欢迎来到小帅宇宙!佐治亚小帅是一档关于北美华人和美国亚裔的故事访谈播客,我们在这里探讨移民和落地生根。订阅将获得: 1)轻松愉快的北美故事访谈 2)和爱搞钱的小伙伴同频 3)访谈之前小帅会在听友群预告,你的问题将很有机会出现在播客中 Welcome to Xiaoshuai-verse! Asian Answers with Xiaoshuai is a Chinese podcast. The host Xiaoshuai interviews Asian Americans across the United States and Canada biweekly. East or west, Xiaoshuai is the best. **社交媒体** 播客:Apple Podcast|Spotify|Google Podcast|Pocket Casts|Amazon Music|iHeartRadio|小宇宙|喜马拉雅|QQ音乐|网易云音乐 小红书/推特: xiaoshuaifm Newsletter(读书/投资/内容创作):https://littleshuai ...
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Ongline Podcast documents the life of a gay Malaysian-born Chinese American. Immerse yourself in the life of a not-so-typical individual. Expand your horizon by experiencing the topics, issues, stories, and simply, the life of a gay Asian man. Until now, the voice of a minority individual has not been this loud!
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Two A-D-D Asian combination. A Malaysian-born Chinese American, Ding, and a local Malaysian, Ling will guarantee a good fat dose of laughing therapy. Laughing with us regardless of our topic of choice.
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濡沫Podcast「Les Trash Talk」系列,關注臺灣/亞裔女同志與性少數的認同、情慾、文化,包括人際互動經驗與知識分享。從相濡以沫,游往相忘於江湖的自由。
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The world is changing fast, but you can learn it at a slower pace.
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歡迎收聽小明拆台,我們是几位住在英國搞表演和藝術的小明,喝咖啡,聊是非,性本善,拆人台。聚焦世界各地表演和藝術界的事件和現象,討論亞洲藝術家的創作和觀察。 Ming Strike is a monthly podcast about current events and challenges in performing arts through the eye of Asian art practitioners living in the UK.
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用声音探索世界 用故事延展人生 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Wen, Aiyu, Luojun在一起分享学术日常中的美好和挣扎,科普大众关注的自然环保问题,也讨论女性视角中的社会议题。我们在聊天中梳理自己与世界的关系,也希望可以在纷乱嘈杂的时代带给你们一方宁静。【播客系列】:【自然发声】分享自然的奥秘,一起做有责任心的地球人;【闯荡江湖】探询学界的各派门路,掌门秘籍;【花间谈】三位好友花间月下的思想碎片。
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電台節目“English Everywhere - Chatterbox”,內容精選香港人在日常生活及工作時使用英語的情景,透過四個特別設計的環節,包括“Dialogue”、“Work Chat”、“Useful Words”以及“Idiom Express”,讓大家從多角度學習英文文法、詞彙和慣用語。
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Your crazy ex-girlfriend Your wholesome ex-girlfriend Your FUTURE ex-girlfriend Your favorite Mandarin Podcast Find us on IG: Whosleahhhhh / Missmomo96 Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/exgf/support
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本期节目通过三个公司的艰难创业理解乡下人悲歌。 这期嘉宾Mandy在美国做影响力投资,Impact Investing,聊聊她是如何内心收到过多自责,以至于从这个表面光鲜的行业离职的。影响力投资到底是正义使者还是富人工具?同时因为这份工作,她去了美国很多极度贫穷的区域,对美国乡下有很多的观察和思考。 开始之前,想说如果你在apple podcast或者Spotify上收听,请帮我打一个好评,让本节目被更多人看到。如果想加入全球的听友群,欢迎加联系方式xiaoshuaifm 嘉宾 (☆▽☆) Mandy,现在瑞士苏黎世,在中美两国均有影响力投资从业经历。 播客是理想与面包 https://www.xiaoyuzhoufm.com/podcast/665addc31fa2ebb4dcf9464e…
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①Heilongjiang eyes ice-and-snow boost ahead of 9th Asian Winter Games ②Working group for low-altitude economy established in Shenzhen ③Bonded aircraft repair takes off in China's Xinjiang ④Scientists' new finding challenges current ice sheet modelling ⑤Snow leopards spotted in China's Yunnan for first time ⑥A Thousand Whys: How did ancient Chinese …
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①"Chinese hamburger" toys captivate youth with creative design, consumption scenarios ②Hong Kong Int'l airport to open third runway on Nov. 28 ③Chinese scientists design membranes to recover oil, water for waste treatment ④How a Chinese city brings ancient trees back to life ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why did Sichuan food stand out among all other cuisines …
