Two A-D-D Asian combination. A Malaysian-born Chinese American, Ding, and a local Malaysian, Ling will guarantee a good fat dose of laughing therapy. Laughing with us regardless of our topic of choice.
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This podcast is not so much as a share of my points of view on education as a discussion of education with anyone who hear this podcast. I really thank it for letting my voice be heard by more people. The current education is not yet a benefit for all people, but we never give up improving it. We argued, struggled and even sacrificed, for a better education. Time has been different, so are our views on education. I believe that any improvement is made by "standing on the shoulders of Giants" ...
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我们将深入探讨人们对于科技中的苹果产品的狂热热爱以及与之相关的种种故事。从经典的iPod到引领潮流的iPhone,再到多功能的iPad,这些苹果产品已经渗透到我们的生活中,成为我们日常不可或缺的一部分。 :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad ::由叮 与 的铃
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我们都知道美国崇尚人权自由,但叮在那里生活有没有遇到过什么困难呢?有没有试过被歧视呢? :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad ::由叮 与 的铃
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铃很好奇,为什么叮要留在美国?到底美国的生活有什么特别?让我们来聊一聊在美国生活的日常。 :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad ::
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乘搭飞机,如果能坐到商务舱,那是多么享受的一件事。叮和铃来谈谈坐商务舱的体验和为什么会坐到上瘾。 :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad ::由叮 与 的铃
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哪一家酒店让你毕生难忘?有没有住过一些让你觉得很高兴很爽,又有哪些酒店让你觉得糟透的酒店呢? :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad ::由叮 与 的铃
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正常人或多或少都会有妒忌心,叮和铃有没有妒忌些什么?他们曾经因为妒忌而做了什么不为人知的事? :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad ::由叮 与 的铃
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在学生时期的叮和铃是个怎样的学生呢?他们是不是个好学生?他们曾经做过最坏的事情是什么?铃将分享他怎样缺席上课又不被开除还有作弊的经验哦! :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad ::由叮 与 的铃
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现在许多人已经有了新的购物渠道 -- 网购。你习惯在网上购物吗?来,听听叮和铃的网购经验吧! :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad ::由叮 与 的铃
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你喜欢直销的行业吗?我不喜欢因为觉得很烦。让我们来聊聊最让人厌烦的原因和我们有趣的经验。 :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad ::由叮 与 的铃
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现在人人都闻冠色变,世界各地都有新冠肺炎的足迹。马来西亚和美国也实施了行动管制令,让我们来谈谈这次的经验。 :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad ::由叮 与 的铃
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这几年来兴起了网红朝,从以前的部落客到现在的facebooker,youtuber到tiktoker,让我们来讨论网红圈子里的点点滴滴。 :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad ::由叮 与 的铃
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每年的初九福建人都会拜天公,让我们来看看拜天公有什么难忘和好笑的回忆。 :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad ::由叮 与 的铃
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去年一阵奶茶风吹起,奶茶店如雨后春笋般不断出现,吉隆坡更是出现了奶茶城。这集就让我们来谈谈这些奶茶到底有什么特别? :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad ::由叮 与 的铃
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his episode is about the reasons for creating this podcast. I hope this podcast can help me find partners, cooperators and friends who have same interest in education. As saying does, many roads lead to Rome, I may be one of them, and because of my limited experience, my thoughts can be immature, but I sincerely hope you can share your points of vi…
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This episode is about the relations of 9 topics I have recorded. In this episode, I will give and explain the relations of 9 topics one by one. In general, the first 4 topics are the basis of my stance on education reform/revolution, the next 2 topics express education from an individual aspect, and the last 3 topics are about the significance of e…
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Thanks for listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: In ecosystem, diversity depends on variation of life and places species occupy. Education needs diversity, but so many people treat diversity by our appearances, identities and ethnic groups, which are learned from stati…
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: Isaac Newton said, “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” I sincerely thank and respect the ancestors’ work and efforts, and I think we should follow their steps to improve education …
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: This society never lacks wealth and talents, just as this world never lacks gold and diamonds. However, they both need a way to find them. The first one who found gold and diamonds is only a spreader of the news, bu…
