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【多人耳朵運動 | 改變社會風氣 | 提高生活內涵 】浩室舞曲\ 馳放沙發⋯多樣曲風總有一款適合您! 台灣Podcast電音#1的節目,用於通勤、旅途、運動⋯以及飯後,搭配溫開水服用。如果您聽完感覺有18% Up的悸動和雀躍。您還有以下的方法: 訂閱、和推薦分享給一個最合拍的朋友。或者到我的粉絲頁 🔻FB : edm18pa 集氣點讚留言,謝謝! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Sooopodcast 親子丼․親子台 4月開台啦~~~ #親子丼 隨時點播有關小朋友題材的節目,內容千奇百趣。無論是『細聲講大聲笑』、『飛天遁地』、『寶寶心底話』、『聲音導航繪本』、『揹書包去返學』、『孩子講上班』的節目~ 只要你是小妹妹、大哥哥、爸爸媽媽、願意陪伴小朋友成長的大朋友 #親子丼 都是一個「好岩你聽」 的親子台 4月1日正式開台 每逢週一 | 最新Podcast準時上架
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《新聲帶》風~一樣的女子 瑜Ruby、頌Sunya 紀錄女孩的日常對話 Fun著聽。放著聽 輕鬆聊聊、吵吵鬧鬧 時而笑笑、偶爾睡覺 希望也能為你的日常 帶來一點幽默和笑料 我們不瘋!我們只是微風~ 微荒謬喜劇 使大抖 DJ drop the beat. - 本頻道節目音樂感謝changhuan提供 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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嗨大家好我是花 北部南漂到台中讀書四年 兩隻貓/臉上有雀斑/鼻環唇環 謝謝你的收聽 希望成為你下班下課搭車 回到家 陪伴你度過的聲音 喔然後希望我會變成搞笑藝人☻ _ 匿名連結| 留下你的故事 有機會上podcast 也可以留想對我講的話 📥私訊我的ig也可以喔 謝謝你的收聽🦋 ➢花 |ig:pf_1230 ➢音樂/混音及剪輯|:karot_20137 ➢封面設計|:_chi0611 ➢封面參考| ➢☾Beat ''Connection''☾| ➢合作邀約| Powered by Firstory Hosting
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每個人本身都有屬於自己的能量氣場, 當自身的氣場混亂,不只容易受外境干擾影響, 也容易讓來到身邊的人事物變得更複雜難搞。 而「音頻」可提供自然穩定的頻率, 好引導混亂的能量氣場再次校準回歸平衡, 進而調節我們的情緒感受和內在狀態。 音療還有另外的功能作用, 試著閉著眼帶著耳機聆聽音療, 練習把常向外的焦點和注意力,拉回收攝轉往向內! 當意識能把對外的功能作用,留下只剩聽覺, 最終還能再把這個功能作用也放掉時, 可以體驗回歸萬物為一體的「存在狀態」。 🎗 藉由音頻來調整好自己成為最佳的狀態 搭配自然律動的呼吸, 讓... 每一次吸氣都是個重生, 每一次呼氣都是在蛻變, 藉由音頻+善念正向的意圖,正是在為你創造協助療癒自己和世界的機會。 分享創作的 #冥想音樂 #療癒音樂 #meditativesounds 運用音頻的療癒力量,打造喜悅、活力、豐盛的美好人生 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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我是Jessie。今年27歲,喜歡閱讀,閱讀開闊了我學習的視野。我喜歡探究事情的本質,思考與學習。 我在上英文課時會跟孩子們分享課外的內容,因為我不希望孩子們的學習只拘泥于課本上的知識。 我開了各個平台是因為我想讓孩子們知意識到語言學習是可以充滿樂趣的。 一個語言會有現在的樣子是透過了幾千年文化的累積,當我們看到他的本質,學習將變得不再枯燥。 Jessie老師會不定期分享英文諺語故事與,片語和流行用語。 喜歡聽故事的你或是在準備考試的你,老師都希望我的節目可以對你有所幫助。 老師沒有很好的錄音設備,所以有些雜訊。希望各位學子們多多包涵。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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主要是由KARA訪問小六 走上輔導志工之路的小六同時也走上了自己更深度的心靈學習,另以不同方式去服務的KARA也身有同感地分享出自己的道路和在療育工作當中的學習。 PREM KARA心靈能量工作室 卡蘿's心靈工作誌 PREM KARA心靈能量工作室是小小的心靈角落,從2009年開始支持人們從內在孩童療癒、家庭關係整合到前世今生的觀點超越,以心靈能量閱讀為基石去服務。【預約制】 微信與LINE帳號:premkara 背景音樂創作者 Prod.By Andrew if you're interested with my beat plz DM my instagram @an666rew gif source : KARA(卡蘿)療癒服務/其實就都是心靈能量閱讀的各種不同運用: #塔羅占卜【可遠距】 就是占卜呀 #生命藍圖能量調整一對一療癒 【可遠距視訊】 綜合「意識循環能量閱讀」與「水晶。石頭排列個案」、「生命 ...
