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Namewee 996 Talk Music 黃明志996新歌介紹 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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書蟲family來自香港,爸爸是孩子王副校長,媽媽是身兼多職的音樂老師,姐姐是有書就滿足的狂熱書蟲,妹妹是意見獨特古靈精怪的小小姐。 書蟲爸媽在用故事餵養女兒的日子,口水常乾卻無比滿足。想到這場瘟疫令所有孩子困在家中,書蟲媽媽便想盡一家的力量,為大家講故事,傳播歡笑和愛心,用故事滋潤心靈。 分享越多,收到的愛也越多。書蟲family除了用心講故事,也樂於分享生活中的點滴,與你一起過心靈滿足的小日子。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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停課不停學的妳(你)需要喝一杯咖啡的時候 長輩/小孩和你(妳)都可以一起學習英文和台語 洽談合作: [email protected] Firstory贊助:https://pay.firstory.me/user/iamnotabcerin "music by audionautix.com". Youtobe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH4AXBxdVWNmtETsk3LwSbw Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Listen to Hong Kong Cantonese News slowly and nightly. Slow Cantonese News for intermediate and advanced Cantonese learners. 廣東話新聞,慢慢聽,晚晚聽。慢速廣東話新聞,適合中級或者高級廣東話程度嘅你。|| Learn Cantonese | Learn Hong Kong Cantonese | Learn HK Cantonese | Hong Kong News | 香港 | 學廣東話 | 學港式廣東話 | 學粵語 | 學港式粵語 | 香港新聞 || Transcripts: www.tsubasacantonese.com | Vocabulary videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfpdgw4DSofVUo63ZTZBagCgWOV-4pRSC
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歡迎一起參加貝媽豆妹"童"樂會!🎊 🎉 在童樂會中,我們會一起學唐詩、帶動唱、聊天、聊時事/cool facts、探討科學、說笑話等等,適合海內外的小朋友一起來參加,在歡樂中學習,每個月的第一個童樂會我們也會幫當月的壽星朋友們一起來慶生! 歡迎大家一起來和很silly的貝媽和無厘頭的豆妹,一起來開童樂會喔!我們童樂會上見囉!🥳🥳 Welcome to Little Mandarin Party with Bei Ma and Do Mei. During the party, we will learn Tang Dynasty poems, sing songs (with English translation), chat about silly things/cool facts/science and share jokes. Kids can sharpen their Mandarin skills during the party. Once a month we also celebrate our listeners' birthdays. Please c ...
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無論蛇在腿上,蛇在嘴巴,蛇在鄰居的客廳,蛇在表哥的鍵盤,蛇在裡面還是外面都可以... 我們在此祝福大家蛇年快樂,終於蛇出來了! 感謝台灣濱崎步的加持!#王彩樺 還有MV裡的特別演出嘉賓 #LuxyGirls #NataliaManikhina #Mita艾蜜塔 #林敬傑 #鄒政翰 #R瑞 #GreenFather比杰 當然還有我們的讚助商 #東方不敗 的鼎力支持!打麻將一定要用東方不敗! 【蛇出來了 Snake's Coming】數位音樂下載 Online Music Download: https://lnk.to/SnakesComing 【蛇出來了 Snake's Coming 越南鼓Remix】數位音樂下載 Online Music Download: https://lnk.to/…
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Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckhcewf3r6yyr0882dhd3ja84/commentsJgn tanya aku kenapa tulis lagu ni, jgn tanya maksud lirik ni, jgn tanya aku cerita dalam MV ni pasal siapa, yang paling penting jgn bagitau polis... Lagu Bukit Mak ni kapak rock klasik Melayu, kalau suka, send je kat member korang, lagi-lagi yg…
