Biologia em Meia Hora é um podcast apresentado por Mila Massuda que fala de temas curiosos e relevantes sobre tudo que envolve Biologia!
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O Biologia In Situ é um podcast de Divulgação Científica em Biologia que traz o conhecimento científico a partir de assuntos cotidianos. Assim, facilitando a aproximação do público ao processo científico e à Biologia.
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Podcast über Menschen, die Biologie studiert haben und ihren beruflichen Werdegang
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Podcast da página Biologismo, onde os administradores e convidados conversam sobre Biologia, Meio Ambiente e Ciência. Novos episódios a cada duas quartas-feiras às 10 da manhã. Ajude a Biologismo a produzir conteúdos com cada vez mais qualidade através do e ganhe recompensas.
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Dans ce podcast, nous explorons comment la biologie influence notre santé et nos choix nutritionnels. Rejoignez-nous pour des discussions enrichissantes avec des experts, visant à comprendre et soulager vos inconforts chroniques grâce à une nutrition personnalisée.
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Non Human Biologics is a creepy but necessary podcast about The X-Files. Each week Chris and Jeremy bring you goofs and chuckles and tears as they wonder if life really is out there. Join us as we go episode by episode, week by week, wondering just where the heck Scully keeps that katana. Art by Rideth_Mochi, music from bansheebeat, Jake Lionheart, and Heather Milette.
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Ramas de la biología
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Avid anglers Corey Oakley and Ben Ricks are North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission biologists. Listen in as they help anglers understand more about the fish and fisheries in North Carolina while promoting conservation of valuable natural resources. These monthly podcasts will link the research and surveys conducted by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission to fishing in North Carolina. Our hope is to help anglers learn more about fish, so they can catch more fish. Our expert ...
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Storie di biologia è la serie di podcast che vuole ripercorrere le vite di grandi scienziati. Persone che con le loro scoperte hanno dato un contributo enorme alla biologia e più in generale allo sviluppo scientifico dell’umanità. Un viaggio nelle loro vite e nel contesto storico che li ha accompagnati. La prima stagione è interamente dedicata a ripercorrere la vita di Louis Pasteur a distanza di esattamente 200 anni dalla sua nascita. La seconda stagione ripercorre la vita di Gregor Johann ...
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chanel ini membahas seputar keresahan pelaku dunia sains
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Welcome to The Biologist, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Annie Spratt on Unsplash:
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Herzlich Willkommen beim BiOfunk Podcast! Hier dreht sich alles um die spannende Welt der Biologie. Wir behandeln grundlegende Fragen: Wie machen Viren und Bakterien krank? Was sind Proteine und welche Aufgaben haben sie? Und warum gibt es überhaupt Sexualität? Auch die Wissenschaftsgeschichte kommt nicht zu kurz. Wir möchten zeigen, dass Wissenschaft Spaß machen kann. Also, hört rein!
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Dans ces Chroniques Biologiques, vous serez surpris d'apprendre les liens inattendus qui peuvent exister entre des éléments apparemment sans rapport. Quel est le lien entre l'île de Pâques et la quête de la jeunesse éternelle ? Entre le combat de David et Goliath et les voies nerveuses de notre vision ? Entre le cyclope rencontré par Ulysse et le rôle du fœtus dans le déclenchement de l'accouchement ? Pour avoir la réponse à ces étranges questions, suivez simplement ces Chroniques Biologique ...
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Helping you navigate through the maze of drug and device development.
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ADN ciclo celular, mitosis, meiosis y control de mitosis
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Smart Biotech Scientist | Master Bioprocess CMC Development, Biologics Manufacturing & Scale-up for Busy Scientists
David Brühlmann: Biotech Entrepreneur & Cell Culture Technology Innovation Aficionado
The Go-to Podcast for Biotech Scientists Who Want to Master Bioprocess CMC Development and Manufacturing of Biologics. **TOP 10 LIFE SCIENCES PODCAST** Do you want to simplify bioprocessing so that you can scale with confidence and reduce time to market? Are you sick of feeling overwhelmed by the complexity and guesswork of biologics drug development? Do you wish you had more time to enjoy the beauty of science, without worrying about failing your cell culture process development and commerc ...
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Inte biologiska systrar är en finlandssvensk podd med Josefine Stenvall och Jenni Haavisto, som tar upp livets viktiga ämnen med en glimt i ögat.