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我愛音樂,因此也對聆聽音樂的器材也相對重視! 大至音響系統、小至耳機配備,試過的機器也不少。 電源線、耳機線、各種器材都是我想要嘗試的,你也跟我一樣嗎? 聽音樂就是想要聽到好聲音! 歡迎來到「My Stereo」天地! 可收聽的平台 重視原創,是持續創作的動力 歡迎光臨我的探路客部落格: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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【喜歡這個Set? 歡迎加入國民電音新生活!】 🌟Line社群:紮背趴替 🌟 ▶️ Oxygen Formula EDM 紮背趴 ▶️ O2F EDM紮背趴應援團 -- ※ Tracklist: Empire Of The Sun - We Are The People (Nacho Varela & Cruz Vittor Edit); Siks & David Guetta (ft. Sam Martin) - Without You X Dangerous ( Nerjax Mashup Acapella ); …
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【喜歡這個Set? 歡迎加入國民電音新生活!】 🌟Line社群:紮背趴替 🌟 ▶️ Oxygen Formula EDM 紮背趴 ▶️ O2F EDM紮背趴應援團 -- ※ Tracklist: Lana Del Rey - Say Yes To heaven (Maesic Remix); Anna - I Got It (TonyLaces, D'Amico & Valax Remix); Klod'n'Lodd - House Is There (Extended Mix); Marc Korn x Danny …
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【喜歡這個Set? 歡迎加入國民電音新生活!】 🌟Line社群:紮背趴替 🌟 ▶️ Oxygen Formula EDM 紮背趴 ▶️ O2F EDM紮背趴應援團 -- ※ Tracklist: Mooh - DELHAB (Original Mix)djmoooh; Chemical Brothers x David Hopperman - Galvanize (Kolya Funk Blend)kolya_funk; MEDUZA, OneRepublic & Leony - Fire (CHRSTN & Ray …
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來到今季最後一集JLM啦。會想念我們的weekly gathering嗎?I am gonna miss you. 不如一起來聚聚吧! Join me and my super cool daddy as we take a walk down memory lane! We’ll revisit some of my favorite Jesus Loves Me moments from this past season. Get ready for a highlight reel of the times Jesus taught me to embrace the unique person He created me to be – weird voice, giggles an…
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來到今季最後一集JLM啦。會想念我們的weekly gathering嗎?I am gonna miss you. 不如一起來聚聚吧! Join me and my super cool daddy as we take a walk down memory lane! We’ll revisit some of my favorite Jesus Loves Me moments from this past season. Get ready for a highlight reel of the times Jesus taught me to embrace the unique person He created me to be – weird voice, giggles an…
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今次,我和爸爸一起主持《JLM週記》的倒數特別版!我們要和大家分享重溫這個節目季度裡面,我遇到的一些情緒挑戰……比如當我感到寂寞無聊時……或者對哥哥生氣時……主耶穌如何一直安慰我,陪著我度過每一個困難時刻。爸爸也會分享他難忘的回憶。希望這集節目能鼓勵你,讓你知道無論遇到什麼事,主耶穌永遠都會陪伴在旁!倒數最後兩集啦,準備好了嗎? Join me and my papa for a very special episode of JLM Weekly as we reflect on some of my biggest emotional adventures this season – like the time I felt lonely without a friend or angr…
