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Rauða borðið

Gunnar Smári Egilsson

Róttæk samfélagsumræða. Við Rauða borðið er rætt um málefni dagsins, hagsmunamál almennings, samfélagið sem við eigum saman og hvernig við getum byggt það upp á grunni réttlætis, mannvirðingar, jöfnuðar og samkenndar.
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This is The Future Is Borderless podcast hosted by David Nilssen. He features top entrepreneurs and thought-leaders from around the world — those who bring a global mindset and a unique perspective to their life and business.
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Canale ufficiale di "Border Nights" programma radiofonico e web-tv: informazione alternativa, misteri italiani e della storia, spiritualità, crescita interiore e molto altro. Se vuoi sostenere il canale puoi farlo attraverso l'innovativa piattaforma di TIPEEE:
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Bernie Griffen, Kirsten Warner or Deputy Paul bring you a piece of American Country and Blues each week. Border Radio... it’s the tear in your beer, it’s the whisky grit, it’s Border Radio, broadcast from Auckland, New Zealand on Sunday evenings from 7pm.
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Au fil des rencontres Tim Pike, un Englishman in Bordeaux, découvre la scène musicale bordelaise. Artistes confirmés, vedettes en devenir, groupes underground, labels, associations, salles de concert... des témoignages qui donnent la température de ce milieu dynamique et passionnant peuplé de personnages créatifs et fascinants qui font véritablement bouger les lignes.
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The Eastern Border

Kristaps Andrejsons

A podcast about the politics and the history of the eastern Europe - including, but not limited to the current state of Russia, politics of the EU, history of the USSR and the region in general. Support this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Introducing a new, and not so serious, podcast "Borderline Texas Trash" brought to you by hosts Stephen Booth. I cover various stories from Southern mob crimes to the paranormal and everything in between. Join us for some good laughs, random shenanigans and a bit of history.
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An independent production from Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, Borderlines is a weekly exploration of real country music in a mix of folk, blues, singer-songwriter, roots jazz and lots more. The show is music, with not much talk. 30 songs per episode, AND STILL NO COUNTRY-POP! Music for your ears, head and heart, with host Rick August. Music licensed by SOCAN. Program © 2024 Acoustic Resources.
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The Border Chronicle

Melissa del Bosque and Todd Miller

The Border Chronicle podcast is hosted by Melissa del Bosque and Todd Miller. Based in Tucson, Arizona, longtime journalists Melissa and Todd speak with fascinating fronterizos, community leaders, migrants, activists, artists and more at the U.S.-Mexico border.
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Mistero, informazione alternativa, crescita interiore, spiritualità e musica d'atmosfera nel podcast ufficiale del programma radiofonico in onda ogni settimana su WebRadioNetwork Diventa un supporter di questo podcast:
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Whether you’re a professional working in Luxembourg or are simply interested in what makes multicultural workplaces tick. This is exactly the right podcast for you. In beyond borders, we’ll bring you real conversations with employees, working with colleagues from all over the world. Featuring an HR Manager, project mangers and a content writer sharing their experiences. Buckle up for beyond borders where national stereotypes collide, cultural boundaries blur and workplace magic happens.
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Our podcast series, “AGG Talks: Cross-Border Business,” is hosted by Mike Burke, AGG Corporate partner, leader of the Ireland & Northern Ireland practice, and administrative partner of the firm’s Washington, D.C. office. Mike is joined by fellow AGG attorneys and experts in international business to discuss legal issues impacting both inbound and outbound foreign investment.
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The Mission of our Podcast “Borderless Leadership” is to spark conversations with leaders who will then use a more enlightened approach to influence others and thus create a better world for all sentient beings.
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Borderline Obsessed

Travis Michael Barr

An articulate look and opinion on all shapes of nerd culture with occasional overviews of characters and series I enjoy or a deep dive on a voiceover artist I admire. A lot of opinions across a vast, nerdy spectrum!
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I denne sæson af Lægens Bord handler det om at være voksen med ADHD. For alle kender den stereotype forestilling af en skoledreng, der har svært ved at sidde stille og høre efter. Men hvordan ser ADHD ud i et voksenliv? Hvordan påvirker det arbejde, relationer, parforhold og forældreskab? Og hvordan slår det særligt hårdt, hvis man er voksen og kvinde? Det undersøger DR's sundhedskorrespondent, Peter Qvortrup Geisling, i disse fire afsnit, hvor han også får svar på, om den store stigning i a ...
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Sam Adamo hosts the universe's most enlightened podcast on Italian culture, football, & beyond. Sam is a young stand-up comic from Montreal who talks too much. Subscribe to the YouTube channel to watch full video episodes: Follow Sam on all platforms @imSamAdamo
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Software Without Borders

