有哪些电影要上映了?| 微信 / 微博:@Marcast | 邮件:hello@marcastmedia.com
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阿北來了是由2位6年級前段班的阿北所組成的播客節目; 兩個不專業的話嘮患者,陪你渡過需要放鬆的每個時刻 聊的天馬行空、聊的人生遼闊;聊的有顏有色、聊的無邊無際 啥都能聊!坐穩啦,咱們出發吧! 大伯是6年級前段班本省外省混血,行銷傳播業界中階主管。認真、憨直、天然呆。喜歡當冷面笑匠。 二伯也是6年級前段班外省二代,多國浪盪經歷,多語種強迫症患者,跨廣告、配音、戲劇、活動、作家、歌手、公關的偽社會神棍,自發型主持人及段子手,已婚。
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description coming later or never......
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由岑寧兒和StoryTeller共同製作,與不同範疇嘅嘉賓探討佢哋所熟悉嘅療癒方法,聆聽屬於嘉賓嘅故事。 療癒嚟講,希望呢個Podcast可以幫我地去幫自己,尋找自癒嘅方式。
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華語界第一幹話 BDSM podcast!讓栗嘉與蒂蒂帶你學會撥開sub的正確方式。 到這裡可以聞到所有的sub味:https://subontheway.lol 贊助我們喝紅茶: 街口-901318585 https://reurl.cc/L742y3 所有的sub味分店: Instagram:https://instagram.com/subontheway Twitter:https://twitter.com/sub_on_the_way Telegram:https://t.me/subontheway Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/subisontheway 合作邀約與意見提供:coming@subontheway.lol Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Any time, any where 跟你一起說真的吧!這是一個跟BFF(最好的朋友/閨蜜)討論生活問題的頻道;那些沒說沒想到,一提就激盪你思考的23事。 人生很難?我們懂!問題的解析、內心的感受,讓我們用生活問題為你解惑。 ✦每週四上架 ✦記得在底下評分及留言,你的支持是我們最大的動力! ✦來找我們玩! instagram: www.instagram.com/comeoninpodcasttw/?hl=en Powered by Firstory Hosting
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各位俊男美女们,大家好 ,我是你们的好朋友音乐人潘特晰 在我的“耳机少年”专辑栏目里,你将邂逅各种不同类型的音乐。无论是活力四射的运动时刻,还是沉浸知识的学习时光;无论是驾车驰骋在路上,还是漫步在旅途之中,我的音乐都能陪伴你左右,为你营造最适配的氛围。 我致力于用音乐传递情感,激发动力,让每一个瞬间都因音乐而更加美好。快来关注我,一起在音乐的世界里畅游吧! Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most s ...
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兩個樂愛斂蕭威的年輕女性 可以正經也可以不正經 我們話題沒有極限 直搗老鼠會的職場分享、戀愛觀、價值觀、打工渡假、國外留學⋯等 就怕你不聽~~ come on come on turn the radio on😘 如果可以,請我們喝一杯咖啡吧 https://reurl.cc/e8GgvQ Powered by Firstory Hosting
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大家好,这里是「乔治和本」的电台,是由两位中国大陆女性主持的谈话节目,电台主题包罗万象,插科打诨,欢乐人间。希望通过这小小的电波和大家分享世间种种。Welcome to George & Ben's Podcast. George and Ben are two girls from China. Come and join their journey to laugh trouble away.
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從好遠好遠的地方來的Tata星人 在地球的身份是兩個調皮小孩的媽媽 Tata星人的絕技 是會講好多好多小朋友喜歡的故事 有Tata星球電波傳來的 有地球上好聽繪本的 各式各樣的故事 讓小朋友和爸爸媽媽在故事的星光中暢遊 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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【過期少年快報】是一個以介紹漫畫為主題的 Podcast 節目,主要會著重於90年代的日本漫畫,由不願意面對自己邁入中年的過期少年Chris 和大家分享一些稍微有點老的漫畫以及其他相關話題,希望大家會喜歡這些我誠心推薦的作品! 方格子專題:https://vocus.cc/ExpiredBoy/home 收聽連結: https://linktr.ee/ExpiredBoy 聯絡信箱: expiredboypodcast@gmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting
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come on~別那麼嚴肅 健康是專長;愛美是天性,一個專注健與美的營養師。 IG追起來:搜尋ID minmin_rd https://www.instagram.com/minmin_rd/?... FB:https://www.facebook.com/Dr.Remin/ 官網部落格:https://remincare.com/ Powered by Firstory Hosting
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有怨氣不說容易內傷,有礙身體健康 不能抱怨? 找不到人抱怨? 來,我們幫你靠腰 歡迎投稿E-mail:comecowyao@gmail.com or 追蹤IG:come_cow_yao Powered by Firstory Hosting
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I come from China! Your can find some amazing songs here~ Or you can even make it like a Chinese language leaaring class! Thank you for a visit!