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今次,我和爸爸一起主持《JLM週記》的倒數特別版!我們要和大家分享重溫這個節目季度裡面,我遇到的一些情緒挑戰……比如當我感到寂寞無聊時……或者對哥哥生氣時……主耶穌如何一直安慰我,陪著我度過每一個困難時刻。爸爸也會分享他難忘的回憶。希望這集節目能鼓勵你,讓你知道無論遇到什麼事,主耶穌永遠都會陪伴在旁!倒數最後兩集啦,準備好了嗎? Join me and my papa for a very special episode of JLM Weekly as we reflect on some of my biggest emotional adventures this season – like the time I felt lonely without a friend or angr…
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【喜歡這個Set? 歡迎加入國民電音新生活!】 🌟Line社群:紮背趴替 🌟 ▶️ Oxygen Formula EDM 紮背趴 ▶️ O2F EDM紮背趴應援團 -- ※ Tracklist: Artemas - I Like The Way You Kiss Me (#WINTERKIND Remix); Charli XCX vs Breathe Carolina -1999 vs Finally (#SellOutMC Mashup); Danny Druce - I Feel The Energy; DJ K…
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今個星期的 JLM 要談論一個有趣的問題:如果你乘坐的飛機出現大危機,你會想寫下什麼最後的話?我們還會聽到Aunt Ashley的故事,以及主耶穌對天堂的承諾。這個話題有點嚴肅,但是我們會帶給大家希望和正能量。準備好了嗎?握緊安全帶,我們出發! You’ll never guess what I imagined writing if my plane went down! Come join me on this week’s JLM as I share what final words I’d tell my family if we crashed and how Aunt Ashley’s turbulence story got me thinking. I’ll also ta…
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今個星期的 JLM 要談論一個有趣的問題:如果你乘坐的飛機出現大危機,你會想寫下什麼最後的話?我們還會聽到Aunt Ashley的故事,以及主耶穌對天堂的承諾。這個話題有點嚴肅,但是我們會帶給大家希望和正能量。準備好了嗎?握緊安全帶,我們出發! You’ll never guess what I imagined writing if my plane went down! Come join me on this week’s JLM as I share what final words I’d tell my family if we crashed and how Aunt Ashley’s turbulence story got me thinking. I’ll also ta…
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開學啦!讓我幫你打打氣吧!今集JLM,我們要開心地唱唱詩歌,迎接新學年。我為大家準備了一些傳達著喜樂希望,而我又十分喜歡的詩歌。別怕開學突然要面對新的課堂和老師,因為主耶穌永遠走在我們前面。只要相信祂,就不會感到害怕。新學年,我們一起努力學習成長啊! Join me for a faith-filled musical celebration as we kick off the school year! Get ready to tap your toes and sing along to my hand-picked favourites. These lovely tunes remind us that with God we’ve got this – He walks with…
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開學啦!讓我幫你打打氣吧!今集JLM,我們要開心地唱唱詩歌,迎接新學年。我為大家準備了一些傳達著喜樂希望,而我又十分喜歡的詩歌。別怕開學突然要面對新的課堂和老師,因為主耶穌永遠走在我們前面。只要相信祂,就不會感到害怕。新學年,我們一起努力學習成長啊! Join me for a faith-filled musical celebration as we kick off the school year! Get ready to tap your toes and sing along to my hand-picked favourites. These lovely tunes remind us that with God we’ve got this – He walks with…
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跟我一起到太陽花田玩吧!一整片金黃色的笑臉向我揮手,我在花叢間跳來跳去,好開心啊!輕風吹動花莖,就像神在摸我的頭。小鳥兒在花上跳動,我知道神顧念 every living thing!這次在太陽花田遊玩讓我有什麼特別感受?聽聽咪知囉! Sunflowers and God’s Love! I skipped through rows of happy sunflowers taller than me! Their smiling faces reminded me of Jesus’ love and care. The breeze swaying their stems showed God’s gentle touch. Tiny birds fluttering about wer…
