We are PBOP - a TTRPG actual-play podcast where we pretend to be other People! Join us for, hilarious improv, immersive storytelling, and an original score to set the mood. Subscribe now and adventure along with us - for excitement, for love, and for giggles!
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Questen & Quatschen ist ein Actual Play Dungeons and Dragons 2024 Podcast - und genau das tun wir hier auch: Questen und Quatschen auf Basis des neusten D&D Regelwerks. Das heißt ihr könnt uns ab jetzt regelmäßig beim Spielen zuhören. Steigt ein in unsere lockere Fantasy-Atmosphäre mit einer großen Prise Humor...Charisma Saving Throw!!! Alle weiteren Infos findet ihr auf unseren verschiedenen Kanälen: https://linktr.ee/QuestenUndQuatschen
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Quests and Chaos is proud to present the full playthrough of Phandelver and Below the Shattered Obelisk. This show features a fantastic cast of new and familiar faces. Dungeon Master Tiana Ren Hanson leads our group of adventurers all 12 levels of this campaign. Featuring: Tiana Ren Hanson | https://twitter.com/Vana1895 Grant Corvin | https://twitter.com/JackRhien Cal Garrett | https://www.instagram.com/vaguelywhimsical/ Amy Puzia | https://twitter.com/amypuzia Matt Bridges https://instagram ...
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Welcome to The Worst Outcome! Four intrepid adventurers see if they survive this occasionally bleak, sometimes silly Dungeons and Dragons homebrew adventure You can find all of our social media in various places @TWODNDPodcast
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We at Lawful Stupid are a D&D 5e actual play podcast who actually love to play DnD! We love everything about the Tabletop RPG Community and consistently strive to make the world a better place within that community through inclusivity, creativity, charitable acts, and above all else, fantastical heroism. If you want to be a part of the amazing dungeons and dragons community of artists, creators, and all around amazing fun people that we are building please join us in our discord. Support thi ...
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How Friends Roll | a Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition actual play DnD 5e podcast
Darkmore Podcast Network
A beginner friendly Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition actual play podcast, featuring a series of micro campaigns and a rotating cast of characters.
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A TTRPG Actual Play Podcast
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DnD RAW is a party of friends who mostly follow rules as written (RAW) for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition! New episode every other Wednesday.
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We infiltrate the "impenetrable" Leviathan - however the subtle approach does not last long. ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★由People Being Other People
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Große Worte von unserem kleinen Helden und kleine Augen von unserem großen Helden. Weitere Infos zu unserem Podcast findet Ihr hier: https://linktr.ee/QuestenUndQuatschen由Questen & Quatschen
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Today Michael continues the story of the Sierg campaign, going over the events following the party's escape from Ghoulmoor. World Anvil: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/tralir-neverman Follow us everywhere @TWODNDPodcast Background work for this episode: Michael: Host Jay: Editing, Description Ethan: Artwork…
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We at Lawful Stupid are a D&D 5e actual play podcast who actually love to play. We love everything about the Tabletop RPG Community and consistently strive to make the world a better place within that community through inclusivity, creativity, charitable acts, and above all else, fantastical heroism. If you want to be a part of the amazing dnd comm…
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Yeeehaaaww Isaac!! Weitere Infos zu unserem Podcast findet Ihr hier: https://linktr.ee/QuestenUndQuatschen由Questen & Quatschen
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Und jetzt geht die Reise aber los! Weitere Infos zu unserem Podcast findet Ihr hier: https://linktr.ee/QuestenUndQuatschen由Questen & Quatschen
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Hello from the road to New Trikaan! After a rather rough night our party are up and at it once more, travelling past a few local villages to get Nhilan (and our more recently injured Memor and Oem) all healed up. However, there is something strange afoot with certain structures and residents of these places we are passing through. I wonder if there…
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Nun geht die Reise endlich los...oder was macht Konstantin hier schon wieder? Weitere Infos zu unserem Podcast findet Ihr hier: https://linktr.ee/QuestenUndQuatschen由Questen & Quatschen
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We make landfall on Smallcastle, and we take the fight to the Leviathan itself. The island is getting low, emotions are running high, and our heroes are taking it all with an "I do" attitude. ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★由People Being Other People
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Was macht denn Konstantin zu so später Stunde? Weitere Infos zu unserem Podcast findet Ihr hier: https://linktr.ee/QuestenUndQuatschen由Questen & Quatschen
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Today Michael gives us a summary of what happened in the last 'saga' of the campaign, which we spent most of inside of a school at various points in history. (Jay here, just so you know I'm stepping away from my role as the main host of the Outtakes, because I don't believe I have the right energy to host them) World Anvil: https://www.worldanvil.c…
