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CancerCare's free Connect Education Workshops are a way for people to learn about cancer-related issues from the convenience of their home or office. Leading experts in oncology provide the most up-to-date information in these workshops to help you and your loved ones better understand and cope with your cancer diagnosis, treatment options, quality-of-life concerns, treatment side effects, pain management, doctor-patient communication and other important topics.
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Dubai-based film critic William Mullally discusses the latest releases with voices from across the Middle East and speak to the stars and filmmakers who make them.
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The Cutaneous Connection

The Cutaneous Connection

From the latest updates in dermatology to exclusive interviews with leading industry experts and a glimpse at what goes on behind the scenes, the staff at Dermatology Times brings you a podcast that will explore the impact of new data and support you in implementing innovative technologies that advance your patient care and practice. Join us under the dermatoscope for The Cutaneous Connection.
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Welcome to The Bunker – a Doctor Who podcast brought to you by Cutaway Comics, with your host – Ian Winterton. Each week sees one guest from the wide world of Doctor Who fandom welcomed to The Bunker, interviewed about their life and career via the prism of the most brilliant TV show ever created. Only allowed to pick five stories, we get to the heart of why they, like so many of us around the globe, love Doctor Who – and how becoming fans leaves us forever changed. Narration and Additional ...
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show series
- Overview of Clinical Trials & Why They are Important- Understanding Your Treatment Options, Including Clinical Trials- Concerns About Participating in Clinical Trials- Types of Clinical Trials- What Happens in a Clinical Trial?- The Meaning of Informed Consent- Benefits & Risks of Participation- How & Where Clinical Trials are Conducted- How to P…
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JOY: Welcome to Mostly Harmless Cutaway One Eight Four featuring Carl, Caleb, Josh, Isaac, and Eric. Join us as we dive into a NEW Doctor Who story, discussing the second Christmas episode featuring Ncuti Gatwa as the 15th Doctor, in Joy to the World! Let the banter begin! LINKS: @SciFiPartyLine: @ProgNeg: prognosisnegative.libsy…
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- Skin Toxicity - How Cancer Treatments Affect Your Skin- The Multidisciplinary Approach to Managing Skin Changes & Irritation- Practical Tips to Manage Rash, Dry/Itchy/Peeling Skin & Nail Changes- Sun Safety Tips During Cancer Treatments- When to Call Your Health Care Team about Skin Toxicity- The Role of Clinical Trials: How Research Increases Yo…
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CUTBITS: Welcome to Mostly Harmless Cutaway Question Mark Three Six featuring Caleb and Eric. Join us as we discuss our recent viewings of the UHD disc of Twice Upon a Time. This a lost cutbits episode that marked the first return to the MHC feed. This was the episode that inspired us to resurrect this feed, covering series 10 intending to publish …
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- Overview of Blood Cancers- New Research Presented at ASH- Disease-Specific Treatment Updates from ASH on: Leukemia, Lymphoma, Multiple Myeloma & Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPNs)- The Role of Precision Medicine & Clinical Trials- Guidelines to Prepare for Telehealth/Telemedicine Appointments, Including Technology, Prepared List of Questions & D…
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Itisha S. Jefferson, a medical student, patient advocate, and one of the co-founders of the Scarring Alopecia Foundation's medical student program, shares the inspiring advocacy journey and team effort behind the approval of ICD-10 codes for scarring alopecias.由The Cutaneous Connection
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- Overview of the Challenges Young Adults Living with Cancer Face- Talking with the Health Care Team About Survivorship Questions & Concerns- Choosing Who & What to Tell Others: Disclosure- School: Deciding How to Deal with Financing Education– Community College, Technical Training, College, Graduate School – Scholarships- Financial Concerns, Inclu…
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- Overview of Young Adults Living with Cancer, Including Delays in Diagnosis- Where to Seek Cancer Treatment: Selecting Your Oncology Health Care Team, Including Young Adult Cancer Programs- The Importance of Treatment Summaries- Follow Up with Your Oncologist & Primary Care Doctor- Managing Post Treatment Side Effects/Late Effects- Talking with th…
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- Why Chemotherapy Causes Treatment Side Effects & Discomfort- Working with Your Healthcare Team to Better Understand & Cope with Potential Treatment Side Effects with a Plan to Manage or Prevent Them- Common Treatment Gastrointestinal (GI) Side Effects - You May Not Experience All of These - Loss of Appetite, Nausea, Vomiting, Mouth Sores, Stomati…
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BRIDGERTON: Welcome to Mostly Harmless Cutaway One Eight Three featuring Carl, Cat, Caleb, Sean and Eric. Join us as we dive into a NEW Doctor Who story, discussing the final episodes of Ncuti Gatwa's first season as the 15th Doctor, in The Legend of Ruby Sunday & The Empire of Death! Let the banter begin! LINKS: @SciFiPartyLine:…