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🎉 四年一次的奧林匹克運動會在7月27日於法國的巴黎隆重登場,到底什麼是奧林匹克運動會ㄋㄜ? 🎉 今天童樂會內容Today’s party contents: ✔︎兒童新聞報一報World News For Little People ✔︎奧林匹克運動會科普 ✔︎兒童新聞考一考 ✔︎腦筋急轉彎冷笑話 (貝媽在飛往台灣的路上後製編輯今天的童樂會,完成了一半,想趕快上架,盡快給小朋友獻上生日祝福,完整版的episode 會在八月底上架喔~😘) Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckwifduyha4k10b909dt9ws48/comments ☎️貝媽豆妹語音信箱voice messag…
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🎉 你們知道大海龜🐢曾經在和恐龍🦕一起在地球上生活嗎?你們知道世界上有一個專門為海龜設定的節日嗎?今天童樂會我們會一起來學習了解海龜,探索什麼是世界海龜日🐢 🎉 今天童樂會內容Today’s party contents: ✔︎兒童新聞報一報World News For Little People ✔︎海龜科普 ✔︎世界海龜日✔︎兒童新聞考一考 🥳 六月慶生會 🎂 壽星有: 在美國西雅圖的 周俊安, 在澳洲墨爾本的 恩庭, 在台灣桃園市的 Cindy林宜真,在美國洛杉磯的 Lilou , 在美國加州灣區的 Felix 刘长骏, 在美國三藩市的 Adeline 卓穎恩, 在美國佛羅里達的 Grace Lopez 周恩, 還有所有六月的壽星們,祝你們生日快樂!! Happy Birthday t…
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The season of graduation approaches once more... Memories surface of you and me, you and her, me and her... Sunshine spills across the playground, intertwining our shadows. Now, each of us strides down our separate paths, striving with earnest. Perhaps no one can freeze time in those moments of laughter and every frame of the landscape... As a song…
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Coffin Dance at Namewee's Funeral?! 黃明志喪禮大玩黑人擡棺梗!走心訴説歌曲心路歷程太催淚...The Making Of【When I'm Gone 當我離開以後】
Have you ever thought about how your own funeral would be like? This was something I was curious about, so I filmed this music video and participated in the entire process of my own funeral. Surprisingly, after finishing the shoot, I didn't feel any sadness. I just realised how insignificant life can be, and that death is not to be feared. What's m…
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Dannok was a territory of Malaysia?! 在泰國和辣妹拍攝碰到硬硬的東西 The Making Of【Dannok】Salammusik Ft. Namewee
Dannok's a small place with a small population, bringing the whole town together to make this music video ain't easy. We cancelled shooting about four times! After all the hardships, we finally did it in the end! Big thanks to @salammusik for the collaboration, and making this song shine. Thanks to the neighbours in Dannok for helping us, and also …
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🎉 2024年4月8日在墨西哥、美國,加拿大發生了日全食, 高掛在天空太陽突然缺了一小角,慢慢地缺口越變越大,最後太陽完全消失,天空突然暗了下來, 今天童樂會我們會一起來探索什麼是日全食😃 🎉 今天童樂會內容Today’s party contents: ✔︎兒童新聞報一報World News For Little People: 日全食Total Solar Eclipse ✔︎「天狗吃月」故事 ✔︎兒童新聞考一考 🥳 四月慶生會 🎂 壽星有: 在美國 Long Beach 的Keely, 在 美國加州Azusa 的 Dylan Pang, 在台灣高雄市的 Queena、在台灣台北的 庭兒 、在美國德州奧斯丁的 高昆阳、在台灣台北的 Ellie😘 🥳 五月慶生會 🎂 壽星有: 在美國 Mi…
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🥳 今天童樂會內容:✔︎ 玩唐詩-大詩人李白的早發白帝城 ✔︎早發白帝城的故事✔︎ 腦筋急轉彎冷笑話 唐詩-早發白帝城 Printout 🥳三月慶生會 壽星有: 在新加坡的 周佑恩, 在美國博瑟爾 的 林家信/Caleb 在美國密爾瓦基的 天天 Alexander, 在 美國三藩市 灣區 的 任永軒 Kepler,在加拿大多倫多的 王芊麗,還有所有三月的壽星們,生日快樂!Happy Birthday to: 周佑恩 (Singapore), Caleb (Bothell, USA), Alexander (Milwaukie, USA), Kepler (San Francisco Bay Area, USA), Eleanor Qian-Li Wong (Toronto, Canada) …
