Discover the Czech language like never before with Czech Easily: Slow & Easy! Perfect for learners at any level, especially beginners, our podcast makes Czech accessible by speaking slowly and using simple, clear language. Explore everyday life in Czechia through fun and engaging topics while naturally improving your language skills. Curious to learn more about me or explore study opportunities? Visit For exclusive content, including transcripts, quizzes, and premium epi ...
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Radio Prague International - Topic «Czech language course»
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Cesky Filmy pro Cizince, or Czech Films for Foreigners in English, is a podcast where an American and an Australian living in Prague watch Czech films and talk about it from our perspectives as foreigners. This podcast is both for Czech people interested in hearing what a couple of regular film-watching foreigners think of their revered film industry and also for non-Czech people interested in broadening their cinematic horizons.
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Pořad Světem Bible je součástí celosvětové služby biblického vyučování společnosti Thru the Bible. Původní seriál, který vytvořil doktor J. Vernon McGee, byl přeložen a upraven do více než 100 jazyků a dialektů. Je zamýšlen jako každodenní 30ti minutový rozhlasový pořad, který systematicky provádí posluchače celou Biblí. Nyní jsou vám tyto pořady dostupné i online. Jsme rádi, že jste se rozhodli pro hlubší poznávání Božího slova poslechem těchto pořadů. Doporučujeme, abyste teď každý všední ...
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Nazywam się Teresa Drozda i od 2021 roku tworzę autorski i niezależny podcast o kulturze DROZDOWISKO. Zajmują mnie głównie teatr, literatura, piosenka i film. Kultura czeska i polska. Podróżuję i nagrywam. Dzielę się nieoczywistościami. Publikuję na YouTube i Spotify. Dołącz! Posłuchaj! Podaj dalej! Wesprzyj! Napisz do mnie: [email protected] Zostań Patronem: Postaw mi kawę: - bez logowania! Postaw mi kawę: https:// ...
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A podcast for those who are learning Czech. // Podcast pro cizince, kteří se učí česky.
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Learn Czech with Free Podcasts Whether you are student or a seasoned speaker, our lessons offer something for everyone. We incorporate culture and current issues into each episode to give the most informative, both linguistically and culturally, podcasts possible. For those of you with just the plane ride to prepare, check our survival phrase series at One of these phrases just might turn your trip into the best one ever!
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This is Czech radio for Czech boys And girls Czech Radio(HITY DC) Cover art photo provided by Brandi Redd on Unsplash:
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Český (krajanský) podcast, který pobaví děti i dospělé. Pro ty, kteří cítí příjemné nadšení, a nedočkavě hledají komu patří český hlas v davu cizojazyčných lidí. Pro ty, kteří si váží krásy, kultury, historie, tradic a jazyka své vlasti. Právě pro Vás připravuje Česká asociace (Czech Association) ve spolupráci s krajanským podcastem Epimoniac několik podcastových sérií! První série se nazývá POHÁDKOVÝ GULÁŠ, druhá série se týká ČESKÝCH TRADIC, ZVYKŮ A PRANOSTIK.
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Czeching je hudebně exportní projekt, jehož prostřednictvím stanice Českého rozhlasu pro mladé Radio Wave podporuje nadějné progresivní kapely v jejich snaze prorazit na zahraniční pódia, ale především do evropského éteru a k posluchačům evropských rádií. Všechny díly podcastu Czeching můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu
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If you're trying to think your way into learning Czech, you're doing it wrong. Learn Czech like you did English: by hearing a huge amount of it. (With at least a vague idea of what it means!) Thousands of Czech Phrases, along with the English translations, presented directly to your brain: from practical to philosophical to flirting. Just phrases, no filler! Go way beyond the Czech language basics to not just communicate, but actually become an interesting person in Czech. As an audio-only t ...
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Elleness podcast připravovaný redakcí ELLE ve spolupráci se Zorkou Hejdovou. Povídání se známými tvářemi i odborníky nejen o životním stylu ale i o tom, jak si užít každý okamžik na maximum a být prostě wELLE.