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跟我一起到太陽花田玩吧!一整片金黃色的笑臉向我揮手,我在花叢間跳來跳去,好開心啊!輕風吹動花莖,就像神在摸我的頭。小鳥兒在花上跳動,我知道神顧念 every living thing!這次在太陽花田遊玩讓我有什麼特別感受?聽聽咪知囉! Sunflowers and God’s Love! I skipped through rows of happy sunflowers taller than me! Their smiling faces reminded me of Jesus’ love and care. The breeze swaying their stems showed God’s gentle touch. Tiny birds fluttering about wer…
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【喜歡這個Set? 歡迎加入國民電音新生活!】 🌟Line社群:紮背趴替 🌟 ▶️ Oxygen Formula EDM 紮背趴 ▶️ O2F EDM紮背趴應援團 -- ※ Tracklist: Nicola Brusegan & Diego Broggio - Front Plain(Original Mix); Dua Lipa x Ownboss & Sevek - Houdini x Move Your Body (dj #shares Edit); Ruback & Amesens - DUNE [Sound…
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Cedar爸爸將分享一封他寫給Cedar的鼓勵信,談談如何在今天世界中 walk with Jesus。 我們一起探索通過善良來展現信仰的 meaning,即使他人不理解。 還有,收聽JLM今集特別版,了解如何堅守信念並愛護每一個人。 Join Cedar’s daddy as he shares a heartfelt letter of encouragement she wrote for Cedar on walking with Jesus in today’s world. Explore what it means to live out our faith through kindness, even when others don’t understand. Tune in…
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Cedar爸爸將分享一封他寫給Cedar的鼓勵信,談談如何在今天世界中 walk with Jesus。 我們一起探索通過善良來展現信仰的 meaning,即使他人不理解。 還有,收聽JLM今集特別版,了解如何堅守信念並愛護每一個人。 Join Cedar’s daddy as he shares a heartfelt letter of encouragement she wrote for Cedar on walking with Jesus in today’s world. Explore what it means to live out our faith through kindness, even when others don’t understand. Tune in…
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Yippie!我要去多倫多放暑假啦!我超級期待能見到叔叔和親戚,還有品嚐加拿大美食…… like poutine。我還會去參加夏令營,學習podcast的秘密,說不定回來後我就有一個像DJ Cedar Spin一樣cool的名字!但最重要的是,我希望這次旅程能讓我更加體會主耶穌的教導,去愛鄰居。跟我一起想像多元文化的多倫多之旅!加拿大,我來啦! Guess what! I’m going to Toronto for summer vacation! I can’t wait to see my uncle and relatives, and eat yummy Canadian foods like poutine. I’ll visit my buddies and learn rad…
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Yippie!我要去多倫多放暑假啦!我超級期待能見到叔叔和親戚,還有品嚐加拿大美食…… like poutine。我還會去參加夏令營,學習podcast的秘密,說不定回來後我就有一個像DJ Cedar Spin一樣cool的名字!但最重要的是,我希望這次旅程能讓我更加體會主耶穌的教導,去愛鄰居。跟我一起想像多元文化的多倫多之旅!加拿大,我來啦! Guess what! I’m going to Toronto for summer vacation! I can’t wait to see my uncle and relatives, and eat yummy Canadian foods like poutine. I’ll visit my buddies and learn rad…
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【喜歡這個Set? 歡迎加入國民電音新生活!】 🌟Line社群:紮背趴替 🌟 ▶️ Oxygen Formula EDM 紮背趴 ▶️ O2F EDM紮背趴應援團 -- ※ Tracklist: Robyn feat. Kleerup - With Every Heartbeat (#WṄTERKṄD Afro House Remix); Mau P, 7 Skies, Siks - Amsterdam (#Siks Edit); Kesha - Blow (Rops And Charles In My Bones E…