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EP 27 【 玩唐詩】獨坐敬亭山/二月慶生會/腦筋急轉彎冷笑話 【Tang Poem】Sitting Alone in Jingting Mountain/ February Birthday/ Brain teaser
🥳 今天童樂會內容:✔︎ 玩一首唐詩-大詩人李白的獨坐敬亭山 ✔︎李白和敬亭山的故事✔︎ 腦筋急轉彎冷笑話 唐詩-獨坐敬亭山Printout 🥳二月慶生會 🎂 壽星有: 在台灣竹北的 孟希sisley, 在美國三藩市的 任永薇 Elara, 在美國博瑟耳的 林巧俐Ellie, 在美國佛羅里達的 Jacob Lopez 周豪, 在美國紐澤西的 安雅, 在美國西雅圖的 李家信, 在新加坡的 Amanda , 還有所有二月生日的朋友們,祝你們生日快樂!Happy Birthday to 孟希sisley (Hsinchu, Taiwan), Elara (San Francisco, USA), Ellie (Bothell, USA), Jacob Lopez (Florida, USA), 安…
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🧨在過年期間小朋友會到親朋好友家拜年,貝貝媽咪來教小朋友一些龍年的吉祥話,小朋友去拜年時可以用到喔 ~ 貝貝媽咪 祝福大家 鯉躍龍門,步步高升,心想事成,好運龍總來!😘 🧧一起來做「蜜糖紅豆年糕」吧!!超級簡單呦,只要三個材料攪一攪,蒸一下,好吃的紅豆年糕就完成囉~ Try out this super easy semi homemade niángāo recipe. 影片連結video link:https://youtu.be/P6dezUEvci0 🧧貼春聯美勞 Print out/ Spring decoration Print Out https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UyqrIDVbsRX0p_PhrE3VvUSdMfhPgArU/vie…
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Namewee 黃明志 Ft.Winnie-The-POO 小熊为你 【龙的传人 The People Of The Dragon】 @2024 Dragon Year CNY Song
This song for the Year of the Dragon from the People of the Dragon. 非常荣幸!这一次能够受邀飞到北京跟我们尊敬的主席(小熊为你)一起合唱这一首弘扬中国5000年的龙年贺岁歌曲-『龙的传人』,献给每一位海内外来自世界各国(包括新加坡 ,马来西亚,香港,台湾)的中国人,一起捍卫中国人的尊严! 从小我们都是喝黄河的水和吃中国的海鲜长大的。我们一定要记得我们的根在哪里,一定要学会科目三怎么跳,不要数典忘祖! 作为一个“龙的传人”,要时时刻刻记得爱党,爱国,爱主席! 在这里我要代表中央恭祝各界龙年快乐! 祖国万岁! #龍的傳人 #ThePeopleOfTheDragon #龍年賀歲歌曲 #YearOfDragon #新年歌2024 #…
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🥳各位小朋友,你們有出糗過嗎?出糗時可能會覺得超丟臉的🤪,該怎麼辦呢?今天我們在童樂會上就會一起討論我們出糗的經驗,還有如何調適我們的心情~ 🥳 一月慶生會 🎂 壽星有: 在馬來西亞檳城的 Jenny Yang, 在美國Nashville的 Jasmine, 在美國夏洛特的 Jason康鳴謙, 還有所有ㄧ月的壽星們,生日快樂!Happy Birthday to Jenny Yang (Penang, Malaysia), Jasmine ( Nashville, USA), Jason ( Charlotte, USA) and all the January birthday friends! ☎️各位朋友你有出糗過嗎? 歡迎語音留言給貝媽和豆妹你出糗的經驗喔~貝媽豆妹語音信箱voice …
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🥳學貓叫 Learn to Meow歌曲 (Song Only) ,貝媽烏克麗麗伴奏,貝媽豆妹牛牛合唱版。完整節目和帶動唱請聽EP 25( Please check out EP 25 to learn about the song) 📌學貓叫Learn to Meow歌詞列印連結 lyrics print out link ☎️貝媽豆妹語音信箱voice message line 🎧貝媽另一個故事Podcast "中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod" 歡迎小朋友來聽故事喔!Please also check out Bei Ma’s story Podcast “ Little Mandarin Pod” 🍭貝媽和豆妹背景Background🍭 貝媽來…
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🎉 今天童樂會我們一起來學一首非常可愛 又很適合小朋友和爸爸媽媽撒嬌的歌曲,「學貓叫」😽“Learn to Meow ”~ 📌學貓叫Learn to Meow歌詞列印連結 lyrics print out link 🥳 十ㄧ月慶生會 🎂 壽星有: 在台灣新竹的 澤暄, 在美國North Hollywood的 Gaia Mei Mei, 還有所有11月,生日快樂!Happy Birthday to 澤暄 (Hsinchu, Taiwan) , Gaia MeiMei (North Hollywood, USA)! 🥳 十二月慶生會 🎂 壽星有: 在美國Atlanta的 Rachel Xia, 在馬來西亞的 Kevin, 在美國西雅圖的 Mira Li 李勄樂,還有所有12月的壽星們,生日快樂!…