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English translation of documents and family letters, describing the adult life of Baron Otakar Capek, and his and fellow Czech aristocracy’s nationalistic fight in the dawn of World War II.
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Tomas Sedlacek is a university lecturer and media commentator on philosophy of economics. He gained widespread recognition for his book "Economics of Good and Evil" (Oxford University Press), which has been translated into 22 languages. Sedlacek has advised former Czech President Vaclav Havel, and has lectured at the World Economic Forum and various venues around the world. For 16 years he was a Chief Macroeconomic Strategist at the largest Czech bank, and has been a longstanding member of C ...
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Not your common fairy tales, this collection is a mixture of morals, quirkiness, and sarcasm. In it one finds ironic derivatives (if not roots) of well known fairy tales such as “The Brave Little Taylor” and “Beauty and the Beast,” as well as some more unusual settings to impart the popular fairy tale themes of justice and happily ever after. Most stories are told with wry humor and often shocking irreverence for the expected fairy tale turn out. This is NOT a book for children, but one for ...
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Liberty vs. Tyranny: Czech Views on Ukraine, Freedom and Democracy Shaped by Strife with Russia
No place in Europe has been more at the center of the confrontation between western liberal democracy and Russian totalitarianism than what is now known as the Czech Republic. And today, with nearby neighbor Ukraine engulfed in a deadly war with Russia fighting to keep its sovereignty as a free nation, this confrontation is front and center in the minds of the Czech people. In this two-episode CITIZENARTS podcast, we provide their insights about the up and down history of the Czechs as a dem ...
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In 1988 Czechoslovakia, a slutty cellist agrees to a sham marriage and gets stuck with a kid when his wife absconds to West Germany. In this episode of the CFPC podcast, we discuss the 1996 academy award winning film, Kolya. ČFPC is made by an American and an Australian, Barrie and Chris, living in Prague with average-at-best movie IQs. This podcas…
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The Czech Academy of Sciences’ Institute of the Czech Language is recruiting young language enthusiasts to document dialects and the endangered speech of older generations.
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Povídání o nejznámějším mostu v Česku!
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Tu posłuchasz: Napisz do mnie: [email protected] Zostań Patronem (z logowaniem): Postaw mi kawę (bez logowania): Postaw mi kawę (bez logowania): Odwiedź mnie: https://www.facebook.…
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Napisz do mnie: [email protected] Zostań Patronem (z logowaniem): Postaw mi kawę (bez logowania): mi kawę (bez logowania): Odwiedź mnie: YT/DROZDOWISKO drozdowisko.…
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Naked children, mountain cottages and the masters of the universe. In this episode of ČFPC, we talk about the best Czech comedy of the 20th century, S Tebou Mě Baví Svět. ČFPC is made by an American and an Australian, Barrie and Chris, living in Prague with average-at-best movie IQs. This podcast is made for the Czech people proud of their film ind…
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#161 - DROZDA (KOSIŃSKI trochę też) podsumowuje kulturalne wycieczki do Czech (wrzesień-grudzień 2024) - index tytułów w opisie
Od września do grudnia sama i z Jackiem wzięłam udział w setce wydarzeń, które miały miejsce w Republice Czeskiej. 49 razy byłam w teatrze, odwiedziłam dwa duże festiwale teatralne, widziałam kilkanaście filmów i tyleż wystaw. Przed Wami kulturalne podsumowanie czeskich peregrynacji DROZDY w II połowie 2024 roku. Omawiam 21 spektakli, kilka filmów,…
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Lovesick teens, political enemies and a mother in need of a father figure for her son. In the first episode of ČFPC, we talk about a most beloved Christmas film, Pelíšky. ČFPC is made by an American and an Australian, Barrie and Chris, living in Prague with average-at-best movie IQs. This podcast is made for the Czech people proud of their film ind…
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measure your progress with this video quiz由
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learn 10 high-frequency words for types of energy and industries由
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Jak Češi slaví Vánoce?
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learn words and phrases about winter由
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