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Podcast by Biologia Daora
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Ask A Biologist Podcast
Charles Kazilek (a.k.a. Dr. Biology) - School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University
You have been reading about the biologists behind the Ask A Biologist website. Now you can listen to them on our popular biology podcast show. Dr. Biology has been speaking with many biologists who are discovering new worlds and exploring new frontiers in biology. There are over 100 episodes and we continue to add more interviews. Each show includes a full written transcript and content log. But wait, there's more. Many episodes also have companion content including stories, games, and activ ...
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This is a show about the life of wildlife biologists and other people who are passionate about bird hunting, bird habitat and bird dogs.
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ADN, mitosis, meiosis, ciclo celular y control de la mitosis
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Education on the Benefits of Understanding the Notion of Biological Change.
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At Platinum Biologics, we are dedicated to providing regenerative products of exceptional quality while ensuring affordability. Our goal is to deliver the most effective solutions possible without compromising on quality. This unwavering commitment to excellence means you can offer the best possible care to your patients with confidence. By choosing Platinum Biologics, you benefit from superior products and comprehensive support, allowing you to focus on what truly matters—your patients’ hea ...
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Notícias e entretenimento envolvendo ciência e principalmente biologia. Episódios comandados por Leandro Carvalho e Ágatha Ferreira. Junte-se ao podcast que celebra a vida! Support this podcast:
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De vez em quando você se pergunta: como os ornitorrincos ainda estão por aí? Por que saímos do oceano? As abelhas podem mesmo sentir cheiro de medo? Se essas perguntas te parecem interessantes, então este é o podcast para você. Aqui no Biologia Bar & Lanches eu falo sobre biologia, principalmente sobre evolução. Isso porquê "Nada em biologia faz sentido exceto sob a luz da evolução". A evolução molda as coisas, define o que se tornam, o que são, e eventualmente o que serão. Aqui vou te ajuda ...
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Welkom bij de podcast BioLogisch Boeren, over omschakelen naar de biologische melkveehouderij. In vier afleveringen nemen we je mee in de verschillende aspecten van omschakelen naar biologisch boeren. Want het woord omschakelen zegt het al: het zal wennen, zoeken en ontdekken zijn, maar je staat er niet alleen voor. Neem de tijd en laat je informeren. Heb je behoefte aan nog wat meer verdieping? Over deze thema’s zijn door onze sprekers ook interactieve pdf’s gemaakt die je kunt inzien via d ...
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Análisis de tres artículos referentes a la Didáctica de la Biología Cover art photo provided by rawpixel on Unsplash:
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Podcast produzido pelos alunos Carlos Eduardo, Fernanda Letícia, Mailton Alves, Vitória Luz e Vitória Yasmin do Primeiro Período de Enfermagem-UERN, a respeito dos assuntos Mitocôndrias e Ribossomos, como nota parcial do componente curricular Biologia. Docente: Dayane Pessoa de Araújo.
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Curso de revisão e aulas grátis de biologia para o ENEM feita pela equipe da Seneca. Para o conteúdo completo, acesse
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Esse podcast foi idealizado por cinco amigos estudantes de Ciências Biológicas da UFRPE, que no meio do isolamento social, se juntaram para compartilhar seus conhecimentos na área de biologia e tornar a ciência mais acessível a todos que se interessam pelas temáticas abordadas nos áudios. Aqui, vamos discutir assuntos da atualidade, fatos científicos e importantes temas da biologia que muito provavelmente vão te ajudar no processo de aprendizagem para as provas escolares e até o ENEM. Dá o p ...
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Podcast dedicado a la Biología del Perro Doméstico tratado desde el rigor científico y abordando temas sobre etología, fisiologia, evolución de su especie, nutrición,etc. Dirigido por José Heriberto Martínez, Biólogo y director del Centro Canino NUBE situado en Valdemanco,Madrid,España.
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A series of free podcasts featuring news and expert interviews focused on treating patients with rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and other rheumatic diseases.
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Cosas relacionadas con la biología y los diversos campos de esta, así como cosas aleatorias que suelen sucedernos a mi y a mis amigos.
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Por: Renan Farias Soares Esse é um canal para você que ama BIOLOGIA, mas também para você que ODEIA mudar de ideia sobre esse universo fantástico!!!Aqui você terá acesso a conteúdo de qualidade sobre os mais diversos assuntos relacionados às Ciências.Aprenderá mais sobre meio ambiente, saúde, atualidades científicas, ciência e tecnologia, além de muitas CURIOSIDADES que poderão te auxiliar na VIDA, VESTIBULARES, ENEM, pós-graduação e muito mais...[A MAIORIA DOS BIOCASTS POSSUEM VÍDEOS NO YOU ...