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Isaac und Konstantin fangen nun doch tatsächlich an etwas zu ermitteln! Weitere Infos zu unserem Podcast findet Ihr hier: https://linktr.ee/QuestenUndQuatschen由Questen & Quatschen
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Der Name ist Programm - zugegeben, viel Drama vorweg gibt es nicht mehr! Weitere Infos zu unserem Podcast findet Ihr hier: https://linktr.ee/QuestenUndQuatschen由Questen & Quatschen
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Happy holidays from the Worst Outcome Crew!. Todays episode is 2 episode made in to one because we wanted to give to you guys since we noticed that this episode was scheduled to come out 1 hour away from the 25th of December. :o In this episode our 4 intrepid adventurers are back in the present, with present matters having had take the front seat o…
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We at Lawful Stupid are a D&D 5e actual play podcast who actually love to play. We love everything about the Tabletop RPG Community and consistently strive to make the world a better place within that community through inclusivity, creativity, charitable acts, and above all else, fantastical heroism. If you want to be a part of the amazing dnd comm…
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Unsere beiden Helden genießen etwas Kultur...nun...auf ihre ganz eigene Art Weitere Infos zu unserem Podcast findet Ihr hier: https://linktr.ee/QuestenUndQuatschen由Questen & Quatschen
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"Nie wieder Hütchenspiel..., oh, das ganze Geld ist weg."... Da betrügt jemand den Betrüger :D Weitere Infos zu unserem Podcast findet Ihr hier: https://linktr.ee/QuestenUndQuatschen由Questen & Quatschen
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Today me and Rhys explain what primal borns and creators are, to give you an understanding of the creature known as Ginalo the Jenga genie. World Anvil: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/tralir-neverman Follow us everywhere @TWODNDPodcast Background work for this episode: Jay: Host, Editing, Description Rhys: Co-Host Ethan: Artwork…
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We at Lawful Stupid are a D&D 5e actual play podcast who actually love to play. We love everything about the Tabletop RPG Community and consistently strive to make the world a better place within that community through inclusivity, creativity, charitable acts, and above all else, fantastical heroism. If you want to be a part of the amazing dnd comm…
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Sind Isaac und Konstantin Dichter oder Denker? Richter oder Henker? Weitere Infos zu unserem Podcast findet Ihr hier: https://linktr.ee/QuestenUndQuatschen由Questen & Quatschen
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Konstantin und Isaac erzählen von ihren Sünden...naja zumindest fast. Weitere Infos zu unserem Podcast findet Ihr hier: https://linktr.ee/QuestenUndQuatschen由Questen & Quatschen
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Greetings from the Jenga tower! Today we seek vengeance on the dastardly Jenga Genie who has caused such havoc for the Liran Wizard Academy of 100 years past (god, that sounds deranged if you haven't seen the past couple episodes). Will the party succeed in this quest, or will they be bludgeoned with wooden blocks? I wouldn't underestimate this foe…
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We at Lawful Stupid are a D&D 5e actual play podcast who actually love to play. We love everything about the Tabletop RPG Community and consistently strive to make the world a better place within that community through inclusivity, creativity, charitable acts, and above all else, fantastical heroism. If you want to be a part of the amazing dnd comm…
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Isaac und Konstantin finden ihre ersten potenziellen Begleiter. Weitere Infos zu unserem Podcast findet Ihr hier: https://linktr.ee/QuestenUndQuatschen由Questen & Quatschen
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The Battle for Lodom has started, and we're firing on all cylinders as Poppy Leads us into battle -- Buns Glazin'. ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★由People Being Other People
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Angekommen in Kaltenwacht geht's von einer Taverne... in die nächste! Weitere Infos zu unserem Podcast findet Ihr hier: https://linktr.ee/QuestenUndQuatschen由Questen & Quatschen
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Today me and Michael speak on the changes to our recording philosophy, as well as doing part 3 of the Sierg recounting. World Anvil: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/tralir-neverman Follow us everywhere @TWODNDPodcast Background work for this episode: Jay: Host, Editing, Description Michael: Co-Host Ethan: Artwork…
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We at Lawful Stupid are a D&D 5e actual play podcast who actually love to play. We love everything about the Tabletop RPG Community and consistently strive to make the world a better place within that community through inclusivity, creativity, charitable acts, and above all else, fantastical heroism. If you want to be a part of the amazing dnd comm…
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Wir begrüßen euch herzlichst zu unserer neuen Staffel. Weitere Infos zu unserem Podcast findet Ihr hier: https://linktr.ee/QuestenUndQuatschen由Questen & Quatschen
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Ihr seid einfach wundervoll! Uns hat unser Pilotprojekt so viel Spaß gemacht und wir haben so netten Zuspruch bekommen, dass wir uns prompt an eine zweite kleine Staffel gesetzt haben. Vielen vielen VIELEN Dank für Eure Unterstützung! Weitere Infos zu unserem Podcast findet Ihr hier: https://linktr.ee/QuestenUndQuatschen…
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Zum Abschluss für Euch haben wir mal ein kleines "Was wäre wenn"-Format zu unserer allerersten Staffel aufgenommen. <3 Weitere Infos zu unserem Podcast findet Ihr hier: https://linktr.ee/QuestenUndQuatschen由Questen & Quatschen
