Ministry Monday with Carlton Coon is focused on discipleship, church growth, and issues in pastoring. This Apostolic Pentecostal provides proven practical, relevant and focused content in the short podcast.
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With a bit of effort, listener fatigue can be resolved. 1. Deal with different important topics. For the 21 Topics Worksheet, visit our website here:由Carlton Coon
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Ministry Monday January 4, 2021 People get tired of hearing the same voice and topics. How can we overcome listener fatigue?由Carlton Coon
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For those who pastor or are in a church leadership role – Christmas is a time to make a memorable and influential ministry impact. At the same time, while your family is having a wonderful time, there are others who can benefit from a simple ministering word from their shepherd. Let me give you four suggestions.…
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When Focusing Becomes Difficult. Staying focused can be a challenge. There are many distractions. Five helps to focus.由Carlton Coon
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Ministry Monday--November 9, 2020 Ministry Leaders can easily be distracted by the temporal. Keep your focus on the things of God. The focus on His purpose for you.由Carlton Coon
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Ministry Monday Oct 12, 2020-Use prayer to build your pastor's emotional strength during this week!
During Pastoral Appreciation season know that your spiritual leader is affected by words, though wise leaders do not react. Use prayer to build your pastor's emotional strength. Also, let him know you value him. If you are seeking a Pastoral Appreciation Gift my Gift Cards are discounted 20%.…
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If God has called you, then you are significant. Accept the honor of God’s call. Perhaps you are bi-vocational and struggle with getting it all done. You deserve double honor!由Carlton Coon
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Ministry Monday, September 21, 2020 "Don't Kick the Sheep If you Want to Keep them Close!" Ezekiel 34 is an expose of "bad shepherding." God was not happy with those who used the rod and staff to cause pain rather than rescue. To my peers in pastoral ministry; the need for patience and compassion has never been greater. The flock is already frettin…
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The supernatural is not optional equipment for the New Testament church! We struggle with this because we feel inadequate. Let’s get over ourselves. In the scripture, Jesus convicted Simon Peter with a rooster, had an ass speak to the prophet Baalam, and rode triumphantly into Jerusalem on an ass. Guess what, in the realm of the supernatural - Jesu…
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God's leaders must not feel guilty they are not God, the Messiah or "super-heroes." Be faithful, grow in your ministry, develop people, and develop yourself but don't overload yourself. It is comforting to know some things God is intended to take care of. Let Him!由Carlton Coon
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Ministry Monday--August 17, 2020 Just thinking: How well have I prepared people to be good Christians as part of an “Underground Church?” Economics, judicial decisions, persecution, and censorship could, at some point make outward communication to saints difficult. How would they fare then? Have I prepared the flock to “self-feed?” For more Ministr…
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Ministry Monday--July 20, 2020 Shepherds are special to the Lord! They always have been. When your “Egypt” does not value you as a shepherd, look to the Lord for your valuation.由Carlton Coon
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Ministry Monday--July 27, 2020 Stress happens. Leaders should be balanced. Showcase faith rather than frustration. At the same time a leader must relate to the struggle of those they lead.由Carlton Coon
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Those who lead healing churches need strength to face the stress. Let wisdom justify your decisions rather than you justifying them yourself!由Carlton Coon
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Healing pastors touch their wounded. (At least in a non-pandemic world.) Blessing and comfort come from a hug. Be a healing leader!由Carlton Coon
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Even a healing church encounters people beyond help. If the ill do not yield to a doctor’s directions they cannot be cured.由Carlton Coon
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A healing church must have a healing leader. A shepherd rather than a butcher! Learn 2 key attitudes the leader of a “healing church” must have!由Carlton Coon
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Warning: Longer than Usual! Extremely Relevant! When the Church no Longer Ticks! Please share and offer your thoughts regarding “Future Church.” Visit for 1/3 off all inventory plus free shipping in the USA.由Carlton Coon
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The shepherds knew before anyone else! They had something worthwhile to tell - let me stay focused on the story worth telling.由Carlton Coon
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Healing churches and healing leaders recognize that most wounded people do not recover overnight. The emergency effort is needed. So is the sustained effort of the keeper of the inn.由Carlton Coon
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