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Welcome to Soul Care Culture, a podcast by Biblical Counseling Ministries. Join our founder, Mike Hanson, as he engages in meaningful conversations to glorify God and empower church leaders like you to cultivate a church-wide culture of biblical counseling. Gain valuable insights, strategies, and resources to create a community of care and transformation in your church.
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People spend nearly half of their lives working, yet for many Christians it is a source of pain and frustration. Is this the reality of living in a fallen world, or can my job have dignity and purpose? How does one serve Christ through their work, or is that only for missionaries and pastors? What is God’s purpose for work, and how does the Lordship of Christ reveal that purpose and unlock its value and eternal significance? This short podcast series explores these topics and more as we seek ...
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Welcome to this course on hermeneutics. It will be our goal as we study together The Science and Art of Biblical Interpretation. We call it a “science” because there are certain rules to learn and apply. We call it an “art” because our practice of these rules and principles will become part of the skillset we use and develop over time to become better students and communicators of God’s Word.
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show series
When we build important buildings, we have dedication ceremonies to inaugurate its completion. People assemble together and a speech is given to speak to the meaning and purpose of the building. When the construction of the Freedom Tower in New York City commenced, there was a dedication ceremony. The governor of New York proclaimed, “Let this grea…
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As we think about biblical soul care and having that culture in your church, we recognize that you’re often the one, dear pastor, who needs to get soul care. This episode is all about how to help you, the pastors and leaders of the church. You may be feeling immense stress over ministering to your flock, feeling lonely and isolated, or unhappy abou…
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John has been writing this letter so that its readers can know that they have eternal life (cf. 1 John 5:13). In particular, John has been helping us know if we are walking in the light or in darkness. John has given us various tests so that we can evaluate our faith and know where we stand with God. But John has been writing to encourage us to wal…
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Please open your copes of God’s word to 2 Chronicles 2 and we will be there is just a moment. There is an interesting and unique process that happens when you are preparing to have your first child. The pressing need is that the room has to be ready for the baby’s arrival. We need the crib built. We need the walls painted. We need the car seat inst…
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We have been looking at how we can know that we have eternal life from the teachings of the apostle John. John wants us to have a confidence in our relationship with God so that we can have complete joy in Christ. The picture that the apostle John has given to us is that if we see that we are walking in the light, then we have fellowship with one a…
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We have been spending our evenings looking at various people of faith in the scriptures to give us encouragement and hope to continue to follow our Lord and Savior. We have looked at Joseph, Jacob, and David most recently. For our next series I would like us to look at the life of Solomon as told by the Chronicler. I have noted before that there ar…
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John has proclaimed amazing words of encouragement and hope. In the second chapter of 1 John the author has declared that he is writing so that we will not sin. But if we do sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous. God has provided the defense attorney we need. Jesus is the advocate and helper needed because of our sins…
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Do you have a child who has broken off communication with you? Perhaps they are no longer living a life that aligns with Scripture or have turned their back on you and the Lord entirely. For this conversation, I have the pleasure of talking with Dr. Stuart Scott who was one of my professors who later became a friend. Dr. Scott has a long list of cr…
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How do you handle being told that you are doing something wrong? How do you respond when someone is willing to confront and tell you that you are wrong? I think all of us would like to think that we always do things right. In fact, we might first want to show how the other person is wrong and or does not know what they are talking about rather than…
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John is writing his letter so that his readers can know that they have eternal life (cf. 1 John 5:13). John is also writing so that his readers would experience complete joy as they have fellowship with God and the apostles (cf. 1 John 1:4). The name of this short series is Complete Joy: Live In Light. In our last lesson we noted that God is light …
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We are completing our study of taming the tongue from James 3. James taught us at the beginning of chapter 3 that the tongue sets the direction for our lives. Use your tongue in righteous ways and this will set your life direction toward righteousness. Use your tongue in evil ways and this will set your life direction toward sinfulness. The tongue …
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John writes the book of 1 John so that Christians can know that they have eternal life (cf. 1 John 5:13). Not only this, but John proclaims that he is writing these things so that our joy may be complete (cf. 1 John 1:4). True joy and pleasures forevermore are in the presence of God (cf. Psalm 16:11). We were made for relationship. Ultimately, we w…
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Can the Bible really be applied to every aspect of our life today? That is the question many are asking. To what extent can Scripture inform the aspects of our lives? Culture tells pastors that it is not our job and seminary often has done little to prepare us for this challenge. Thankfully my guest today is uniquely qualified to help us navigate t…
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We are in short series on how to tame the tongue. In our last lesson we looked at the direction that the tongue provides. The tongue is like the bit in the horse’s mouth and like the rudder of a ship. The tongue has the power to set the direction for your life. Therefore, we need to control our tongues so that we can go forward in the direction of …