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美国月嫂究竟是怎样行业?这期有两个嘉宾,一个是踩过坑的东岸打工人宝妈,分享如何避雷。一个是来自台湾的月嫂,揭开美国华人月嫂的行业的一角,她真的讲了很多我很震惊的故事。第一趴是到大约三十一分钟左右,第二趴从31分钟之后开始。 【主要内容】 ---第一个采访 扮演前雇主推荐 六旬老太出国务工养国内啃老儿 60老太养国内的儿子 我不想听你聊前东家的八卦啊,是不是小三关我什么事啊 请别给我和老公推荐你的传销产品了! 你不是我妈啊啊啊啊! ---第二个采访 我做我的,为什么要被其他月嫂价格管控 亲自母乳真的很伟大 急救培训,按摩培训,台湾的月嫂培训真的很全面 没有良心还是不要做月嫂 拿睡眠换钱,连轴干人会疯的 产后为啥容易抑郁…
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①China, Canada to increase direct flights to satisfy travel, trade demands ②Robotic grippers designed to handle delicate living things ③China turns out its self-developed tunnel boring machine with biggest diameter ④Rare flying squirrel species found in China's Xizang ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why could hot pot solve everything for Chinese?…
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西雅图线下听友会实录,一群北美年轻人在一起琢磨副业和提前退休。参与者包括从科技公司的程序员到全职妈妈,从校车司机到房地产投资者,大家如何在繁忙的职业生活中寻找副业和投资机会。感谢特邀嘉宾Gena大狮姐。 嘉宾 (☆▽☆) Gena 大狮姐。她的播客和红薯都叫做【提前退休那些事儿】https://www.xiaoyuzhoufm.com/podcast/646e4261229acb49d44dff8d 主要内容 (~ ̄(OO) ̄) 线下活动能见好多人就很开心 被工作压垮的心灵是什么样 在麦肯锡如何升值加薪 好的,这就是我不想进麦肯锡的原因🐶 内耗的源头 惊,课程格子app创始人也来参加听友会 课程格子踩坑概览 FIRE(财务独立提前退休)计算表格 并非阳光明媚,FIRE心态崩溃的时刻 【无痛打…
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①China, New Zealand launch fast patent grant program ②Hong Kong optimizes admissions schemes for global talent ③Harbin extravaganza to expand ahead of ninth Asian Winter Games ④Package sales stimulate hotel market as off-season looms ⑤New study uncovers evolution of China's largest desert ⑥A Thousand Whys: Fun Chinese facts you should know about sn…
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①Record-high delegations, athletes expected to participate in 9th Asian Winter Games ②China kicks off month-long consumption campaign in five big cities ③China's Shenzhen to prioritize AI, NEV, biomedical industries ④Dinosaur fossils found in Hong Kong for 1st time ⑤A Thousand Whys: How do Chinese people celebrate the Start of Winter?…
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①Flying car factory breaks ground in south China's Guangdong ②China's scenic mountains' new workforce for transportation: robot dog porters ③Expedition extends known length of Asia's longest cave to 437 km ④Sanya set to welcome China's National Traditional Games of Ethnic Minorities ⑤Giant panda pair gifted to Hong Kong come out of quarantine ⑥A Th…
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①Beijing's payment facilitation services benefit international visitors ②Beijing plans to vastly expand autonomous driving test area ③China's first provincial germplasm resource bank in full operation ④Neolithic human settlement site discovered in north China ⑤A Thousand Whys: What is it like to live in a Beijing quadrangle?…
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①Chinese researchers develop "lunar bricks" for future lunar base construction ②World's smallest dinosaur egg fossils discovered in China ③Winter tourism promotion adds to allure of China's Xizang ④Hong Kong improves listing rules to attract more IPOs ⑤China expands elderly care services with focus on community-based solutions ⑥A Thousand Whys: Why…
