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冷门好歌,创作者访谈,以及从音乐延展出的更多。Independent radio presenter Fangzhou selects the best of alternative music, and invites artists from China and beyond to talk about their musical inspirations.
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两类人喜欢去 Two kinds of people would be super fan 上班族压力大的人 the employees who sit in the office and suffer from heave workload 让疲倦消失 let the fatigues gone from their life 成里长大的年轻人 the young adults who are used to the city life
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前些日子和朋友开玩笑说,今年上海没了万圣节,许是去年此时玩得太过放肆,大鸣大放之后便回归虚无,总有一只手悬在你的头上。 我们的生活就是这样界墙鲜明,于是反而在有限的余地里空放狠话,当然大家都彼此默认当做发泄,不能当真。时至今日,所有的变形与撒野的寄托,都落入了这些光怪陆离的音乐里。 曲目单: (01:26) Plantoid - Modulator (08:27) Cornelius - The Micro Disneycal World Tour (Remix by Sean O'Hagan) (13:57) Api Uiz - Cheval et tortilla (20:18) Radio 4 - Dance To The Underground (24:15) Friko - Sta…
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2024年第三辑《扭扭爵士 New Nu-Jazz》来了~ 这一季既有 Nala Sinephro, Sharada Shashidhar 和 Bremer/McCoy 带来静心凝神的旋律,也有 Ezra Collective, berlioz 和 Galliano 呼唤各位闻乐起舞。 更让人高兴的是,11月国内即将迎来多位爵士乐明星的巡演(从没有哪次发 show notes 这么想贴一堆巡演海报的)。当然除了本期节目,你还可以在这份歌单中听到更多在2024年7-9月间发表的新派爵士乐作品。 曲目单: (00:45) Nicole Mitchell & Ballaké Sissoko - Doname (05:27) Kessoncoda - Hammers (08:41) Nala Sin…
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理想的房子就在郊区 My dream house would certainly be on the suburb ‘ 慢节奏生活适合我 the slow pace of life would be right for me 太吵闹了 I mean that would be too crowed and noisy in my mind 房价是另外考虑的因素 the price is another reason that I have to think about
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