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狄彦嵩,毕业于普林斯顿大学,拥有MBA和法学博士学位,律师及投资人,目前在中国(北京和上海)生活了11年。 在很多朋友的鼓励和支持下,他决定用中文做一档轻松、有趣、接地气的访谈节目。节目主要和大家一起探讨中外商业环境的差异,邀请的嘉宾也都来自中西方顶尖的公司,既有五百强大公司也有初创公司。希望大家觉得有意思,也欢迎大家多提宝贵意见!
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第二部分 : 应对中国电信服务中的外商投资。 在第二期节目中,专家们讨论了中国增值电信服务法规的改革。其中,对外国参与的潜力、对外国互联网公司的影响以及获取许可证的复杂性,都进行深入探讨。 讨论内容包括历史背景、政府对外商投资的态度以及考虑进入中国市场的公司所需的实际策略。Tracey提供了宝贵的见解,帮助企业应对监管挑战,并分析了未来行业可能发生的变化,很值得借鉴。
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在本期《China Business Law Podcast》中,主持人Art Dicker与嘉宾Tracey Tang深入讨论了中国关于应用程序备案要求的新规,以及对外国公司在增值电信服务(VATS)领域投资所带来的影响。 第一部分:应对中国新应用程序的备案要求。 作为在TMT行业具有丰富经验的法律专家,Tracey Tang详细阐述了这些法规对外国应用程序开发商,特别是数字娱乐和游戏行业的影响。 对于在中国设立公司的复杂性、获得各种许可证的必要性,以及在遵守中国法律的前提下,是选择与本地合作伙伴合作,还是采用VIE等法律结构,都是重要的安排。同时,对于外国应用程序开发商在新规下面临的挑战和时间线,以及这些规定对其在中国的业务运营可能产生的影响,两位专家给出了自己的独到见解。…
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在本期《中国商法播客》中,主持人 Art Dicker 和 Iris Yuan 采访了安杰博德律师事务所执行合伙人宋颖,宋颖是反垄断法 (AML) 专家,曾亲自处理过许多知名案件。宋颖对中国当局如何处理不同类型的案件进行了深入分析,并深入比较了中国与欧洲和美国的反垄断实践。
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Happy International Women’s Day! The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day is #Break The Bias. In this episode, guest host Kim speaks to Orianne Dutka, a former attorney who worked in private practice (FCPA investigations), government (education) and not for profit specializing in disability rights before finding her calling in creative w…
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Doreen Jaeger-Soong, Managing Director at Hughes-Castell, one of Asia’s leading executive search firms, discusses the paths for lawyers and the choices they must make as they progress through their career in China. We cover both in-house and law firms, international firms and PRC firms, and the pros and cons of switching between the two. Doreen has…
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In this two part interview, Boon Kim Fam talks with Kent Kedl and Tung Jung (TJ) Tan, Partners at Control Risks on have to identify and handle conflicts of interests among employees, vendors, and other business partners. Be prepared to listen to some fantastic stories on using modern forensic accounting tools combined with years of experience of kn…
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In this two part interview, Boon Kim Fam talks with Kent Kedl and Tung Jung (TJ) Tan, Partners at Control Risks on have to identify and handle conflicts of interests among employees, vendors, and other business partners. Be prepared to listen to some fantastic stories on using modern forensic accounting tools combined with years of experience of kn…
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In this two part interview, Art Dicker and guest host Iris Yuan talk with Mavis Tan and Jessica Pyman, Partners at Control Risks based in Hong Kong. On how to prepare for litigation including fit-to-sue analysis, securing evidence, use of experts, and finding pressure points that help lead to a favorable settlement. Mavis and Jessica explain how la…
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In this two part interview, Art Dicker and guest host Iris Yuan talk with Mavis Tan and Jessica Pyman, Partners at Control Risks based in Hong Kong. On how to prepare for litigation including fit-to-sue analysis, securing evidence, use of experts, and finding pressure points that help lead to a favorable settlement. Mavis and Jessica explain how la…
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Boon Kim Fam talks with Shirley Zhang, Global Compliance Director at Dover Fueling Solutions. On running a global compliance program out of Shanghai for a multinational company. On the challenges of “work-life integration” and time management during COVID-19. And how Shirley and her team manage to stay on top of an ever increasing number of data pr…