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女生是新疆姑娘Mia,男生是在美国加州出生的菲律宾裔Robert,是一对夫妻,他们都在亚特兰大逐梦演艺圈。 这期节目录制时间是7月份,当时腾讯新闻来拍短片,就说小帅咱们拍拍你录制的场景素材,揭秘一下你的节目幕后制作。 我就想,Mia和Robert上一次录制还是咱们播客第一季(第三期),是时候看看3年之后有什么变化,因为我想在这样一个高流动性行业坚持那么多年,肯定有过人之处。所以就有了您面前的这个节目,时值盛夏,鸟语花香,三两好友,无酒也欢 如果喜欢这期节目,不管你在北美还是中国,在世界的哪个角落,喜欢这样的华人故事,喜欢这样的访谈,请帮我分享给更多的朋友,这样我会有动力坚持下去。如果你是一个在美国的导演,考虑一下他们俩! 嘉宾 (☆▽☆) Mia & Robert,逐梦美国演艺圈的两位小演员…
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①Mount Fanjing in southwest China inscribed in IUCN Green List ②Hong Kong-born giant panda cubs leave incubators, develop distinctive markings ③Beijing plans to expand low-altitude flights for rescue, delivery ④5,000-year-old royal tomb discovered in central China ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why guardian lions, not tigers?…
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①Sports tourism fuels consumption engine ②China's self-developed airship harvests wind power at record height ③Beijing launches supporting services for elderly aged 80 and above ④Chinese provinces launch joint campaign to protect migratory bird routes ⑤Guangzhou establishes international Ficus research center ⑥A Thousand Whys: Why do Chinese people…
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①Exhibition on Confucian culture shines at Beijing's Palace Museum ②Science meets education -- China turns to schools to help build sci-tech powerhouse ③AI-driven panda keeper joins Madrid Zoo to enhance visitor experience ④River erosion enhances recent uplift of Mount Qomolangma: study ⑤A Thousand Whys: Was The Analects really written by Confucius…
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①2024 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit to focus on AI ②Chinese researchers achieve breakthrough in DNA-based storage of brain MRI data ③Art season launched to showcase Beijing's ancient architecture ④Chinese hikers are hiring personal cheerleaders to scale peaks ⑤Only 10 pct of fish on coral reefs covered by environmental protections: resear…
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这是Snowie第三次来做客!来听听北美做地产那些不光鲜的一面!“如果是我的错,我愿意赔钱;如果不是,我更愿意把钱给律师!” 欢迎进入听友群,也欢迎10.19来西雅图线下!欢迎添加xiaoshuaifm。 正在经历飓风的朋友,stay safe~ 嘉宾 (☆▽☆) Snowie Xu,A-Strategy Management创始人,资深北美多单元公寓投资人。她之前来做客的节目分别是S2E4和S3E5。 主要内容 (~ ̄(OO) ̄) 在美国做出租房累成狗,不像炒股票 房产经理一早上班,面对办公室成为废墟 真不建议TEMU上买充电器 租客火灾,损失怎么挽回 Double Dipping Insurance 消防队直接来我们公寓实战考试了lol 这也能告我?这也能??? 出租合同很重要 带枪看房…
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①Chang'e-6 lunar samples to be displayed at 15th Airshow China ②Extreme fires amplify post-fire land surface warming: study ③Chinese museums receive nearly 1 billion visits during Jan-Aug period ④Technologies bring faces of Neolithic men back to life ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why do Chinese people relish sweet osmanthus?…
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①Scientists decode "genetic trove" of marine microorganisms ②Scientists reveal patterns in Earth's rotational deceleration over millions of years ③Ancient rock painting site found in northwest China ④Nature reserve in China reports record number of raptors sighted ⑤A Thousand Whys: What is the most auspicious day in a year?…
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①China's resistive magnet sets new world record ②Chinese, foreign scientists to start new expedition into Asia's longest cave ③Chinese desert fruit export delivers new taste to SE Asia ④A Thousand Whys: Why are some lakes in Beijing called "sea"?