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2023-11-14 Slow Cantonese News (HK: Skilled Migration program; HK: Real Estate Agent Companies accused of fixing net commission; US & China: Biden-Xi meeting ) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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🎉 今天童樂會內容: ✔︎萬聖節由來、故事 ✔︎萬聖節冷笑話 📌今日問題:今年的萬聖節你們會裝扮成什麼呢?☎️貝媽豆妹語音信箱voice message line 歡迎各位大朋友小朋友語音留言跟我們説 (我們會將語音留言在童樂會上播放😉) 💕感謝小聽友Abby楊牧潔留言分享你對幸福的看法喔~😘 🥳 十月慶生會 🎂 壽星有: 在澳洲墨爾本的 蘇恩慈 ,在美國夏洛特的 康鳴喬Charlotte、 在台灣新竹的 澤彥、在台灣台北的 Sophie、在日本東京的 Momo醬,還有所有十月生日的朋友們,祝你們生日快樂! Happy Birthday to 蘇恩慈(Melbourne, Australia) , Charlotte (Charlotte, USA) , 澤彥 (Hsinchu, Taiwa…
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2023-10-27 Slow Cantonese News (HK: Policy Address 2023; HK: a hight school student fall from a building of the school; China: Li Keqiang passed away ) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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新歌到!黃明志Ft.吳宗憲【慢慢做起來 Step by Step】。我想要把這首歌獻給所有在努力中,不被看好,不被理解,鬱鬱不得志,或者生活上面臨著各種問題的朋友們。。 生活上總有許多難關要過,這些經曆將會成為我們的養分,讓自己變得更強大。當有一天我們更強大的時候,才會遇到你的貴人。千里馬也必須先跑完1000里,才能夠證明自己是千里馬,而伯樂也會站在1000里的外等著你。。 切記莫忘初心,最重要懂得感恩幫助過你,以及提拔過你的人。因為他做了連你父母都無法完成的事情。。 感謝 #吳宗憲JackyWu 為這首歌注入了生命。他是最有分量能夠撐起這首歌的人。 因為他也是從最低做起,而且一路上也提拔了許多人。。 【慢慢做起來 Step By Step】YouTube 高清版 MV: https://y…
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2023-10-10 Slow Cantonese News (HK: HKU to set up panel to investigate HKU president; Israel-Hamas conflict; Australia’s former prime minister visits Taiwan) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-09-29 Slow Cantonese News (HK: Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance; HK: Night Vibes; Taiwan: 1st domestically-produced submarine ) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-09-13 Slow Cantonese News (HK: Kwun Tong flooded again; HK: Floods in Wong Tai Sin; N. Korea & Russia: Kim Jong Un arrived Russia ) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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最新MV終於來了。【夜霧 Foggy Night】MV的背景是中元節,裡面有黑白無常,各種紙扎人,蒙古的傳統樂器-馬頭琴,還有來自世界各國的冤案往生者,請問你知道哪一個呢? 善惡終有報,天道好輪迴, 不信抬頭看,蒼天繞過誰... - 【夜霧 Foggy Night】YouTube 高清版 MV: https://youtu.be/wEXeFdcFedI 數位音樂下載 Online Music Download【夜霧 Foggy Night】:https://lnk.to/FoggyNight The making of【夜霧 Foggy Night】幕後花絮 Youtube高清版 : https://youtu.be/TBbSWvUfFLY Lyric Version【夜霧 Foggy Ni…