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I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life. (1 John 5:13 ESV) Do you know that you have eternal life? The apostle John says that this is something you can know. You can know if you have eternal life. Our walk with God does not need to be a mystery. We do not have to wonder abo…
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Last year we did a short series from the book of James called Authentic in which we looked at the practical teachings James gives to Christians from chapter 1. It is my plan to come back to this book from time to time to listen to the wisdom and critical teachings James has for us. One of the areas that James spends quite a bit of time talking abou…
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Our theme for 2024 is We, Not Me. We have spent some time in the first part of this year looking more about how to think about each other over ourselves. But for the second half of 2024, Lord willing, we are going to lean and push into this theme even stronger than we have so far. Our upcoming series in 1 John and in James are looking at scriptures…
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We are taking a closer look at something we talk about all the time on this podcast and that is the Association of Christian Biblical Counselors (ACBC), specifically their fellow portion of the certification process. It is such a privilege to have an ACBC Fellow on the show to talk about this. John Lehman is an ACBC Fellow, an author, and has been …
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Our theme this year is Hope Starts Here as we go to the scriptures to find hope in hard times. All of us need some hope especially after a year like 2020 and this year seems to just be 2020 part 2. We have talked about how to have hope after failure, when tempted, when crushed by trials, when hopeless, and when feeling alone, and when anxious. In o…
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Our theme for 2021 is Hope Starts Here. After a year like 2020 we could use some hope as we go forward. Hopeless is a tough word and yet who has not felt some degree of hopelessness in their lives? Life can feel hopeless. We will speak about a hopeless situation. Without hope, life devolves into depression and despair. So God gives us pictures of h…
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The scene at the burning bush ends. Moses has asked for the Lord to send someone else which kindled the anger of the Lord. It is time for Moses to go to Egypt and be the deliverer of God’s people by the power of God. But the narrative does not immediately bring us to Egypt. When we read Exodus 4:18-31 you are likely asking why this is recorded for …
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In Exodus 3 we have seen Moses express two concerns about his calling to go and deliver the people of Israel from Egyptian slavery. The first concern was a humble recognition that he is a nobody. “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?” (3:11). God’s response was very simple. “But I will be with you” (3:…
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Many pastors are burned out, have limited margins, and come from a seminary that doesn’t necessarily train you on how to talk about or coach SoulCare. The need for gifted people who are not only good counselors but also enjoy coaching and mentoring others is vital to creating a church culture of biblical SoulCare. I have the privilege of being join…
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How do you convince people to put their trust in the Lord? How do you convince people that the idols they are holding on to are empty and worthless? Even more, how do you convince God’s people to fully put their trust in the Lord? There are many places in the scriptures where we are told to not act like the world but to put our trust in the Lord. T…
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God through the prophet Jeremiah has been proclaiming the abominable sins that Israel has been committing. The prophet is broken because of the judgment that is coming against his people because of their sinning against the Lord. Sometimes we think of sins that are worthy of God’s wrath and judgment as just the “big sins.” We usually have some kind…
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We have seen the book of 1 Chronicles highlight David’s desire to build a temple for the Lord. But the temple was to be constructed during a time of peace, representing the establishment of God’s kingdom. David was a man of war with enemies that constantly surrounded him (1 Kings 5:3). So God prevented him from building this temple. But David’s son…
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Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice …
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The book of Proverbs contains a significant section in which Solomon is giving instructions to his son for life. It is a natural desire for parents to want their children to succeed in life. Parents want their children to fail where they failed and to have an even better life than they might have experienced. In 1 Chronicles we also read King David…
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We have been looking at the life of David through the lens of 1 Chronicles. Israel would have known David’s life story, including his spiritual successes and spiritual failures. Up to this point in the book, the only recorded failure has been in Israel’s attempt to worship God. David noted that they did not seek the Lord according to his commands (…
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We are switching things up this episode and I have the privilege of being in the hot seat to talk about another one of our biblical counseling tools. Kari Gross has graciously agreed to take on the role of interviewer as we discuss the tool of the biblical discipleship approach. The biblical discipleship approach (BDA) is how we first approach a co…
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There are these moments in the book of 1 Chronicles where we are given a flurry of names or a number of consecutive short narrative accounts. It is easy to read 1 Chronicles 18-20 as a bunch of short stories without meaning to just keep moving on. But there is a reason for the Chronicler to tell us about David’s wartime activities. So we need to co…
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If I were to ask Christians where they would want to improve in their discipline to the Lord, I would expect one of the commonly given answers to be the discipline of prayer. We are always looking for ways to improve our prayer life. Even the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray (Luke 11:1). John the Baptizer also taught his disciples how to…