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: Lifelong learning, as Wikipedia explains, is the "ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated" pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons… It not only enhances social inclusion, active citizenship, …
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: The ability to choose helps us cope with future’s uncertainty, and the ability to learn deals with the past and the present. One who has ability to choose must own the ability to learn, but not everyone who is able …
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: Should we use our definition of excellence to decide others’ future, or should our views are being changed by others’ excellence of all kinds? SAT, for example, brings convenience to the evaluation process, but it i…
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: When education is for everyone, it is only a privilege to keep giving to fill a bottomless hole. When it is for all people, it helps people realize what they need and then helps them to satisfy the needs. As Chinese…
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: What is the biggest risk when improving education system? Financial barrier or our avarice for talents and our indifference to unequal opportunities? The main difference between people and things is that things are …
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: For an admission officer or an interviewer, does he read applications as part of his job or a sense of mission to seek the talents? It’s different that one works for salary, one works for responsibility and one work…
continue reading :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: 叮和的铃谈元宵节。今年元宵节刚刚好也是情人节。由叮 与 的铃
continue reading :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: 叮和的铃准备过年!农历新年还是春节?由叮 与 的铃
continue reading :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: 叮回马。的铃马上带他到槟城古色古香的广泰来咖啡店去吃早餐。记得两个星期后回来看我们在广泰来排的影片。由叮 与 的铃
continue reading :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: 叮和的铃谈谈婚宴的食物和节目。由叮 与 的铃
continue reading :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: 叮与的铃谈谈得奖的经历。的铃还在考叮的成语知识。由叮 与 的铃
continue reading :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: 叮和的铃谈他们喜欢和讨厌吃的水果。由叮 与 的铃
continue reading :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: 来听听叮讲他自己创造出来的端午节历史和故事。他们也谈他们喜欢吃的各种不同类似的粽子。由叮 与 的铃
continue reading :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: 这个礼拜我们谈到关于同志的话题。由叮 与 的铃
continue reading :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: 你小时候是个乖宝宝还是个大坏蛋?今天叮与的铃谈在学校被罚的故事。由叮 与 的铃
continue reading :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: 叮的铃谈他们记忆中最难忘的礼物。由叮 与 的铃
continue reading :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: 叮与的铃谈他们最讨厌做的东西。由叮 与 的铃
continue reading :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: 叮和的铃谈马来西亚本地华语口音。由叮 与 的铃
continue reading :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: 叮和的铃谈游乐场。你们喜欢到游乐场去玩吗?由叮 与 的铃
continue reading :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: 叮与的铃谈谈他们对情人节的看法和经验。由叮 与 的铃
continue reading :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: 叮与的铃谈谈他们今年过新年他们吃些设么东西。由叮 与 的铃
continue reading :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: 叮与的铃终于言归正钻谈谈变肥。听听的铃分享他以前的喂食症。由叮 与 的铃
continue reading :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: 叮与的铃谈这个礼拜的世界末日。请你们在末日前收听!由Ding & DaBell
continue reading :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: 叮和的铃谈谈他们还没变肥的日子。由叮 与 的铃
continue reading :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: 叮与的铃这个礼拜谈他们最喜欢的同年玩具。由叮 与 的铃
continue reading] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: 叮的铃和大家分享他们最讨厌的东西。由叮 与 的铃
continue reading :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: 叮与的铃谈谈他们这几个月来没有播放新节目时在做些什么。这个礼拜的话题时表演。听听他们谈谈表演的经验。由叮 与 的铃
continue reading :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: 叮与的铃谈谈大马和美国冷冻酸奶的差别。由叮 与 的铃
continue reading :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: 叮与的铃谈谈他们在约会之前会怎么准备。由叮 与 的铃
continue reading :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: 叮与的铃不羞耻大胆的谈他们放屁的故事。由叮 与 的铃
continue reading :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: 非常抱歉我们几个礼拜都没有节目,因为你们喜爱的“的铃”时常睡不醒来录音。所以我们叫他跟我们分享他经常睡不醒的故事与经验。由叮 与 的铃
continue reading :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: 叮的铃谈翻铃岛和继续讨论更多食堂的食物。由叮 与 的铃
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