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show episodes
Intro. This show is about us the people the working class, moms, dads and #military personal (as the wife of a Marine) relating to everyday life giving it to you real in my #murphyslaw virtual studio. Giving free exposure via interviews to entrepreneurs, self-employed, dreamers, hidden talents, small biz owners they don't have to pay for. I also give #IndependentArtist with good clean music an opportunity to have their songs played on this show free.. That's the working class is paying for e ...
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show series
What’s up Diamonds, Welcome to the finals! This is the final show of the 2019 LJDN Awards, tonight me along with my cohost “ Jay from “In the Cut with Jay” will be announcing the winners of the 2019 #LJDNAwards. Let me extend a “Thank you” to all of those that were nominated to receive awards this year. There are no losers here because everyone has…
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Good Morning Diamonds, Today we are closing the book of Daniel, the book of Daniel for me is deep, deeper than my knowledge goes, however I will do my best to try to understand it. The beginning of Daniel was easy to interpret however the closing of Daniel is somewhat complicated. Daniel is all about visions, dreams and interpretations, there is al…
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Good Morning Diamonds, I have to tell you this is one of the most complicated things that I've ever had to do. It is easy for me to do the LJDNShow because I'm talking with people about their businesses, or about consumer goods and services (#coffeetalk). It is also easy for me to Co-host with Jay Cut on In the Cut with Jay because it is his show, …
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Good morning Diamonds, I am now in part 3 of the book of Daniel and it is as exciting for me as any story that I would watch on cable or see in the movies. I am learning so much about myself finding faults within me that I did not know were there. I pray that I take the new found revelations within myself and use them correctly, will they make me p…
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What's up Diamonds, I hope you all had a blessed morning and your day is getting off to a great start , I know mine is. I got to bed late last night as usual but I'm up this morning to talk with you about the book of Daniel part 2 of the LJ Morning Sparkle Show. Sometimes when I read the books in the Bible and attempt to translate and understand th…
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Good Morning Diamonds , Today we start a new book The Book of Daniel, I Love the smaller books of the Bible. Some of the books in the Bible I remember but understood them vaguely, some of them I remember fully Daniel and King Nebuchadnezzar is one of them I vaguely remember fully. Most of us have been to church and the preacher have preached every …
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Good morning Diamonds, Welcome to the final episode of the book of Nehemiah, I have to tell you this month has been very convicting for me I have had all types of obstacles to stand in my way so that I won't continue this program. I've even thought about doing things differently when it came to the program 'cause it always seems that I did not have…
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What’s up Diamonds , Welcome to another episode of the LJ Morning Sparkle Show, this was supposed to be part 4 and the last part of the Book of Nehemiah but instead I will be playing music today. I am feeling a little under the weather I have a stuffy nose and stuffy head (allergies). Not to mention today has been crazy! I have not had a chance to …
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Good Morning Diamonds, Today on The Book of Nehemiah I'm going to talk about people using people within our own communities and cities. We have users and Folks that feed on us within our own nationalities. And how they did the same thing during the days of Nehemiah. Nehemiah has his work cut out for him and so does some of us within our communities…
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What's up Diamonds, Welcome to another episode of the LJDNShow! Monday’s show is a podcast this one is from July 28th of 2014 it was a DiamondForum show. The show included 3 guest, Voice Over actor at that time Roderick Jefferson, Author Nicole M. Dixon and Entrepreneur/Network-Marketer Robert McNulty. Our first conversation was about social media …
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What’s up Diamonds, Good morning, good morning and good morning. Welcome to another Wednesday in September 2018 and another episode of the LJ Morning Sparkle Show. I am your host Lina Jones at I will entertain you for the next 60 minutes with biblical scripture and real- time comparison so get ready, this is my version of “Life Improvement”. Like h…
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What's up Diamonds, Welcome to another episode of LJ morning sparkle I hope all of you are doing well and are remaining dry with this really, awful, awful nasty weather that’s coming. Of course, I am here in Virginia and I will get hit although I'm not in the evacuation zone, I still will experience a lot of water. I apologize for Monday’s show I s…
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What's up Diamonds, Welcome to another episode of the LJDNShow due to serious storm conditions in my area that will hit on Monday hurricane Florence. I am not sure where I will be or what I will be doing. I do know that I won't be trying to do a live show. I will, however, have a podcast ready for you on Monday night for those of you that are in dr…
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What's up Diamonds, Welcome to a new episode of the LJ Morning Sparkle; this is the week that we start up with the book of Nehemiah. Nehemiah was kind of like an architect but most of all he was a praying man. He had a love for the Jewish people and love for his hometown community. Nehemiah is not only a book of unshakeable faith it is a book about…
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What's up Diamonds, Good morning Diamonds, I hope you all are having a blessed day so far, I hope everything is going well in your favor and if it's not; have a cup of coffee, say a short prayer and just keep it moving. lol This morning I am feeling a bit under the weather I think I'm coming down with an early cold, so I thought I'd play some inspi…