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🎉 今天童樂會內容Today’s party contents: ✔︎兒童新聞報一報World News For Little People:墾丁旅遊報導,一起搭上特派記者小巴士, 到墾丁去旅遊囉~ 🥳 八月慶生會 🎂 壽星有: 在 美國 加州爾灣的 簡至揚、還有智洋的姊姊 簡以晴、在台灣高雄市的 林宜潔、在美國西雅圖的 Kimberly Woo,還有所有八月生日的朋友們,祝你們生日快樂! Happy Birthday to 林宜潔 (Kaohsiung, Taiwan), Kimberly Woo (Seattle, USA) and all the August birthday friends! Leave a comment and share your thoughts: http…
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2023-08-27 Slow Cantonese News (HK: To promote night markets; HK: banned seafood from Japan; Russia: Prigozhin’s death) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-08-13 Slow Cantonese News (HK: Perseid meteor shower; HK: ICAC probes CUHK medical research centre; US: Hawaii fires) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-07-29 Slow Cantonese News (HK: US to bar John Lee from APEC summit; HK: High Court rejected to ban protest song; HK: Boar attacked 2 people in MTR station) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-07-15 Slow Cantonese News (HK: new Silver Bond; HK: whale; Canada to remove education requirement for Hongkongers applying PR ) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-07-01 Slow Cantonese News (HK: New World First Bus merges with Citybus; HK: universities drops in global rankings; WHO: Aspartame sweetener to be declared possible cancer risk ) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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🎉 今天童樂會內容Today’s party contents: ✔︎兒童新聞報一報World News For Little People:到底AI 人工智慧 和 ChatGPT是什麼呢?他們有什麼用呢? 🥳 六月慶生會 🎂 壽星有: 在美國 洛杉磯的 Lilou , 在美國 加州灣區的 Felix 刘长骏, 在澳洲墨爾本的恩庭,在台灣桃園市的 Cindy 林宜真, 在美國三藩市的 Adeline 卓穎恩, 在美國佛羅里達的 Grace Lopez 周恩,還有所有六月的壽星們,生日快樂!! Happy Birthday to Lilou (LA USA), Felix (Bay area, USA), 恩庭 (Melbourne, Australia), Cindy (Taoyuan Ci…
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2023-06-19 Slow Cantonese News (HK: McDonald’s worker attacked manager with knives; HK restaurants: fewer revenue in Father’s Day; Blinken in Beijing, China ) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-06-07 Slow Cantonese News (HK Executive Council: to raise civil servants’ salary; HK: to ban protest song mistaken for national anthem; HK: man with mental illness killed 2 women) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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The Big Bird Tour’s Theme大飛機世界巡迴演唱會主題曲. Namewee 黃明志【Big Bird Plane大飛機】Ft.Luxy Girls @Weenomenon 2023
世界各國的人民要注意!抬頭天空有架大飛機。劃破天際越過所有禁區,沒有人可以阻擋我前進! 不要怪我愛到處踩紅線,要就怪你自己到處都是紅線... 這次的MV有點太過分了!(我是指MV裡的是 @LUXYGIRLSTAIWANofficial 的服裝😎) It's been a long time since I created a reactionary song. Don't blame me for always stepping on red lines, you should blame yourself for having red lines everywhere... 這是【黃明志大飛機世界巡回演唱會】的主題曲。“大飛機”接下來會飛向哪個國家?敬請期待,我們將在近期宣佈接下來的旅程!…
