Welcome to The Power in You with Bishop Art Gonzales. Listen to inspiring messages that will build your faith and your relationship with Christ Jesus.
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It is the LORD who pours out anointing to His humble people! Listen for today's message and be encouraged to be used for His glory.
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Through your life, the LORD will display His power and reveal His glory. Receive the anointing of God as you listen to this powerful message!
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All disciples of God have been given the power and anointing to break the yoke of bondage! Listen to this message of God and be empowered to stand firm in faith!
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All those who hope in the Lord, worship His holy name! Be empowered more in God's presence as you listen to this message.
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Experience God's faithfulness for the rest of the year as you give your best to serve and worship Him! Listen more to this message and be blessed today!
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Let your heart be filled with worship this year 2020! Listen to this message of the LORD and be empowered with God's Spirit!
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Love the LORD with all your heart, seek Him first in all you do and He will turn this year into a great blessing! Expect more from God and be amazed as you listen to this message.
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The LORD can make the impossible things possible! Listen to this message and see how God will do great miracles in your life!
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The LORD is busy performing new great things this year 2020! Listen to this message, be empowered and receive the gift of clear vision!
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Real love is not that we love God but that He loved us and sent His Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins. Listen to this message and be empowered with God's extraordinary kind of love!
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Love forgives all offenses. Be inspired today as you listen to this message of the LORD!
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God is the origin of love, and love is God himself. Listen for today's message and experience His unfailing love through His Son Jesus Christ!
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God is our refuge, our place of safety. Be still as you listen to this message knowing that God is always in control!
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The secret of an open door blessing is to worship the LORD your God. Listen more for today's message and be blessed!
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You were called to fulfill the purpose. Listen to this message and be equipped for what God has told you to do!
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God deserves all the praises and honor, worship Him in spirit and in truth! Listen and be empowered with this message today.
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Make God's word your sure foundation to overcome the giants in your life. Listen for today's message and be blessed!
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As you cling onto His words and promises, no one can defeat you. Listen to this message of the LORD and claim the victory that is destined for you!
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God has made you strong to surpass all the trials in life. Listen to this message and be strengthened knowing that God is always on your side!
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Let everything that has breath praise the LORD! Be empowered more to worship our Almighty God as you listen to this message.
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You are made to worship God, so use your body to give Him all the glory! Listen more to this message and be blessed today!
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The LORD is worthy to receive all the praise and adoration! Listen to this message and be encouraged to give your all for His glory.
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We will never be shaken in times of trouble as long as we have Jesus, the prince of peace. Listen more to this message and be still in serving the LORD!
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You can have peace even in the middle of struggles, worries and fear. Listen more to this message and you will surely be blessed!
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You will find true peace in God's presence alone. Listen for today's message and continue to experience God's peace!
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Jesus is the reason for this season! Listen to this special message and celebrate the upcoming Christmas with a grateful heart.
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Disciples have direction, it is to holiness and truth. Listen for today's message and be in good courage as Christ's disciples!
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Those who follow Jesus are designed to live a prosperous life! Listen more to this message and be blessed!
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Discipleship is relationship! You cannot follow Jesus without having relationship with Him. Be inspired with this message today!
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Dig out poor words and replace with a life giving words! Listen more to this message and be empowered to bless others!
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From a wise mind comes wise speech. Listen and be filled with words of encouragement today!
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Every word that comes from our mouth can give life and power to anyone who hears it. Listen to this message and be blessed today!
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While waiting on the LORD, be faithful enough. Listen to this message and believe to all His promises, for it shall come to pass!
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God blesses those who patiently endure testing and resists temptation. Afterwards they will receive the crown of life that God has promised! Listen more to this message and be empowered!
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We will be sharing with His glory when the right time comes. Listen for today's message and be encouraged to be more faithful in the LORD!
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Whoever believes in Him will never be disappointed. Listen to this message and be inspired to be used for His own glory!
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When we live in God's plan, everything will fall into place. Listen more to this message and be reminded of God's faithfulness!
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The LORD ransomed you not with silver and gold but with Jesus, His one and only Son. Listen to this message and be blessed today!
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The LORD made us out of clay and so we have nothing to boast about. Listen more to this message and continue to walk with humility!
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A humble person value others above himself, not looking to his own interest but to the interest of others. Listen to this message and know how to serve God with true humility!
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How great is the love of God that He gave His only Son for us to be saved! Listen more for today's message and be blessed!
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He first loved us even before we know Him. Listen to this message today and be filled with God's overflowing love!
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Faithfulness and meekness are part of the fruit of the Holy Spirit that when cultivated in our lives will produce the proof of christlikeness. Listen more to this message and be blessed today!
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We represent Jesus Christ when we live in accordance to His will. Listen to this message and be inspired to know the proof of Christlikeness!
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Love for God is the most essential thing that man can do. Listen more to this message and be empowered by His love!
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A true servant always serve his Master with deep reverence. Listen to this message and receive everything with a humble heart!
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Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Listen more to this message and be empowered today!
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The LORD knows our heart and examines our motives. Let your heart be inspired today as you listen to this message!
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The LORD is pleased to bless you more when you are contented in life. Listen to this message and be inspired today!
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What you have in God is greater than what you don't have in life. Listen for today's message and discover the secret of satisfaction!
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