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Serialously with Annie Elise

10 to LIFE & Audioboom Studios

Serialously is hosted by Annie Elise, best known for her true-crime YouTube channel “10 to Life” with over 1M subscribers. Annie Elise discusses true crime cases and gives it to you straight in an engaging, conversational way - just like having a conversation with your best friend, or hopefully your new true crime bestie! *This podcast is not affiliated with The New York Times.
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Pulling The Thread with Elise Loehnen

Elise Loehnen and Audacy

Writer Elise Loehnen explores life’s big questions with today’s leading thinkers, experts, and luminaries: Why do we do what we do? How can we understand and love ourselves better? What would it look like to come together and build a more meaningful world?
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À propos d’Elise Bernard : Docteur en droit public, enseignante à Sciences-Po Aix et à l'ESSEC, décrypte chaque semaine les traductions concrètes, dans notre actualité et notre quotidien, de ce grand principe fondamental européen qu’est l’État de droit. Ses analyses sont publiées sur la page Europe Info Hebdo.
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✨ Danmarks største holistiske podcast ✨ Velkommen til ENHED – podcasten for dig, der er nysgerrig på dig selv, vil udvide dit indre rum & skabe dybere forståelse for dig selv & livet. Hver uge inviterer jeg, Noell, inspirerende gæster ind i ENHED rummet – eksperter & mennesker med personlige indsigter inden for sind, krop & sjæl. 🎙 Vi taler bl.a. om: 💭 Tankernes kraft, terapi & mindfulness 🧠 Livsstil, bevægelse & sundhed 🌿 Spiritualitet, filosofi & livets mening Det er ikke himlen, der begræ ...
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Hosts Elise Rodriguez & John Gebretatose interview guests and discuss improv, comedy, current events & BIPOC culture. https://www.patreon.com/eliseandjohnshow Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/eliseandjohnshow/support
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Elise Dewsberry, the Artistic Director of New Musicals Inc. in Los Angeles, talks about the most common mistakes and issues that come up in the writing and development of new musicals. Elise's forty years of experience as a sought-after dramaturge make her critical advice on theme, plot, exposition, diction, character development, etc. invaluable to all creators of new musicals.
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Welcome to LIFE WITH ASH ELISÉ hosted by Ashlee Harris! Ashlee is an entrepreneur, speaker, brand therapist, creator of the “PROSPER IN YOUR PURPOSE” course, & the CEO of BE THE STANDARD®️. On this podcast you’ll enjoy conversations filled with TRUTH that will help you PROSPER in every area of your life! You can stay connected with Ashlee through her social media platforms below👇🏽 INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/imashelise/ CLUBHOUSE: IMASHELISE FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ash.el ...
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These conversations usually only happen in my head. (...and specifically in the middle of the night, because that’s when I come upon every inspired thought I’ve ever had. for some reason.) This podcast is my Digital Diary. In each episode, I will brain-dump, talk through, and share my perspective on a new topic relevant to my journey of navigating life in my 20s. And I’m Hannah, a 24-year-old just trying to figure out what any of us are *actually* supposed to be doing. Spoiler alert: I don’t ...
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I started with fibromyalgia but this podcast has become more than that! This podcast covers all aspects of holistic health such as physical, emotional, cooking, mindset, nutrition, trauma, and more. It has solo episodes and expert's in their specific field. Along with the series I call Inspiring Stories to show that you are not alone. Hope you enjoy these episodes.
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Join Nina Elise on introspective and inspiring journeys as she delves deep into the realms of progress and growth as she comes back home to herself. With unfiltered authenticity, she shares her personal stories, each a testament to the purity of embracing one's true self. Open & curious to adventure and change, Nina Elise navigates the path of self-discovery, inviting you to explore the boundless opportunities that arise when we step out of our comfort zones. From heartwarming anecdotes to t ...