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Party time! 我的可愛倉鼠「Princess」2歲生日啦!她又輕又軟的毛茸茸身體,就像神最奇妙的創造! Princess讓我體會到主耶穌無微不至的愛,感謝衪造就萬物,讓我們在祂的愛中dance merrily, merrily! Come join the royal hamster ball as I celebrate my hamster Princess’ 2nd birthday. I always laugh and smile as Princess reminds me of the joy in God’s furry creatures. Sooo 親子丼|一個「好岩你聽」 的親子台 歡迎大家去以下連結收聽🎧︰…
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Party time! 我的可愛倉鼠「Princess」2歲生日啦!她又輕又軟的毛茸茸身體,就像神最奇妙的創造! Princess讓我體會到主耶穌無微不至的愛,感謝衪造就萬物,讓我們在祂的愛中dance merrily, merrily! Come join the royal hamster ball as I celebrate my hamster Princess’ 2nd birthday. I always laugh and smile as Princess reminds me of the joy in God’s furry creatures. Sooo 親子丼|一個「好岩你聽」 的親子台 歡迎大家去以下連結收聽🎧︰…
  continue reading【喜歡這個Set? 歡迎加入國民電音新生活!】 🌟Line社群:紮背趴替 🌟 ▶️ Oxygen Formula EDM 紮背趴 ▶️ O2F EDM紮背趴應援團 -- ※ Tracklist: Tyla -Truth Or Dare (OLEN remix); Oppenheimer - Destroyer of Worlds (VORA Remix); Hoax (BE), Cesar -…
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哎呀!哥哥又拿走我最愛的玩具,我真想一手抓他的臉,哼!在我使出「Cedar Claws」之前,主耶穌能不能來幫助我冷靜下來呢?歡迎你進入我今個星期的JLM「情緒週記」! Yikes! My big brother snatched my favourite toy and now I’m ready to scratch him! But before I go all werewolf, will BFF Jesus help this spicy 7-year-old (that’s me!) chill out and respond with love instead of rage? Come along on my rollercoaster ride of pettiness …
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哎呀!哥哥又拿走我最愛的玩具,我真想一手抓他的臉,哼!在我使出「Cedar Claws」之前,主耶穌能不能來幫助我冷靜下來呢?歡迎你進入我今個星期的JLM「情緒週記」! Yikes! My big brother snatched my favourite toy and now I’m ready to scratch him! But before I go all werewolf, will BFF Jesus help this spicy 7-year-old (that’s me!) chill out and respond with love instead of rage? Come along on my rollercoaster ride of pettiness …
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我生病了!今個星期,我想分享主耶穌是如何幫助我渡過一場重感冒!從苦苦苦苦苦的中藥到睡不著覺,我很難保持勇氣。怎麼辦好呢? Yuck, I am sick! Listen as I share how my pal Jesus helped me power through a gross cold! From gaggy medicine to no zzz’s, I had trouble staying brave. But thinking of Jesus’ cross suffering gave me strength. With hushed prayers, Jesus came to heal and help my sleep. Now you spread the ne…
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我生病了!今個星期,我想分享主耶穌是如何幫助我渡過一場重感冒!從苦苦苦苦苦的中藥到睡不著覺,我很難保持勇氣。怎麼辦好呢? Yuck, I am sick! Listen as I share how my pal Jesus helped me power through a gross cold! From gaggy medicine to no zzz’s, I had trouble staying brave. But thinking of Jesus’ cross suffering gave me strength. With hushed prayers, Jesus came to heal and help my sleep. Now you spread the ne…
