Welcome to the Athar Athar podcast, where amazing things happen.
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أثركاست هو أحد برامج مبادرة أبجد للتعليم ، وهو دردشة خفيفة مع مجموعة من الشباب الناجحين، نتحدث معهم عن تجاربهم ضمن مراحل: ما قبل، وأثناء، وبعد المرحلة الجامعية، اخترناهم ليساعدوا جميع الطلاب ويتحدثوا لنا عن التجارب والتحديات التي مرّوا بها.. التغيرات والمصاعب التي واجهتهم.. وكيف استطاعوا تخطيها. ستكون معكم المُحاورة دانة، برعاية الحاضنة الرقمية للبودكاست Podlines، ومبادرة أبجد للتعليم
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This American Laugh with Aristotle Athari and Andy Harris
Big Money Players Network and iHeartPodcasts
Join improv comedians Aristotle Athari and Andy Harris on This American Laugh, an improvised comedy podcast in the style of your favorite storytelling show from a certain public radio station. Each week, host Ari, producer Andy and a special guest contributor use prompts from a random sentence generator to improvise fake real stories filled with fake real people, in three acts.
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Aumkar Sanskar Kendra - Shree Ganapati Atharvasheersha - पाणिनीय / परसवर्ण पध्दती
Asmita Sharad Dev
Aumkar Sanskar Kendra - Shree Ganapati Atharvasheersha - पाणिनीय / परसवर्ण पध्दती ==== नमस्कार 🙏 मी श्रीमती अस्मिता शरद देव, ॐकार संस्कार केंद्राची संस्थापिका आणि संचालिका. १९९८ मध्ये स्थापन झालेल्या ह्या केंद्रात संपूर्ण स्वास्थ्यासाठी ॐकार उपासना, बाल संस्कार वर्ग, पाणिनीय / परसवर्ण पध्दतीने श्रीगणपति अथर्वशीर्ष पठण वर्ग, श्रीसूक्त पठण वर्ग, श्री लक्ष्मीमातेचे संक्षिप्त पूजन इत्यादि वर्ग घेतले जातात. गेल्या १५ महिन्यात कोरोनाच्या संकटामुळे आम्ही हे सर्व वर्ग गुगल मीटद्वारा ॲानलाइन घेतो. ह् ...
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श्री गणपति उत्तरपूजा विधि - Ganapati Uttar Pooja Vidhi - Aumkar Sanskar Kendra - Asmita Sharad Dev
श्री गणपति उत्तरपूजा विधि - Ganapati Uttar Pooja Vidhi - Aumkar Sanskar Kendra - Asmita Sharad Dev由Asmita Sharad Dev
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श्री गणपति प्रतिष्ठापना विधि - Shree ganapati pratisthapana - Aumkar Sanskar Kendra - Asmita Dev
श्री गणपति प्रतिष्ठापना विधि - Shree ganapati pratisthapana - Aumkar Sanskar Kendra - Asmita Dev由Asmita Sharad Dev
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Aumkar Sanskar Kendra - Shree Ganapati Atharasheersha - श्री गणपति अथर्वशीर्ष - Shlok 1 to 6 - Asmita Sharad Dev
Aumkar Sanskar Kendra - Shree Ganapati Atharasheersha - श्री गणपति अथर्वशीर्ष - Shlok 1 to 6 - Asmita Sharad Dev由Asmita Sharad Dev
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Aumkar Sanskar Kendra - Shree Ganapati Atharasheersha - श्री गणपति अथर्वशीर्ष - चौथा श्लोक - Fourth Shloka
Aumkar Sanskar Kendra - Shree Ganapati Atharasheersha - श्री गणपति अथर्वशीर्ष - चौथा श्लोक - Fourth Shloka由Asmita Sharad Dev
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Aumkar Sanskar Kendra - Shree Ganapati Atharasheersha - श्री गणपति अथर्वशीर्ष - तिसरा श्लोक - Third Shloka
Aumkar Sanskar Kendra - Shree Ganapati Atharasheersha - श्री गणपति अथर्वशीर्ष - तिसरा श्लोक - Third Shloka由Asmita Sharad Dev
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Aumkar Sanskar Kendra - Shree Ganapati Atharasheersha - श्री गणपति अथर्वशीर्ष - पहिला व दुसरा श्लोक - First and Second Shloka
Aumkar Sanskar Kendra - Shree Ganapati Atharasheersha - श्री गणपति अथर्वशीर्ष - पहिला व दुसरा श्लोक - First and Second Shloka由Asmita Sharad Dev
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Shree Ganapati Atharvasheersha - पाणिनीय / परसवर्ण पध्दती - 21 Times - Aumkar Sanskar Kendra - Asmita Sharad Dev
Shree Ganapati Atharvasheersha - पाणिनीय / परसवर्ण पध्दती - 21 Times - Aumkar Sanskar Kendra - Asmita Sharad Dev ==== नमस्कार 🙏 मी श्रीमती अस्मिता शरद देव, ॐकार संस्कार केंद्राची संस्थापिका आणि संचालिका. १९९८ मध्ये स्थापन झालेल्या ह्या केंद्रात संपूर्ण स्वास्थ्यासाठी ॐकार उपासना, बाल संस्कार वर्ग, पाणिनीय / परसवर्ण पध्दतीने श्रीगणपति अथर्वशीर्ष पठण…
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أصرت على دراسة الصيدلة رغم الحرب والقصف، وبعد التخرج قررت التخصص بالمجال البحثي في ألمانيا، بعد الوصول اكتشفت معاناة لم تكن تتوقعها في البلد الجديد، إلا أنها أصرت على إكمال الطريق مهما كانت الصعوبات، وهي الآن على بعد سنة واحدة من لقب "الدكتورة" نتعرف في حلقة اليوم من أثركاست على رحلة طالبة الدكتوراه بجامعة هانوفر الطبية الصيدلانية شفاء عابدين وتخصص…