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Welcome to the ultimate hangout, the "Banter with Elise Borelli" podcast! Your co-pilots on this adventure are none other than the dynamic duo, Elise Borelli and her BFF, Jess Almedia. Are you a fabulous millennial lady who's absolutely fed up with society's never-ending demands, the exhausting pursuit of perfection, and the endless "having it all together" charade? Well, guess what? You've just stepped into the most fun corner of the podcast world! Join us as we kick off an epic journey to ...
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Diego Perez is widely known by his pen name, Yung Pueblo. He’s a #1 New York Times bestselling author, and his latest book is How to Love Better. Today, we both share a bit about our own relationships, and what we’ve learned from our partners. We talk about the myths and archetypal relationships that are served to us, and how many of us have been c…
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Today’s episode dives into everything happening this week in true crime with @_annieelise. From new cases to updates on existing ones and more. Come to tonight’s screening of Nicole Kidman’s new movie, Holland. Tickets are limited. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/holland-screening-hosted-by-annie-elise-tickets-1291516734319?aff=oddtdtcreator Join our …
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Vi lærte i skolen, at vand bare er H₂O – men hvad nu, hvis vand er meget mere end det? Hvad nu, hvis vand er nøglen til bevidsthed, energi & måske endda universets største mysterier? "Tro mig. Vi er ikke færdige med at opdage universet" siger min gæst. Lyt med & få en helt ny forståelse af det, vi består allermest af – nemlig vand. Jeg har besøg af…
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Elise Bernard, docteur en droit public et enseignante à Sciences-Po Aix et à l'ESSEC, décrypte chaque lundi sur Euradio les implications concrètes de l'État de droit dans notre actualité et notre quotidien. Ses analyses approfondies, publiées sur la page Europe Info Hebdo, offrent un éclairage précieux sur ce pilier fondamental de l'Union européenn…
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Det her er del 2 af samtalen med Nikolaj Sorgenfrei Blom. Det anbefales at du går tilbage i dit podcast feed & lytter til del 1, inden du lytter med her. Vi lærte i skolen, at vand bare er H₂O – men hvad nu, hvis vand er meget mere end det? Hvad nu, hvis vand er nøglen til bevidsthed, energi & måske endda universets største mysterier? "Tro mig. Vi …
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At just nine years old, Fallon Farinacci survived the unthinkable—being held hostage by her mother’s stalker and witnessing her parents' murder. Torn from her Métis community and denied the care she needed, she’s now speaking out about survival, systemic failures, and the fight for justice. Tune in as Fallon joins Annie in this week's episode to te…
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Diane Hennacy Powell is now known as the neuroscientist from The Telepathy Tapes podcast (it’s created by Ky Dickens, and it’s great). Hennacy Powell trained at Ohio State University and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, where she received her MD and psychiatric training. She has been on faculty at Harvard Medical School. And she is a leading exper…
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Today’s episode dives into everything happening this week in true crime with @_annieelise. From new cases to updates on existing ones and more. Join our True Crime Club for access to BTS, Bonus Content, Our Private Group Chat, Giveaways and More! Shop Our True Crime Merch Follow the podcast on: IG, Facebook and TikTok For Business Inquiries: 10toLi…
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Hvor ofte dykker du ned i samtaler, spørgsmål & emner med dem du har kær, som ikke blot omhandler hverdagsoplevelser & planlægning? Hvor godt kender du egentlig dem du elsker - eller dig selv? I dag dykker vi ned i vigtigheden & værdien af nærværende samtaler. Min gæst har nemlig skabt et koncept, som skaber det smukkeste rum af nærvær imellem menn…
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Det her er del 2 af samtalen med Katja Bamberger Bro. Det anbefales at du går tilbage i dit podcast feed & lytter til del 1, inden du lytter med her. Hvor ofte dykker du ned i samtaler, spørgsmål & emner med dem du har kær, som ikke blot omhandler hverdagsoplevelser & planlægning? Hvor godt kender du egentlig dem du elsker - eller dig selv? I dag d…