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Chinese scientists unveil world's first multi-modal Large Language Model in geographic sciences
①Chinese scientists unveil world's first multi-modal Large Language Model in geographic sciences ②China starts sustainable aviation fuel pilot ③Hong Kong climbs to 9th place in world talent ranking ④Mango industry bears fruit in southwest China county ⑤A Thousand Whys: The symbol of autumn – chrysanthemum…
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热门嘉宾正文返场。非常没想到,非常临时录的一期,甚至音质都稀烂,结果成了Spotify上历史播放量最高的单集。这次聊了他过去一年的生活,用他的话说,财务自由之后就是想干啥干啥,但你很难啥也不干。 同样,本期没有任何的投资建议。 欢迎10.19来西雅图线下!欢迎添加xiaoshuaifm 嘉宾 (☆▽☆) 提前退休的正文:中年危机就是家庭担子陡增,身体和职场开始脆皮|芝加哥 正文,芝加哥地产投资人 上一期节目是S4E10 苏北农村/哈佛博士/财富自由,我最喜欢的标签是混混 主要内容 (~ ̄(OO) ̄) 在洛杉矶聊老家:盐城宿迁徐州淮安连云港临沂宿州枣庄 鸡蛋饼和丹顶鹤 当面读上期听众评论lol 一次性说完中英夹杂这事儿 锐评北美地产乱象,如有雷同纯属巧合🤣 财务自由之后就是想干啥干啥,但你很难…
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It’s been our tradition to do a show together on our new iPhones, and this year, we are missing Archerr from Archerr Radio 😔. Ricky and I talked about our iPhone 16 Pros and remembering our podcasting friend, Paul aka Archerr. Duration: 1:39:30 | 143.3 MB | Stereo | http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/onglinepodcast.com/media/Ongline-2024-09-25.mp3…
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①Ancient Chinese clothing exhibition in Berlin reveals Confucian elegance ②Chang'e-6 lunar samples have "distinct characteristics": study ③China proposes new regulation on labeling AI-generated content ④Restoration of 500-year-old palace at Beijing's central axis completed ⑤A Thousand Whys: Who is "Lu Ban" and why does he matter?…
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Beijing metro enables "tap-and-go" fare payment for foreign MasterCard and Visa card holders
①Beijing metro enables "tap-and-go" fare payment for foreign MasterCard and Visa card holders ②A fresh brew in academia as China's coffee science undergrads program kicks off ③China builds world's highest BeiDou high-altitude meteorological observation station ④Discovery of major city ruins aids research into China's earliest dynasty ⑤A Thousand Wh…
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①China aims to launch Mars sample-return mission around 2028 ②Returned lunar glass beads indicate moon still alive 120 million years ago ③2024-25 CBA season to start on October 12 ④A Thousand Whys: Why debating over a moon cake?
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①World's first atlas of remote-sensing thermal infrared images released in Beijing ②Fresh Malaysian durians debut in China, set to spike in popularity ③Exhibition in China's Xi'an marks 50th anniversary of Terracotta Warriors discovery ④Turtle, bird, dinosaur tracks reveal NW China's Cretaceous past ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why is Autumn Equinox an import…
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欢迎来参加10.19号,西雅图Bellevue线下听友会。特邀嘉宾是大狮姐。感谢虾聊会的场地。 嘉宾 (☆▽☆) 亚特兰大非裔老板夫妻,Troy&Trisha 主要内容 (~ ̄(OO) ̄) 他这些年在美国多地的商业折腾 中式口音 vs 南方黑人的口音哈哈哈哈 Sober Living #播客大赛 欢迎加入小帅宇宙 o(*≧▽≦)ツ 欢迎订阅收听:Apple Podcast|Spotify|Pocket Cast |Amazon Music|小宇宙|喜马拉雅|网易云|QQ音乐 小红书/推特: xiaoshuaifm Email:xiaoshuaifm@gmail.com。欢迎听友来信,欢迎有故事的同学上节目!欢迎收听asian answers 佐治亚小帅 - 听北美华人的故事访谈,听他们落地生…
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①China Southern's first C919 to enter commercial service in mid-September ②Chinese museum offers visitors immersive journey into ancient life ③Researchers develop technologies to better protect 5,000-year-old ruin site ④A Thousand Whys: Is autumn always SAD?
