Un’inviata virtuale in libreria per scoprire le ultime novità del mercato editoriale. In ogni puntata due interviste dal vivo a scrittrici e scrittori, italiani e stranieri, per parlare dei romanzi: dai personaggi ai temi, dalle trame ai retroscena della scrittura. Con uno stile informale Alessandra Tedesco racconta i romanzi e talvolta anche gli aspetti inediti degli autori. Un modo per orientarsi nella vasta produzione editoriale e scegliere il libro adatto a sé.
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Restaurant Unstoppable with Eric Cacciatore
Inspiring interviews with todays most successful restaurateurs 2-days a wee
What do the most successful entrepreneurs know, that you don't? Today's most successful Restaurateurs and Restaurant Professionals sharing tips and insights 2-days weekly to help make your restaurant dreams unstoppable! Listen as our guest explain what it takes to be successful in the restaurant industry. We'll discuss topic on how to lead, manage and market a successful restaurant. Join us at RestaurantUnstoppable.com to find show notes which recap all books, services, resources and tools c ...
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Will Gilson is the Executive Chef and Partner at Cambridge Street Hospitality Group, based in Cambridge, MA. Will started as a cook in Boston at the age of 15 and has never left the industry. He attended culinary school and then travelled the world to learn about cooking in various cities. He opened his first restaurant with a partner in 2012 calle…
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"Ti ricordi di Sarah Leroy?" è un romanzo che ha avuto un grande successo in Francia, scritto da Marie Vareille (Rizzoli - traduz. Sara Arena). Tutto gira intorno a un mistero, ossia la scomparsa di un'adolescente, Sarah, avvenuta nel settembre del 2001. La sua storia viene raccontata da una narratrice che preferisce restare anonima e che ripercorr…
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This is a very special episode. We are showcasing some of the amazing benefits of joining the live events over at Restaurant Unstoppable Network. Eric and two network members are joined by Dillas CEO Kyle Gordon for some mentoring on scaling a QSR business. Want to join the live events to ask the experts your questions and gain valuable knowledge a…
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Tom Boucher is the CEO and Owner of Great NH Restaurants. Tom was previously on the show for episode 108 back in 2015. Tom became the CEO of Great NH Restaurants in 2004 and bought out the then owners in 2007 to become an owner and partner. Today, Great NH Restaurants has 9 restaurants all in New Hampshire under its ownership and operation, includi…
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La follia e i deliri che hanno caratterizzato gli ultimi anni di vita di Ferdinando Palasciano, medico vissuto alla fine dell'800, sono al centro del romanzo "Di spalle a questo mondo" (Neri Pozza) di Wanda Marasco. Con una prosa lirica, un lessico ricercato e uno stile immaginifico, l'autrice racconta in un mix di realtà e fantasia la vita di Pala…
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Michelle Corry is the Co-Founder and Owner of 555, Petite Jacqueline, and 555North. Michelle graduated from Boston University with a Hospitality Management degree and headed out to San Francisco to work FOH in breweries there. She met her husband (and business) partner while there and worked at places such as The French Laundry in her early career.…
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Tom Barthelmes is the Chef and Co-Owner of Finestkind in Saco, Maine. Tom grew up in New Hampshire and knew he wanted to be a chef in his very early teens. He attended the Culinary Institute of America in NY. In school he met his wife and business partner, Victoria. He worked in NYC for three years after graduating in such restaurants as Per Se. He…
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"Malbianco" (Einaudi) è il nuovo romanzo di Mario Desiati, premio Strega nel 2022 con "Spatriati". Anche in questo caso c'è il tema delle origini, non tanto però quelle geografiche, piuttosto quelle del sangue, i legami familiari. La voce narrante è quella di un uomo, Marco Petrovici, che lascia Berlino dopo averci vissuto per qualche anno. Ha iniz…
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Haven Hot Chicken was previously featured on the show for episode 1151 when Jason Sobocinski, President and Co-Owner of Haven Hot Chicken, was a guest! All three of our guests today are co-owners of Haven hot chicken today. Haven Hot chicken is a hot chicken concept based in New Haven, CT with 9 locations. Etkin Tekin is the CEO, Craig Sklar is the…