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【喜歡這個Set? 歡迎加入國民電音新生活!】 🌟Line社群:紮背趴替 🌟 ▶️ Oxygen Formula EDM 紮背趴 ▶️ O2F EDM紮背趴應援團 -- ※ Tracklist: SNAP! - Rhythm Is a Dancer (Taner Ozturk Remix) (Extended Mix); Here For You x Love Tonight (#AILE MashUp); Showtek & We Are Loud & Sonny Wilson, Siks -Booyah x Bur…
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我有一個秘密。你有興趣聽我分享如何接受神眼中的完美嗎?我們不如一起發現內在美的秘密,讓你我的自信星閃閃吧!Ready? Let’s go! Why makeover yourself when God already made you over? Embrace the you God says is perfect! I discover why the real beauty is on the inside. Tune in to explore together and glow from within! Sooo 親子丼|一個「好岩你聽」 的親子台 歡迎大家去以下連結收聽🎧︰ ---------------------…
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我有一個秘密。你有興趣聽我分享如何接受神眼中的完美嗎?我們不如一起發現內在美的秘密,讓你我的自信星閃閃吧!Ready? Let’s go! Why makeover yourself when God already made you over? Embrace the you God says is perfect! I discover why the real beauty is on the inside. Tune in to explore together and glow from within! Sooo 親子丼|一個「好岩你聽」 的親子台 歡迎大家去以下連結收聽🎧︰ ---------------------…
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聽了自己第一集的節目,覺得自己的聲音真怪。不想聽啊啊啊!不過我知道神創造我好特別,包括我的聲音。我現在正在學習欣賞自己— 因為我與同你的特質……例如你很幽默、有豐富的想象力、臉上有斑、以及你的笑聲,都是來自神,你知道嗎?你同我都獨特!好玩! Take Two! Oh nooooooo, my voice sounds so strange when I listen to it again. I don’t want to listen!! But God made us each special in our own way……so there’s no one else quite like me. And no one else quite like you either! Did y…
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聽了自己第一集的節目,覺得自己的聲音真怪。不想聽啊啊啊!不過我知道神創造我好特別,包括我的聲音。我現在正在學習欣賞自己— 因為我與同你的特質……例如你很幽默、有豐富的想象力、臉上有斑、以及你的笑聲,都是來自神,你知道嗎?你同我都獨特!好玩! Take Two! Oh nooooooo, my voice sounds so strange when I listen to it again. I don’t want to listen!! But God made us each special in our own way……so there’s no one else quite like me. And no one else quite like you either! Did y…
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兩隻剩下一隻,唉唉唉。早前見到Lonely duck,想想都替它傷心。我有時侯都會覺得孤單。主耶穌怎樣安慰我呢? I found a SUPER LONELY rubber duck while the other was deflated, oh well. Last time when I saw the Lonely Rubber Duck it made me think of loneliness. I want to tell you a secret: I sometimes feel lonely too. How does Jesus comfort me? Sooo 親子丼|一個「好岩你聽」 的親子台 歡迎大家去以下連結收聽🎧︰…
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兩隻剩下一隻,唉唉唉。早前見到Lonely duck,想想都替它傷心。我有時侯都會覺得孤單。主耶穌怎樣安慰我呢? I found a SUPER LONELY rubber duck while the other was deflated, oh well. Last time when I saw the Lonely Rubber Duck it made me think of loneliness. I want to tell you a secret: I sometimes feel lonely too. How does Jesus comfort me? Sooo 親子丼|一個「好岩你聽」 的親子台 歡迎大家去以下連結收聽🎧︰…