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①China's Beidou navigation service platform begins trial operations ②Chinese scientists release AI model for lunar exploration ③Online research database on Dunhuang studies launched ④China launches bullet train service to UNESCO heritage site Jiuzhai Valley ⑤Endangered Gobi bear spotted in China for first time ⑥A Thousand Whys: Why do some Chinese …
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This is an English-language episode, recorded live at the 2024 Migration Matters Festival. As part of an ongoing initiative focusing on art producers, this episode centres on the theme of space, considering art workers such as theatre producers and curators as the makers and keepers of these spaces. What kinds of opportunities and experiences have …
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①First batch of Malaysian fresh durians enters Chinese market ②China provides subsidies to boost home appliance trade-ins ③Researchers develop novel deep learning model to predict battery lifetime ④AI-powered system assists Hebei nature reserve in protecting birds ⑤Beijing to stage grand lantern show to mark Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day ⑥A Tho…
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嘉宾 (☆▽☆) 耳朵向内 - 张闻 回炉 - Celine 代码之外Beyond Code - GeekPlux 主要内容 (~ ̄(OO) ̄) #播客大赛 欢迎加入小帅宇宙 o(*≧▽≦)ツ 欢迎订阅收听:Apple Podcast|Spotify|Pocket Cast |Amazon Music|小宇宙|喜马拉雅|网易云|QQ音乐 小红书/推特: xiaoshuaifm Email:xiaoshuaifm@gmail.com。欢迎听友来信,欢迎有故事的同学上节目!欢迎收听asian answers 佐治亚小帅 - 听北美华人的故事访谈,听他们落地生根的故事。加听友群或者向小帅提问,请先花2分钟填写听友问卷 https://forms.office.com/r/eecPsW…
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①WTT Champions Macao 2024 scheduled for September 9-15 ②Researchers propose massive water production method on Moon ③Chinese, foreign physicists make new discovery in antimatter ④Endangered sturgeon spotted in upper Yangtze River ⑤Palace Museum to increase availability of tickets for individual visitors ⑥A Thousand Whys: The Bell and Drum Towers - …
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①Night riders get new cycle routes ②Cruise operators sail on favorable winds ③Chinese scientists establish brain-inspired network model to bridge AI, neuroscience ④China issues commemorative coins featuring world's tallest wooden pagoda ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why wood, not stone?
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【朋友们Spotify可以评论了,欢迎评论!】 录制之前我也是实在没想到,都州一级的议员了,居然绝大多数都是兼职在做。13年他从湖北黄冈来美国读博,是第一代的中国移民。他来讲述他的故事。 节目开始之前,预告一下线下的听友会。在10月19号周六,西雅图,如果你居住在周边或者那个时候正巧路过,希望可以一起线下相约。如果有兴趣可以给我发邮件或者加联系方式xiaoshuaifm。 嘉宾 (☆▽☆) 是马里兰州众议员,Maryland House of Delegates, Delegate Chao Wu,伍超博士 主要内容 (~ ̄(OO) ̄) 2003(更正:不是2013)年留学美国,2022赢得州议员选举 美国的业主委员会怎么运作 2018开始基层历练:竞选学区委员(School Board) …
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①Drone deliveries launched at Badaling section of the Great Wall ②Race for AI talent heats up amid demand ③Advanced material gives university admission letter a cutting edge ④Fungi-picking tour brings many to Yunnan ⑤A Thousand Whys: 50 shades of qing
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①China's "wandering elephants" welcome new members ②Medical university in east China to advance small molecule drug development with quantum computing ③Guochao designs boost Hanfu sales in summer ④Shanghai Disney Resort announces new Spider-Man-themed ride ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why do Chinese people float river lanterns during the End of Heat?…
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小散户来找大散户请教 嘉宾 (☆▽☆) Lily,北美地产学堂创始人 主要内容 (~ ̄(OO) ̄) 合伙人半路跑了,独木也得支 城堡虽美,但不涨价 你见过零成本无脑入的机会吗 比楼花可香多了 陆续卖了二十多套,看现在房价我拍断大腿 投资就是人性啊,这里水太深小帅你把握不住 包租的项目有几个靠谱的你说说 20万本金600万净值,10年30倍,一个普通人的地产故事 别把我当大咖,我说我投资了十几年才知道1031你信嘛 景点短租房,谨慎! 辣评北卡三角区 尔湾,一个案例 看房就有多巴胺啊 个人投资洁癖 大房小房哪个涨得快 (先写到这吧,省略若干投资笔记。。。) 欢迎加入小帅宇宙 o(*≧▽≦)ツ 欢迎订阅收听:Apple Podcast|Spotify|Pocket Cast |Amazon Mu…
