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Neuroscientist and author David Eagleman discusses how our brain interprets the world and what that means for us. Through storytelling, research, interviews, and experiments, David Eagleman tackles wild questions that illuminate new facets of our lives and our realities.
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Cosmo po-russki – это общественно-правовая медиапрограмма для русскоязычных жителей Германии. Наши новости, репортажи и интервью помогут Вам больше узнать о немецкой жизни и друг о друге. COSMO po-russki – öffentlich-rechtliches Mediaprogramm für Russischsprachige in Deutschland. Nachrichten, Infobeiträge und Interviews für Communitymitglieder, die mehr über deutsches Leben und übereinander erfahren wollen.
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Cosmonaut Magazine

Cosmopod is the official podcast of Cosmonaut Magazine, a project dedicated to expanding the project of scientific socialism in the 21st Century. In our feed we have a combination of podcast episodes and audio articles from our website.
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Über fünf Millionen Menschen in Deutschland leiden unter Depressionen. Beinahe Jede*r kommt in seinem Leben selbst, im eigenen Umfeld oder durch Popkultur damit in Kontakt. Trotzdem wird wenig über Depression und psychische Gesundheit gesprochen. In "Danke, gut – der Podcast über Pop und Psyche" trifft Miriam Davoudvandi Personen des öffentlichen Lebens, um das zu ändern.
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Space Nuts | Exploring the Cosmos

Professor Fred Watson and Andrew Dunkley

Join Professor Fred Watson and Sci-Fi Author Andrew Dunkley on Space Nuts as they delve into astronomy, space travel, and cosmic mysteries. Explore groundbreaking discoveries and listener Q&A in captivating discussions. Follow us on social media to engage with our community! Two episodes a week with news and explainer focused editions published on Thursday's and our Listener Q&A focused edition on Monday's. Become a supporter of this podcast: ...
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COSMO po polsku – podcast dla Polaków w Niemczech. Na poważnie i na luzie: informacje, porady, spotkania z ciekawymi ludźmi, miejsce na rozmowy o ważnych dla nas sprawach. Tu jesteś u siebie! COSMO Polnisch – ein Podcast für Polen in Deutschland. Mal ernst, mal locker: Infos, Service, spannende Gäste, ein Ort für alles was uns in Deutschland wichtig ist. Hier bist Du zu Hause!
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أخبار ألمانيا في سطور من يوم الإثنين الى يوم الجمعة و لقاءات شيقة حول الجالية العربية في ألمانيا يومياً ما عدا السبت والأحد Ihr findet hier von Montag bis Freitag die wichtigsten Nachrichten und Informationen zum Leben in Deutschland. Wir stellen jeden Tag interessante Persönlichkeiten und wichtige Institutionen der arabischen Community vor.
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Capire meglio la politica tedesca, vivere in Germania più informati? C’è COSMO italiano: un tema al giorno, approfondito con fatti e prospettive diverse. Il podcast per italiani in Germania e non solo. Die deutsche Politik besser verstehen, in Deutschland leben und top informiert sein? COSMO italiano ist genau was du brauchst: ein Thema pro Tag, aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven vertieft. Der Podcast für die Italiener:innen in Deutschland und nicht nur.
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an English language podcast about everything Saint Seiya! we discuss the news on the franchise in the English speaking world, discussions of the franchise, and a breakdown of episodes of the new CGI series, the original 1986 series, and everything in between. You can listen to the show right from our website: follow and participate with us at, on Bluesky at, Join our discord at https://disco ...
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Radio Cosmos est un voyage passionnant aux confins de notre univers, qui explore certaines des questions scientifiques les plus fondamentales de notre époque. Il s'agit également d'une plongée dans les derniers développements technologiques sur Terre, en étudiant comment l'intelligence artificielle, les superordinateurs et le plus grand radiotélescope jamais construit vont révolutionner l'astronomie. Rejoignez-nous pour remonter le temps jusqu'à la formation des premières étoiles et galaxies ...
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Pop Culture Cosmos

Pop Culture Cosmos

It's our look at the latest news and trends in pop culture with our Discover Pods Awards nominated two weekly shows and bonus programs. One of Podbean's recommendations for Summer Podcasts!