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Good Morning Diamonds, Today is the day that most of you have been waiting for, it is the end of the book of Esther and I do have enough time to finish it. So far, the book of Esther has been a most exciting book filled with everything that goes on in today’s society especially the drama. the last part of Esther we will find out about what happened…
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What’s up Diamonds, How are you today on this beautiful Wednesday morning Welcome to be LJ Morning Sparkle this is my Wednesday life improvement show. Today we are finishing the book of Esther this book is full of surprises full of drama, suspense, rumors and gossip you name it it's right there in the good book. I tell you there is truly nothing th…
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Good Morning Diamonds, I hope everyone had a good night sleep and is well rested for their today, for those of you listening for the first time and returning listeners I thank you for giving me your time from 10 to 11 Live Wednesday mornings. We are still in the book of Esther and we are moving on we have one more area to go to cover that area we p…
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What's up Diamonds, Welcome to another episode of the Lina Jones DiamondNetwork Show acronyms LJDNShow. I hope you all have had a fabulous weekend! My weekend was a working weekend as usual it was very nice but it's extremely, extremely hot here in southern Virginia. I hope those of you that are experiencing this heat are drinking plenty of water a…
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What's up Diamonds , This morning we are going further into the book of Esther when we left off last we talked about the elaborate banquet that was taking going on and how the queen Vashti refused King Ahaserus his request. Today we go a little bit further into what happened after the queen ignored the Kings request and how he and Esther met. I wil…
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What’s up Diamonds, Can you believe that they were five Mondays in the month of July wow! It’s been a long hot month. I have to say if we really haven’t really had a summer here in VA the past few years we’ve made up for it this summer with all the humidity and all the heat, I'm not complaining " I'm just saying". No pun to you summer heat lovers a…
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What’s up Diamonds, Welcome to another episode of LJ Morning Sparkle #LifeImprovement this week I will be talking about the book of Esther, I know most if you want me to go into the new testament and I will eventually, but I find the stories in the old testament fascinating and they give me a better appreciation for the new testament. For me, it sh…
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What’s up Diamonds, Thank you for listening into another episode of the Lina Jones DiamondNetwork Show acronyms #LJDNShow. This year I've tried to revisit past guest. This week I am revisiting my #socialbud Comedian/Actor Brian T. Shirley. If you follow me on Facebook you'll know who he is Brian has been in a variety of different films and videos h…
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What's up Diamonds, Today we will be finishing the book of Job with some useful lessons we all will have learned and are ready to share them others. Job has quite a few chapters and although I did not read them all, I think I've made a pretty good comparison to our today's real-life situations. You may not have everything happen to you at the same …
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What’s up Diamonds, How are you how is your summer going? Have you had a chance to take a vacation yet or are you sitting to the side watching all your friends and family travel while you stay stuck because one either you don’t have the funds to travel, l or two used up all your vacation time on the job? Either way, you sit back and watch them goin…
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What's up Diamonds, Welcome to another episode of #LJMorningSparkle we are still in the book of Job and we have one more episode in Job which will be next Wednesday then we close and go into another chapter of #lifeimprovements comparison to biblical Scriptures. I am not a preacher nor do I hold any doctrines stating any of the such, I am just like…
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What’s up Diamonds, Charity events are popular for a number of reasons; they raise large amounts of money to help those in need, they bring people together for a good cause, they help bring awareness to a disease or sickness and draw attention to public situations. Go Fund Me is just one of over a million different charity organizations in the busi…
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What’s up Diamonds, Welcome to July, is it hot enough for you yet? I know I’m dying over here and what feels like 1000° temperatures. I hope you find ways to keep yourself cool during those crazy hot days one thing I do to remedy the heat is put a cold washcloth in a sandwich bag and keep it in the refrigerator, it always helps me to cool down hot …
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What's up Diamonds, I know you're saying "I thought this interview was Monday night?" and if you are you are correct, the original date was for Monday but due to audio problems I had to cancel and salvage what I could of the interview. I gathered a good portion and added an article that I read and was talking about. I also heard from our resident t…
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What's up Diamonds, I apologize for having to put up another podcast but due to a death in my family that I have to make arrangements for I will not be able to do a live recording, My grandmother has passed away in NJ and I am the only one responsible for her I will be gathering with my family this week and appreciate your understanding in this mat…
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What's up Diamonds, Well, my time off is coming to an end and I will be back live on the #LJDNShow Monday, June 4, 2018, with my guest OBP Original Black Pantah the reggae artist yep! I will be interviewing him on next Monday live 7pm EST on BlogTalk Radio and directly after that will be the premiere of "In The Cut with Jay" so you will have double…
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What's up Diamonds, Well, my time off is coming to an end and I will be back live on the #LJDNShow Monday, June 4, 2018, with my guest OBP Original Black Pantah the reggae artist yep! I will be interviewing him on next Monday live 7pm EST on BlogTalk Radio and directly after that will be the premiere of "In The Cut with Jay" so you will have double…