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كيف استكملت رغد تعليمها بعد سنوات من الانقطاع؟ وكيف دخلت كلية التربية عن قناعة ومحبة بعد أن كانت تدرس الصيدلة؟ ولماذا اختارت هذا الفرع الجديد تحديداً. ؟ تروي لنا رغد العمري طالبة دكتوراه في جامعة حلب باعزاز بكلية التربية رحلتها الشيقة بحلقة جديدة من أثركاست مع الصحفية دانة سقباني بالتعاون مع Podlines أثركاست برعاية الحاضنة الرقمية للبودكاست Podline…
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دخل النشاط الاجتماعي بعد مراحل تعليمية وعمل وتطوع كثيرة، غيّر على إثرها اختصاصاً كان اختاره لنفسه منذ سن صغيرة وأعاد ترتيب حياته وأولوياته بالشكل الذي يحب.. نتعرف في هذا البودكاست على رحلة إيهاب بدوي التعليمية وحتى دخوله معترك النشاط الشبابي في حلقة جديدة من أثر كاست مع الصحفية دانة سقباني بالتعاون مع Podlines أثركاست برعاية الحاضنة الرقمية للبودكا…
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لماذا خرج عامر من سوريا ؟ ولماذا انقطع عن اختصاصين جامعيين سابقين كان قد دخلهما عن رغبة؟ كونوا معنا عالسمع برحلة تعليمية جديدة بدأت من المستشفى وتكللت بنجاح باهر على مستوى الجامعة في حلقة جديدة من أثر كاست مع الصحفية دانة سقباني بالتعاون مع Podlines أثركاست برعاية الحاضنة الرقمية للبودكاست Podlines https://podlines.com/ ومبادرة أبجد للتعليم https:/…
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بعد أن نصح طلاب الجامعة بعدم الخجل.. كيف أسس الريادي والمستشار الإداري أحمد برغلي شركته الأولى في سوريا؟ وما النجاحات التي حققها بعدما قرر التغيير الحقيقي لحياته ومسيرته؟ وماذا عن السفر خارجاً حتى وصوله إلى دبي في الإمارات؟ كل ذلك والمزيد من خلال حلقة جديدة من أثر كاست مع الصحفية دانة سقباني بالتعاون مع Podlines كونوا على السمع .. الحاضنة الرقمية ل…
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ما بين الأمومة والنجاح في العمل.. تتحدث لنا منسقة الموارد البشرية هلا انتقالها من دراسة هندسة التقانة الحيوية إلى إدارة الأعمال، تعالوا معنا في رحلة تعليمية شيقة لنتعرف بها أكثر على هلا وكيف استطاعت التوفيق بين العمل والدراسة ونجاحها في كل ذلك إلى جانب طفلها الصغير من خلال حلقة جديدة من أثر كاست مع الصحفية دانة سقباني بالتعاون مع Podlines أثركاست ب…
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كيف استطاع بشر نجار النجاح في صناعة محتوى رقمي مميز وصل لجميع السوريين و العرب؟ بعد أن قضى رحلة تعليمية مرهقة ومغامرات عديدة ما بين دمشق وفرنسا ! وكيف طوع هوايته مع الدراسة حتى الوصول للنجاح ؟ تعالوا معنا في رحلة تعليمية شيقة لنتعرف بها أكثر عل بشر وكيف استطاع أن يحقق هذه الشهرة بصناعة المحتوى من خلال حلقة جديدة من أثر كاست مع الصحفية دانة سقباني ب…
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للطموح أهداف لا يحدها زمان ولا مكان ، تروي لنا راما المعري كيف كان الإغلاق التام بسبب كورونا سبباً لدخولها في منحة تشيفننغ، ووصولها إلى الماجستير الذي لطالما أرادته، فأصبح اختصاصاً جديداً في بريطانيا بدلاً من شهادة لم تكتمل في دمشق قبل نحو 10 سنوات , كونوا معنا في رحلة شيقة وجديدة من أثركاست لنتعرف أكثر عن راما وعن تجربتها العلمية . أثركاست برعاية …
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في سرد شيق يحدثنا المهندس أسامة كيف طوّع هوايته في عمل لم يكن ضمن اهتماماته الأمر الذي ساعده في تحقيق أهداف وغايات أضافها على قائمة ما يطمح إليه , في حلقة جديدة من أثر كاست والتي سننهل من خلالها من بعض خبراته عن المهارات والفرص المتاحة خلال المرحلة الجامعية. هذا البودكاست برعاية الحاضنة الرقمية للبودكاست(Podlines) ، ومبادرة أبجد للتعليم أثركاست برع…
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بدأ بالبحث عن اختصاصه منذ كان طالباً في الجامعة، وعرف تماماً ماذا يريد وإلى أين عليه التوجه قبل التخرج.. الدكتور طاهر حتاحت يتحدث من خلال أثر كاست عن وصوله لفرنسا ومن ثم بريطانيا، وعن تدريسه لطلبة من عمره في جامعات مختلفة حول العالم، وزودنا "من خلال خبرته" عن المهارات والفرص المتاحة خلال المرحلة الجامعية أثركاست برعاية الحاضنة الرقمية للبودكاست Pod…
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This week’s theme: “Fidelity.” A man learns some harsh truths about his wife, a zoo makes some changes and a scofflaw tries to start a new life. Special Guest Contributor Erik Griffin is a stand-up comedian, writer and actor. You’ve seen him on “Workaholics,” “I’m Dying Up Here,” “Bob’s Burgers,” “Arrested Development” and many, many other places. …