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Im Biologie Passion Podcast beschäftigen wir uns gemeinsam mit den Grundlagen der Biologie! Mein Name ist Christian Schweda und es freut mich sehr, dass du deinen Weg hierher gefunden hast. Damit ich möglichst viel Zeit in die Produktion vieler, neuer Podcastfolgen investieren kann, bin ich auf eure finanzielle Unterstützung angewiesen. Mir ist es allerdings sehr wichtig, dass meine Lernhilfe jedem kostenlos zur Verfügung steht – also unterstützt deine Spende nicht nur mich, sondern auch all ...
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The logic behind the science: Conversations with Broad researchers exploring what they do and why they do it, from Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard.
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Dr Phil Richardson explores how to solve complex problems in strategy, innovation and change management using business models created from biological systems. Based on 3.8 billion years of evolution biological systems can provide a unique, if not counterintuitive way of thinking differently. The approach has been successfully used in product and service development, creating new ways of working, improving collaboration and delivering disruptive change.
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Biologic Therapy in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Pioneers in Research, is a monthly series of podcasts featuring interviews with today's giants in rheumatology sponsored by Schering-Plough Corporation. In this series brought to you by Rheumatology News International, you will hear some of the greatest scientists in rheumatology describe the exploration of what was then uncharted medical territory. Their words will bring alive the journey of discovery that placed them in the annals of history's grea ...
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So You Want to Be a Marine Biologist is your go-to resource if you've ever dreamed of exploring the ocean's depths, considered becoming a marine biologist, or want to learn more how to protect the world's oceans. This podcast dives into ocean science, conservation, sea stories, and explores ocean careers. Bring out your inner Jacques Cousteau, and discover the world beneath the waves.
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TAB Podcasts brings the most diverse set of experiences and people in life science. Scientists, business people, educators, investors and healthcare professionals all live here. Based on the first A level biology hub in the world, TAB Podcasts jumps on the podcast as the most entertaining medium to share the most exciting area in the world. Your host, Arian Mirzarafie Ahi, boasts a dizzying breadth of life science experience across academia, research, business and communication. Beyond the s ...
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This unit is concerned with macroevolution – the patterns and processes of evolution above the species level. A crucial consideration in macroevolutionary studies is that of the evolutionary relationships (phylogeny) of the organisms in question. The unit begins with an introduction to the scope of macroevolutionary studies and illustrates methods of reconstructing phylogeny, from both morphological and molecular data. This study unit is just one of many that can be found on LearningSpace, p ...
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A princípio, ninguém deu importância aos revolucionários estudos de Mendel sobre a herança genética. Separe trinta minutinhos do seu dia e descubra, com a Mila Massuda, como as leis de Mendel influenciaram o desenvolvimento da genética, passando pela redescoberta de seus trabalhos, pela busca para desvendar os mistérios da hereditariedade e pelas e…
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Olá, bio-ouvintes! E nasce mais um episódio do nosso podcast! Dessa vez vamos trazer pra vocês as respostas da infame pergunta: “De onde vêm os bebês?” 😅 Tem a história das cegonhas, das origens mitológicas e a fecundação e desenvolvimento do feto, onde falamos da Embriologia e das semanas da gravidez! CONTATOS Insta…
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This week we wrap up S2 and cover Anasazi, an extremely great episode written by David Duchovny, which you can tell because Mulder is basically naked twice in this episode. WHEW. Support the show by subscribing to us on Patreon. Patrons get exclusive podcasts, an early release feed, and access to our community Discord server. Our theme "File After …
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108: From 1 Billion to 100: How AI is Cracking the Enzyme Discovery Code with David Schönauer - Part 2
Send us a text In this captivating episode, we dive deep into the groundbreaking intersection of artificial intelligence and enzyme engineering with David Schönauer, founder and CEO of Aminoverse. From university lab benches to pioneering AI-driven enzyme discovery, David shares how his startup is transforming the biotech landscape by making enzyme…