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【喜歡這個Set? 歡迎加入國民電音新生活!】 🌟Line社群:紮背趴替 🌟 ▶️ Oxygen Formula EDM 紮背趴 ▶️ O2F EDM紮背趴應援團 -- ※ Tracklist: Jay-Z & Alicia Keys - Empire State Of Mind (#Krooner Remix); Warp Brothers - Phatt Bass (#Kolya Funk Remix); Tiësto & Ava Max - The Motto (#Victor Tellagio Remix);…
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Sooopodcast 親子丼․親子台 4月開台啦~~~ #親子丼 隨時點播有關小朋友題材的節目,內容千奇百趣。無論是『細聲講大聲笑』、『飛天遁地』、『寶寶心底話』、『聲音導航繪本』、『揹書包去返學』、『孩子講上班』的節目~ 只要你是小妹妹、大哥哥、爸爸媽媽、願意陪伴小朋友成長的大朋友 #親子丼 都是一個「好岩你聽」 的親子台 4月1日正式開台 每逢週一 | 最新Podcast準時上架由Sooopodcast
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【喜歡這個Set? 歡迎加入國民電音新生活!】 🌟Line社群:紮背趴替 🌟 ▶️ Oxygen Formula EDM 紮背趴 ▶️ O2F EDM紮背趴應援團 -- ※ Tracklist: Somebody that I used to know (CARL DAVID Afro Edit); MASSIVE ATTACK - UNFISHED SYMPATHY (SCOTTY EXTENDED); VIRUS X ARE YOU WITH ME X TAKE ME HIGHER [BATZ MASHUP]; D…
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【喜歡這個Set? 歡迎加入國民電音新生活!】 🌟Line社群:紮背趴替 🌟 ▶️ Oxygen Formula EDM 紮背趴 ▶️ O2F EDM紮背趴應援團 -- ※ Tracklist: Meduza (feat Elroii) - HEADRUSH - JNSN EDIT; Vitor Bueno & Booty Leak - High; Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Wanna [Hoax (BE) Remix] ; I'm Good vs. Rescue Me (Gin and So…
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【喜歡這個Set? 歡迎加入國民電音新生活!】 🌟Line社群:紮背趴替 🌟 ▶️ Oxygen Formula EDM 紮背趴 ▶️ O2F EDM紮背趴應援團 -- ※ Tracklist: Years & Years - Desire (Bask Extended Mix); DJ Sammy, Rita Ora, Fatboy Slim, Gin and Sonic - Heaven vs. Praising You (Gin and Sonic Mashup); Vitor Bueno + Sifa & Bo…
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【喜歡這個Set? 歡迎加入國民電音新生活!】 🌟Line社群:紮背趴替 🌟 ▶️ Oxygen Formula EDM 紮背趴 ▶️ O2F EDM紮背趴應援團 -- ※ Tracklist: Boge - Uncharted (Mix & Master); Drake - Hotline Bling (Feli Botello Remix) Ugo Banchi Vs Who Da Funk - Dance With Disco Balls (Dj Dedo Mash Up Mix); Kristianex vs.…
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微風女子談心室 聊時事、論觀點、談感覺 抒發心情,讓心放晴 本集重點: ‧ 瑜工作遇到的社會事件 ‧ 掛號急診的流程小科普 ‧ 唉唉唉唉唉嘆氣一整集 ‧ 支持台灣刑法增加鞭刑 ‧ 健康的家庭教育很重要 ‧ 做為自己生命負責的人 ‧ 善用請、謝謝、對不起 #氣氣氣氣 #不可饒恕 #太生氣了 - ㊟ 警告:節目中有間歇性爆笑聲,如以耳機收聽可能傷害耳膜影響您的健康,建議以合適您收聽的方式播放。 ㊗ 如果喜歡我們的內容,歡迎隨喜 :))) 一杯咖啡的香油錢,給你大大的祝福~還有我們持續分享的動力 打賞連結 ▶ Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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【喜歡這個Set? 歡迎加入國民電音新生活!】 🌟Line社群:紮背趴替 🌟 ▶️ Oxygen Formula EDM 紮背趴 ▶️ O2F EDM紮背趴應援團 -- France Gall X Hard Level - Ella, Elle l'a (Hastro Rework) En Mi Mente (Tom & Collins, Mr. Pig Remix)MATRODA X NELLY FURTADO - WASTING TIME TO ME (SIR GIO EDIT) Simon Vee -Lies (…
