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Finding Faith Above with Exmo Christian Shelby Hohsfield, Self-worth, Self-help, Know God, Ex-Mormon, Religious Trauma, Church Hurt, Trust God, Discernment

Shelby Hohsfield | Exmo Christian, Writer, Speaker, and unstoppable ENTHUSIAST of Living God’s Purpose after the Church.

I help women safely reconnect with God. I know what it is like to have so many questions about the Christian faith. If you are like me, you may have some religious baggage that left you questioning your self-worth in a big way. You’re asking... How do I raise my kids with faith when I’m still trying to figure it out? Where can I find a community I can trust? Why does every church feel like culture shock? Will I ever know Jesus? Is Faith something meant for other people? It’s just so overwhel ...
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show series
In this episode I discuss the effects of Spiritual Warfare in causing Church Hurt. Spiritual Warfare involves our battle with unseen forces of evil - demons. Church Hurt comes when the demons will influence spiritually weaker people to cause trauma and "try to hurt you as deeply as possible." Healing the trauma can come when we forgive people "who …
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In this episode I discuss a verse that has been misused by many that leads to control and Church Hurt. That is the phrase from Jesus where He says, "Do not judge or you will be judged." However this is just a small part of a longer statement by Jesus so that's why it has been misused. People are made guilty if they try to say an action is wrong, ev…
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In this episode I continue discussing the Treasure of Knowing Jesus. I finish talking about the 7 Keys to Intimacy with God with the sixth and seventh keys. Key 6 is to Seek His Glory and 7 is to Seek His Face. I conclude by stating that "Getting to know God, and His Son Jesus Christ, intimately and personally is the most amazing thing we can exper…
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This episode is part 3 in my discussion of The Treasure of Knowing Jesus. I continue talking about 7 Keys to Intimacy with God. I review the first three keys - Tent of Meeting, Worship and Addiction to God's Presence. I then introduce two more keys - The Favor of God and Know His Ways. These keys help us to know God, and His Son Jesus Christ, more …
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In this episode I continue discussing the great Treasure of Knowing Jesus. I begin discussing the keys to developing intimacy in knowing Jesus. The first key is to have a Tent of Meeting where we are spending time regularly with Him. Second is to Worship and the third is to become Addicted to, or Obsessed with, His presence. Knowing Jesus deeply an…
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In this episode I discuss the treasure that we gain when we know Jesus deeply and intimately.There is great value in helping us heal from our wounds of Church Hurt, but it also helps protect us from further wounds or triggering that can occur. #healingfromChurchHurt #ChurchHurt #Godislove #hopeaftertrauma #cultsurvivor #spiritualabuse #recovery #he…
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In this episode I discuss how God can take our wounds and trauma and use them for good. I relate this to the story of Joseph in Genesis 37-50 in the Old Testament. God is able to use brokenhearted people to help other brokenhearted people because of what they have been through and understand. So there are blessings in our Church Hurt as God has pro…
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In this episode I continue the topic of forgiveness when we have been wounded from Church Hurt. After discussing what forgiveness is not and then noting the benefits of forgiveness in the two previous episodes, I give a process for how to forgive. This can be difficult but it is worth it. This is reinforced by a quote that I end with from Nelson Ma…
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In this episode I continue discussing a big part of healing from our wounds and that is forgiveness. I focus on the benefits that occur to us spiritually, physically and emotionally when we forgive those who have hurt or traumatized us. This follows up the last episode in which I discussed the things that forgiveness is not but are often believed t…
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In this episode I begin discussing the need for forgiveness in healing from Church Hurt. I discuss discuss misunderstandings about forgiveness and clear up what it is not - such as forgiveness is not about being weak or losing but actually requires strength. Forgiveness also does not mean that we just forget what happened, or that we must restore t…
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In this episode I discuss how we can overcome experiences that can trigger the pain and trauma of the Church Hurt. These can be reminders of past events, warnings of dangers ahead, or new information related to the trauma. In each situation we can use it as a learning experience on the healing journey. We just stay focused on God and the truth and …
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In this episode I continue my discussion regarding a common source of Church Hurt and that is divorce. I discuss that God offers forgiveness and grace for divorce, just as for any other sin. And that a church should offer the same in order to be a safe place for hurting people rather than a place of judgment. I also discuss how avoiding labels can …
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In this episode I continue discussing healing from divorce and Church Hurt. I discuss how God has been divorced from faithless Israel but offered mercy. I also discuss how some people judge people who have divorced as either "guilty" or "innocent" but the Bible does not make it quite so simple. Also God is ready to forgive the failure of divorce an…
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In this episode I discuss the trauma that comes from divorce and may be further wounded by Church Hurt. There are answers and encouragement that bring healing. And that includes forgiveness, as divorce is not the unforgiveable sin as many people treat it. #healingfromChurchHurt #ChurchHurt #Godislove #hopeaftertrauma #cultsurvivor #spiritualabuse #…
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In this episode I continue to discuss the importance of seeking truth regarding authority in church settings. So much Church Hurt comes about because of the misuse of authority or having authorities who are not worthy, despite outward appearances. I encourage people to seek the truth so that they can know a different Jesus and different Scriptures …