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T. Dale Johnson authored The Church as a Culture of Care and in this book, he explains that the Church is still the primary place where those who struggle can receive lasting hope and healing. This is the topic we are discussing this week. Helping me explore this topic is my teammate, Ben Holman. Ben is a part of BCM as a Supervising and Lead Couns…
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I think that every person questions their purpose in life. Everyone seeks the meaning of life and what to know why he or she is here. Further, we try to do things in life that will give us fulfillment and satisfaction. Many times we think that we cannot find satisfaction because we do not have enough resources. For example, we may think that if we …
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One of the teachings that Jesus gave to his disciples was that it was necessary and important for him to go to the Father. You may remember Jesus telling his disciples that he must go away and where he is going they cannot follow. Why was it so important for Jesus to leave and ascend to the Father? The ascension of Jesus is sometimes not considered…
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We started our series on Discipleship a few weeks back and we are looking at what the apostle Paul says to the Galatians about what it looks like to follow Jesus. We began with Paul telling us that this is a winnable war against the sins of the flesh. Walk by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh (Galatians 5:16). We talked a…
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…The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor, and the day of vengeance of our God. (Isaiah 61:1–2 ESV) Isaiah pro…
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I have the privilege of welcoming back one of our first guests, Kent Kloter. Kent serves as a church care partner here at BCM, but he has been practicing the ministry of biblical counseling since 1999. He is helping me discuss the important topic of bringing the Bible to life. This looks like learning to apply Scripture to everyday life and every p…
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David’s desire was to assemble all Israel together in worship as God was coming to be with his people in Jerusalem. After a failed attempt to bring the ark of God to Jerusalem (1 Chronicles 13), David has inquired of the Lord and brought the ark successfully to Jerusalem because he followed the instructions given concerning the ark (1 Chronicles 15…
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One of the key messages of the scriptures that the religious world seems to forget is that our first priority is worship. In 1 Chronicles, the first thing we see King David desiring to do after taking the throne and settling his kingdom is to worship the Lord. Our morning and evening lessons today are going to be about worship. David shows us that …
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The title of our lesson is, “Why We Don’t Repent.” Why don’t we repent? Why don’t we have radical repentance? But this is not a question that merely I am asking each of us. It is a question that God is asking. Listen to how God presents his case to his people in Jeremiah 8. You shall say to them, Thus says the LORD: When men fall, do they not rise …
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I have an important question for you as we begin our lesson today. What gives you confidence that you are right with God? What would you point to so that you know that you are in right standing with God? As you think about this, I would like for you to open your copies of God’s word to the book of Jeremiah and we are going to look at Jeremiah 7. Je…
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Have you felt discouraged by a lack of progress or traction in a particular counseling case? I think we can all say that our busy schedule doesn’t allow us to offer more intensive, frequent counseling to those who have stalled out or need more support than a weekly session. That is why I am so grateful for intensive counseling retreats. These are i…
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We noticed in the prior lesson that 1 Chronicles is quickly bringing us to the life of David. After moving through an important genealogy in which accounts of faithfulness and unfaithfulness are recorded to show the people how to move forward and remind them of their past. Moving forward with God means not breaking faith. King Saul’s kingship and d…
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We have been looking at some common problems people experience in which they go through a deconstruction of their faith. This series is put forward as a way to help reconstruct the faith of those who are considering leaving God, leaving Jesus, leaving the faith, leaving the church, or leaving the scriptures. In our lesson we talked about the challe…
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We are beginning a new series for these two months called Restoring The Fallen. One of the amazing pictures about God is that he did not send all of his prophets condemning his people for their wickedness, only to leave them forever. God sent his prophets and his people rejected God’s message. So the people were punished and taken into exile. Yet G…
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We are in a series called Deconstructing and Reconstructing Faith. My goal in this series to answer some of the questions that I have seen and heard people facing, which is moving people to consider leaving the Lord, leaving the faith, leaving the scriptures, or leaving the church. In this lesson I want to talk about the church. There are a number …
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In today's conversation, we are taking on the topic of psychologies and how that interacts with Biblical Counseling. Dr. Ernie Baker serves as the Pastor of Counseling Supervision and Equipping at First Baptist of Jacksonville. He has a Doctor of Ministry from Westminster Theological Seminary and is a professor at The Master’s University, where he …
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We have the tendency to drown out noise that becomes loud and repetitive. Car alarms fall into this category. We hear a car alarm and after a few seconds we can ignore its sounds. You might have seen parents do this with their screaming or nagging children. The child is just yelling but the parent does not even to seem to notice it anymore. But it …
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We have been in a series called Deconstructing and Reconstructing Faith. Our effort has been to consider some of the common reasons people question their faith and walk away from God, Jesus, the scriptures, or the faith. As I noted in the first lesson, there is not any way for me to address every concern that people have. But I wanted to talk about…
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