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2023-05-27 Slow Cantonese News (HK: Cathay Pacific Discrimination Scandal; HK: Hong Kong’s bun festival; Taiwan: Chinese no longer considered as Taiwanese nationals) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-05-18 Slow Cantonese News (HK: buy one get one free from Hong Kong Airlines; Civil servants’ salary could increase 4.65 per cent; Taiwan: Hou Yu-ih runs presidential election) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-05-08 Slow Cantonese News (HK: driver arrested after killing a security guard; HK: murder suspect died after fleeing to Japan; UK: King Charles III crowned.) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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EP21【兒童新聞】世界第一通手機通話50週年|四月、五月慶生會【World News for Little People】The world first cell phone| April & May birthday
🎉 今天童樂會內容Today’s party contents: ✔︎兒童新聞報一報World News For Little People:世界第一通手機通話50週年報導 50th Aniversiry of the world’s first cell phone call 🤔兒童新聞 想一想 What do you think? 手機大大地改變了我們的生活,不過也帶來了一些問題,現在請各位朋友想一想,請舉出3個手機帶給人類的好處和3 個手機帶來的壞處. 歡迎大家語音留言、email、或是在我們的臉書頁留言 分享你的看法喔~ Cell phones have changed our world significantly. However, they also brought us so…
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2023-04-25 Slow Cantonese News (HK: free flight ticket; HK: gang knife attack in Yuen Long; France: Chinese ambassador’s comments about ex-Soviet states) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-04-09 Slow Cantonese News (HK: Songkran festival; China: Military dills in Taiwan Strait; Taiwan: William Lai is being nominated to run presidential election ) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-03-26 Slow Cantonese News (HK: hail; US and TikTok ban; Honduras establishes ties with China) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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🎉 今天童樂會內容:✔︎唐朝詩人賀知章寫的「詠柳」一首關於春天和柳樹的唐詩 ✔︎賀知章和詠柳唐詩的故事 ✔︎節目最後還有腦筋急轉彎冷笑話 (由聽眾水蜜桃公主提供)喔~Today’s party contents: ✔︎Praising willow trees poem ✔︎Story behind the poem ✔︎At the end of the show, we also have a brain teaser 🥳三月慶生會 壽星有: 在 美國 波特蘭的 天健 Alexander, 在 美國 三藩市 灣區 的 任永軒 Kepler,在加拿大 多倫多的 王芊麗,還有所有三月的壽星們,生日快樂!Happy Birthday to: Alexander ( Portland, USA)…
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🥳“相思”唐詩朗誦 ( poem only) , 唐詩解說請聽EP 19😙 Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckwifduyha4k10b909dt9ws48/comments ☎️貝媽豆妹語音信箱voice message line 🎧貝媽另一個故事Podcast "中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod" 歡迎小朋友來聽故事喔!Please also check out Bei Ma’s story Podcast “ Little Mandarin Pod” 🍭貝媽和豆妹背景Background🍭 貝媽來自台灣,在美國當臨床…