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想健康,就要運動;想快樂,就要活動。拋開煩人的日常、阿雜的心情,come on,來下班尬一下。 自稱馬拉松治療師的主持人林世奇,笑說是個嘗試過各類運動卻都不太專精的人,直到成為張嘉哲的物理治療師和中了馬拉松的癮,突然發現運動最單純的樂趣。 節目中,世奇除了會訪問不同領域的職業選手訴訴在亮麗成績背後的訓練甘苦以及和你我一樣被日常柴米油鹽煩心的素人運動員開始投入運動的起心動念外,也會分享本職物理治療的專長所學,告訴大家如何不只動,也要動得健康、動得不受傷。 歡迎褪去煩雜的日常,繫上運動鞋帶,一起與世奇及來賓尬一下。 如果你喜歡【下班尬一下】,希望能支持這個節目,歡迎介紹業務合作的機會,或即使是一杯咖啡的資助,都是讓我們繼續做下去的動力(❁´◡`❁)~ 斗內:https://p.ecpay.com.tw/1E0FE65 節目合作或建議,請寄 sportlife.tw@gmail.com IG:sportismylife_tw FB:MarathonPT馬拉松治療師 節目企劃製作:Angie 🔔訂閱【下班尬一下】 Apple Podcast▶️ https://reurl.cc/j7g ...
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簡單生活 簡單投資 翻轉市場思維 突破主力思路 第一手驛站消息 人生多空甜蜜點. Simple Life Simple Code Simple Invest Dreams Come True Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Hi, I host and create podcast episodes in the language I teach, covering everything from current events to fascinating cultural aspects. Daily Life; News & Current Affairs; Society & Culture. 每日生活; 时事新闻; 社会文化. Intermediate and advanced Chinese listening practice. HSK 4, HSK 5, HSK 6; B1;B2;C1 中,高级汉语听力练习 https://www.mandarin247.com/
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If you're looking to keep up your Chinese and learn about critical issues relating to U.S.-China policy, then you've come to the right place. This podcast provides a selection of audio recordings from AMS lectures in Washington, D.C., as well as readings from key policy documents often featured in AMS weekly newsletters. If you are not a member of the American Mandarin Society, go to www.mandarinsociety.us and sign up. Thanks for listening!
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讓你耳朵懷孕的聲音! 第一個跨真正行銷專業與靈性世界、第一個結合天使與魔鬼的清新與深沈、第一個深入生活職場人生闇黑與靈性愛與光粉紅色泡泡的頻道! 深粉紅色。Podcast HotPink。It's me. 我是Iren、我是艾琳、我是陳愛人、我是小魔老師!Come and listen! 收聽捷徑點這裡: Apple/Spotify/Firstory/Pocket Cast and the rest..... https://open.firstory.me/user/podcasthotpink/platforms MixerBox https://www.mixerbox.com/podcast/1458332 Amazon Music https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/aee77308-9a04-463a-9694-6a15b718863a/-PodcastHotPink 感謝小額贊助: 一天一杯粉紅色泡泡 keeps the doctor away: https://pay.firstory.me/user/podcasthotpink ...
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歡迎一起參加貝媽豆妹"童"樂會!🎊 🎉 在童樂會中,我們會一起學唐詩、帶動唱、聊天、聊時事/cool facts、探討科學、說笑話等等,適合海內外的小朋友一起來參加,在歡樂中學習,每個月的第一個童樂會我們也會幫當月的壽星朋友們一起來慶生! 歡迎大家一起來和很silly的貝媽和無厘頭的豆妹,一起來開童樂會喔!我們童樂會上見囉!🥳🥳 Welcome to Little Mandarin Party with Bei Ma and Do Mei. During the party, we will learn Tang Dynasty poems, sing songs (with English translation), chat about silly things/cool facts/science and share jokes. Kids can sharpen their Mandarin skills during the party. Once a month we also celebrate our listeners' birthdays. Please c ...