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兩個斜槓酒學講師講酒聊吃玩餐搭 分享日常中的美酒知識及美食體驗 葡萄酒×日本酒×啤酒 知識輕鬆講|台灣×日本 美食餐廳推薦|餐酒搭配 Firstory ∗ KKBOX ∗ Spotify ∗ Apple Podcast ∗ SoundOn ★ Facebook | 餐桌小宇宙 Cosmos. Instagram | de3cosmos Email | [email protected] ★ 喝酒邊喝緩衝水,明天起床不宿醉。 未滿18歲請勿飲酒 ∗ 理性飲酒 ∗ 形象至上 ∗ 喝酒不開車 ∗ 開車不喝酒 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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The Pop Culture Cosmos and the PCC Multiverse cover the latest news and trends in pop culture with Josh Pederson and Gerald Glassford giving you the latest info on what's going on in the world of movies, television, video games, sci-fi, comics, e-sports, consumer electronics, sports, anime and so much more! With a wide variety of guests we interview from all around the world sharing their thoughts on pop culture, our shows (Two episodes released weekly) help you keep up to date on what every ...
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JOIN US EVERY DAY FOR A NEW PODCAST, invite your friends to this podcast and go on this journey into the Cosmos with us. Pull up a chair and grab your favorite cup of brew, while we start Unveiling the Mysteries, Secrets, Realms & Dimensions of Yahweh's Cosmos and beyond. Learning to Live our Life out of the Celestial City of Zion as " Light Men/Woman Seated in Christ Yahshua (Jesus). "" I AM ALSO ON SPOTIFY' We are engaging the Seven Spirits of Yahweh' as they are tutors revealing Ancient p ...
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Alemania no es fácil. Nosotros lo sabemos y por eso cada semana intentamos con la ayuda de expertos y otros migrantes traducir Alemania. Un espacio para migrantes hecho por otros migrantes. Deutschland ist nicht einfach. Wir wissen das, und deshalb versuchen wir jede Woche, Deutschland mit Hilfe von Experten und anderen Migranten zu verstehen.
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The Cosmos Podcast

Cosmos Magazine

Investigating the key intersection of science and the community – the stuff that actually matters to us – and cutting through the half-truths and inaccurate science that floods the digital domain. Find the science of everything at
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Connection to the Cosmos with Dr. Lisa Thompson explores ”out of this world” topics with a wide range of fascinating guests. All things galactic, extra-dimensional, and other worldly will be up for conversation, story telling and exploration. For even more information and new events, please join me on Facebook. ”The truth is inside you.”
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COSMONAUT One of the first electronic music artists who has been successfully pulling in big crowds all over Eastern Europe and Russia. For over two decades his mission has been to transport the masses to a vivid alternate realm of electronic music. His DJ and production career started in early 90s followed by several releases and a global success of the tracks "Plasma" and "Boctok5" (Transient rec. UK, 1997) secured leading positions in the TOP 10 of the Paul Oakenfold's chart (DJ Mag's #1 ...
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Welcome to 'The Cosmo Within You' podcast, hosted by Karen Lozano. Join us on a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and inspiration. Karen's mission is to connect, inspire, and guide the young adults to seeking balance and finding your highest self. We will dive into topics shaping our daily lives, sharing thoughts and experiences that resonate with the essence of who we are meant to be. Karen weaves in personal stories of self-love, growth, and spirituality, creating a sp ...
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Every Tuesday on the CosmoFactory podcast: Discover the latest innovations along the cosmetics and personal care supply chain. Hear thought-provoking conversations with top beauty industry experts from around the world. Learn about next-level solutions and find inspiration to turn your own ideas into industry-changing innovations. A PRODUCTION OF Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna CosmoFactory is the first podcast from Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna—the most important beauty trade show in the world. D ...
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Podcast de cultura. Una vez por semana, desde París, Axel y Javier comentan lo que leen, ven y escuchan, cruzando disciplinas, jerarquías y fronteras. De Foucault al pochoclo, todo se discute. ¡Cosmopoditas del mundo, uníos!