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- Overview of CAR T-Cell Therapies- Understanding CARs – Chimeric Antigen Receptors- When to Consider CAR T-Cell Therapies as a Treatment Choice- Clinical Trials for CAR T-Cell Therapies- Discussion of CAR T-Cell Therapies- Managing Potential Treatment Side Effects- Specific Examples of How CAR T-Cell Therapies Contributes to Oncology Care- Key Que…
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- Definition of a Caregiver- What Research Tells Us About Caregivers’ Well Being- Caregiving for an Older Adult- Caregiving for a Younger Adult- Caregiving for a Friend- Caregivers for Cancer Survivors- Couples, Partners, Siblings & Friends- Family, Partner & Friend Communication- Care Coordination: Challenges & Tips- Stresses on Family, Partners &…
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- Overview of Cancer Survivorship- Managing Post Treatment Side Effects/Late Effects- Quality-of-Life Concerns- Fear of Recurrence- Finding Your New Normal- The Importance of Treatment Summaries and Encounter Notes- Follow-Up with Your Oncologist and Primary Care Doctor, Including Discussion of Health Screening and Concerns- Guidelines to Prepare f…
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BRIDGERTON: Welcome to Mostly Harmless Cutaway One Eight Two featuring Carl, Cat, Sean, Josh, and Eric. Join us as we dive into a NEW Doctor Who story, discussing the seventh episode of Ncuti Gatwa's first season as the 15th Doctor, in Rogue! Let the banter begin! LINKS: @SciFiPartyLine: @ProgNeg: @St…
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Gary’s five choices to take into The Bunker are: 1. The 1969 Dr Who Annual 2. 1975 Weetabix set of Doctor Who cards 3. Inferno -- Doctor Who TV adventure, first broadcast in 1970 4. The Carnival of Monsters – Doctor Who TV adventure, first broadcast in 1973 5. The Robots of Death – Doctor Who TV adventure, first broadcast in 1977…
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73 BOOM DOTS? Welcome to Mostly Harmless Cutaway One Eight One.9 featuring Carl, Cat, Sean, Josh and Eric. Join us as we dive into (semi?) NEW Doctor Who stories, catching up with Cat & Sean on the fourth, fifth and sixth episodes of Ncuti Gatwa's first season. Let the banter begin! LINKS: @SciFiPartyLine: @ProgNeg: prognosisnega…
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Stephen’s choices for The Bunker are: 1. Doctor Who and the Sea Devils (TV serial, specifically the 1972 Christmas omnibus!) 2. Doctor Who – local fan groups 3. The Whooverville Convention 4. Doctor Who and the Web of Fear (TV serial, first broadcast in 1968) 5. The Sirens of Time (full cast audio drama from Big Finish, first released in 1999) For …
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Welcome to another episode of our Doctor Who commentary podcast which we have decided to call TKOGS, The Kids of Gallifrey! Joining Ian Winterton, the host of our podcast 'The Bunker', are two other Doctor Who fan dads – Richard, and Tony. But, most importantly, the real inspiration for this spin-off pod are the youngsters, the Mini-Whovians, , the…
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We recently caught up with Peter Lio, MD, a clinical assistant professor of dermatology and pediatrics at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, at the 2024 Society for Pediatric Dermatology Annual Meeting. Lio presented a session on changing the disease course in pediatric atopic dermatitis, alongside Amy Paller, MD. We'll dive into …
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In today’s episode, Drs Vikash Oza, MD, and James Treat, MD, delve into the topic, “Does Food Trigger Eczema?” Oza, an associate professor of dermatology and pediatrics and the director of pediatric dermatology at NYU in New York City, and Treat, a professor of clinical pediatrics and dermatology at the Perelman School of Medicine and an affiliate …
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In today’s episode, Albert Yan, MD, FAAP, FAAD, research director at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, professor at the Perelman School of Medicine, and executive at Inner Archways LLC, discusses pearls and insights from his lecture presented at the 2024 Society for Pediatric Dermatology Annual Meeting in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Yan spoke …
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BUBBLES: Welcome to Mostly Harmless Cutaway One Seven Eight featuring Carl, Caleb, Sean, and Eric. Join us as we dive into a NEW Doctor Who story, discussing the sixth episode of Ncuti Gatwa's first season as the 15th Doctor, in Dot and Bubble. Let the banter begin! LINKS: @SciFiPartyLine: @ProgNeg: @…
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James Song, MD, FAAD, chief medical officer and director of clinical research at Frontier Dermatology in Seattle, Washington, delves into the complexities and advancements in treating atopic dermatitis (AD). Song highlights the challenges of transitioning patients from topical to systemic therapies, emphasizing the need for timely conversations and…
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MAGIC: Welcome to Mostly Harmless Cutaway One Seven Eight featuring Carl, Caleb, Sean, and Eric. Join us as we dive into a NEW Doctor Who story, discussing the fifth episode of Ncuti Gatwa's first season as the 15th Doctor, in 73 Yards. Let the banter begin! LINKS: @SciFiPartyLine: @ProgNeg: @StarTrek…