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Il libro della settimana: "L'anniversario" di Andrea Bajani (Feltrinelli)
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Damian Sansonetti is the Chef and Co-Owner of Chaval and Ugly Duckling, both located in Portland, ME. Damian is the husband of previous guest Ilma Lopez, who was featured on episodes 1148 and 1156. Damian's father was a chef and he grew interested in the profession while in college. He attended Pennsyvania Culinary Institute and quickly began worki…
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Un romanzo doloroso e potente sulle relazioni familiari. Una famiglia in cui la scena è monopolizzata dal padre, un uomo che esercita potere e violenza, soprattutto psicologica talvolta anche fisica, ma lo sguardo del figlio (l'io narrante) è tutto sulla madre, sul suo essere invisibile, sul suo esistere solo in funzione del marito, sul suo sottrar…
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1156: Choosing to go Further Together with Paige Gould, Ilma Lopez, Michelle Corry, and Theresa Chan
This is a very special round table conversation with 4 restaurant owners in the Portland, Maine area. Eric sits down with Piage Gould, owner of Central Provitions, Tipo, and Finestkind, Ilma Lopez, owner of Chaval and Ugly Duckling, Michelle Corry, owner of Fifty Five-Five, and Theresa Chan, owner of Empire Chinese Kitchen. They will be dscussing t…
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Paige Gould is the Co-Owner of Central Provisions, Tipo, and Finestkind, all located in or near Portland, Maine. Paige was previously on the show for episode 547 back in 2018, when she only owned Central Provisions and Tipo. In September of 2024, she and her husband/partner opened their newest venture, Finestkind. Join the Restaurant Unstoppable NE…
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Un romanzo denso, denso di accadimenti e di personaggi, ma anche denso di riflessioni sul sé, sul male, le ombre e la scrittura. Un romanzo denso a partire dalla voce narrante che usa la prima persona plurale, il noi, che contiene una moltitudine. Parliamo di "Qualcuno di noi" di Pietro Grossi (Mondadori). Lo scrittore gioca con la sua biografia e …
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Emily Curry is the Co-Founder, GM, and Head of Marketing at Big Trouble, located in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Emily began working in restaurants in the early 2010's, when she was in her very early 20's. She worked at Southern Prohibition, a brewery in Hattiesburg, Mississippi and became their CEO from 2018-2022 when she and her 4 partners began the…
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Robert St. John grew up in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. At age 19, Robert entered the restaurant industry at a delicatessen where he became the manager. During his very first shift at that job, he decided that he wanted to make restaurants his career. After struggling with substance abuse in his early adulthood, Robert got completely clean in 1983 and…
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Gli intrighi vaticani sono nuovamente al centro di un giallo di Glenn Cooper, scrittore americano autore fra l'altro della famosa trilogia della Biblioteca dei morti e della serie con protagonista Cal Donovan, docente universitario di storia delle religioni soprannominato "L'uomo che sussurrava ai papi" per la sua amicizia con Celestino VI e Giovan…
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Fred Langley is the CEO of Restaurant Systems Pro. Fred got his first job in the restaurant industry at the age of 12 as a dishwasher. He worked his way up the ranks and became a restaurateur, opening his first restaurant at the age of 27. He opened his second restaurant only 4 years later. Fred joined Restaurant Systems Pro, formerly known as The …
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Jason Sobocinski is the Co-Owner and President of Haven Hot Chicken. Jason grew up loving food and business. He got two degrees, travelled the world, then returned to New Haven, his hometown, and opened his first business in 2008. He then opened several businesses over the years, partnered with various people who operated those businesses, and in 2…
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Una donna che ha superato i 40 anni diventa madre. Un evento sicuramente potente che spiazza e che trasforma. Un evento che fa diventare il ricordo di una bisnonnax, che aveva passato alcuni giorni in un manicomio, quasi un'ossessione: ricostruire la sua storia diventa un'urgenza. Un evento che stimola riflessioni su come la scrittura, ossia l'arte…