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Hey there, dreamers! I'm a London gal with a heart as big as the city, and ambitions that reach for the stars. I'm all about manifesting your best life, and I'm here to share my secrets. I'm a reiki master and a total astrology and metaphysics nerd, but don't let that fool you. I'm also a badass businesswoman in finance, ready to take on the world. I've learned that with a little bit of magic, a lot of ambition, and a whole lot of heart, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Want to ...
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show series
هل الحب واحد عند الجميع؟ هل تشعر المرأة بالحب كما يشعر به الرجل؟ هل يعبّر كل منهما عنه بالطريقة نفسها؟ أم أن الحب يختلف باختلاف الجنس، والثقافة، وحتى الزمن؟هل هذا الفارق بين الرجل والمرأة طبيعي؟ أم أنه نتاج ثقافة مجتمعية رسمت لكل جنس طريقته في الحب؟ وهل تغيّرت مفاهيم الحب في العصر الحديث، خاصة بعد صعود الحركات النسوية التي دفعت النساء إلى الاستقلال…
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Satyryczny podcast Klubu Polskich Nieudaczników tym razem o bobrach w służbie człowieka, o rosyjskim ataku na niemieckie rury wydechowe, o larwach w jedzeniu, o miłości podczas wyborów i o malejącej liczbie miliarderów. Zapraszają Adam Gusowski, Ewa Lewy i Piotr Mordel. Uwaga! Satyra! Może zawierać treści! Instagram a_propos_satyra: https://w…
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"Fermare il cambiamento climatico è fondamentale per salvare la nostra specie su questo pianeta" - è questo l'appello lanciato dalla climatologa Giorgia Di Capua del Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) nel giorno dello sciopero per il clima indetto da Fridays for Future. Intanto, i temi dell'ambiente sembrano scomparsi dalle agende …
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О том, как Берлин стал столицей автомобильных краж, как с помощью высоких технологий удалось ускорить работу полиции и спасателей и что делать, если Германию все-таки накроет снегом, вы узнаете в февральском выпуске автоновостей.由Elena Wosowik
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Der Rapper Apsilon setzte sich schon früh mit Themen wie Identität, Erwartungen und politischen Ängsten auseinander. Die Musik brachte ihm ein Ventil für seine inneren Konflikte und gleichzeitig einen starken Wechsel zwischen Emotionen. Wie geht er mit den Spannungen zwischen persönlichen und gesellschaftlichen Erwartungen um? Welche Rollen spielen…
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In this episode, I share why it’s okay if others misunderstand or doubt you. The truth is, not everyone will see you for who you truly are—and that’s okay. Judgment is human nature, but your responsibility is to stay focused, stay true to yourself, and not waste energy proving anything. Pick your battles wisely, be kind to yourself and others, and …
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Space Nuts Episode 496: Life on Other Planets, Centrifugal Forces, and Bone Density in Space Join Andrew Dunkley and Professor Jonti Horner in this thought-provoking Q&A edition of Space Nuts, where they tackle some of the most intriguing questions from our listeners. From the possibility of detecting life on distant planets to the fascinating dyna…
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In this Ultramarine podcast, we dive into the crucial issue of ocean pollution and explore real-world solutions. Let’s Science It Out hosts David Boldeman and Steven Boldeman are joined by Tom Batrouney and Ashley Hayes, two passionate advocates for marine conservation. In this episode, we uncover: 🔹 The impact of plastic waste and microplastics on…
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In this episode, The Fellowship discuss the Greek, the man, the Legend, and the one who got it all wrong… Aristotle! *Always Drink Responsibly* Follow Us! Twitter: @drinkingcosmos Instagram: @cosmoswithcosmos Blue Sky: @cosmoswithcosmos Credits: Eric Skiff - Resistor Anthems Stars Background …
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Melinda and Gerald are back to discuss Captain America: Brave New World, Playstation's State of Play, the end of Cobra Kai, and our annual look at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame nominations and if we have other acts in mind. Plus Melinda shares thoughts on Saturday Night Live's 50th anniversary. It's a loaded lineup of great pop culture topics we'r…
