Wir lassen uns Filme nicht nur schmecken, wir sprechen auch über sie! Der Filmpodcast von Filmfreunden für Filmfreunde!
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The ultimate podcast for pop culture lovers. Hosts Pomp and Erik are just some good dudes having great conversations about movies, TV shows, gadgets, and more.
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Entrée, Plat, Dessert est un podcast où je reçois un·e invité·e qui vient présenter 3 médias de son choix (livre, album, film, jeu vidéo, série...) pour nous partager sa passion et peut-être nous faire découvrir de nouveaux contenus à dévorer L'idée est qu'il n'est pas question de légitimité ou de notoriété quand on veut partager des choses que l'on aime, ainsi mes invité·e·s vous seront souvent totalement inconnu·e·s, mais pour autant j'espère que leurs mots attiseront votre curiosité pour ...
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Store bought or home made? Cover art photo provided by Tim Wright on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@timdwright_73401_sink
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Welcome to Drinks and Desserts. The Truth Never Tasted So sweet.
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The Sunday Dessert is more or a less a feel good podcast where you can get inspired, motivated, updates on trends, gists and definitely not limited to this as there are more varieties in stock for our listeners.
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Dessert Before Breakfast is the podcast where we review TV series finales through the eyes of someone who's never watched the show!
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We break down the science behind food, recommend healthy products, and explain why we should pursue good health.
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3 Friends Having Dessert is the podcast that answers all the dessert questions you never knew you had. Sarah, Aaron, and Derek, the owners of Sarah’s Stands, get together every week to explore the dessert world’s sweet secrets and indulgent cravings. To sweet talk, email us at [email protected].
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Dessert First Network is a digital emporium of toothsome content for your consumption. Our philosophy at Dessert First Network is to skip the frou-frou and get to the good part. Dessert First, because... why not? Stay a while and click a thing.
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Sex, Magick and Dessert is hosted by Franceasca. She is an award winning filmmaker, writer, curator, alchemystic, clairsentient healer. SMD guests range from visual artists, mystics, writers, witches, healers, sexual health experts and more. We discuss human sexuality, the esoteric arts and all that is decadent, delicious and divine. Off the cuff and raw. We welcome the most creative, naughty, funny and magickal people the world has to offer. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify. ...
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A podcast recorded monthly from inside the Indianola Gun Room about religion and dessert. Let us guide you on a gentle tour of belief, dessert, and conversation that is sure to be an easy listen.
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Hi, Blessing and Michael here! How are you? We're two young entrepreneurs embarking on our journey to success and there is nobody we'd share our journey with other than you! Join us for our weekly 'therapeutic' podcasts [every Sunday] where we totally switch off, let our hair down and have a good ol' rant! Subscribe, follow us and enjoy... ***MATURE THEMES***
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Two friends based out of NYC eat sugary things and talk about it. Laughter, tears, and gas are shared over the most important course of any meal - dessert. To view photos of our foodie adventures, visit us here on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/justdessertspodcast
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A little chit chat with your gals-Marge and Blonda. We talk life and fitness and laugh a lot, all while enjoying some dessert. Follow us on insta @marge_andncharge and @not_so_blonda
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Being positive is what we need to water our lives with. Humbles for us should be mandatory (keeping in mind there is a broad difference between being humbled and being stupid) Our mind is already set so what we do is keep track to see if slight changes are to be done God is our lead as always ❤️😎
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Black Food Folks presents a limited series focusing on the life and work of Black pastry chefs. The series will focus on a diverse collective of chefs, bakers, chocolatiers, and educators to explore their career paths and the historical context in which they do their work.
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You just ate an enormous amount of Korean barbecue, but you're asked to go munch on desserts because your group of friends wants to. You can't say NAH, even if you're super full. Your group of friends going to think you're lame and can't hang. Same goes for this podcast, you had a long tiring day, but I want to be the dessert to your life. A comedy that might not be funny, but I can at least try. Just like all the desserts, you have to try it first to know if you like it or not. Let me be th ...
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It’s never just the book that has the most impact- it’s what you do with it afterwards. Do you have a book or are writing a book and you know you want to support your audience in taking your ideas and applying it in their lives, businesses, relationships, or careers? One way you can do that is with a group program. You can help your readers to go deeper with your ideas and frameworks. They can try things out and get help and support from you and other readers while they do. If you think abou ...