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107: From 1 Billion to 100: How AI is Cracking the Enzyme Discovery Code with David Schönauer - Part 1
Send us a text Ever wondered how scientists find the perfect enzyme among billions of possibilities? In this fascinating episode of the Smart Biotech Scientist podcast, host David Brühlmann sits down with David Schönauer, CEO of Aminoverse, who's revolutionizing enzyme engineering through artificial intelligence. As a biotech entrepreneur who trans…
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Nella seconda metà del 1800 i più importanti biologi del tempo cercano di capire il complicato meccanismo dell'ereditarietà dei caratteri. Tutti ignorano che esista già qualcuno riuscito a coprenderlo. Nei giardini dell’abbazia di San Tommaso di Brno Gregor Johann Mendel sta conducendo esperimenti i cui risultati ancora oggi fanno scuola. Sostieni …
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Olá, bio-ouvintes! Estamos em terras angolanas! Neste episódio mais que especial temos a participação de alunos de duas instituições do Complexo Escolar Privado Pitabel de Luanda-Angola. O Complexo Escolar Privado Pitabel Parque das Acácias @cepitabel.parquedasacacias e Complexo Escolar Privado Pitabel Combatentes. E eles escolheram 3 temas muito i…
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Por que os castores constroem represas? Separe trinta minutinhos do seu dia e descubra, com a Mila Massuda, sobre a vida dos castores e os impactos de suas represas. Apresentação: Mila Massuda (@milamassuda) Roteiro: Mila Massuda (@milamassuda) e Emilio Garcia (@emilioblablalogia) Revisão de Roteiro: Luisa Kahakura (@lukahakura) Técnica de Gravação…
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CHACO CHICKEN GOOD PEOPLE GOOD FOOD GET IT THE PEOPLE ARE THE FOOD Support the show by subscribing to us on Patreon. Patrons get exclusive podcasts, an early release feed, and access to our community Discord server. Our theme "File After File" was produced by bansheebeat, and sung by Heather Milette. Lyrics by Chris, Jeremy, Autumn, and Judi. A vid…
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106: From Proteins to Cell Therapy: Why ATMPs Aren't Just Complex Biologics with Oliver Kraemer - Part 2
Send us a text In this insightful episode, Technical Development Leader at Flagship Pioneering Oliver Kraemer reveals why developing Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) require a fundamental shift in thinking from traditional biologics development. Drawing from his extensive experience across Boehringer Ingelheim, Sanofi, and BMS, Kraemer c…
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Our two bald biologists are joined by Assistant Fish Chief Rachael Hoch to discuss both the harmful effects and the fishing opportunities presented by aquatic nuisance species. Learn how these aquatic nuisance species threaten our native aquatic life and why it's crucial to educate one another about not introducing animals into environments where t…
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La storia di Gregor Johann Mendel e quella di Vienna sono legate indissolubilmente. Un episodio apparentemente lontano e distante come i moti del 1848 scatena una cascata di eventi che porta Mendel a proseguire la strada dell'insegnamento ma anche ad approfondire gli studi di numerose materie fra cui botanica e matematica. Ancora oggi la città di V…
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105: From Proteins to Cell Therapy: Why ATMPs Aren't Just Complex Biologics with Oliver Kraemer - Part 1
Send us a text In this eye-opening episode, we explore the intricate landscape of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) with Oliver Kraemer, a technical development leader at Flagship Pioneering. Drawing from his extensive experience at industry giants like BMS, Sanofi, and Boehringer Ingelheim, Oliver challenges conventional wisdom about aut…
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Le changement d’heure, la baisse de lumière, le stress du quotidien et le travail peuvent facilement nous stresser, nous fatiguer, voire nous mener au bord du burn-out. Dans cet épisode, le Dr. Balon-Perin aborde ces sujets. Mais d'où viennent ces états d'épuisement ? Et si cela était lié au cortisol, notre hormone du stress, ou même à notre microb…
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Olá, bio-ouvintes! Neste episódio conversamos com o Prof. Dr. Thiago Izzo, da pós-graduação em Ecologia e Conservação da diversidade da UFMT, sobre seu artigo “Ameaças econômicas, ambientais e sociais de uma proposta de exploração mineira em terras indígenas do Brasil”. Falamos sobre o papel do cientista em gerar dados importantes para a sociedade,…
