«Big Brother» skapte hysteriske tilstander i Norge for nøyaktig 20 år siden. Men hvorfor ble vi hektet? Denne podcasten ser nærmere på de viktigste hendelsene i det som er reality-sjangerens intense fødsel - og triste svanesang.
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A podcast all about Big Brother.
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Det hele blir litt mye for Arve og Kyla åpenbarer seg.
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Rodney flytter til en gård og Anette misliker stand up-show
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Per Mortens shining moment og verdens mest creepy massasje
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Ingen lytter til Trond og Rebecca blir med i fraternityen
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Trond fikser kåken og Lars Joachim kaster håret.
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Rockestjernene ankommer huset og Arve avslører at han ikke er så interessert i dem.
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Første smakebit på podcasten som i løpet av seks episoder og minst like mange avsløringer forteller historien om BB-deltakerne i huset på Fornebu.
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Wooo! Things go crazy this week in the Big Brother House. We get some temper tantrums, some bold faced lies, some false call outs, and some discussion about racism. A lot to digest so this is a loooooong episode. Do us a favor and head over to iTunes and leave us a review: Review EVICTED!由Evicted
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This week we get Kaitlyn making a big move and causing Team Foute to be surprised by a backdoor eviction. The one who helped bring it about gets HOH and it all culminates in a big argument about how many left handed people there are in the world. All this and more!由Evicted
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We’re back with a look at Week 2 in the Big Brother house. Have any new alliances been made? Any new Showmances happened? Who got evicted and who is the new HoH? Find out. Also we play some controversial clips from the first few weeks in the BB house.由Evicted
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It’s the first episode of Evicted! A new podcast all about Big Brother. It’s the first week in the house and we cover the compeitions, alliances, and even some hook ups. All this with a robot on the show! Welcome to Evicted!由Evicted
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