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- Understanding the Future of Cancer Research & Clinical Trials- Increased Focus on Earlier Detection & Treatment of Cancer- Health Care Disparities Research- Enhanced Knowledge of the Molecular Portrait of Cancer- Artificial Intelligence (AI) Driven Approaches for Diagnosis & Treatment of Cancer- Microsatellite Instability (MSI): Mutations in DNA …
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In today’s episode, Nanette Silverberg reviews the key highlights from her vitiligo sessions at the 2024 Revolutionizing Alopecia Areata, Vitiligo, and Eczema Conference, also known this year as RAVE. Dr. Silverberg is the chief of pediatric dermatology for the Mount Sinai Health System and site director of pediatric and adolescent dermatology at M…
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- Disproportionate Burden of COVID & Cancer on People of Color- Social Determinants of Health, Including Languages Spoken & Health Literacy- Influence of the Local & Regional Environment in Which You Live on Your Access to Oncology Care- Effect of COVID on Health Care Systems- How Race May Impact Your Access to Cancer Treatment, Management of Treat…
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- Understanding Precision Medicine: Overview & Value of Precision Medicine- How Precision Medicine is Different from Targeted Treatments?- Precision Medicine Role’s in Informing Treatment Decisions: Predicting Response to Treatment- The Role of Precision Medicine in Deciding the Treatment for Lung Cancer, Leukemia & Colon Cancer- Talking with Your …
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- Overview of Blood Cancer Treatments- Understanding Treatment Side Effects- Working with Your Health Care Team to Manage Each Treatment Side Effects- Dealing with Blood Cancer Treatments & Other Co-Morbid Health Treatments- Adjusting to Your Blood Cancer Treatment Over Time- The Importance of Taking Your Blood Cancer Treatment on Schedule – Adhere…
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Hello, and welcome to Episode Two of our Doctor Who commentary podcast which we have decided to call KOGS Kids of Gallifrey! Joining Ian Winterton, the host of Cutaway Comics’ The Bunker, are two other Doctor Who fan dads – Richard, and Tony. But, most importantly, the real inspiration for this spin-off pod are the youngsters, the Mini-Whovians, , …
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Bradley Burnam, the founder and CEO of Turn Therapeutics, discusses his journey in the pharmaceutical landscape: from his battle with an aggressive antimicrobial resistant infection to the beginnings of Turn, and to the current state of Hexagen technology and its potential in eczema, onychomycosis, and more.…
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BOOM: Welcome to Mostly Harmless Cutaway One Seven Eight featuring Carl, Caleb, Sean, and Eric. Join us as we dive into a NEW Doctor Who story, discussing the fourth episode of Ncuti Gatwa's first season as the 15th Doctor, in Boom. Let the banter begin! LINKS: @SciFiPartyLine: @ProgNeg: @StarTrekRBG:…
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MAESTRO BABIES? Welcome to Mostly Harmless Cutaway One Seven Eight.B featuring Carl, Caleb, Sean, and Eric. Join us as we dive into (semi?) NEW Doctor Who stories, catching up with Caleb & Carl on the second and third episodes of Ncuti Gatwa's first season, with Space Babies & The Devil's Chord. Let the banter begin! LINKS: @SciFiPartyLine: scifipa…
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CUTBITS: Welcome to Mostly Harmless Cutaway Question Mark Three Five featuring Sean, Cat, and Eric. Join us as we discuss Han Zimmer's career defining work on Doctor in Distress. WARNING: This discussion contains miscellaneous K-9 and Company, Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures, Sherlock, Class, new WHO, and/or classic SPOILERS pertaining to Doctor W…
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MAESTRO: Welcome to Mostly Harmless Cutaway One Seven Eight featuring Cat, Sean, and Eric. Join us as we dive into a NEW Doctor Who story, discussing the third episode of Ncuti Gatwa's first season as the 15th Doctor, in The Devil's Chord. Let the banter begin! LINKS: @SciFiPartyLine: @ProgNeg: @StarT…
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Welcome to Episode One of our Doctor Who commentary podcast which we have decided to call TKOGS, The Kids of Gallifrey! Joining Ian Winterton, the host of our podcast 'The Bunker', are two other Doctor Who fan dads – Richard, and Tony. But, most importantly, the real inspiration for this spin-off pod are the youngsters, the Mini-Whovians, , the Bun…
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BABIES? Welcome to Mostly Harmless Cutaway One Seven Seven featuring Cat, Sean, and Eric. Join us as we dive into a NEW Doctor Who story, discussing the first (or apparently second?) episode of Ncuti Gatwa's first season as the 15th Doctor, in Space Babies. Let the banter begin! LINKS: @SciFiPartyLine: @ProgNeg: prognosisnegative…
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- Definition of a Caregiver- What Research Tells Us About Caregivers’ Well Being- Caregiving for an Older Adult- Caregiving for a Younger Adult- Couples, Partners, Siblings, & Friends- Challenges for Caregivers of Cancer Survivors- Family, Partner, & Friend Communication- Care Coordination Challenges & Tips- Stresses on Family, Partners, Friends, &…
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