Sermons, lectures and teachings from Christ Church Jerusalem, founded 1849 as a center of prayer for all nations with worship reflecting the Jewish context of the gospel.
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Huldah and the Reign of Josiah | 2 Kings 22, 2 Chronicles 34 with John Arnold by Christ Church Jerusalem由Christ Church Jerusalem
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Jesus’ inaugural sermon in his home town synagogue frames his ministry in the words and context of the Jubilee redemption. According to Leviticus, the release of all debts and slaves, and returning land to its original owner is to happen every 49 years - a Jubilee on Yom Kippur, the day of repentance. Jesus’ offer of salvation for the World to Come…
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Micaiah and the 400 | 1 Kings 22 with Phil Morrow by Christ Church Jerusalem由Christ Church Jerusalem
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Attending a wedding at Cana was Jesus' first public event recorded in the Gospel of John. His presence at an ordinary occasion and the miracle of making a huge amount of wine sets the tone for this Gospel – Jesus is more than sufficient for any human need. At this event we get our first glimpse of discipleship. Before any of the Twelve began to bel…
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The immersion of Jesus is remembered every year in liturgical churches, yet it can be confusing for Christians if we don’t understand the Jewish context of that important event. That context includes the call to radical repentance, the role of the Spirit in anointing Jesus for prophetic utterance, and the heavenly voice that affirms His identity – …
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THE MAN OF GOD FROM JUDAH | 1 Kings 13 with Phil Morrow by Christ Church Jerusalem由Christ Church Jerusalem
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ZECHARIAH, MARY, ANNA AND SIMEON | Luke 1-2 with David Pileggi by Christ Church Jerusalem由Christ Church Jerusalem
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THE MAGI | Matthew 2 with Phil Morrow by Christ Church Jerusalem由Christ Church Jerusalem
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NATHAN AND GAD | 1 Samuel 22-24, 2 Samuel 7-12 with John Arnold by Christ Church Jerusalem由Christ Church Jerusalem
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DEBORAH Judges 4 - 5 With Krystal White by Christ Church Jerusalem由Christ Church Jerusalem
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BALAAM | Numbers 22-24, 31 with John Arnold by Christ Church Jerusalem由Christ Church Jerusalem
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AARON & MIRIAM | Exodus 15, 20, Numbers 12 with Phil Morrow by Christ Church Jerusalem由Christ Church Jerusalem
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ABRAHAM | Genesis 20 and John 8 with John Arnold by Christ Church Jerusalem由Christ Church Jerusalem
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THIS IS THE BLESSING | Joshua 1:1-18 with David Pileggi by Christ Church Jerusalem由Christ Church Jerusalem
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LISTEN! | 2 Samuel 22:1-51 with Phil Morrow by Christ Church Jerusalem由Christ Church Jerusalem
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WHEN YOU ENTER | Isaiah 60:1-22 with John Arnold by Christ Church Jerusalem由Christ Church Jerusalem
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WHEN YOU GO OUT | Isaiah 54:1-10 with Krystal White by Christ Church Jerusalem由Christ Church Jerusalem
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YOU STAND | Isaiah 61:10 - 63:9 with Phil Morrow by Christ Church Jerusalem由Christ Church Jerusalem
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Epiphany celebrates that not only is God present with us, his presence illimuminates the world so that we can see things as they truly are. The story of the magi illustrates for us why need need this Epiphany, and how to receive the gift of spiritual sight.由Christ Church Jerusalem
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YOU STAND | Isaiah 61:10-63:9 with Phil Morrow by Christ Church Jerusalem由Christ Church Jerusalem
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In this sermon on John chapter 1, the Gospel author’s use of words becomes pivotal in understanding what is being said about Jesus and how people respond to him. After grasping what John intended to say, the sermon concludes by explaining how verse 14 answers those who reject God.由Christ Church Jerusalem
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Christmas evokes feelings of coziness and family for many. However, the story of Luke 2 is anything but cozy. Amidst the difficulties of the story, Luke points the reader to Jesus and his power to overcome these trials back then and even today由Christ Church Jerusalem
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Fourth Sunday of Advent由Christ Church Jerusalem
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