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Follow the podcast for FREE on all podcast platforms! Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6HdheEH8WeMTHoe5da34qU Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/serialously-with-annie-elise/id1519456164 . Shop the Merch!: https://www.annieelise.com Join the 10 to LIFE Community for Exclusive Content & Perks: https://www.patreon.com/annieelise . Tod…
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Elise Bernard, docteur en droit public et enseignante à Sciences-Po Aix et à l'ESSEC, décrypte chaque lundi sur Euradio les implications concrètes de l'État de droit dans notre actualité et notre quotidien. Ses analyses approfondies, publiées sur la page Europe Info Hebdo, offrent un éclairage précieux sur ce pilier fondamental de l'Union européenn…
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This episode has been a very long time in the making: Richard Rohr is a Franciscan friar, the founder of the Center for Action and Contemplation, and one of the most profound teachers. Today, we explore the prescient themes from his new book The Tears of Things: Prophetic Wisdom for an Age of Outrage. He helps us to make sense of disorder, evil, an…
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Today’s episode dives into everything happening this week in true crime with @_annieelise. From new cases to updates on existing ones and more. Join our True Crime Club for access to BTS, Bonus Content, Our Private Group Chat, Giveaways and More! Shop Our True Crime Merch Follow the podcast on: IG, Facebook and TikTok For Business Inquiries: 10toLi…
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Follow the podcast for FREE on all podcast platforms! Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6HdheEH8WeMTHoe5da34qU Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/serialously-with-annie-elise/id1519456164 . Shop the Merch!: https://www.annieelise.com Join the 10 to LIFE Community for Exclusive Content & Perks: https://www.patreon.com/annieelise . Bec…
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Har du nogensinde haft tics for øjet? Har du oplevet, at tabe håret eller blive ramt af voldsom hjertebanken? Måske din hud er begyndt at slå ud, selvom du har brugt samme hudplejerutine i årevis uden problemer? Vores krop kommunikerer hele tiden til os. Både hud, led, knogler m.m. Min gæst i den her uge er Tina Lykkegaard, som er holistisk hudeksp…
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Det her er del 2 af samtalen med Tina Lykkegaard. Det anbefales at du går tilbage i dit podcast feed & lytter til del 1, inden du lytter med her. Har du nogensinde haft tics for øjet? Har du oplevet, at tabe håret eller blive ramt af voldsom hjertebanken? Måske din hud er begyndt at slå ud, selvom du har brugt samme hudplejerutine i årevis uden pro…
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Belle Gibson wasn’t just another influencer - she was the face of the early Instagram wellness movement, the poster child for clean eating, alternative healing, & most shockingly, the idea that nutrition alone had cured her terminal cancer. But behind the scenes Belle was hiding some sinister secrets… Join our True Crime Club for access to BTS, Bon…
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Elise Bernard, docteur en droit public et enseignante à Sciences-Po Aix et à l'ESSEC, décrypte chaque lundi sur Euradio les implications concrètes de l'État de droit dans notre actualité et notre quotidien. Ses analyses approfondies, publiées sur la page Europe Info Hebdo, offrent un éclairage précieux sur ce pilier fondamental de l'Union européenn…
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Chelsea Handler shares my favorite stories from her new book I’ll Have What She’s Having, along with a few poignant lessons she’s gleaned while growing up. She talks about a pivotal conversation she had after Jane Fonda called her in; what she learned about the futility of defensiveness in therapy; and how we might tend to our jealous thoughts. We …
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Today’s episode dives into everything happening this week in true crime with @_annieelise. From new cases to updates on existing ones and more. Join our True Crime Club for access to BTS, Bonus Content, Our Private Group Chat, Giveaways and More! Shop Our True Crime Merch Follow the podcast on: IG, Facebook and TikTok For Business Inquiries: 10toLi…
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Crime House True Crime Stories is the ultimate destination for true crime fans. Every episode features two notorious cases from that week in crime history, tied by a common theme like infamous serial killers, mysterious disappearances, tragic murders, and more. Every Monday, uncover the full stories behind the headlines as host Vanessa Richardson t…