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Basti und Christian schnacken über den neuen Nosferatu von Robert Eggers, einem der wichtigsten Vertreter des Elevated Horrors, nicht nur darum waren die Erwartungen hoch!
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Always get the duck. Never get the chicken.
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Erik and Pomp prevent an alien invasion. You're welcome, planet Earth.
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Hohoho, fröhliche Weihnachten! Basti und Christian schauen sich passend zum Feste das neue Werk mit Ex-The Rock Dwayne Johnson an und gucken, ob das Filmchen wirklich so blöd und generisch ist wie alle sagen.
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Alessandro und Christian wünschen frohe Weihnachten und sprechen über alle drei Black Christmas Filme!
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37e et dernier épisode de l'année d'Entrée, Plat, Dessert, où j'ai eu le plaisir de recevoir Margaux (@gokaido.bsky.social) qui a préparé un menu avec :05:40 - Le jeu vidéo Chants of Sennaar01:04:38 - Le film Rêves, d'Akira Kurosawa02:00:33 - Le jeu vidéo Persona 5Retrouvez les informations professionnelles de Margaux sur : https://gokaido.fr/Et sa…
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Hilfe, es weihnachtet sehr! Und weil es weihnachtet, haben sich Basti und Christian diesen Renny Harlin Film nach einer Geschichte von Shane Black auserkoren, in der Hoffnung gut gemachte Weihnachtsaction zu goutieren.
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Treat yourself a round of Sicilian stuffing... and cranberry sauce.
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Basti und Christian wollen schauen was der deutsche Film aus dem Genre des Slashers macht. Flackback - Mörderische Ferien, besetzt mit so manchen GZSZ- und Verbotene Liebe-Schauspielerinnen macht den Anfang.
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We're starting a band called 'The Grover Clevelands'. We're going to open and headline every show.
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Turns out, Abel Magwitch was the benefactor. #stalespoiler
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Happy Halloween! Basti und Christian sprechen über den siebten Teil der Halloween-Reihe.
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This episode was far from purrfect, but some parts were hissterical. I'm really milking these cat puns.
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Friends listen to endless love in the dark.
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Sometimes when you're a man, you drink pumpkin beer with a cinnamon sugar rim. Other times, you sing along to Nickleback in the shower.
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Tell Me Where You Are, Josh!
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There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep, never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city, and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.
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Sometimes the world looks perfect, nothing to rearrange. Sometimes you just get a feeling, like you need some kind of change.
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The best part of summer is fall. Also, this episode is way longer than it is.
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36e épisode d'Entrée, Plat, Dessert.Dans cet épisode, Bénédicte a préparé un menu avec : 06:12 - Le jeu vidéo Inua, A Story in Ice and Time36:57- La BD Enferme-moi si tu peux01:25:39 - La saga littéraire des Chroniques de St MaryRetrouvez le site de Bénédicte Coudière à l'adresse suivante :https://benedictecoudiere.fr/Google Arts & Culture : https:…
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In a world of Duanes, be a Buffy.
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Basti und Christian brechen sich an dem Titel des neuen Guy Ritchie Films einen ab und wundern sich über so manches daran.
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As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a pickleballer.
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This episode was made with dolphin safe tuna.
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Basti und Christian waren im Kino in einem Film, der von einem superheldenunfreundlichen Zeitstrahl handelt und dem vergangenen 20th Century Fox Marvel-Universum den Mittelfinger zeigen oder es gleichzeitig in den Arm nehmen möchte. Es gibt auf jeden Fall Ausprachebedarf.
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Erik and Pomp debut "DFD Trivia".
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Basti und Christian schauen den Film Popeye mit Robin Williams und Shelley Duvall und fragen sich sehr viele Dinge.
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Leave the light saber, take the cannoli.
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Pomp and Erik are gonna buy an underperforming cricket team then document their turnaround for a Hulu docuseries.
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Alessandro und Christian feiern irgendwie ein bisschen Weihnachten im Hochsommer. Und achja, Santa Clause himself muss sich gegen Terroristen erwehren!