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【人生私董會】 Private Board of Life Holding Company 如果你HOLD不住工作與生活,那不是你一個人的問題,而是你需要一個「私人董事會」,幫助你經營你的「人生控股公司」! Come on! 台灣企業的平均壽命只有13年,你的期待壽命卻有80歲!企業有董事會,你的「人生控股公司」得經營80年,經營範圍遍及八大行業。你,哪裡容易?!你也該擁有屬於自己的「私人董事會」! 這個私人董事會頻道,完全老派作風,專把企業管理上的知識用在經營人生上,把人生當做企業在搞。「人生私董會」,就是你的「私人智庫」! This is Your Private Board. Welcome On Board! ---------------------------------------------------- 主持人:Steve 在台灣推動「私人董事會」很多很多年,輔導超過800家企業,召開超過360場以上私人董事會。 偶而,你會看見他彈著沖繩三線在當街頭藝人,籌措生活費用和節目製作費用。 -------------------------------------- ...
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相信許多人在這個版上都是在職留學生或者是未來有打算出國留學的學生 我相信許多人都會遇到許多問題 但網路上的資料真的太多太雜亂了 想運用這個機會剛好有空來看看大家留學都會遇到什麼樣的問題呢? (不管是從課業、簽證到生活吃飯相關都可以來討論一下) 當你們低一次剛到留學國家時,都遇到了什麼問題? 對留學有興趣的你們又有什麼問題呢? 提出來我會盡力幫你們回答的 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Pub On Air 空中酒吧是一個全新的Podcast,由一群旅英或是曾經旅英的台灣人製作,以英國特有的酒吧社交文化為節目形式,討論與台灣有關的社會議題,關注公共參與的各種挑戰、討論國際新聞的不同觀點。製作團隊將在這一系列的Podcast中,訪問、討論、思辨與台灣息息相關的社會議題,誠摯邀請你/妳來一起喝一杯(誤)。
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大家好~我家維,wawa老師 一名能量探測師。 家維這裡沒有算命,沒有占卜服務 但我能直接與你的靈魂溝通, 告訴對你靈性成長有益的一切。 免費探測服務: ⭕ 免費探測活動請詳閱貼文公告 ❌請勿私訊小盒子個人資料 一律使用LINE進行探測服務 官方LINE預約探測: linktr.ee/chiaweidowsing Powered by Firstory Hosting
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人生相談室,一起聊聊人生中的大小事。耀連和大妹每雙週開聊,歡迎你加入我們輕鬆又真切的對談。 IG:https://www.instagram.com/lifetalkstw FB:https://www.facebook.com/lifetalkstw 合作邀約來信: lifetalkstw@gmail.com 支持我們,讓我們持續相談人生: https://pay.firstory.me/user/lifetalks 我們的Firstory邀請碼: YLJJC8NL Powered by Firstory Hosting
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節目介紹: 廖零打的美國時間 The Linda Liao Show 在節目裡一起與主持人Linda探索聊奇人異事, 電影,娛樂跟生活中各種有趣新鮮事 主持人:LINDA 廖語晴 節目時長: 40-60 分鐘, 每周一次 Description : It all started off with the idea of "motherficial Intelligence", a podcast that explores the intersection of motherhood and artificial intelligence. Then Linda took a different turn into new media and broadens what she brings to the show each week. As a mother of twin boys, Linda is always on the hunt for new and adventurous things that brighten her days in America. Bo ...