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This week’s theme: “Ambition.” A car dealer has trouble closing, a downtrodden fast-food worker gets some help from above, and a couple’s living situation depends on the whims of a hummingbird. Special Guest Contributor Chelsea Pope is a writer, actress and a comedian. You may have seen her performing improv and sketch at the Upright Citizens Briga…
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This week’s theme: “Strategy.” A pair of ad execs play hardball, a step-daughter has trouble facing reality, and two fisherman can’t get any nibbles. Special Guest Contributor Amanda Sitko is an actress, writer and longtime improviser. You may have seen her onstage at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theater. Her writing credits include “Brockmire” and…
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This week’s theme: “Fear.” Two sickly co-workers fall in love, a ghost-hunting podcast goes off the rails, and a working mom’s family pleads with her to take a break. Special Guest Contributor Nicole Aimée Schreiber is a writer, actress and comedian. You may have seen her on “Lights Out With David Spade,” “Jeff Ross Presents Roast Battle,” and Oxyg…
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This week’s theme: “Armageddon.” A group of scientists try to save the world, an NFL legend shakes up a family, and a teacher bites off more than he can chew. Special Guest Contributor Carl Tart is an actor and writer. You may have seen his work on “Brooklyn Nine-Nine,” “Kenan,” “Mad TV,” and NBC’s “Grand Crew.” IG: @dammitcarl Learn more about you…
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This week’s theme: “Disinformation.” A one-night stand leads to a shocking revelation, a shopping trip changes a woman’s life, and a deathbed confession rocks a son’s world. Special Guest Contributor Christine Medrano is a stand-up comic, actress, writer and filmmaker. You may have seen her on “College Humor,” “Bob’s Burgers,” and “I Think She Like…
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This week’s theme: “Originality.” A woman struggles with a man’s lack of class, two brothers have a difficult relationship with their father, and a guy’s totally original ideas seem a bit familiar. Special Guest Contributor Raphael Chestang is a writer, actor and comedian. You may have seen him on “College Humor,” “Pretty Smart” and “Paranoia.” IG:…
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This week’s theme: “Deception.” A man’s dullness helps him fail upward, a woman copes with her significant other’s gullibility, and a group of ponytailed workers try to help a customer. Special Guest Contributor Katie Marovitch is an actress, writer and improviser. You’ve seen her work on CollegeHumor, her show “Kingpin Katie,” and “Waffle,” and yo…
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Host Ari and Producer Andy will be returning soon with new episodes and more! Stay with us and be sure to rate and review here: https://podcasts.apple.com/ph/podcast/this-is-americans-live/id1572216667?uo=4 Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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This week, our host Ari is still away working on “Saturday Night Live,” but don’t worry…Producer Andy is here to keep cranking out the magic until he returns. Please enjoy our interviews with special guest contributors Max Koch (“Kung Fu Panda: Legends Of Awesomeness”), Phillip Wilburn (“Conan,” “Jimmy Kimmel Live,”) John Milhiser (“SNL,” “Drama Cl…
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Aumkar Sanskar Kendra - Shree Ganapati Atharvasheersha - पाणिनीय / परसवर्ण पध्दती - गणपती अथर्वशीर्ष - पाणिनीय / परसवर्ण पध्दतीने स्पष्टिकरणासहित
Aumkar Sanskar Kendra - Shree Ganapati Atharvasheersha - पाणिनीय / परसवर्ण पध्दती ==== नमस्कार 🙏 मी श्रीमती अस्मिता शरद देव, ॐकार संस्कार केंद्राची संस्थापिका आणि संचालिका. १९९८ मध्ये स्थापन झालेल्या ह्या केंद्रात संपूर्ण स्वास्थ्यासाठी ॐकार उपासना, बाल संस्कार वर्ग, पाणिनीय / परसवर्ण पध्दतीने श्रीगणपति अथर्वशीर्ष पठण वर्ग, श्रीसूक्त पठण वर्ग, श्री…
