Regarding Cold War
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नगर प्रशासन - कक्षा 6
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आरंभिक नगर इतिहास.... class 6
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Our country India - Geography for class 6
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Secularism for class XI
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Judicial structure, judicial Review & Judicial overrich for class 11
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Parliamentary System in India Constitution for class XI
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Basic features of the Indian Constitution, achievement & Criticism for class XI
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Necessity of Constitution & sources of Indian Constitution for Class XI
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How to fill OMR Sheet in CBSE First Term Objective Exam
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Declaration of emergency and its consequences for class 12
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The student movement of Gujarat and Bihar and the struggle with the judiciary for class XII
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Geographical, Functional or Vocational Representation & Direct - Indirect Election for class XI
Geographical, Functional or Vocational Representation & Direct - Indirect Election for class XI
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Industrial Pollution & Environmental Degradation for class X
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Directive Principles of State & Difference between Fundamental Rights& Directive Principles for XI
Directive Principles of State & Difference between Fundamental Rights& Directive Principles for XI
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Development for class X
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Emergency background and Naxalite movement for class 12
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Right to Constitutional Remedies & Human Rights Commission for class XI
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Right Against Exploitations, Right to Religion & Right to Culture & Edu. For class XI
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Right to freedom Part 2 for class XI
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Privy purse, Syndicate & famous leaders history for class 12
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Election of 1971 and Re-establishment of Congress for class 12
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Right to freedom Part - I for class XI
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Chemical, Fertiliser, Cement, Automobile Industries & I.T for Class X
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Defections and partition of Congress for class 12
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Right to Equality for class 11
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Arguments in favor and opposition to democracy for Class 09
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Fourth General Election 1967 for class 12
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Mineral Based Industry -Iron & Steel, Aluminium Smelting Industries for class X
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Important of Fundamental Rights for class XI
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Features of Democracy Part 02 for class IX
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The Challenge of Political Succession after death of Nehru for class 12
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Jan Sangh and Swatantra Party for Class 12
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Characteristics of democracy Part -I for class IX
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Agriculture Based Industry ( Textile,Cotton,Jute,Sugar Industries) for class X
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Philosophy of Constitution Part - II for class XI
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Coordination and tolerance in congressional groups for class 12
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Society after the French Revolution for Class IX
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Public Message regarding Fundamental Duties (kartavya PaalanAbhiyan)
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Classification of Industries for class X
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State of terror in France & Abolition of slavery in France for class IX
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Philosophy of Indian Constitution Part -I for class 11
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Nature of congressional dominance for class 12
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The sovereignty of the Congress in the first three elections Socialist Party for Class
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Constitution Assembly for class XI
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First General Election for Class 12
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The Making of the Constitution & The India Independence Act 1947 for Class 11
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Abolition of monarchy in France and establishment of republic for class IX
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State Reorganization of India for class 12
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Merger of princely states in the Indian Union for Class 12
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Partition of India for Class 12
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