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Como desligar sem perder o ritmo da vida? Separe trinta minutinhos do seu dia e descubra, com a Mila Massuda, como alguns animais conseguem sobreviver a meses de frio extremo e escassez de alimentos, reduzindo drasticamente suas funções corporais e economizando energia. Apresentação: Mila Massuda (@milamassuda) Roteiro: Mila Massuda (@milamassuda) …
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This week Monk joins the cast as we investigate dark matter. Quarks! Black Lights! Weird science! Woah! Support the show by subscribing to us on Patreon. Patrons get exclusive podcasts, an early release feed, and access to our community Discord server. Our theme "File After File" was produced by bansheebeat, and sung by Heather Milette. Lyrics by C…
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104: One-Stop Shop vs. Specialist CDMO: A Scientist's Guide to CDMO Selection with Sigma Mostafa - Part 2
Send us a text Want to peek behind the curtain of a leading Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization (CDMO)? In this inspiring episode, KBI Biopharma's Chief Scientific Officer Sigma Mostafa reveals the intricate world of bioprocess development and manufacturing. Sigma shares game-changing insights into accelerating biologics development…
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Siamo nel giugno 2021 quando un gruppo di persone entra nel cimitero centrale della cittadina di Brno dirigendosi verso il sepolcro dei frati agostiniani. Non si tratta di tombaroli o predoni, rappresentano un'equipe universitaria altamente specializzata, stanno cercando le spoglie di Gregor Johann Mendel, il protagonista della seconda stagione di …
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103: One-Stop Shop vs. Specialist CDMO: A Scientist's Guide to CDMO Selection with Sigma Mostafa - Part 1
Send us a text In this insightful episode, we're joined by Sigma Mostafa, Chief Scientific Officer at KBI Biopharma, who shares crucial insights on selecting the right CDMO partner for biotech development. Sigma brings a unique blend of scientific rigor and practical experience to the discussion, having worked on both sides of the CDMO relationship…
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Um macaco que habita as florestas e savanas da África Central. Separe trinta minutinhos do seu dia e descubra, com a Mila Massuda, quem são, o que sabem, o que comem e como vivem os chimpanzés. Apresentação: Mila Massuda (@milamassuda) Roteiro: Mila Massuda (@milamassuda) e Emilio Garcia (@emilioblablalogia) Revisão de Roteiro: Luisa Kahakura (@luk…
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Mit einer guten Idee kann man auch als Biologe oder Biologin ein Unternehmen gründen - und gute Ideen können einem durchaus bei der Laborarbeit einfallen. Oder am Spielplatz, wie bei Joel Eichmann zum Beispiel. Er gründete das Unternehmen Green Elephant Biotech und erzählt uns in dieser Episode, wie es dazu kam. Schreibt mir gerne einmal eine Mail …
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This week, we're discussing S02E22 - F. Emasculata, an episode that makes, as far as I can tell, zero fucking sense at all. Just, nothing connects. And somehow it's still good? How does the X-Files keep getting away with this?! Support the show by subscribing to us on Patreon. Patrons get exclusive podcasts, an early release feed, and access to our…
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Podcast 3 : Découverte de la Physiologie - Thème 1 : La Nutrition - 2. Du béribéri à la vitamine B1 Auteur : Yves Muller - Professeur Agrégé de classe exceptionnelle - Docteur en Neurosciences - Université de Montpellier - Département d’Enseignement et de Recherche : Biologie et Mécanismes du Vivant Sommaire : 1. Introduction : 00:00 à 02:04 2. Que…
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102: PAT Revolution: Decoding Your Bioprocess Like Never Before with Katharina Dahlmann - Part 2
Send us a text Struggling to unravel the complexities of your bioprocess? Prepare for a paradigm shift as we dive into the world of Process Analytical Technology (PAT) with Katharina Dahlmann who is Application and PAT Expert at Hamilton. This eye-opening episode dissects how PAT is redefining biologics manufacturing, balancing its immense potentia…
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Olá, bio-ouvintes! Nesse episódio falamos sobre o novo volume da nossa revista Bio in Situ (Revista Bio In Situ 5 - Privatização de praias) que trata sobre o assunto da privatização de praias. Conversamos com a equipe da revista sobre o processo de criação do volume e os interesses para a sociedade envolvidos na questão. CONTATOS cartinhas@biologia…
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101: PAT Revolution: Decoding Your Bioprocess Like Never Before with Katharina Dahlmann - Part 1
Send us a text Unlock the hidden potential of your bioprocess! In this eye-opening episode, David Brühlmann sits down with Katharina Dahlmann, Application and PAT Expert at Hamilton, to explore the game-changing world of Process Analytical Technology (PAT). Discover how PAT is revolutionizing biotech by providing unprecedented insights into cell be…
