Join us as we go through the entire Bible in Chronological order instead of the traditionally arranged order. It’s a great way to get the story of the Bible in all its breadth.
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Imagine pouring everything you've got into a community only to have that community question everything good about you including your love for them. See how Paul deals with it in 2 Corinthians.
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Now that Paul's clarified the incredible power of God's great news, he gets into some nitty gritty of living among a community of people who have been saved by this good news
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If the gospel is the power of God, what now?
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There is no room for elitism in the church. We are all here by the Grace and Sovereignty of God. You did not make it any easier for God to love you. He just does!
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A before and after picture of the believer. The biggest thing we forget? You were not actually free to do what you wanted before you became a believer. You were enslaved by sin.
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If Grace is always big enough to cover all our sin, why then not just sin to get more grace? Amazingly Paul's answer is not that they are wrong about Grace, but that they are wrong about themselves.
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The beautiful inclusive nature of the Gospel
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Hundreds return from Pentecost to their homes in Rome and faithfully keep functioning as the church but what do they really understand? Paul isn't entirely sure but he's heard good things. One thing he knows: self righteousness is one of our biggest enemies and Paul is working hard to make sure it isn't derailing the church in Rome!…
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Paul wraps up this complicated letter with some simple focus.
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Paul continues to encourage the Corinthian church members to think of someone other than themselves when exercising their gifts.
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What do Paul's teachings on head coverings, meat sacrificed to idols, communion, and the rights of apostles have in common? Well, check this out to find out! Paul is giving the antidote to division in a church and here it is.
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Bringing order out of chaos
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Paul continus the conplex discussion on freedom and love with a personal example, then circling back to the questio about eating meat sacrificec to idols.
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How to live the Christian life in an extremely oppositional culture.
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Even in a church with as much struggle as the Corinthians, Paul wants to affirm their authority, wisdom and sanctification in Christ.
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The Corinthian Culture so presses in upon the church that they are tempted to see basic ideas like power and wisdom in all the wrong ways. In truth we struggle with some of the same idea.
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The Corinthian church had a tough time as a radical minority in a strong culture. Dividing into factions and tribes only made their difficulties greater. Paul hopes to strengthen them by reminding them of their unity.
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Paul wraps up his second journey and begins his third. Meanwhile, Priscilla and Aquila set Apollos straight and he begins his first missionary journey.
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No, the Lord didn't come while you weren't looking.
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News of the Thessalonians has brought Paul a lot of encouragement, so now he returns the favor.
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After getting run out of Thessalonica, Paul steps "off the beaten path" to share with the noble minded Bereans, and then it's off to Athens where the love "do nothing but talk about ideas all day."
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To circumcise or not to circumcise, that is the question.
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How should we related as a community, especially with those who are displaying acts of the flesh instead of fruit of the spirit?
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What is wrong with the "adjusted Gospel" they are adopting? Isn't it close enough? (Hint: The answer is no)
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Paul spent so much time with the Churches in Galatia and now in what seems like no time at all to Paul, they've adopted a false view of the Gospel. How could this happen he wonders as he writes them with warnings, encouragements, and corrections .
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Paul and Barnabas and the first missionary journey of Paul.
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God begins to make clear his intentions regarding the gentiles.
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Luke is once again our guide on this leg of the journey and we get to meet some important new characters as we travel through these first infant days of the church.
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The Church starts really well, basically picking up where Jesus left off.
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Luke has more to say!
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The twist at the end of the gospels, the happiest of endings, is a reminder that the reality of the universe is good! Happy endings, THE happy ending, is realistic!
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This is what it's all been about. For Jesus at His apparent defeat lies His great victory.
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Everything about Jesus' trials was illegal, rushed, and inevitable.
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Jesus prays for all his disciples, including you!
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John records Jesus last words to the apostles.
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The Last Supper
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Be ready!
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When will these things happen?
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Jesus continues to field challenges, all the while desperately trying to rescue the pharisees from their own self destruction and teach the apostles what true leadership should look like.
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Jesus fields challenges and arguments, turning traps back on those who try to spring them on Jesus.
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When Jesus does arrive back in Jerusalem He doesn't sneak in! He rides in to great acclaim and then cleanses the temple! Jesus is a celebrity, some hate Him, some fear Him and many love Him but no one is neutral,
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With full knowledge that the leaders are looking to kill him, Jesus nonetheless begins to work his way back to Jerusalem, making a stop in Jericho on the way.
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Jesus begins to slowly work his way toward the showdown in Jerusalem, ministering and teaching as he goes.
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Jesus goes to Ephraim to lay low for a bit, but that doesn't mean he stops ministering. Of course he continues to teach and minister.
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It's instructive to watch how Jesus interacts with some of his best friends during their time of grief. It's interesting to note how he responds to each according to their grief and need.
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Jesus tells two of his strangest stories.
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Jesus explains his priorities.
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Jesus says he's the shepherd and the pharisees are sheep stealers!
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Who's the blind man now?
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Jesus gives a few reasons not to fret.
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