Andy Hilliard - Accelerance

Software Without Borders is the essential listen for technology leaders and business owners in the software sector who crave insights from the industry’s top minds. Picture a relaxed, coffee-driven chat where tech veterans discuss cutting-edge projects and business strategies shaping their industry. Tune in to join conversations that traverse the intersections of technology and business, helping you stay ahead in a rapidly evolving industry.
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Ballin Beyond Borders ist der deutsche NBA-Podcast für alle Ballers. Wöchentlich (meistens zumindest) viben Benji und Demba auf der Couch (oder woanders) und talken über die spannendste Liga der Welt: Die NBA Werde Teil der Ballin Beyond Borders Community und supporte uns auf Insta @ballinbeyondborders
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PwC specialists share insights and perspectives on key issues impacting the ever-changing tax landscape. Our podcasts aim to provide quick, easy and up-to-date tax developments to help you stay current and competitive in today's challenging business environment. Listen to episodes at your convenience via your desktop computer or smart device.
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Bold Beautiful Borderline

Sara Abbott, MSW, LCSW, LICSW

Host and Licensed Clinical Social Worker Sara Abbott, provide a raw, honest, and sometimes humorous look into what it means to live with Borderline Personality Disorder and a variety of other conditions. From relationships, to anger, to sex, and to recovery, she along with guests (and her husband occasionally!) provides a behind the lens view on the world’s most stigmatized mental illness. You find Sara on IG @borderlinefromhell
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Steven Meurrens and Deanna Okun-Nachoff