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This is an ENCODE SONG that needs to be DECODE... 啊來!很久沒有唱“這種”歌了😎聽得懂的自然聽得懂;聽不懂的... 反正市面上很多歌聽不懂你們還不是照樣聽的很爽。 黃明志最新專輯『高清無碼』主打歌【鎖碼歌】MV終於來了!感謝兩位美女 Joanne Tan Scarlette Soh 和大馬男版Lisa @BryanWee 的客串,不然我就要自己扮女裝了🤓 #高清無碼 #HDandUncensored #鎖碼歌 #EncodeSong 數位音樂下載 Online Music Download【鎖碼歌 Encode Song】: https://lnk.to/EncodeSong 【鎖碼歌 Encode Song】YouTube 高清版 MV: …
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2023-03-13 Slow Cantonese News (HK: consumption voucher 2023; US: SVB collapse; China: Xi’s speech in Beijing) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-03-01 Slow Cantonese News (HK: mask mandate lifted; HK: Model Abby Choi’s dismembered body found) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由Tsubasa 翼
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🎉 今天童樂會內容:✔︎唐朝詩人王維寫給老朋友李龜年的「相思」一首關於思念的唐詩 ✔︎關於王維和李龜年的故事 ✔︎為何紅豆(相思豆)代表思念的典故 ✔︎節目最後還有腦筋急轉彎冷笑話喔~Today’s party contents: ✔︎ Longing poem by the Tang Dynasty poet, Wang Wei ✔︎Story behind the poem ✔︎ Why red beans represent “longing” ? ✔︎At the end of the show, we also have a brain teaser 🥳二月慶生會 壽星有: 在 美國紐澤西的 安雅、美國西雅圖(現在在台灣嘉義旅行) 的 李家信、新加坡的 Amanda 、還有所有二月…
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“現實愛情”和“虛擬愛情”的差別在於,虛擬的愛情依然是愛情,而現實的愛情始終現實。 《偷偷》收錄在黃明志第十張全新創作專輯《高清無碼》https://bit.ly/3f6XZPv 我要獻給所有網戀中的朋友們。 這是第二次跟 @SWAGLIVE 合作,之前的《買鮑鮑換包包》https://youtu.be/39LXkrO31i4 被YouTube黃標了,這一首.. 大家趁黃標前趕快看一看吧.. What's the difference between virtual love and reality love?Virtual love is still “Love” ; and Reality love is still in the cruel “Reality”... @user-bu7…
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🧧恭喜恭喜,新年快樂!在這新春的時候,我們特別加錄這集新年感恩童樂會來回覆大家的留言和感恩大家的贊助donation和支持,也和大家拜年🥳🥳🧧🧧 🥧簡易版年糕做法影片: 一起來和貝媽豆妹動手做「蜜糖紅豆年糕」吧!!超級簡單呦,只要三個材料攪一攪,蒸一下,好吃的紅豆年糕就完成囉, 好吃又好玩的春節親子活動~ ➡️影片連結video link:https://youtu.be/P6dezUEvci0 Try out this super easy semi-homemade Nian Gao (lunar new year rice cake) recipe with BeiMa and DouMei. It's a very fun new year activity for kids! e …
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這是一首關於“賭徒”的歌曲。講到“賭”的題材,就一定要請來 “新加坡賭王” @mygwanglei ,和“馬來西亞賭后” @ybb8486 一起來共襄盛舉😎🇸🇬X🇲🇾 我本身從來不賭,連買彩票都沒有,但一路以來看到了很多跌入深淵的朋友,所以一直想創作一首關於賭徒的歌來分享給大家。一直到某一天,我看到了一則王雷大哥的訪談,才讓我有了這個靈感,創作了這首【二十樓】,並邀請了王雷大哥一起來合唱。希望大家會喜歡! 之前在疫情期間,娛樂業受到了嚴重的打擊,加上自己官司纏身,必須賺夠賠款馬幣一千萬,於是在捉襟見肘的情況下,我們決定接一些國外的博弈網站的MV及影片贊助,才渡過了難關。雖然網站是國外的,不構成違法行為,但我仍舊堅持不為其做廣告及代言,因為我認為不能以藝人身份去號召大家賭博,頂多只能接受“贊助…
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Sexy Bunnies + Mambo + @djsodaofficialtv + Namewee = I Love You TU 兔! We wish everyone a Happy Lunar Rabbit Year 2023!🇰🇷 X 🇲🇾 這是一首以100多年前移民潮為背景所創作的新年歌曲。那時候的華裔,韓裔,還有其他亞洲國家的人,有移民,有經商,有逃難的,還有被賣到各國當豬仔的。 這就是為什麼現在在世界的各個角落都在慶祝農曆春節... 在此預祝各位兔年快樂!兔飛猛進,揚眉兔氣,不兔不快,大展宏兔,下面兔兔的。 數位音樂下載 Online Music Download【I Love You Tu 兔】: https://lnk.to/iloveyoututu 【I Love Yo…
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