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Aumkar Sanskar Kendra - Shree Ganapati Atharvasheersha - पाणिनीय / परसवर्ण पध्दती - गणपती अथर्वशीर्ष
Aumkar Sanskar Kendra - Shree Ganapati Atharvasheersha - पाणिनीय / परसवर्ण पध्दती ==== नमस्कार 🙏 मी श्रीमती अस्मिता शरद देव, ॐकार संस्कार केंद्राची संस्थापिका आणि संचालिका. १९९८ मध्ये स्थापन झालेल्या ह्या केंद्रात संपूर्ण स्वास्थ्यासाठी ॐकार उपासना, बाल संस्कार वर्ग, पाणिनीय / परसवर्ण पध्दतीने श्रीगणपति अथर्वशीर्ष पठण वर्ग, श्रीसूक्त पठण वर्ग, श्री…
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This week, our host Ari is still away working on “Saturday Night Live,” but never fear…Producer Andy is here to pick up the slack until he returns. Please enjoy our interviews with special guest contributors Brian Huskey (“Bob’s Burgers,” “Children’s Hospital”), Rekha Shankar (“CollegeHumor,” “Animaniacs,” “Grand Crew”) and radio personality Jojo W…
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This week, our Host Ari ran off to join the cast of “Saturday Night Live,” and left Producer Andy in charge to put together a best-of episode. Please enjoy our interviews with special guest contributors Rick Glassman (The “Take Your Shoes Off” Podcast), Gina Grad (“The Adam Carolla Show”) and Miles Gray (“The Daily Zeitgeist”). Rick Glassman www.ri…
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This week’s theme: “Discursive.” A father and son try to bond through art, a couple takes a gamble on love, and a velvety-voiced family faces new challenges in the workplace and at home. Special Guest Contributor John Milhiser is a wildly talented actor and writer. Formerly a featured player on “Saturday Night Live,” you may have also seen him in 2…
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This week’s theme: “Confessions.” A famous bear turns to a life of arson, a modern family faces new challenges, and a classic action film gets an unnecessary reboot . Special Guest Contributor Jake Kroeger a stand-up comic, writer, director and producer. He has written extensively about the art form of comedy for Vulture, Nerdist, LA Weekly and mor…
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This week’s theme: “Partnership.” An outdoorsman copes with a curse, a man’s banana pancakes change his life, and two old men in a bait shop let their loneliness get the best of them. Special Guest Contributor Scott Palmason is an actor, singer, improviser and comedian. You may recognize him from ‘Scrubs,’ ‘The Tonight Show,’ and several Second Cit…
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This week’s theme: “Survival.” A robot has ulterior motives, three friends have very different personalities, and a therapist’s unique approach makes him very, very happy. Special Guest Contributor Aristotle Georgeson is a comedian, writer, musician and performance artist. His alter ego “Blake Webber” has amassed over 4 million followers and hundre…
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This week’s theme: “Challenges.” A bathroom dance challenge makes a splash, a cheating college student struggles to move on, and an accidental mob war leads to some soul-searching. Special Guest Contributor Brian Guest is an actor, writer and improvisor. You may have seen him on Comedy Central’s ‘Workaholics,’ Netflix’s ‘Narcos,’ NBC’s ’Southland,’…
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This week’s theme: “Duality.” A pair of scientists try to understand humor, a mafia rat tries to juggle his two lives and winds up in over his head, and a clairvoyant specializes in expiration dates. Special Guest Contributor Brian Huskey is an actor, writer and improviser. You may recognize him from “Veep,” “Bob’s Burgers,” “Children’s Hospital” a…
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This week’s theme: “Destiny.” A City Council tries to deal with an abundance of masks, an elderly woman’s unique way of saving time, and a man hides his eyes to hide the truth. Special Guest Contributor Parvesh Cheena is an actor, writer and longtime improviser. You may have seen him on NBC’s “Outsourced,” ABC’s “The Goldbergs,” “Mythic Quest,” and…