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David Vargas was previously on the show for episode 755 back in 2020. David Vargas is a chef who co-owns Vida Cantina, a Mexican restaurant in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. He is also a partner in Ore Nell's, a Texas BBQ restaurant in Kittery, ME with a brand new location in Biddeford, ME. David is also the Vice President of a non-profit called Cultiv…
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Deb Simmons went studied nutritional science and biology in college and went on to work with Americorps and the Peace Corps. When she left those jobs, she started working in restaurants in the seacoast NH area. She worked for Row 34 and became a GM and then for The Green Elephant, becoming a GM there as well. Then, in 2019, she started cake. vegan …
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Un romanzo emozionante e anche necessario per cercare di capire che cosa succede nella testa degli adolescenti. Necessario per cercare di creare un ponte fra le fragilità dei giovani e quelle degli adulti. Parliamo di "La neve in fondo al mare" (Einaudi) di Matteo Bussola, un autore che ha sempre scritto di rapporto genitori-figli fin dall'esordio …
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Ilma Lopez is from Venezuela and moved to the US in 2001 to go to school. She ended up going to culinary school in NYC and worked there for high profile chefs like Daniel Boulud and others. She worked in Spain for a year and then worked a cruise ship for a year as well. She and her husband moved to 2011 and opened their first restaurant, Piccolo, i…
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Tracy Chevalier è famosa per il romanzo "La ragazza con l'orecchino di perla" in cui prendeva spunto dalla vita del pittore Vermeer e della sua modella. Poi sono seguiti altri romanzi sempre ispirati a fatti storici e ora è in libreria con "La maestra del vetro" (Neri Pozza - traduz. Massimo Ortelio). Anche in questo caso un romanzo che ci porta ne…
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Terry O'Brien is the owner of The Red Parka Pub in Glen, New Hampshire. The Red Parka is a 53 year old restaurant housed in a building from the 1800s in the White Mountains of NH with 250 seats during peak season and does about 600 dinner per night. Terry took over the business from her father in 2000. Her family has previously owned 5 restaurants …
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Puntata dedicata a "M - L'ora del destino" (Bompiani), quarto volume della serie di Antonio Scurati dedicata a Mussolini diventata anche una serie tv in onda su Sky dal 10 gennaio 2025. Tutto era partito nel 2018 con "M - Il figlio del secolo", dedicato agli albori dell'ascesa politica di Mussolini e del Fascismo. In questo quarto romanzo, che come…
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Dopo libri come "Quel che affidiamo al vento", "L'isola dei battiti del cuore" e "Il Giappone a colori", nel nuovo romanzo "Tutti gli indirizzi perduti" (Einaudi) Laura Imai Messina, scrittrice italiana che vive fra Kamakura e Tokyo, ci racconta con il suo stile poetico e delicato di una piccola isola giapponese dove si trova realmente l'Ufficio po…
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Un romanzo di formazione, un romanzo su una ferita, quella di chi cresce in un posto ma sente di appartenere ad un altro, la ferita anche di chi, per seguire i propri sogni, tradisce i genitori. Un romanzo che esplora i conflitti interiori, ma anche i conflitti nati dalla geografia. Parliamo di "Il fiore delle illusioni" (Feltrinelli) di Giuseppe C…
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1146: Genn Anzaldi, Co-Owner of J-Town Deli & Country Store and Marketing Director of The Valley Originals
Genn Anzaldi is the Co-Owner of J-Town Deli & Country Store in Jackson Village, New Hampshire. She is also the Director of Marketing of The Valley Originals. The Valley Originals is a group of restaurants in the Mount Washington Valley who banded together in the mid-80s to repel the invasion of big chain restaurants from their area of northern New …
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Tradizionale puntata speciale di inizio anno dedicata a gialli, thriller e noir. Interviste a: Donato Carrisi, Gianrico Carofiglio, Antonio Manzini, Maurizio de Giovanni, Cristina Cassar Scalia, Massimo Carlotto, Ilaria Tuti, Fabiano Massimi, Alessia Gazzola, Giancarlo De Cataldo, Alessandro Robecchi, Alicia Gimenez Bartlett, Paula Howkins, Gillian…
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