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Basti und Christian wandeln auf SchleFaZ-Spuren und besprechen Samurai Cop von Amir Shervan, ein Film, der vermutlich jedem zumindest aus Ausschnitten aus sozialen Medien bekannt sein dürfte.
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Don’t wear white after Arbor Day.
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35e épisode d'Entrée, Plat, Dessert.Dans cet épisode, Shift a préparé un menu avec : 04:46 - Le film Donnie Darko1:08:17 - Le groupe de musique Mogwai02:02:52 - Le jeu de société RootDont voici les règles si besoin :https://ilo307.com/public/pdf/MT-ROOT-001_LIVRET%20APPRENTISSAGE.pdfRetrouvez tous les article de Shift sur The Pixel Post :https://th…
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Nach "The Last Kumite" (FZD #119) war der Drang da, mal wieder zu einem gut gemachten Vertreter des Martial Arts-Film zurückzukehren und was lag da näher als Bloodsport mit Jean-Claude van Damme auszuwählen?
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Come my lady, come come my lady, you're my hucklebearer, sugar baby.
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Basti und Christian schauen sich weiter durch Peter Thorwarths Schaffen, dieses mal durch die Verspielfilmung der gleichnamigen Sat 1-Serie.
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Getting Instagram Reels daily from a friend essentially means that you're in their MySpace Top 8.
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34e épisode d'Entrée, Plat, Dessert.Dans cet épisode, Pierre (@peterline6_ sur Twitter et @nowplaying.cool sur Bluesky) a préparé un menu avec : 08:42 - Le groupe de musique Opeth58:05 - La série Lost02:13:11 - Le jeu vidéo Elden RingRetrouvez tout le travail de veille de Pierre sur la musique de jeu vidéo NOWPLAYING, son Patreon et ses playlist Sp…
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Basti hatte offenbar mal zu viel Geld und hatte via Kickstarter das Projekt "The Last Kumite" von einigen YouTubern unterstützt, die ihre Reminiszenz an das 80er Jahre Kampfsportkino umsetzen wollten. Ob dieses Unterfangen gelungen ist oder ob der Film eher wirkt als hätte jemand Bloodsport bei Wish bestellt, erfahrt Ihr in dieser Folge!…
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The first 100 listeners to this episode will be rewarded with a block of USA’s finest government cheese. You’re welcome.
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Basti und Christian haben sich den neuen Mad Max im Kino angesehen und sind so verwirrt wie im Nachhinein doch durchaus angetan. Aber hört selbst!
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The saying "cool your pits" needs to make a comeback.
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Basti und Christian sprechen über das Road House-Remake
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33e épisode d'Entrée, Plat, Dessert et pour l'occasion j'ai eu le plaisir de recevoir Vanessa qui a préparé un menu avec :04:42 - L'album Looking Glass d'Alela Diane36:04 - La série de jeux vidéo Trails in the Sky02:06:20 - Le livre Six mois par an de Clara Duarte由Rifampicine
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Like my mom used to say to me as a kid, “how can I possibly miss you if you won’t go away?”. Anyways, we’re back and we missed you jerks.
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Ganz frisch ist die neue Computerspieladaption Fallout auf Amazon als Serie erschienen. Basti und Christian haben sich direkt die acht Folgen reingeballter, um brandheiß zu berichten, ob Fallout abliefert oder gar nur für Fans der Spiele zu gebrauchen ist.
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Nicolas Cage als Dracula und ein überraschend hohes Budget von 60 Millionen Dollar lassen Christian und Basti doch ein bisschen ratlos zurück.
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32e épisode d'Entrée, Plat, Dessert et pour l'occasion j'ai eu le plaisir de recevoir Kalie qui a préparé un menu avec :02:24 - La série animée The Clone Wars55:35 - La série Buffy contre les vampires01:47:17 - Partie spoiler Buffy, jusqu'à la fin du sujet02:28:12 - La saga littéraire Le Royaume de Tobin…
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Basti und Christian waren im Kino und haben den neuen Ghostbusters geschaut und hatten durchaus ihren Spaß!
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Welcome to The Book Desserts Podcast series for non-fiction authors looking to elevate their business and craft and lead an impactful group program around their book. In this final episode of The Book Desserts Podcast series (well at least season 1), we’ll explore the questions most asked by and for authors when it comes to having your own author-l…
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