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Melinda and Gerald are back to discuss Captain America: Brave New World, Playstation's State of Play, the end of Cobra Kai, and our annual look at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame nominations and if we have other acts in mind. Plus Melinda shares thoughts on Saturday Night Live's 50th anniversary. It's a loaded lineup of great pop culture topics we'r…
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Space Nuts Episode 495: The Megastructure Quipu, Exoplanet Myths, and SpaceX Satellites Join Andrew Dunkley and Professor Jonti Horner in this enlightening episode of Space Nuts, where they explore the cosmos' latest discoveries and debunk popular misconceptions. From the astonishing natural megastructure known as Quipu to the reality behind potent…
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Niemcami wstrząsnął zamach w Monachium. Trump rozmawiał z Putinem. A w Berlinie ruszył festiwal filmowy. Lena Crohmal o nastrojach wśród Ukraińców. Grażyna Słomka o Berlinale. Na podcast zaprasza Tomasz Kycia. Kontakt: [email protected] Homepage: Facebook:…
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Fra differenze culturali e pregiudizi, ma anche sorprese, vantaggi e tanto rispetto: quali sono le esperienze degli italiani in Germania nei rapporti d'amore con i tedeschi? Greta Dall'Acqua ha raccolto alcune voci a Colonia. Intanto Sanremo canta l'amore con tanta sofferenza e nostalgia, sulle app di dating si scopre il "micromance" e in Germania …
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Le preoccupazioni per l'andamento dell'economia tedesca trovano spazio anche nella campagna elettorale, ce ne parla Cristina Giordano. Sulla base dei programmi elettorali dei diversi partiti vediamo chi guadagna e chi perde in termini di salario. Con Enzo Savignano andiamo nello specifico dell'imprenditoria italiana in Germania in tempi di crisi.…
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keywords self-love, mindset, personal growth, affirmations, positive thinking, self-compassion, resilience, mental health, personal development, empowerment summary In this episode of the Abundant Cosmos podcast, Sonya explores the profound connection between self-love and mindset. She emphasizes the importance of nurturing a positive mindset to su…
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Миллиарды евро каждый год в День святого Валентина утекают из карманов влюбленных и широкой рекой вливаются в карманы производителей конфет, парфюмерии и нижнего белья. Мы расскажем о том, как работает индустрия Дня всех влюбленных.由Elena Wosowik
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Mancano 12 giorni al voto e la sfida elettorale in Germania è entrata nella fase più calda, complici i duelli televisivi tra i candidati ma soprattutto le campagne dei partiti sui social media. Cristina Giordano ci racconta i dettagli. Greta Dall'Acqua ci ricorda le caratteristiche principali del sistema elettorale tedesco. E con Isabella Venturini…
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Uczestnictwo, uważność, świadomość - nad tym pracują członkowie Klubu Ojców w Berlinie. Starają się być coraz lepszymi partnerami, ojcami i mężczyznami. Czy jest to łatwe, czy trudne i jaki wpływ na samorozwój ma dynamika grupy? O tym opowiadają Krzysiek, Maciek i Wojtek. Zaprasza Adam Gusowski KONTAKT: [email protected] STRONA: htt…
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Retail touchpoints for cosmetic and personal care brands today extend well beyond stores with doors and conventional print and outdoor advertising. Beauty brands are reaching consumers in experiential and engaging ways with the help of digital ad tech firms. This week on the CosmoFactory podcast, we hear about imaginative ways that brands are conne…
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British born American Jacalyn S. Burke is a multi-genre writer and coach with over 30 years of experience across diverse industries - and an experiencer of ET contact. Through a personal crisis in May 2024 Jacalyn reconnected to the Quantum Field and began to receive a resonance stream she calls OMN. Through this connection she began to download a …
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Y a-t-il de la vie au-delà de notre planète et où la cherche-t-on ? Mark et Alexandra s'entretiennent avec la professeure Emeline Bolmont, experte en exoplanètes et en astrobiologie, et avec le Dr Dominique Bovey, qui conçoit certains des instruments extrêmement sensibles utilisés pour détecter les signaux provenant des zones les plus éloignées de …
