for God while enjoying his hop…
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For more resources and information from Anthem Church, visit us at由Anthem Church
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The once confident and bold Peter has shrunk, from shame and fear, into a posture of silent defensiveness. Why does this happen? Listen as we explain why our faith falters at times and what we can do to strengthen our faith.由Andrew Clark
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For more resources and information from Anthem Church, visit us at由Anthem Church
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Seeing something clearly can make all the difference. When we don't see Jesus clearly, we can't find the dignity, the substance, and the truth he possesses. However, when we do see him clearly, beholding him as he has revealed himself, we are changed to look more like him, entering into the joy and fruit that is promised.…
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For more resources and information from Anthem Church, visit us at由Anthem Church
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As Jesus is confronted by his betrayer and his opposition, he surrenders himself to arrest and to death. It looks like this is the end of everything he promised, everything that was hoped for... but perhaps instead it is just the beginning of it all.由Andrew Clark
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For more resources and information from Anthem Church, visit us at由Anthem Church
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After a long break, we are back in the book of John. Before diving right back into the narrative, we take a moment to remember Jesus in all he has said, done, and promised in the book of John.由Andrew Clark
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For more resources and information from Anthem Church, visit us at由Anthem Church
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We often have an incomplete view of the love of our Heavenly Father - God loves us enough to correct us, to shape us, and to from us out of darkness and into light. This discipline provides perspective, it affirms our place as his children, and it produces holiness in our lives, all of which allows us to see and enjoy God more fully.…
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For more resources and information from Anthem Church, visit us at由Anthem Church
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As we pursue holiness, we are shaped as we are nourished by the truth, provided a foundation, and given a people and a purpose.由Andrew Clark
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For more resources and information from Anthem Church, visit us at由Anthem Church
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Who we think we are affects how we live. What are we defined by? In Jesus, we are not longer defined as unholy, but are changed, forgiven, and blameless in the sight of God.由Andrew Clark
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As God's people, we are called to holiness. We may know this... but what does it mean? Holiness helps us as we pursue it: it allows us to see God, it helps us follow God, and it invites us to enjoy God, as we were always meant to do.由Andrew Clark
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For more resources and information from Anthem Church, visit us at由Anthem Church
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For more resources and information from Anthem Church, visit us at由Anthem Church
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For more resources and information from Anthem Church, visit us at由Anthem Church
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For more resources and information from Anthem Church, visit us at由Anthem Church
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For more resources and information from Anthem Church, visit us at由Anthem Church
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For more resources and information from Anthem Church, visit us at由Anthem Church
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As we close the series, we come to Jesus' well-known teaching on anxiety. What does seeking the kingdom have to do with living a peace-filled life?由Andrew Clark
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For more resources and information from Anthem Church, visit us at由Anthem Church
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The kingdom of God, Jesus teaches us, by design works differently than the world's kingdom. A natural part of kingdom life is planning out how we are to wisely invest our resources. Jesus teaches that where our focus rests, our worship is sure to follow. In this text, He is going to show us what it means to have an undivided focus so we can invest …
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