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In this episode I continue discussing the importance of truth in healing from Church Hurt. This time I discuss finding the truth of authority which has been twisted so much in toxic religious organizations. The truth of authority points us to Jesus Christ, who has been given all authority in heaven and earth, while the twisting of authority verses …
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In this episode I continue discussing the need for understanding truth in healing from the wounds of Church Hurt. So much of Church Hurt occurs because Bible verses were "twisted" by being taken out of context and misused. The value of seeking and discovering the truth means that the Bible will become the answer to our trauma rather than the source…
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This episode discusses seeking truth to overcome Church Hurt that often came from teaching of twisted Bible verses. The twisted verses were used to control and keep people in bondage while the truth of the verses can set us free. I provide suggestions of how we can seek and know the truth taught in the Bible. #healingfromChurchHurt #ChurchHurt #God…
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In this episode I continue discussing the principle that everyone is desperately insecure. I continue about how we can overcome our own desperate insecurity. I say we can do this by being transformed by changing our way of thinking. God has provided the ways to do this and it leads to a restored relationship with Him and Jesus Christ. This leads to…
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In this episode I continue discussing the principle that everyone is desperately insecure, with the focus this time of overcoming our own desperate insecurity. This can be done through God's plan of sending His Son Jesus Christ to restore our relationship with Him as we become His children. That means we become truly free, have a new life and are s…
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In this episode I continue the discussion about the principle that everyone is desperately insecure. I explore it further and how understanding it helped me. I illustrate how it specifically helped in regard to the source of the most serious Church Hurt that I experienced. There is hope and healing. #healingfromChurchHurt #ChurchHurt #Godislove #ho…
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In this episode I discuss a something that helped me in my healing from the wounds of Church Hurt. It is the principle that everyone is desperately insecure. By coming to realize this it helped me to understand what was happening in my experience of Church Hurt. I share the example of my first significant Church Hurt, in which I was falsely accused…
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Ready to finally know how to navigate what you actually believe? Christian Life Mentorship for Ex-Mormon Women at Finding Faith Above When people are starting to question faith in any capacity, but more so with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I never suggest just looking into the church. Tryin…
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Ready to finally know how to navigate what you actually believe? Christian Life Mentorship for Ex-Mormon Women at Finding Faith Above Has prayer become a ritual? Is it something we do and say the things we need to say and go through the motions? But let me ask- are you talking to God? Really talking to Him? To…
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Ready to finally know how to navigate what you actually believe? Christian Life Mentorship for Ex-Mormon Women at Finding Faith Above How many of you are currently in a storm? How many of you feel like you are in a thing or are dealing with some life stuff right now? How about anxiety or something similar? How…
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In this episode I discuss my experience at a children's home in Ecuador. I observed children who had been through serious trauma show healing through smiling faces and great attitudes. The process that I saw was that they were removed from the source of the trauma and brought to a new setting of trust, security and love. They were also taught the G…
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This episode continues to look at the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4. I focus on the changed life of this woman after her encounter with Jesus, as recorded in the Bible, as well as church history. History tells us that she was named Photina and was significant in bringing many people to faith in Jesus. Her story of bei…
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Last week, we talked about the four types of Exmo-Christian journeys. None are easy. None leave us without scars. One of these journeys is probably right where you are, and today we're talking about the 4th journey. Ready to finally know how to navigate what you actually believe? Christian Life Mentorship for Ex-Mormon Women at Finding Faith Above …
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Was your journey out of the Mormon church like everyone else's? Have you felt alone or like your faith differs from all other Exmo's? Today, I break down what I have seen are the four types of transition journies out of the church, and what I would recommend for you to help you find and build your faith. I want to hear from you! Come join us in the…
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In this episode I look at the interaction of Jesus with a Samaritan woman as recorded in John chapter 4. This woman is an example of someone who has experienced Church Hurt and Jesus is able to transform her life in this brief encounter. We can also be transformed in the same way because God is the Hound of Heaven, pursuing us with His love, desiri…
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You want to know God, who He is, and what He wants you to be. We are inundated from the world with all these ideas of The Universe, spirituality, and energy, and we think we KNOW God from the way we feel. But what if there is a way to actually know the true nature of God, to know about Him, and Know Him? What if we can actually learn who He is and …
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We are starting a new series- a new series on how God is NOT like us. Ways in which He is divine, His nature, His wrath, and His love. How does our character reflect His? And do our limitations glorify His greatness and limitless power. Today we are talking about the steadfast love of God. We are loosely basing this off of Jen Wilkin's book, None L…
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In Episode 3 I discuss the truth that God is good. In order to truly feel loved we must know that the source of that love is good. What happens in so many instance of Church Hurt is that the view of God has been twisted. But God is indeed good in His very character and when we know and understand that we can begin to know and understand His love an…