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【喜歡這個Set? 歡迎加入國民電音新生活!】 🌟Line社群:紮背趴替 🌟 ▶️ Oxygen Formula EDM 紮背趴 ▶️ O2F EDM紮背趴應援團 -- ※ Tracklist: Moojo, Da Capo x Steve Edwards - Secret ID x The Sound Of Violence (Mekki Edit); Chris Cox - Lay With Me; Drewsy - I Like You x DNA (Drewsy Mashup); Energy 52 - Caf…
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【喜歡這個Set? 歡迎加入國民電音新生活!】 ▶️ Oxygen Formula EDM 紮背趴 ▶️ O2F EDM紮背趴應援團 -- ※ Tracklist: Rexlambo - two hearts; Can Soleil vs How Deep Is Your Love [Hoax (BE) Edit]; Sofiya Nzaw - Mwaki (Laureano Remix); Jazzy Vs Shapeshifters - Giving Me Lola's Theme (Trokey Mashup); Dua Lipa - Hou…
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【喜歡這個Set? 歡迎加入國民電音新生活!】 ▶️ Oxygen Formula EDM 紮背趴 ▶️ O2F EDM紮背趴應援團 -- ※ Tracklist: Pink Sky pt.II – Johny Grimes (No Copyright Music); Danzel - Pump It Up [Hoax (BE) '3 Sense' Edit]; BOB SINCLAR, DAVID GUETTA & MORTEN - WORLD HOLD ON (ANTONY FENNEL SMASH); Planet Funk - Chase …
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【喜歡這個Set? 歡迎加入國民電音新生活!】 ▶️ Oxygen Formula EDM 紮背趴 ▶️ O2F EDM紮背趴應援團 -- ※ Tracklist: When the Morning Comes by Vlad Gluschenko; Another Love x Kronos (Wintex Mashup); Rihanna - Disturbia (Sean Westley Extended Remix); Dua Lipa, Tungevaag, Lovespeake, Gin and Sonic - Don't Start …
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其實是想放心情 生日禮物是順便 奇妙的心電感應 生日月歡迎抖內 #生日快樂 #永遠年輕 #天天美麗 - ㊟ 警告:節目中有間歇性爆笑聲,如以耳機收聽可能傷害耳膜影響您的健康,建議以合適您收聽的方式播放。 ㊗ 如果喜歡我們的內容,歡迎隨喜 :))) 一杯咖啡的香油錢,給你大大的祝福~還有我們持續分享的動力 打賞連結 ▶ Powered by Firstory Hosting
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【喜歡這個Set? 歡迎加入國民電音新生活!】 ▶️ Oxygen Formula EDM 紮背趴 ▶️ O2F EDM紮背趴應援團 -- ※ Tracklist: Boge Ft. Soffe -Taktisk Mystisk; Joel Corry Imagine Dragons - Bad Liar History (Mickey Mashup); Tiesto & Solardo Vs Akon - I Can't Wait Beautiful (BNM Bootleg); Rui Da Silva - Touch Me (Stone Va…
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【喜歡這個Set? 歡迎加入國民電音新生活!】 🌟Line社群:紮背趴替 🌟 ▶️ Oxygen Formula EDM 紮背趴 ▶️ O2F EDM紮背趴應援團 -- ※ Tracklist: James Godfrey & Guest Who - Got You (Original Mix); Massano x HOSH - Signs of The Hanging Tree (Stone Van Brooken Mashup); Martin Ikin Vs Blaze - I'll Be Precious L…
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【喜歡這個Set? 歡迎加入國民電音新生活!】 ▶️ Oxygen Formula EDM 紮背趴 ▶️ O2F EDM紮背趴應援團 -- ※ Tracklist: Samuel Vasell - Lonely Ghost (Extended Mix); Meteorite vs Pantheon - JIA, Argy (Adam Dietze Edit); Ozlig, New Beat Order - Rhythm (Extended Mix) ; Nicky Jam - Hasta el Amanecer (GAMEBOYS Latin H…
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