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①China's large, twin-engine unmanned transport aircraft completes maiden flight ②Shanghai to fully switch to new energy buses, taxis by 2027 ③Scientific expedition team sets sail to explore Western Pacific Ocean ④Well-preserved giant panda fossil discovered in China's Shaanxi ⑤Beijing Music Festival to open in October ⑥Chinese hit the slopes to esc…
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①Reservation-free policy draws booming museum visitors ②Village cafe, a new haven for Chinese urbanites ③New high-speed railway launched to boost integration of China's Yangtze River Delta ④A Thousand Whys: Why do Chinese love Jiangnan - south of the Yangtze River
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①Scientists make engineering breakthrough in control of mosquito-borne diseases ②Hunan city invites students to take free city tour ③Chinese museums embrace technologies to bring exhibits to life ④Prehistoric jadeware exhibition opens in China's Chongqing ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why do Chinese people love jade more than diamond?…
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2024農曆新年左右,台灣當代表演的指標場館牯嶺街小劇場公佈了年度節目選拔入圍名單,原本是新年新氣象的氛圍,卻因為名單中包含卷入性侵疑雲的編舞家的作品。台灣編舞家劉冠詳,於2023年metoo運動裡,被受害者揭露以排練、徵選、討論創作等名義,對年輕女舞者們多次進行妨害性自主,許多想關案件已經進入司法程序。在這樣的前提下,劉冠詳的作品出現在入選名單內,進而引發爭議與討論,並導致幾位入選的作品退出名單。 本次節目邀請退出入選的藝術家周寬柔,以及在這次事件中多次陪伴受害者的黃美寧,以“間接涉事人”的角度,從自身的心境,和後續事件發酵的觀察切入。在類似事件發生時,大多數作為被動接受資訊,或者是朋友的朋友的一方,我們能做什麼?該怎麼做?又該以怎麼樣的心態來看待? 節目討論以主持人和來賓的主觀視角出發做…
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①New Chinese migratory bird sanctuaries added to UNESCO World Heritage List ②Customized travel redefines tourist experience in NW China ③Shanghai metro introduces luggage storage self-service for hassle-free travel ④China makes more films accessible for blind people ⑤A Thousand Whys: Lost love reunion, once a year…
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①New fitness track to link Beijing and Zhangjiakou ②China's 2nd domestic large cruise ship to start operation in 2027 ③Shanghai Museum throws a party for pet cats during "Fantastic Night" event at ancient Egyptian civilization exhibition ④Espying millennium-old relics in China's underwater museum ⑤A Thousand Whys: How Chinese people welcome the Beg…
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①Lighter but longer: Researchers develop tiny solar-powered drones for extended flight ②West End musical "Cats" returns to Beijing ③Over 3,400-yr-old jade, stone "workshop" discovered at China's legendary Sanxingdui Ruins ④A Thousand Whys: What can China's flood myth teach us about water management?
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①Air routes boost foreign trade of China's mountainous province ②China, ASEAN members establish durian sci-tech innovation alliance ③Chinese team develops versatile AI model capable of reading cancer images ④Tourism revitalizes ancient village near Great Wall ⑤A Thousand Whys: Lotus - the favorite summer flower of the Chinese people…
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①Chinese national park transacts tropical rainforest carbon-sink trading ②Terracotta Warriors celebrate 50 years of discovery ③Gate ruins of ancient capital unearthed in central China ④Chinese embrace dog days of summer with sanfu moxibustion ⑤A Thousand Whys: Acupuncture, the Qi stimulator and balancer…
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①Milky Way galaxy can be larger than expected: study ②Beijing launches "rocket street" project to advance commercial space development ③Centuries-old science classic comes alive on stage ④Items related to ancient Great Wall guards unearthed in Beijing ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why Chinese people drink herbal tea during Major Heat?…
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①Chief scientist of China's FAST telescope awarded Marcel Grossmann Award ②Researchers develop brain-on-a-chip system, advancing brain-computer interfaces ③Museum trips see peak season during summer vacation ④University in Yunnan province launches China's first coffee major, delving into science of coffee-making ⑤A Thousand Whys: Fantastic mushroom…
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