A podcast for the discussion of Canadian immigration law and policy, although we often delve into other topics. Each episode features 2-3 lawyers, academics, politicians, and stakeholders discussing current migration issues. Hosted by Steven Meurrens and Deanna Okun-Nachoff, two immigration lawyers in Vancouver, British Columbia. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Claes och Viggo är äntligen tillbaka på Stureplan efter jul- och nyårs helgerna. Vi pratar om ravinen mellan oss och när musiken som religion ebbade ut. Pretto ja visst, men sådan är denna podcast. Claes har varit i Thailand och skickat ett fint julkort till sin idol. Viggo har harvat på hemma och är nu klar med ett första utkast på sin nästa roman…
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Pour clôturer 2024, ABDR débriefe la revanche entre Fury et Usyk, l'excellent GP featherweight du RISE et du Glory. On parle également du Rizin de Nouvel An avec notamment un Rukiya vs Karimian qui promet de régaler petits et grands. Merci à Import-Fight d'avoir sponsorisé cet épisode.…
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Sunnudagurinn 12. janúar: Synir Egils: Verkefni ríkisstjórnar, kjör, vextir og SjálfstæðisflokkurinnBræðurnir Sigurjón Magnús og Gunnar Smári Egilssynir taka á móti gestum og ræða við þá um helstu fréttir og pólitíkina. Að þessi sinni koma þau Jovana Pavlović mannfræðingur, Ragnar Þór Ingólfsson þingmaður og Erna Bjarnadóttir hagfræðingur og ræða v…
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Laugardagur 11. janúarHelgi-Spjall: Ragna Sigrún SveinsdóttirRagna Sigrún Sveinsdóttir, leiðsögumaður og lektor emerita segir okkur frá pælingum sínum um keltnesk áhrif á Íslandi og um allan heim, hún hefur um árabil ferðast um landið og heiminn og séð ólík upprunaeinkenni birtast í tengslum við skipulag, ástríðu, listir og stríð ... Hún bjó lengi …
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Episode Summary In this episode, Benjamin England, founder of, provides an in-depth look at the FDA and customs regulations for importing FDA-regulated products into the U.S. He explains the roles of customs brokers, the FDA, and Customs and Border Protection (CBP), outlining key steps importers need to take for smooth and compliant …
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A review of the week's major US international tax-related news. In this edition: President-elect Trump open to two budget reconciliation bills, prefers one – House W&M Committee leaders introduce Taiwan tax bill – IRS issues comprehensive package on classification, sourcing of digital content and cloud transactions – IRS releases final regulations …
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Föstudagurinn 10. janúarVikuskammtur: Vika 2Í Vikuskammt við Rauða borðið koma í dag þau Svala Magnea Ásdísardóttir formaður Málfrelsis, Margrét Örnólfsdóttir kvikmyndahöfundur, Elín Oddný Sigurðardóttir teymisstjóri Virknihúss og Sigtryggur Baldursson trommari og ræða fréttir vikunnar sem einkennast af afsögn, yfirgangi, stjórnmálafólki á útleið o…
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Pour ce premier épisode de 2025 nous accueillons au micro Clément Pelofy, guitariste / chanteur, et Baptiste Sauvion, batteur, qui, avec Wanda à la basse, constituent Cosmopaark, l’excellent trio de dream pop shoegaze. À l’ordre du jour : tout ce qu’il faut savoir sur leur nouvel EP Backyard ; à quoi s’attendre lors de la release party du jeudi 23 …
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Rodney Lloyd preaches about the pitfall that Christians can fall into where we claim we believe in Jesus and follow Him, but it is not actually demonstrated through our lives. He explains that in order to make sure what we have is authentic, we need to deny our own fleshly desires, take up our cross on a daily basis, and follow Jesus.…
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Los Angeles brennur; Jakob Frímann Magnússon, fyrrum þingmaður og tónlistarmaður er sérfræðingur í málefnum borgarinnar sem aldrei sefur, nema kannski á verðinum yfir loftslagsvánni ræðir stórbrunann og afleiðingar hans við Maríu Lilju. Þá taka við þau Oddný Eir og Jón Helgi Þórarinsson, tölvuleikjasmiður sem áður bjó í Grænlandi hvar eiga sér nú s…
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In this episode, Mike Burke, AGG Corporate partner and co-leader of the firm’s International practice, is joined by Teri Simmons, AGG Global Mobility chair, to discuss potential changes under the Trump administration to business immigration policies and the impact on foreign nationals working in the United States. Mike and Teri address critical com…
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This year started with an infamous traitor to Latvian people dying in Russia. I wanted to talk about this guy, who also happens to be a buddy of Igor Girkin, but then I fell into a rabbit hole. Support this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.…
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If you want to know about what’s to come on the border—what to expect, how it got to this point, and ways to fight back—put everything down right now and give this a listen. Well, here we are at the beginning of 2025, and it’s time to continue preparing ourselves for what’s to come (I hope you all saw Melissa’s Tuesday report on the Border Chronicl…
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COME DEPURARE L'ORGANISMO (DOPO LE FESTIVITA') - WILMER ZANGHIRATI URBANAZ, dottore in farmacia, erborista, naturopata, Presidente Associazione Italiana Naturopati Si parla di: N-Acetilcisteina, Bromelina, Piantaggine, Betulla, Glutatione, Cardo Mariano, Carciofo Per gli ascoltatori di Border Nights sconto speciale del 10% inserendo il codice BORDE…
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Miðvikudagur 8. janúarArfleið Bjarna BenediktssonarBræðurnir Sigurjón Magnús og Gunnar Smári Egilsson fá gesti til að ræða arfleið Bjarna Benediktssonar, formanns Sjálfstæðisflokksins, sem sagði af sér þingmennsku á mánudaginn. Fyrst koma Þórður Gunnarsson hagfræðingur, Marinó G. Njálsson tölvunarfræðingur og Margrét Helga Erlingsdóttir fréttakona …
