The United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law is a unique multimedia resource providing high quality international law training and research materials for free. Please visit our website at
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Fuad Zarbiyev - L'autorité des décisions juridictionnelles en droit international由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Philippe Gautier - Procédures incidentes devant la Cour internationale de Justice由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Chi Manjiao - Sustainable Development and International Economic Governance由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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池漫郊教授 - 可持续发展与国际经济治理由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Hélène Tigroudja - La protection de l'environnement par les organes de protection des droits de l'homme由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Hélène Tigroudja - Protection of the Environment by Human Rights Bodies由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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刘大群法官 - 国际罪行由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Liu Daqun - International Crimes由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Dustin A. Lewis - The End of an Armed Conflict under International Law由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Michał Balcerzak - The Law and Practice of UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Michał Balcerzak - The Law and Practice of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Fernando Lusa Bordin - The Applicability of General International Law to International Organizations
Fernando Lusa Bordin - The Applicability of General International Law to International Organizations由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Jean-Marie Henckaerts - Where Vienna and Geneva Meet: Treaty Interpretation and the Geneva Conventions由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Cezary Mik - The Principle of pacta sunt servanda in International Law由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Cezary Mik - Application of the Principle of pacta sunt servanda to Other Sources of International Law由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Peri Johnson - The Role of Nuclear Law in the Use of Atomic Energy for Peace and Development
Peri Johnson - The Role of Nuclear Law in the Use of Atomic Energy for Peace and Development由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Danae Azaria - State Silence in International Law由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Valerie Oosterveld - Sexual Violence and other Gender-based Crimes in the Jurisprudence of ICC
Valerie Oosterveld - Sexual Violence and other Gender-based Crimes in the Jurisprudence of International Criminal Courts and Tribunals由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Chiara Giorgetti - Criticism and Reform Efforts in International Investment Law由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Chiara Giorgetti - Resolving Disputes in International Investment Law: International Investment Arbitration由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Chiara Giorgetti - Substantive Principles of International Investment Law由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Chiara Giorgetti - Introduction to International Investment Law由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Clara Sandoval - Temáticas relevantes en materia de derecho a la reparación para víctimas de violencia sexual en conflictos armados由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Clara Sandoval - Selected Issues on the Right to Reparation of Survivors of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Paola Gaeta - The System of International Criminal Justice由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Paola Gaeta - The "Core" International Crimes: Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Paola Gaeta - The "Core" International Crimes: Aggression and War Crimes由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Paola Gaeta - The Pluralism of International Criminal Law由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Paola Gaeta - Foundation of Principles of International Criminal Law由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Nicholas Tsagourias - The Legal Status of Cyberspace under International Law由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Nicholas Tsagourias - The Use of Force in Cyberspace由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Said Mahmoudi - Self-Defence and “Unwilling or Unable” States (Part I)由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Said Mahmoudi - Self-Defence and “Unwilling or Unable” States (Part II)由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Said Mahmoudi - Self-Defence and “Unwilling or Unable” States (Part III)由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Alina Miron - Les sanctions du droit diplomatique et consulaire由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Alina Miron - Les immunités et privilèges diplomatiques et consulaires (Partie II) by Audiovisual Library of International Law由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Alina Miron - Les immunités et privilèges diplomatiques et consulaires (Partie I)由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Alina Miron - Le droit, compagnon constant des relations diplomatiques et consulaires由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Samantha Besson - Due Diligence in International Law由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Andrew Clapham - The Meaning of War in International Law由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Annyssa Bellal - The Responsibility of Armed Non-State Actors in Armed Conflicts由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Ricardo Arredondo - Inmunidades y privilegios由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Marcelo Kohen - La solución jurisdiccional de controversias internacionales由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Marcelo Kohen - Solución pacífica de controversias: un principio fundamental del Derecho Internacional由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Helen Durham - Relevance and Usefulness of International Humanitarian Law: The Laws of War Today
Helen Durham - Relevance and Usefulness of International Humanitarian Law: The Laws of War Today由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Juan Manuel Gómez Robledo - Guide de l’application à titre provisoire des traités由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Juan Manuel Gómez Robledo - Guía para la Aplicación Provisional de los Tratados由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Juan Manuel Gómez Robledo - Guide to Provisional Application of Treaties由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Edith Brown Weiss - Liability, Accountability and Compliance with International Environmental Law
Edith Brown Weiss - Liability, Accountability and Compliance with International Environmental Law由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Edith Brown Weiss - Legal Approaches to Controlling Pollution and Conserving Natural Resources
Edith Brown Weiss - Legal Approaches to Controlling Pollution and Conserving Natural Resources and Fresh Water由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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Edith Brown Weiss - Principles of International Environmental Law (Section 2/2)由Audiovisual Library of International Law
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