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Today, dear friend, if you are in the LDS church and questioning things, I invite you to listen, take it in, and then maybe go create a list of your own. So she made a list, and I just love this- Things I believe Things I want to be true Things I am questioning Things I would miss Things I am unsure about We are talking to Jenni today. She was rais…
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Join Us in the Community for the Bible Study Get your book for the study, Seamless The enemy is all around us, and the world is fighting to take us down at every step. How do we be discerning about what is true, acceptable and perfect to God? To our faith? For our life and our salvation? Today we are talking through 5 ways we can discern the truth …
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In episode 2 I look further at how to grasp the truth that God loves us so that we can begin the process of healing from the wounds of Church Hurt. I discuss how we can experience that love so that it becomes real to us and how God's character is love so that it is unconditional. And I talk about how we are NEVER unworthy of God's love even if we h…
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Join Us in the Community for the Bible Study Get your book for the study, Seamless You were asked to go to a Bible study. Heck, you are not even sure what happens at these things, but something inside you said go. You are nervous, worried, and unsure of what to expect. Today, we will talk about 5 Things to Know Before You Go to a Bible study so you…
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This first episode introduces what Church Hurt is and the trauma and wounds that can occur. I talk about personally experiencing Church Hurt as a church Pastor and as apart of a group that turned into a controlling, judgmental and toxic religious cult. I state that I want to offer hope and healing to anyone who has been through similar experiences.…
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Leave me a Message!!Join Us in the Community for the Bible Study Get your book for the study, Seamless How do we know if it’s God talking? Do we need a mindset shift in trusting Him? Have we actually surrendered? How Often do we question our situation? Are we trusting God in all we do, even when it is hard? Ready to finally know how to navigate wha…
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Join Us in the Community for the Bible Study Get your book for the study, Seamless Pride- Possibly and quite literally the root of all evil. People say money, they say power, they say greed or lust, but when you really peal back the layers and look at what brings us down, every day- is pride. In the last episode, we talked about the 5 steps to find…
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Join Us in the Community for the Bible Study Get your book for the study, Seamless You want faith. Truly, you do. You want to know Him, and you want to know what you believe. You want to feel confident in your beliefs. And if you were like me, you wanted that peace that you see in people who really do have faith. But you have no idea how to get it.…
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Join Us in the Community for the Bible Study Get your book for the study, Seamless You decide to leave the church, the beliefs, or the cultural construct of your childhood. It makes sense, right? They tell you that you don't have enough faith. You just need to have faith and know that it will all work out. But you don’t have faith. Is there somethi…
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Join Us in the Community for the Bible Study Get your book for the study, Seamless We can’t help it. Today, we are all about our dreams, our plans, what we envisioned for ourselves, our life. And we saw it going a specific way. And if God was going to interfere, it was going to be with blessings and only blessings. But that's not quite how life oft…
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Join Us in the Community for the Bible Study Get your book for the study, Seamless When we are in need, do we actually trust? Are we just hoping for a change, a miracle, for God to step in? Or do we believe that He will be our rock, our refuge, our sanctuary? Ready to finally know how to navigate what you actually believe? Christian Life Coaching f…
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Join me for a free Discovery Call- Christian Life Coaching for Ex-Mormon Women. After leaving the church, spoiler- my life was not automatically great, faith-filled, and full of Christ. Not even close. I talk about leaving and that it took me 20 years to find Jesus, but I rarely talk about what happened in those 20 ye…
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Join me for a free Discovery Call- Christian Life Coaching for Ex-Mormon Women. Being different is uncomfortable. It feels a bit icky and I don’t like being the odd man out. But what if being different is exactly how God wants us to be? What if our differences are what make us strong? Are We Afraid to Be Different? #1…
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Join me for a free Discovery Call- Christian Life Coaching for Ex-Mormon Women. Where does your motivation come from? Where does your value begin? Today we are talking to Faith-Based Holistic Health Coach Robin Rhine McDonald on: Why our bodies are our temples and how to build a healthy lifestyle because of our value …
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Join me for a free Discovery Call- Christian Life Coaching for Ex-Mormon Women. This Week on the podcast, we are talking about taking care of our bodies. Something that many of us, myself included, overlook when we are overwhelmed with all the spiritual work. Today, we will talk about an easy 4-Step plan to start gett…
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Join me for a free Discovery Call- Christian Life Coaching for Ex-Mormon Women. Okay- we left. There are no more rules. We should feel free, right? But now we are stuck in the very interesting position of questioning how to navigate every choice we make. It affects every aspect of our lives, and we are no strangers to…
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Join me for a free Discovery Call- Christian Life Coaching for Ex-Mormon Women One of the most complex and emotional aspects of leaving the church for so many is shedding this idea that our worth with God is tied to this endless checklist of things we are supposed to go to the highest level of heaven. In today’s episode, we are talking to Pastor Ma…
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