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Dans cet épisode, Maxime Halut, ostéopathe D.O. nous parle de l’intérêt de l’ostéopathie chez les bébés, dès ses premiers jours de vie. 👶 Coliques, régurgitations, plagiocéphalie (crâne déformé) et problèmes de succion : découvrez comment l’ostéopathie peut soulager ces troubles et accompagner le bien-être de votre tout-petit. 🌿 Approche douce et n…
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Malcheiroso, ruidoso e, às vezes, inconveniente. Separe trinta minutinhos do seu dia e descubra, com a Mila Massuda, a definição, a composição e as causas da flatulência. Quais animais são capazes de soltar pum e por quê? É hora de descomplicar o assunto! Apresentação: Mila Massuda (@milamassuda) Roteiro: Mila Massuda (@milamassuda) e Emilio Garcia…
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Olá, bio-ouvintes! Nesse episódio conversamos com nosso convidado Prof. Dr. Fabiano Corrêa, da pós-graduação de Ciência da Informação - UFRGS @farol.ufrgs. Falamos sobre o acesso a informação científica, baseado em seu artigo “O ecossistema da ciência aberta”. Ciência aberta é um movimento que incentiva a transparência da pesquisa científica desde …
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It's the Exorcist, but Mulder and Scully are there. What else do I have to say to get you to watch it? Support the show by subscribing to us on Patreon. Patrons get exclusive podcasts, an early release feed, and access to our community Discord server. Our theme "File After File" was produced by bansheebeat, and sung by Heather Milette. Lyrics by Ch…
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100: From Raw Data to Actionable Insights: Unlocking the Power of Process Models with Fabian Feidl - Part 2
Send us a text Imagine predicting your bioprocess outcomes as easily as checking the weather forecast. Sound impossible? Not anymore. In this insightful episode, we dive deep into the world of digital twins and process models with Fabian Feidl, co-founder and CTO of DataHow. Discover how these cutting-edge tools are reshaping the biotech landscape,…
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99: From Raw Data to Actionable Insights: Unlocking the Power of Process Models with Fabian Feidl - Part 1
Send us a text Are you ready to decode the future of bioprocessing? In this eye-opening episode, we dive deep into the world of digital bioprocess development with Fabian Feidl, co-founder and CTO of DataHow. Discover how cutting-edge process models are transforming the biotech industry, bridging the gap between raw data and actionable insights. Ke…
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Pequenos animais assexuados que roubam genes para fabricar seu próprio medicamento. Separe trinta minutinhos do seu dia e descubra, com a Mila Massuda, sobre os rotíferos e como eles incrementam sua genética para evitar uma infecção por fungos. Apresentação: Mila Massuda (@milamassuda) Roteiro: Mila Massuda (@milamassuda) e Emilio Garcia (@emiliobl…
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Olá, bio-ouvintes! Mais um episódio especial em comemoração ao dia das professoras! Dessa vez falamos sobre os diversos usos da inteligência artificial na educação e seus aspectos positivos ou negativos, desafios, oportunidades e questões sociais e éticas que podem ser envolvidas. CONTATOS Instagram, Facebook e Linke…
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This week we venture to everyone's favorite state in the union: Florida! Mulder and Scully investigate a serial killer that's been working for 28 years, and no one can see the ending of this one coming. Enjoy? Support the show by subscribing to us on Patreon. Patrons get exclusive podcasts, an early release feed, and access to our community Discord…
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98: The Biomanufacturing Revolution: Bringing Game-changing Products to Market with James Ryall - Part 2
Send us a text Are you ready to dive into the cutting-edge world of biomanufacturing? In this episode, strategic consultant James Ryall unveils the staggering potential of bio-based products to revolutionize industries. From cultured meat to human breast milk, discover how cells are becoming the ultimate manufacturing facilities. James shares inval…
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97: The Biomanufacturing Revolution: Bringing Game-changing Products to Market with James Ryall - Part 1
Send us a text In this captivating episode, host David Brühlmann welcomes James Ryall, a strategic consultant with over two decades of experience in cell biology and regenerative medicine. From his groundbreaking work in skeletal muscle research to revolutionizing cultured meat production, James shares his fascinating journey through academia and i…
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Comment renforcer ses défenses immunitaires pour affronter l'hiver ? Avec Emma Djafer, Naturopathe
