An Amud of Mishna Brurah Every Day
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Clear concise shiur, under 15 minutes, covering 1 Amud of Mishna Berura with Poskim.
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Mishnah Berurah Yiddish 15 minutes משנה ברורה דרשו 15 מינוט
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“Whoever studies halacha every day is assured a place in the World To Come.” Join us for a daily lesson in halacha, as we study the classic work, Mishnah Berurah.
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Rabbi Dov Tepler learned in the Philadelphia Yeshiva, and then went on to learn and receive Semicha in Beth Medrash Govoha. He is currently a Rosh Chabura in BMG, and has been giving popular Shiurim on Chumash and Halacha for many years. He also serves as a Rav in the Beis Ho’raah of Harav Shmuel Meir Katz Shlita in Lakewood, as well as in the Beis Ho’raah of Harav Binyomin Forst Shlita in the Five towns and Far Rockaway. Rabbi Tepler can be reached at
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Going through one page of Mishnah a day. Five days a week
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lways wanted to learn Mishnah Berura? Don't let it sit on the shelf for aesthetic purposes! Now you can learn the Mishneh Berura following the Dirshu cycle of an amud Yomi. The shiur will cover some background information, the Shulchan Aruch, Mishneh Berura, and select psakim from contemporary poskim. This podcast is powered for free by Torahcasts. Start your own forever free Torah podcast today at and share your Torah with the world.
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由R Dov Tepler
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由Rabbi Ami Maierovits
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由Rabbi Ami Maierovits
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由R Dov Tepler
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由Rabbi Nachum Meth
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由Rabbi Ami Maierovits
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由Rabbi Aaron E. Glatt, MD
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由R Dov Tepler
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由Rabbi Aaron E. Glatt, MD
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由Rabbi Nachum Meth
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由R Dov Tepler
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由Rabbi Aaron E. Glatt, MD
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由Rabbi Nachum Meth
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由Rabbi Ami Maierovits
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由Rabbi Ami Maierovits
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由R Dov Tepler
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由Rabbi Aaron E. Glatt, MD
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MB3 100b: Saving Someone from Forced Conversion on Shabbos (306:14); Proper Speech on Shabbos (307:1)
由Rabbi Aaron E. Glatt, MD
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דף ק: סימן שו סעיף יד - סימן שז לעשות חטא כדי להציל אחרים מן חטאמשנה ברורה סדר דרשו אידיש doing a son and order to save some else from doing a bigger sin
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דף ק. סימן שו סעיף יב - יג הכרזות על עניני חול בשבת
Gathering for renovations in a shul on Shabbos
דף ק. סימן שו סעיף יב - יג הכרזות על עניני חול בשבת Gathering for renovations in a shul on Shabbosמשנה ברורה סדר דרשו אידיש
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דף צט: סימן שו סעיף ח - יב הרהור בעסקיו כשיש לו עונג, קניית בית בארץ ישראל בשבת מגוי. May I think of work during Shabbos? Buying a home in Shabbos in Israel?משנה ברורה סדר דרשו אידיש
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דף צט. סימן שו אמצע סעיף ו - ח לצאת מתנה בשבת איזה מדידות מותר בשבת ואיזה אסור
What measurements are
דף צט. סימן שו אמצע סעיף ו - ח לצאת מתנה בשבת איזה מדידות מותר בשבת ואיזה אסורWhat measurements are allowed on Shabbos?משנה ברורה דרשו אידיש
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דף צח: סימן שו סעיף ד - ז שכר שבת תשלום לרופא בשבת, שכר שבת בהבלעה. משנה ברורה סדר דרשו אידיש
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דף צח סימן שו סעיף ב - ד אמצע, קצת מדיני שכר שבת
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由R Dov Tepler
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由R Dov Tepler
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由Rabbi Aaron E. Glatt, MD
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由Rabbi Nachum Meth
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由Rabbi Ami Maierovits
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由Rabbi Ami Maierovits
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由R Dov Tepler
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由Rabbi Aaron E. Glatt, MD
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由R Dov Tepler
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由Rabbi Ami Maierovits
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由Rabbi Nachum Meth
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由R Dov Tepler
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由Rabbi Aaron E. Glatt, MD
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由Rabbi Nachum Meth
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由R Dov Tepler
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由Rabbi Ami Maierovits
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由Rabbi Aaron E. Glatt, MD
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