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The Variable Interest Entity. Sounds like a boring term an accountant or lawyer might use. Well it is an accounting term, but it’s anything but boring when you know how its used in the real world. It’s the key to how all Chinese internet companies have been structured to go IPO outside of China for the last 20 years. Let’s just say it’s a bit of a …
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本期我们与复星集团法务部执行总经理Iris 袁佳丽、FMC亚太区知识产权事务负责人Leo 李灵川进行了Lawyers Unscripted. (Unscripted means free flowing conversation, not overly planned out in advanced.) 10' IP律师业务模块介绍 16' in-house工作的沟通方式 对比与在律所工作的思考方式 30' 时代背景下对职业转变赋予的自由空间 以及新兴行业的发展对于跨领域/跨界人才的需求 41' 客户对外部律师的真实需求 47' MBA对软实力的培养 51' 如何建立对客户的吸引力与信任感 59' 如何看待行业选择…
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我们访谈了Hughes - Castell的Sherry、Vicky, 以大中华区专业的法律猎头角度讨论律所的律师与企业的法务之间的市场情况。 3'05'' “后新冠时代 ”中国法律市场的情况 7'17'' 给新手律师执业领域的建议以及一个新兴领域,财富管理的相关介绍 23'30'' 从甲方企业视角给新手律师以执业领域方面的建议。延伸话题:从律所跳槽到甲方企业是否需要接受降薪 34'11'' 现在的法总比起十年前的法总有什么不同 42'27'' 目前内资所和外所的招聘要求分别是什么,以及优秀的律所合伙人有哪些表现 50'40'' 国内民企和跨国公司分别是什么招聘要求,区别在哪
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We talk with Tim Klatte, head of Shanghai Forensic Advisory Services at Grant Thornton China and Qiao Peng, Partner at R&P China Lawyers. Tim and Qiao share best practices on conducting internal investigations, including several case studies, as well as how lawyers and forensic accountants work together for clients in the investigations process. -H…
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我们邀请了高焕勇律师,美国盛智律师事务所上海代表处知识产权、诉讼业务及公司业务组的合伙人,访谈关于标准必要专利全球许可费率的管辖权: 美国,英国和中国的比较。 4:12: 标准必要专利和公平合理和无歧视原则(FRAND) 19:30: 标准必要专利全球许可费率的重要性 19:50: 美国:TCL诉爱立信 27:50: 英国:康文森无线许可诉华为和中兴 36:36: 中国:中兴诉康文森无线许可(最高人民法院) 43:00: 战狼精神 47:00: 国际化公司的全球化应对策略。 51:44: 中国:小米诉交互数字公司(武汉中级人民法院)
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The host, Art Dicker, discusses the legal issues and risks surrounding mask and other PPE procurement from China. Art is joined by long-time China veterans Cameron Johnson of Tidal Wave Solutions and Joel Gallo of Columbia China League Business Advisory. -Drafting precise language on product deliverables and specifications -Including dispute resolu…
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We talk with long-time China veterans Cameron Johnson of Tidal Wave Solutions and Joel Gallo of Columbia China League Business Advisory on multiple real world cases of sourcing PPE product from China. On some of the potential pitfalls involved and best practices to reduce risk. -Why do prices fluctuate so much and how much time do customers typical…
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我们访谈了戴冠春律师,竞天公诚律师事务所合伙人,钱伯斯亚太地区公司/并购第四梯队,ALB中国十佳并购律师。 3:10 介绍怎么选择了IPO业务领域 5:30 IPO业务领域的发展趋势 9:30 在美国、香港、大陆上市的区别,以及律师的业务重心 26:16 科创板IPO的特殊性,以及律师的业务重心 36:50 中概股二次上市 42:00 财务问题对企业的影响 46:40 IPO业务的律师流程,以及法律层面重要的问题 56:50 体育行业经验分享
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We are joined on our sister show Ganbei by Brian Fleming, Member at leading Washington DC law firm, Miller & Chevalier. Before joining the firm, Brian spent several years at the US Department of Justice working on national security issues related to export control, CFIUS investigations, and other compliance and enforcement efforts on international …
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Joey tells us about his story of moving to the US as a young kid and learning through mentors and internships to find what he loved to do in life. Art Dicker joins the discussion as well, and Joey and Art discuss how people can make wise career decisions and avoid mistakes when deciding to enter professional fields like finance or law.…
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We talk with Boon Kim Fam, Senior Legal Counsel, Compliance, Asia Pacific at PVH Corp. (parent company of Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger). 2:10 How prior government experience helped Kim in her compliance role today. 3:13 What kind of compliance issues are unique to a retail business? 4:26 Is the scope of a typical compliance role becoming broader…