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Good day from the past! Yesterday we grow more accustomed to our whole situation while stuck in the Liran Wizard Academy of 100 years prior, until we are caught out! Turns out you can't just appear in a school and start taking classes without applying, but the head of the school is giving ourselves a potential out. Seems dubious, since it's so far …
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We at Lawful Stupid are a D&D 5e actual play podcast who actually love to play. We love everything about the Tabletop RPG Community and consistently strive to make the world a better place within that community through inclusivity, creativity, charitable acts, and above all else, fantastical heroism. If you want to be a part of the amazing dnd comm…
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FEUERBALL!!!!11 Mögen die Götter ihnen gnädig sein...George und Kühl werden es nicht sein! Weitere Infos zu unserem Podcast findet Ihr hier: https://linktr.ee/QuestenUndQuatschen由Questen & Quatschen
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Wrumm wrumm wrumm! Weitere Infos zu unserem Podcast findet Ihr hier: https://linktr.ee/QuestenUndQuatschen由Questen & Quatschen
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Listen, Heroes work in Mysterious ways, okay? ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★由People Being Other People
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We at Lawful Stupid are a D&D 5e actual play podcast who actually love to play. We love everything about the Tabletop RPG Community and consistently strive to make the world a better place within that community through inclusivity, creativity, charitable acts, and above all else, fantastical heroism. If you want to be a part of the amazing dnd comm…
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Diese Folge ist unsere Natural 20 unserer Herzen...es ist nämlich unsere 20. Folge!! Die Vorbereitungen auf den Ausbruch nehmen Form an.... Weitere Infos zu unserem Podcast findet Ihr hier: https://linktr.ee/QuestenUndQuatschen由Questen & Quatschen
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Ihr wollt more Drama und Comedy! Hier bitte ;- ) Weitere Infos zu unserem Podcast findet Ihr hier: https://linktr.ee/QuestenUndQuatschen由Questen & Quatschen
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Today we have a few announcements, while also providing some previously unheard audio from episode 12. Enjoy! World Anvil: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/tralir-neverman Follow us everywhere @TWODNDPodcast Background work for this episode: Jay: Host, Editing, Description (Still here) Ethan: Artwork由The Worst Outcome
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We at Lawful Stupid are a D&D 5e actual play podcast who actually love to play. We love everything about the Tabletop RPG Community and consistently strive to make the world a better place within that community through inclusivity, creativity, charitable acts, and above all else, fantastical heroism. If you want to be a part of the amazing dnd comm…
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Nichts wie fort von hier. Unsere 2 Helden brauchen unbedingt einen Plan!!! Weitere Infos zu unserem Podcast findet Ihr hier: https://linktr.ee/QuestenUndQuatschen由Questen & Quatschen
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Alles löst sich...auf! Weitere Infos zu unserem Podcast findet Ihr hier: https://linktr.ee/QuestenUndQuatschen由Questen & Quatschen
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Guy dives into memories recent and long-past in preparation for the Battle for Lodom. Time to infiltrate. Game on. ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★由People Being Other People
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Hello from the Liran Wizard Academy! Today we open a 100 year old time capsule and get a blast from the school's past. This seems pretty harmless, surely no-one can die in this one. Background work on the podcast: Jay: Voice of Memor, shorts editor, captions, schedule, Outtakes, Instagram, YouTube shorts Ethan: Dungeon master, main episode editor, …
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We at Lawful Stupid are a D&D 5e actual play podcast who actually love to play. We love everything about the Tabletop RPG Community and consistently strive to make the world a better place within that community through inclusivity, creativity, charitable acts, and above all else, fantastical heroism. If you want to be a part of the amazing dnd comm…
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Wer hätte dieses Kampfende kommen sehen? Und was genau ist in der Hütte? Weitere Infos zu unserem Podcast findet Ihr hier: https://linktr.ee/QuestenUndQuatschen由Questen & Quatschen
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We at Lawful Stupid are a D&D 5e actual play podcast who actually love to play. We love everything about the Tabletop RPG Community and consistently strive to make the world a better place within that community through inclusivity, creativity, charitable acts, and above all else, fantastical heroism. If you want to be a part of the amazing dnd comm…
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We at Lawful Stupid are a D&D 5e actual play podcast who actually love to play. We love everything about the Tabletop RPG Community and consistently strive to make the world a better place within that community through inclusivity, creativity, charitable acts, and above all else, fantastical heroism. If you want to be a part of the amazing dnd comm…
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We at Lawful Stupid are a D&D 5e actual play podcast who actually love to play. We love everything about the Tabletop RPG Community and consistently strive to make the world a better place within that community through inclusivity, creativity, charitable acts, and above all else, fantastical heroism. If you want to be a part of the amazing dnd comm…
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