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This week’s theme: “Friendship.” A trashy neighbor wreaks havoc, a mother insists on a mushroom-free diet, and a judge has a unique approach to settling disputes. Special Guest Contributor Phillip Wilburn has been seen and heard on “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” “The Late Late Show with James Corden”, “Conan” and “Dragonball Z.” He does several weekly audio …
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This week’s theme: “Left Turns.” Missing keys lead to shocking revelations, an artist who paints her music finds an unlikely collaborator, and a guy’s hot breath puts him in hot water. Special Guest Contributor Rekha Shankar is a prolific comedy writer, currently writing for NBC’s “Grand Crew” and Hulu’s “Animaniacs.” She also writes for “Reductres…
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This week’s theme: “Confidence.” An image consultant has some image issues, the seedy underbelly of Krav Maga, and the TV mash-up you never asked for. Special Guest Contributor Miles Gray is a producer, writer, director and comedian. He can be heard co-hosting “The Daily Zeitgeist” and “420 Day Fiance” wherever you get your podcasts. Twitter: @mile…
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This week’s theme: “Communication.” A rock band on the rocks, some unfriendly competition in the workplace leads to a longtime grudge, and a guys’ night is ruined by a shocking revelation. Special Guest Contributor Jojo Wright is a radio personality who can be heard on 102.7 KIIS-FM in Los Angeles and “The iHeartRadio Countdown” all over the countr…
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This week’s theme: “Secrets.” An intrusive neighborhood watch, a hospital filled with clowns, and a video game addict who has a chance to make a difference. Special Guest Contributor Jacob Reed is an award-winning writer, producer and director. You have seen his work on Comedy Central, Funny Or Die, Nickelodeon and “Jimmy Kimmel Live.” He is also a…
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This week’s theme: “Justice.” The cutthroat world of high school cheerleading, a misunderstood entrepreneur makes it big, and a bird longs to be free as a...umm...bird.Special Guest Contributor Rick Glassman is an actor, comedian, writer and podcaster. Check out his hilarious podcast “Take Your Shoes Off!” www.rickglassman.com IG: @rickglassman Twi…
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This week’s theme: “Innovation.” A woman’s unique recipe has everybody talking, a child rushes to grow up, and a small-business owner lacks imagination. Special Guest Contributor Becky Robinson is an actress, stand-up comic, and voice over artist. She can be heard on the new Nickelodeon animated series “Middlemost Post.” IG: @beckyrobinson4 Twitter…
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This week’s theme: “Attachment.” A pooch moves onto bigger and better things, a couple finds themselves up a creek without a paddle, and a radio morning show gets a little too edgy. Special Guest Contributor Gina Grad is a radio broadcaster in Los Angeles and is currently the longest-running anchor/co-host of “The Adam Carolla Show.” She is also th…
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This week’s theme: “Opportunities.” A nurse gets in over her head, an improv teacher copes with a difficult student, and a pitch-man pitches his way into a downward spiral. Special Guest Contributor Christine Bullen is an actress, writer, comedian, and the artistic director at The Upright Citizens Brigade Theater – L.A. Learn more about your ad-cho…
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This week’s theme: “Trust.” A grandfather’s love proves to be fickle, two cops are on thin ice with the chief, and a pair of pranksters could use some pranking practice. Special Guest Contributor Max Koch is a voice actor and artist living in Los Angeles. Twitter: @MaxKochOfficial YouTube: @BowlerHat Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.…
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