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Oplever du ofte, at tiltrække mennesker eller situationer, der tynger dig? Har du fysiske gener, som ofte dukker op, uden du forstår hvorfor? Oplever du ofte, at leve et liv i konstant underskud? Så kan det være, at det måske er din fortid der er på spil i din nutid. Jeg har fået besøg af en viskvinde. Gina Asbjerg blev i 1982 uddannet sygeplejersk…
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Det her er del 2 af samtalen med Gina Asbjerg. Det anbefales at du går tilbage i dit podcast feed & lytter til del 1, inden du lytter med her. Oplever du ofte, at tiltrække mennesker eller situationer, der tynger dig? Har du fysiske gener, som ofte dukker op, uden du forstår hvorfor? Oplever du ofte, at leve et liv i konstant underskud? Så kan det …
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After finally getting to meet the incredible Richard Rohr (interview coming to the podcast soon), I sat down to reflect on: The unlikely road I’ve been on to become so immersed in Christian writers (was never on my bingo card), and what I misunderstood in my original interpretation of Jesus. What I’ve learned about dying to your small self and grow…
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Exposing all the unheard details and unseen footage about Ruby Franke. Ruby was a well-known YouTube creator with millions of followers, who shared her life as a mom of six children and documented every single detail. It wasn’t long before the dark truth of what really went on in the Franke home when the camera wasn’t rolling, was exposed… Join our…
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Fokus handler ikke blot om at kunne koncentrere sig på studiet & arbejdspladsen & derved kunne præstere - fokus handler ligeså meget om nærvær i livet. Og jo mindre vi får styrket vores fokus-muskel, jo svagere bliver den & jo mere begynder vi faktisk at afbryde os selv! Den her episode udkom første gang som episode #77 & den er SÅ vigtig stadigvæk…
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I’ve had a few conversations with spiritual teacher Thomas Hübl but I finally got to talk to him about the topic that’s been on my mind for a long time: evil. How do we define, and perceive what’s evil? What role does evil energy play in our own lives? What transgressions might we take responsibility for, and how? What moral conflict is part of our…
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Today’s episode dives into everything happening this week in true crime with @_annieelise. From new cases to updates on existing ones and more. Links referenced in this episode: Honeymoon Murder in Fiji Affluent Wife Lures Her Bahamas Boyfriend To Hire a Hitman to Murder Her Husband? | Lindsay Shiver Join our True Crime Club for access to BTS, Bonu…
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Har du oplevet tanker, som gjorde du blev bange for dig selv? Har du oplevet følelsen af, at miste dig selv fuldstændig & ikke have kontrol over, hvordan du har det? “Jeg forstår om nogen, hvordan det er at være bange for sig selv, sine tanker & krop & ikke forstå hvad fanden der foregår”, deler ugens gæst i den her episode. Min gæst er Paulina Lyk…
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Det her er del 2 af samtalen med Paulina Lykke. Det anbefales at du går tilbage i dit podcast feed & lytter til del 1, inden du lytter med her. Har du oplevet tanker, som gjorde du blev bange for dig selv? Har du oplevet følelsen af, at miste dig selv fuldstændig & ikke have kontrol over, hvordan du har det? “Jeg forstår om nogen, hvordan det er at…
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In 2011, 21-year-old mom-to-be Jamie Stice, was preparing to welcome her baby boy into the world. She had no idea she would cross paths with someone so desperate to cover their own lies and keep up appearances, that they were willing to go to unthinkable lengths to cover their tracks. This is a case that law enforcement officials have called the wo…
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Loretta J. Ross’s particular approach to deciding when, and how, to call someone in helps us to avoid making other people’s problem our problem. It gives us a way to effectively be in conversation with people capable of causing harm—instead of trying, and failing, to be in defense of the vulnerable. Ross shares what she’s learned from watching peop…