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In this episode, we dive into an engaging discussion with Verne Harnish, the visionary founder of ScalingUp. Throughout our conversation, we uncover the foundational strategies that propel business growth and ignite employee engagement. Verne imparts invaluable insights on leveraging data analytics from local universities for strategic decision-mak…
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Doug McHoney (PwC’s International Tax Services Global Leader) is joined by Will Morris, PwC’s Global Tax Policy Leader and former Director of Global Tax Policy at General Electric to look ahead to potential global tax policy changes. Will enlightens Doug about the confluence of tax and tariffs, digital services taxes (DSTs), the importance of commu…
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IL PRIMO ANNO DI MILEI - FUSILLO live - Puntata 122 (08-01-2025) Libro: "Javier Milei. Libertà... Chiave della prosperità" Libro: "Democrazia, il dio che ha fallito" Fonti:…
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On this episode, Steve and Deanna discuss the effect of cross-border travel on the validity of a visitor record. The question is: do they become invalidated by travel outside Canada? The topic was raised by Tamara Mosher Kuczer in episode 140, in which she reported an uptick in visitor record extension refusals due to prior invalidation of the orig…
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Excerpts from graphic novels in progress by Alex Taylor, Corban Wilkin, Cathy Brett, Gareth Cowlin, Anna Trench, Myfanwy Tristram and Mereida Fajardo, and photo of Alex Taylor, Corban Wilkin, Cathy Brett, Gareth Cowlin, Anna Trench, Myfanwy Tristram, Alex Fitch and Mereida Fajardo (on screen) at Waterstone Piccadilly First Graphic Novel Award 2023:…
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Excerpts from graphic novels in progress by Alex Taylor, Corban Wilkin, Cathy Brett, Gareth Cowlin, Anna Trench, Myfanwy Tristram and Mereida Fajardo, and photo of Alex Taylor, Corban Wilkin, Cathy Brett, Gareth Cowlin, Anna Trench, Myfanwy Tristram, Alex Fitch and Mereida Fajardo (on screen) at Waterstone Piccadilly First Graphic Novel Award 2023:…
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Puntata 520, la prima del 2025, di Border Nights - La Notte ai confini, il programma e podcast radiofonico in onda ogni martedì alle 22 su Web Radio Network e poi in tutte le piattaforme digitali. La domenica sera in differita sulle onde medie di Radio Briscola (Am 1449). Primo ospite della puntata l'ingegner Alessandro Ratti per parlare del ponte …
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Þriðjudagur 7. janúarSprúttsalar, Færeyjar, loftlagsmál, umhverfi og byggðamálVegna hávaða af framkvæmdum er þáttur kvöldsins snöggsoðinn (og í sumum viðtölum má heyra bornið í fjarska). Árni Guðmundsson forvarnarfulltrúi ræðir ólöglega áfengissölu og siðlausa áfengisframæleiðendur og Carl Jóhan Jensen rithöfundur segir fréttir fra Færeyjum, títt a…
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This week we decide that the holidays must persevere despite the failings of local cinema and un-local food / foot crossovers. Some people experience charity by inviting in an unsavory relative or setting a plate for a houseless neighbor... for us it's listening to a fast hardcore band. So open your hearts and your wallets for the sake of Massachus…
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In this episode, we take a look of the Russian economy and what the main news stories not related to the war were in Russian infosphere. Spoiler alert: They’re more screwed than you could probably imagine. And that’s even IF they manage to end the war with something positive. Support this show Hosted on …
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Whether you're a professional working in Luxembourg or are simply interested in what makes multicultural workplaces tick. This is exactly the right podcast for you. In beyond borders, we'll bring you real conversations with employees, working with colleagues from all over the world. Featuring an HR Manager, project mangers and a content writer shar…
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PERDITA DELL'AURA E VIVISEZIONE DELLA TRAGEDIA CON KARISMA Sito Web: X: Instagram. Gli scritti: Se ti piace Border Nights sostienici su Donazione singola Paypal: Telegram:…
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Mánudagur 6. janúarBjarni, veður, leikhús, þrettándinn, CarterVið byrjum á að ræða frétt dagsins, afsögn Bjarna Benediktssonar. Og ræðum síðan veðrið við Trausta Jónsson veðurfræðing. Förum á Köttur á heitu blikkþaki og ræðum sýninguna við aðstandendur: Þorleifur Örn Arnarsson leikstjóri og leikararnir Sigurður Ingvarsson, Hilmir Snær Guðnason og Á…
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Self-sabotage can be easily defined by it's ChatGPT definition: "Self-sabotage is when someone undermines their own success, well-being, or goals through behaviors or thought patterns that create obstacles or prevent progress. These actions often arise unconsciously, driven by fear, self-doubt, unresolved trauma, or conflicting desires." But, it is…
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Flaco Jimenez with Raul Malo - Said And Done, Said And Done Oh Susanna - I'll Keep It With Mine, Oh Susanna Matt Masters - All-Western Winners, All-Western Winners Willi Carlisle - Van Life, Peculiar, Missouri Peach & Quiet - Empty To Fill, Just Beyond The Shine The Sweetback Sisters - You Done Me Wrong, Chicken Ain't Chicken Jimmy Lafave - Restles…
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Sunnudagurinn 5. janúar: Synir Egils: Nýtt ár, nýir tímar, nýr og háskalegur heimurBræðurnir Sigurjón Magnús og Gunnar Smári Egilssynir taka á móti gestum og ræða við þá um helstu fréttir og pólitíkina. Að þessi sinni koma þau Kristinn Hrafnsson blaðamaður, Ragnhildur Alda Vilhjálmsdóttir borgarfulltrúi og Þóra Kristín Ásgeirsdóttir upplýsingafullt…
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