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What's up Diamonds, Well, my time off is coming to an end and I will be back live on the #LJDNShow Monday, June 4, 2018, with my guest OBP Original Black Pantah the reggae artist yep! I will be interviewing him on next Monday live 7pm EST on BlogTalk Radio and directly after that will be the premiere of "In The Cut with Jay" so you will have double…
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What's up Diamonds, Well, my time off is coming to an end and I will be back live on the #LJDNShow Monday, June 4, 2018, with my guest OBP Original Black Pantah the reggae artist yep! I will be interviewing him on next Monday live 7pm EST on BlogTalk Radio and directly after that will be the premiere of "In The Cut with Jay" so you will have double…
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What's up Diamonds, This is my last week of podcast June 1st will be bringing in a whole new game on the LJDNShow I will be introducing my new radio station. In The Cut with Jay will be on and my very first interview for the month will be with OBP the "Original Black Pantah" that's right the actor and the music artist #sostoked right now. I cannot …
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What's up Diamonds, Today I sent out a post about my new internet radio station yep that is what I said "my new internet radio station". I will still be on BlogTalk Radio and recordings from my Blog Talk shows will be on that station as well. You will still be able to listen on Spreaker but only for 30 mins, the Internet-based show will play music …
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What's up Diamonds, One more week to go before my official relaunch will there be changes to the Morning Sparkle show? The answer is yes how much? The change is slight to Wed. - Fri. the time will change as well. The change was decided to allow for more time to bring in new ideas and new shows for your listening pleasure with so much more to com, s…
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What's up Diamonds, One more week to go before my official relaunch will there be changes to the Morning Sparkle show? The answer is yes how much? The change is slight to Wed. - Fri. the time will change as well. The change was decided to allow for more time to bring in new ideas, stick with me Diamonds I do miss ya! Lina…
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What's up Diamonds, One more week to go till my June 4th launch I hope you enjoyed the show last Monday back a few years ago I did 2 hr shows which were not very fun when a guest did not show up. I struggled to find fillers but now, I have no problem finding fillers and I don't even let it bother me anymore when a guest does not show up it's actual…
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What's Up Diamonds, I am taking some time off for vacation and to get some work on some new projects for the show I am not at liberty to discuss at this moment but I will soon. Please enjoy the music I will be back with new music and a new live show until then I will see you in the networks, if you are an artist that would like their music promoted…
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What's Up Diamonds, I am taking some time off for vacation and to get some work on some new projects for the show I am not at liberty to discuss at this moment but I will soon. Please enjoy the music I will be back with new music and a new live show until then I will see you in the networks, if you are an artist that would like their music promoted…
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What's up Diamonds, You are probably saying to yourself "I don't want to hear something from 2014" but you do...here's why everyone knows in order to move forward you have to look at where you came from. The same holds with radio, and it applys to anything you want to do in life. See if you think there are things you can't do or are afraid to do I'…
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What's Up Diamonds, It's Friday the beginning of the #Freakinweekend time to get moving on your weekend and what better way to do that than with music that gets you pumped for your Friday morning. I've got just the right stuff to keep you up and active so join me for some Friday fun at 9:00am EST. There are major changes upcoming for the LJDNShow I…
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What's Up #Diamonds, I am taking some time off for vacation and to get some work on some new projects for the show I am not at liberty to discuss at this moment but I will soon. Please enjoy the music I will be back with new music and a new live show until then I will see you in the networks, if you are an artist that would like their music promote…
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What's Up #Diamonds, I am taking some time off for vacation and to get some work on some new projects for the show I am not at liberty to discuss at this moment but I will soon. Please enjoy the music I will be back with new music and a new live show until then I will see you in the networks, if you are an artist that would like their music promote…
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What's up Diamonds, Welcome to #throwback Thursday's I pick a date (year) and look at the style and if anything special happened that year. Today I chose 1967 I'd like to think that was the year when "gettin funkay" but it was not folks have been "gettin funkay" before 1967. That was the year of the first transplant and the first ATM the Greenbay P…
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What's up Diamonds, It's time to listen to some #footstomping #countrymusic if you like country music then Wednesday mornings is the best time to listen to the show, cause I'm kicking #CGC cowgirl country for the whole show. I've got some awesome country music artist that loves to entertain you with their music so #yippyKyyay to ya my #Diamonds and…
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What's Up #Diamonds, Welcome, Truthful Tuesday the day to be honest with yourself about something and if it's not good confessing it is always the first step to fixing it and if its good #kudos to you as long as your not too vain about it. For me, it always seems to go left even when I am trying to make it right. This is the week right before Mothe…
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What's Up #Diamonds, Welcome to May 2018 the beginning and opening of summer! Getting ready for the summer can take lots of work with exercising, and planning summer fun with the family can be exhausting make sure to rest and drink plenty of water cause it looks like its going to be a hot one. The best part about May is the breaking out of the gril…
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