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Bridle Trail Baptist Church Sunday Services @ Markham, ON Canada
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2017 年末,Yvonne 和男友小明哥从上海一家广告制作公司辞职,开始了一种被他们称作是“流浪”式的生活。他们都会去到哪里?他们如何维持生计?他们一路上都会遇到怎样的困难?通过这档真人纪实podcast,来听听他们在路上的故事。《Yvonne陪你去流浪》同名真人纪实播客第一季9月25日正式上线。wb/wx: @Yvonne陪你去流浪 | 本播客由 Marcast Media 制作出品,wb/wx: @Marcast / 合作联系邮件: hello@marcastmedia.com
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【聊了什么 The What】 2025年1月20日,美国迎来了第47任总统——重返白宫的特朗普。在这个权力交接的关键72小时里,我们见证了一系列戏剧性的发展:从TikTok的生死时刻,到加沙地带的停火协议;从拜登的预防性特赦,到特朗普的加密货币发行。 本期节目,我们将解析权力交接期间和就职典礼上发生的标志性事件。特朗普新政府的首日行动展现了鲜明的"美国优先"色彩,从宣布边境紧急状态到调整移民政策,从将墨西哥湾更名为"美洲湾"的象征性举动,到对1月6日事件参与者的大规模特赦。我们一起走进这个充满混乱和变化的新时代。 本期播客录制于美国东部时间1月20日晚间,由美轮美换和看理想联合制作,欢迎在看理想订阅《美国大选与世界转向》节目: https://www.vistopia.com.cn/det…
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2025 China: 全网都在晒年终奖 Year-End Bonuses Flood Social Media 2025年中国新年就要来了,在此,祝所有听众中国新年快乐, 平安如意。 随着蛇年春节的临近,年终奖再次成为人们热议的话题。各大公司纷纷公布年终奖发放情况,奖金数额的差异之大令人感觉到了‘冰火两重天’,因此引发了网友的广泛讨论。
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《跑步不要聽》Apple Podcast 台灣排行榜 跑步分類長期第一名 主持人:體育主播「魁哥」田鴻魁 + 六大馬六星跑者「象總」 跑步不難,難的是穿上跑鞋離開家門的那一刻。 你不需要很厲害才能開始,你要開始才能變得厲害。 讓《跑步不要聽》陪你一起訓練、一起獨推、一起歡樂、一起感動! https://fstry.pse.is/72vpdg —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 過年前夕邀請兩位友台好朋友一起回顧我們去年的成績,做了這麼多年節目開始有倦怠感了嗎?最後竟然不知不覺變成正向酸梅的諮商激勵大會?! (00:04:03) | 御宅文青相談所2024年回顧 (00:12:45) | 宅宅下班中2024年回顧 (00:22:12) | 過期少年快報2024年回顧 (…
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遙遠的地方,大海的旁邊,有一幢美麗的房子⋯ 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckery83p58pzp0839bj8m43e0 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckery83p58pzp0839bj8m43e0/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting
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【聊了什么 The What】 TikTok的命运在这个周末迎来关键时刻。在美国最高法院以9-0全票支持禁令的背景下,这个拥有1.7亿美国用户的社交媒体平台警告将在1月19日停止运营。曾经力推TikTok禁令的特朗普,如今却可能成为其最大的救世主。这一切都发生在新旧政府交接的微妙时期。拜登政府表示不会在最后几天执行禁令,而特朗普团队则暗示要寻求通过行政手段保住TikTok。 在本期节目中,我们将分析这场前所未有的博弈:为什么最高法院会做出一致裁决?特朗普的态度背后有什么考量?当国会通过的法律、最高法院确认的判决可能被总统选择性执行,这又将如何影响美国的政治生态?让我们共同见证这个可能改变美国科技监管格局的重要时刻。 本期播客录制于美国东部时间1月18日中午。 【支持我们】 如果喜欢这期节目并…
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【聊了什么 The What】 卡特以美国历史上最长寿总统的身份离世。在本期节目中,我们深入分析了这位“外来者”总统:从他早年在佐治亚州的政治崛起,到1976年以局外人之姿赢下大选;从他与国会复杂的互动关系,到其充满争议的总统任期。 为什么卡特会被称为美国第一位新自由主义总统?他那些在当时备受质疑的外交决策,为何在今天被认为富有远见?面对能源危机和高通胀,卡特政府的应对措施为何屡屡受挫?在民主党从新政联盟向新自由主义转型的过程中,这位来自南方的政治家又扮演了怎样的角色?让我们通过这期节目重新认识这位被过度符号化和简单化的美国总统。 本期节目由美轮美换和看理想联合制作,欢迎在看理想订阅《美国大选与世界转向》节目: https://www.vistopia.com.cn/detail/372 【…
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第44話 | 和月伸宏結束高人氣《神劍闖江湖》後帶來的失敗作《西部神槍手》| 西部牛仔、槍手決鬥是過氣冷門的題材了嗎?! Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?
2001年推出的《西部神槍手》是和月伸宏老師親自提議把人氣作品《神劍闖江湖》完結之後的下一部作品,但是才連載了半年,就失敗收場。老師當時所追求的到底是什麼樣的創作方向?連載過程中又出了什麼問題呢?20多年後的現在讓我馬後炮的聊一聊我個人認為《西部神槍手》有哪些優缺點吧! (00:00:45) |《西部神槍手》連載的時空背景 (00:02:14) |《西部神槍手》劇情簡介 (雷) (00:03:59) | 和月伸宏在本作想追求符合「少年漫畫感」的主角和故事 (00:08:58) | 我喜歡的部份 (00:09:54) | 識曾相識的劇情架構 (00:11:03) | 對西部題材的不熟悉 (00:13:20) | 西部片元素已經逐漸沒落不流行 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.fi…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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