B.I.M.O Two belfast podcast pioneers just shooting the shit talking about local events and happenings as well as covering everything in-between from Paranormal to Sports.
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The second of a two part conversation with Decky The Diamond Dalton we take all things MMA, and just get to know why Diamond are forever and of course his Connor vs Porier prediction由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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The first of a two part conversation with Decky The Diamond Dalton, we take all things MMA, and just get to know why Diamond are forever由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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The boys get together(socially distanced on zoom) for the first BIMO Podcast of the year...We discuss our new venture...upcoming UFC, Trump, Cryptocurrency and much much more....由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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A CLASSIC HALLOWEEN EPISODE OF THE BIMO PODCAST Anthony carries the BIMO ship this week and discusses his top 5 hauntings he has visited...HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYBODYwe will return to regularly scheduled programming soon...由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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Gerard & Anthony sit down with long time friend David Brady for part two on their mental health discussion. Hear David's story and advice....Find David on Instagram: www.instagram.com/davidbrady88/Check out the BIMO Social Media Pages for more info on mental health....If you enjoyed the show please rate us 5 * Stars on your listening platform and s…
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Gerard & Anthony sit down with long time friend David Brady and discuss mental health. Hear David's story and advice....Find David on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/davidbrady88/Check out the BIMO Social Media Pages for more info on mental health....If you enjoyed the show please rate us 5 * Stars on your listening platform and share with you…
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First podcast in a while from Gerard & Anthony, we will blame covid and 2020 in general for that but onwards and upwards...This week we discuss people climbing in your windows and snatching your people up...#HideYaKidsHideYaWife, we do not discuss Conspiracy Theory...Kieron Magee's NEW Lockdown short stories and poems available on Amazon https://rb…
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This week Anthony socially distant chats with Ciaran May from CM Sports Therapy. They talk about sucking and needles guys your'e not gonna want to miss this....由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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Another episode recorded on Zoom during the covid 19 pandemic or is it pam? For your audio pleasure.WE HAVE NO SPONSORS YET SO NO ADVERTS**except the one at the start由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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Find out our #1 90s TV shows...they don't make em like that anymore....由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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2nd part, with the third part on the way on our top 5 90s Tv Shows...由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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Part 1 of our top 5 90s TV shows! let us know in the comments or reviews your top shows and ones you think we missed! STAY SAFE由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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Another week on lockdown, video uploaded of this episode to our youtube channel. Like, Share, Subscribe, Rate and Review!What do you want us to talk about?由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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Our first returning guest via Zoom Brendan Wee Rooster Irvine, a 2 time boxing Olympian, European Olympic medalist, Commonwealth Games Medalist and many more accolades由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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The final chapter of the share cast, Part 1 available on episode 98 of the MCPODCASTING show, Part 2 on the same platform you found this episode...part 3 right here right now....ENJOYBrendan Irvine RIO TOKYO OLYMPIAN on next week...由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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part 2 of the share cast with MCPODCASTING, part 1 available on their show...make sure to check it out由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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Anto with a quick check in and update on his social distancing and more...由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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A quick update from Gerard on lockdown...more to come soon由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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Anthony and a very special guest do this weeks short show from a distance....more to follow由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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BIMO- The Artist Formely Known As The Special One by Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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BIMO - Did Epstein Kill Himself? by Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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This week Anthony carries the BIMO ship this week and discusses his top 5 hauntings he has visited...HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYBODY由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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Part 2 of the Must see tv episode continuing the countdown to Gerard and Anthonys fav TV shows...由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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This week Anthony and Gerard run down there top 8.5 tv shows for you to go and binge on whilst drinking a bag of cans...Enjoy! Don't forget to subsribe rate and review the show :)由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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On this episode we catch up on a few things an....由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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Anthony and Gerard discuss由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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On this extended episode we need to talk about Conor, we also talk some VAR, Mental Health and BONFIRES!由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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On this episode we are joined by Local Belfast screen writer/play writer/novelist/actor Kieron Magee of Tread The Boards. He discusses his newest show Nurse Susan which is a part of the West Belfast Feile starting its run on the 2nd of August for 10 nights...TICKETS AVAILABLE BEHIND THE BAR AT THE FELONS, OR PAY AT DOOR…
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BIMO - The One About Storming Area 51, The Moon Landing, The Open, local politics and more...
A catchup episode with the lads from BIMO, talking all local goings on and some not so local....由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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We are back with a 50 minute episode, we sit down and shoot the shit, discuss what we have been unto, movies, love island, sports and more...由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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Just a quick catchup before Anthony heads to London to watch tv instead of his living room so he can basque in the glory of Chelsea's victory. We give you our football predictions for the Champions league final and Europa league final and just talk some general shit.由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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On this episode we sit down with John Darby from The Hungry Vegan!Food available at local Spar's Centra's, Applegreens and more...由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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On this episode we discuss our top 5 films and we get a visit from a special guest to chime in on his own top 5 films由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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Our sharecast with a local mental health podcast General Chit Chat由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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On this episode we discuss our top 5 albums so far, and give our hidden gems as well as ones for the car.由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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We knows its been a while so this one is ad free and a bit of a roll coaster of topics, sit back and relax...由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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What an episode! Not your typical show, a lot of hard hitting talking points and of course that MoMo challenge discussion...由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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The BIMO podcast guys get speaking to David Meade about his upcoming tour and other stuff and follow it up with a look at the Mandela Effect.Still a chance to WIN tickets to Belfast Music and Drama Society's Footloose the musical.https://www.facebook.com/BIMOPodcast/David Meade ----------------------Tickets - https://davidmeade.co.uk/tour/Twitter -…
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The BIMO Team sit down with Northern Irelands most feared Wrestling faction The Mongrels where they talk all things wrestling and answer questions from fans! Part 2由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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The BIMO Team sit down with Northern Irelands most feared Wrestling faction The Mongrels where they talk all things wrestling and answer questions from fans! Part 1由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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Chatting with Jordan Walsh from BMDS about his upcoming Footloose show. Tickets available at www.goh.co.uk/footlooseCut loose and kick off your Sunday shoes with Belfast Music & Drama Society as they perform the explosive rock ‘n’ roll musical sensation Footloose, an energetic show sure to get your toes tapping.Based on the 1980s hit film that took…
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A great discussion around fitness and goal setting, where people go wrong and the best policy to lose weight and achieve goals!Get in touch with TommyFacebook - https://www.facebook.com/Excel121Training/Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/tommymcvexcel/Get some discount...https://www.centurionlabzuk.com Use promo code "MAC10" for 10% offhttps://w…
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Almost forgot to upload this one, recorded a few weeks ago, hopefully you can still enjoy, consider it a bonus cast :) Happy Xmas由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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We discuss Jose Mourihno's surprise sacking, carlton, may and more...由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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On this episode we disucss predictions the simpsons knowingly or unknowingly made over the years...as well as some other stuff #Illuminati由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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BIMO Episode 7 - Paramilitaries and Sports stars behaving badly. Subscribe Rate and Review :)
On this episode we tell you how our trip on the glider went, discuss David Beckham kissing his daughter and some local footballers underage file sharing as well as the usual, punishment shootings etc由Anthony Sergeant & Gerard Cunningham
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