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So how did Josh and Gerald get started? Check out their first appearance together almost ten years ago on The Game Source Podcast as they, Rob McCallum, Angry Nick, and Aaron aka OSU Waterpolo discuss topics that trended then in the world of pop culture. Listen in as they chat about Fallout 4, Uncharted, JRPG's, Splatoon, Ant-Man and their hopes an…
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So how did Josh and Gerald get started? Check out their first appearance together almost ten years ago on The Game Source Podcast as they, Rob McCallum, Angry Nick, and Aaron aka OSU Waterpolo discuss topics that trended then in the world of pop culture. Listen in as they chat about Fallout 4, Uncharted, JRPG's, Splatoon, Ant-Man and their hopes an…
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Стать флористом в Германии можно за несколько месяцев. Лия Дроздова, владелица цветочного интернет-магазина Берлине, рассказывает, зачем, подрезав букет, следует помыть руки, как без воды добираются до нас розы из Камеруна и почему мужчины заказывают букеты по бумажке.由Elena Wosowik
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Si è concluso il processo di mafia presso il tribunale di Dortmund, mentre un nuovo procedimento è appena iniziato a Düsseldorf, ne parliamo con Cristina Giordano. Uscirà il 4 aprile prossimo la serie dedicata alla strage di Duisburg del 2007, abbiamo raggiunto l'autore Petrer Jeschke. Intanto fa discutere il gioco da tavolo "La famiglia" in cui i …
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What are we talking about neurobiologically when we talk about love? What does it have to do with how you were raised, the symmetry of someone's face, or the smell of their underarms? What do we learn from heartbreak, rom-coms, and little rodents called prairie voles? And what is the future of love & AI? Join Eagleman for a Valentine's Day special …
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Space Nuts Episode 494: Radiation Around Jupiter, Light Refraction, and Brown Dwarfs Join Andrew Dunkley and Professor Jonti Horner in this thought-provoking Q&A edition of Space Nuts, where they tackle a variety of intriguing questions from our listeners. From the complexities of radiation surrounding Jupiter to the effects of light refraction in …
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عٌقد اللقاء التنسيقي الأول للتجمع السوري في برلين. لاستعراض سبل استثمار خبرات المغتربين/ات في إعادة الأعمار. ورغم تواجد بعض النساء، كان حضور النساء ضئيلا بشكل ملحوظ مما يبرز فجوة في تمثيلهن في الفضاء العام. إعداد و تقديم: نهى سلوم و داريه فرمان.由Darya Farman
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Więcej pieniędzy dla pracowników sektora publicznego, wyższe opłaty za telewizję satelitarną i kablową, elektroniczna karta pacjenta, czy też przedwczesne wybory parlamentarne. Luty niesie ze sobą wiele zmian i kilka ważnych terminów. Między innymi o tym usłyszycie w tym wydaniu podcastu z Adamem Gusowski. KONTAKT: [email protected] STRON…
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A Tübingen, in Baden-Württemberg, presso il locale Max Planck Institut si sta sviluppando un progetto europeo sull'intelligenza artificiale (IA). Antonio Orvieto, giovane scienziato italiano lavora lì e coordina un gruppo di ricerca di "deep-learning". Con lui abbiamo parlato del recente caso Deep Seek, dei possibili campi di applicazione dell'IA, …
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Josh and Gerald return with the Super BS Gamescast to talk about the XBOX Developer Direct, the trouble with Bioware, and what were the best games of 2024 and more! Gear up with your favorite Pop Culture Cosmos shirts and gifts in our TeePublic store at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠…
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Josh and Gerald return to talk about the XBOX Developer Direct, the trouble with Bioware, and what were the best games of 2024 and more! Gear up with your favorite Pop Culture Cosmos shirts and gifts in our TeePublic store at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Questions for us…
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Chuligani opłaceni przez Rosję niszczą samochody i dyskredytują Zielonych. O agentach jednorazowego użytku i innych strategiach rosyjskiej wojny hybrydowej z państwami Unii rozmawiamy z autorką i dziennikarką Anną Mierzyńską. Leonard Paszek ze sztabu w Oberhausen podsumowuje WOŚP w Niemczech i już myśli o następnym finale. Zaprasza Jacek Tyblewski.…
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