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We talk with a founder, and two investors/mentors about the role different stakeholders play in a company's early stages. A startup has numerous "stakeholders" - investors, advisors and mentors, employees, customers, media, and the government. We lay out what makes good stakeholders, how they work together, and how there can be potential for confli…
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We talk again with Kenny Tung, long-time China-based General Counsel in the region at companies such as PepsiCo, Goodyear, Honeywell, and Kodak. A deeper dive into how the legal industry is changing and what young lawyers should consider when deciding to go in-house. 1:58 – How has the legal industry changed in the last few years? 8:38 – How “bigla…
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Benjamin Qiu, partner at Loeb & Loeb, and I talk about what kind of legal issues arise when startups run into difficult economic times and funding is harder to get. 1:45 – What kind of funding environment are we in now? 4:08 – Will and how would VC funds try to back out of deals? 7:05 – Why VCs may be reluctant to put in more capital to existing po…
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We talk with Nico Bahmanyar at LEAF on practical, cost-effective strategies for coping with China's Cybersecurity and other data privacy laws. 1:35 Introduction to the Cybersecurity Law 5:00 Which regulators are competing for jurisdiction? 7:14 How much adaptions do companies have to make to localize their policies? 9:00 How do smaller companies tr…
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We talk with Jason Chang, Of Counsel at DLA Piper, on what international companies should know about force majeure in the current situation. 3:00 - What is force majeure? 5:28 - Are force majeure clauses always in contracts and what’s standard? 8:48 - What if the contract is silent on this issue and how does governing law matter? 11:26 - Force maje…
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We interview Jon Hicks, Employment Counsel at Netflix at its headquarters in Los Gatos, California. On how lawyers can effectively communicate with clients, including internal company clients when operating as an in-house attorney. 3:00 - The most common disputes with employees at companies. 4:00 - How Jon handles disagreements with colleagues/inte…
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We interview Lesli Ligorner, Managing Partner Beijing office of Morgan Lewis. On the best approaches in effectively dealing with employee terminations in China. 1:05 - Typical termination case profiles 1:55 - Dealing with termination cases already in flight 4:02 - Handling situations where no clear legal grounds for termination 5:50 - How badly sho…
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The New Foreign Investment Law is effective as of January 1st. We interview Yvonne Cheng, partner at King & Wood Mallesons on the implications for foreign businesses operating in China. 1:05 - Basic principles of the law 3:40 - Implementing the law on the ground 10:30 - Sectors that could come off the "Negative List" in the future 15:15 - Impact of…
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Sabrina Yuan – SecuritAi Sabrina是SecuritAi的首席运营官和联合创始人,SecuritAi是一家位于美国的AI驱动的家庭安全解决方案公司。 在加入SecuritAi之前,Sabrina是保时捷公司中国区的总法律顾问。 她毕业于乔治城大学法学院,并拥有斯坦福大学的工商管理硕士学位。 Art和Sabrina在本期节目中将讨论Sabrina从base在中国的大型跨国公司的中国高管转型为在硅谷创办自己科技公司的创始人时所面临的挑战。 是什么驱使人们离开大公司的工作走出舒适区来创业的? -0:10 大公司很舒服,真的吗? -5:00 有一份别人眼里的好工作,但是却不能发挥你的潜力 -6:38 中国人在硅谷创业的优势和劣势 -12:55 在美国用中国供应链遇到的困难…
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Sabrina Yuan – SecuritAi Sabrina是SecuritAi的首席运营官和联合创始人,SecuritAi是一家位于美国的AI驱动的家庭安全解决方案公司。在加入SecuritAi之前,Sabrina是保时捷公司中国区的总法律顾问。她毕业于乔治城大学法学院,并拥有斯坦福大学的工商管理硕士学位。 Art和Sabrina在本期节目中将讨论Sabrina从base在中国的大型跨国公司的中国高管转型为在硅谷创办自己科技公司的创始人时所面临的挑战。是什么驱使人们离开大公司的工作走出舒适区来创业的? -2:50在中国做律师的困扰 -6:20 如何利用法律行业经验来创业 -10:10 斯坦佛MBA改变了我的思维方式 -13:00 跨国公中国员工为什么很难有全局观 -17:28 中国公司…
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