Dans cet épisode, Emma Djafer, naturopathe, nous dévoile comment se préparer pour l'hiver et booster notre système immunitaire. 🌱 Découvrez le lien essentiel entre le microbiote et notre système immunitaire. 🥗 Apprenez des conseils alimentaires pour renforcer vos défenses naturelles cet hiver. 🧘♀️ Comprenez l'importance de prendre soin de soi et d…
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O maior acidente nuclear da história. Separe trinta minutinhos do seu dia e descubra, com a Mila Massuda, sobre o desastre de Chernobyl e como ele tem impactado a vida selvagem. Apresentação: Mila Massuda (@milamassuda) Roteiro: Mila Massuda (@milamassuda) e Emilio Garcia (@emilioblablalogia) Revisão de Roteiro: Luisa Kahakura (@lukahakura) Técnica…
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In der Reihe "Evolution & Sex" hörst du die besten BiOfunk-Folgen zu den Themen Evolution und sexuelle Fortpflanzung. Die Entwicklung von Walen ausgehend von Landtieren ist wohl eine der spektakulärsten Entwicklungen der Evolution. Im BiOfunk folgen wir dieser Entwicklung. Wir betrachten Fossilien der frühen Wale und erklären, warum der Blauwal so …
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Olá, bio-ouvintes! No nosso episódio especial em comemoração ao dia do professor, conversamos com o Prof. Dr. Diego Marques, docente da UFGD (Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados), que trabalha com formação de atividade docente. Falamos sobre o uso de jogos e da utilização da gamificação na educação. CONTATOS Inst…
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This week, we cover X-Files S02E19, in which they try to make us believe that old Gillian Anderson looks terrible. Not today, X-Files! Support the show by subscribing to us on Patreon. Patrons get exclusive podcasts, an early release feed, and access to our community Discord server. Our theme "File After File" was produced by bansheebeat, and sung …
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96: AI in Bioprocess Development: The Game-Changer You Can't Ignore with Belma Alispahic - Part 2
Send us a text Are you ready to revolutionize your bioprocess development? Join David Brühlmann as he interviews Belma Alispahic, Chief Scientific Officer and Co-Founder of AnalysisMode, who unveils the game-changing potential of AI in biopharma. Discover how AI is transforming the industry, from drug discovery to manufacturing, and learn why it's …
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Ben and Corey are joined by District Fisheries Biologist Deon Kerr to learn about carping. While Ben and Corey are new to the sport, Deon's enthusiasm reveals just how much fun carping can be—tune in to learn essential skills you will need to wrestle these water donkeys!由Corey Oakley and Ben Ricks
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95: AI in Bioprocess Development: The Game-Changer You Can't Ignore with Belma Alispahic - Part 1
Send us a text Is AI the secret weapon biotech scientists have been waiting for? In this eye-opening episode, we dive deep into the world of AI-driven bioprocess development with Belma Alispahic, Chief Scientific Officer and Co-Founder of AnalysisMode. Discover how AI is transforming the biotech landscape, from reducing downtime by 50% to unlocking…
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A Austrália é "o Brasil que deu certo?" Flávio recebe a bióloga e doutora em Ecologia, Deborah Faria para um ótimo papo sobre fauna, flora e cultura da Austrália. Por que os animais deste continente são tão diferentes e únicos? Vem conferir com a gente! ***Considere tornar-se um apoiador da Biologismo. Você pode contribuir a partir de R$1,00 em …
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Uma doença viral transmitida por mosquitos. Separe trinta minutinhos do seu dia e descubra, com a Mila Massuda, a febre oropouche, uma doença que tem potencial para emergir como uma nova ameaça. Apresentação: Mila Massuda (@milamassuda) Roteiro: Mila Massuda (@milamassuda) e Emilio Garcia (@emilioblablalogia) Revisão de Roteiro: Luisa Kahakura (@lu…
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Olá, bio-ouvintes! Já ouviram falar em Folie à Deux ou transtorno delirante induzido? Trata-se de um quadro clínico que acomete pessoas próximas que compartilham delírios. Sobre isso, conversamos com nossa conviada, a psicóloga Dara Raamis @oinomiavel, pós graduanda em Psicologia criminal. CONTATOS Instagram, Faceboo…
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With a title like that you know you're in for some fun huh? This week we cover X-Files S02E18 - Fearful Symmetry, which sounds like a Tool song but is actually a nod to a William Blake poem. In this episode there are invisible monsters terrorizing towns, and that's not even the strangest thing we talk about. Hide your Clouds, hide your Tifas, they …
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