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Since this recording, Megan Boswell has been found guilty! Today’s episode dives into everything happening this week in true crime with @_annieelise. From new cases to updates on existing ones and more. Megan Boswell: Exposing The Evil Truth of The Megan Boswell Case: The Disturbing New Details https://youtu.be/KJGllLu1q_w Join our True Crime Club …
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Bakterier & stoicisme, filosofi, Viktor Frankl & Bhagavad Gita. Ja. Det her er alt sammen emner, som du vil opleve blive smeltet sammen i denne her samtale. Og du kan godt glæde dig. Min gæst er Morten O.A. Sommer som er professor i mikrobiologi ved DTU, Ph.D fra Harvard University & forfatter til bogen: “Det største i det mindste: Hvad bakterierne…
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Det her er del 2 af samtalen med Morten O.A. Sommer. Det anbefales at du går tilbage i dit podcast feed & lytter til del 1, inden du lytter med her. Bakterier & stoicisme, filosofi, Viktor Frankl & Bhagavad Gita. Ja. Det her er alt sammen emner, som du vil opleve blive smeltet sammen i denne her samtale. Og du kan godt glæde dig. Min gæst er Morten…
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On Sunday, September 8th, 2024, 17-year-old Collin Griffith called 911 just after 6:00pm. He was at his grandmother’s house in Auburndale, Florida and told the 911 operator that he and his mom had gotten into a huge fight. He claimed that his mom, 39-year-old Catherine Griffith, had chased him around the house with a knife. But what really happened…
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Elise Bernard, docteur en droit public et enseignante à Sciences-Po Aix et à l'ESSEC, décrypte chaque lundi sur Euradio les implications concrètes de l'État de droit dans notre actualité et notre quotidien. Ses analyses approfondies, publiées sur la page Europe Info Hebdo, offrent un éclairage précieux sur ce pilier fondamental de l'Union européenn…
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Psychotherapist Nicole Sachs has been pioneering a simple, yet remarkable approach to helping people with chronic pain, anxiety, and other very human conditions. Her story today begins with how she discovered Dr. John Sarno and eliminated her own debilitating back pain a few decades ago. Sachs explains why she’s come to believe that many chronic co…
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Today’s episode dives into everything happening this week in true crime with @_annieelise. From new cases to updates on existing ones and more. Ellen Greenberg: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/serialously-with-annie-elise/id1519456164?i=1000666611267 Megan Boswell: Exposing The Evil Truth of The Megan Boswell Case: The Disturbing New Details …
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Hvorfor er der så meget lidelse i verden? Hvorfor er der så meget lidelse i mig selv? Det var nogle af de spørgsmål, der fik min gæst til at rejse til Asien efter gymnasiet. Her tilbragte han næsten fem år i forskellige templer & klostre & endte med at blive buddhistisk munk. Kronraget, i de traditionelle klæder & med ønsket om, at gøre verden til …
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Det her er del 2 af samtalen med Ulrik Johnsen. Det anbefales at du går tilbage i dit podcast feed & lytter til del 1, inden du lytter med her. Hvorfor er der så meget lidelse i verden? Hvorfor er der så meget lidelse i mig selv? Det var nogle af de spørgsmål, der fik min gæst til at rejse til Asien efter gymnasiet. Her tilbragte han næsten fem år …
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On August 8, 2013, Derek Medina shocked the world by posting a photo of his wife Jennifer's lifeless body on Facebook. But was this an unthinkable crime, or was Derek truly acting in self-defense? As the investigation unfolds, dark secrets about their tumultuous relationship, Derek’s social media obsession, and violent confrontations come to light……
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Elise Bernard, docteur en droit public et enseignante à Sciences-Po Aix et à l'ESSEC, décrypte chaque lundi sur Euradio les implications concrètes de l'État de droit dans notre actualité et notre quotidien. Ses analyses approfondies, publiées sur la page Europe Info Hebdo, offrent un éclairage précieux sur ce pilier fondamental de l'Union européenn…
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There is a historical lack of research on the female body—and this has hurt women, men, everyone. But now, there is some fascinating research on the female body, which Cat Bohannon, PhD, shares today. (Bohannon is the New York Times–bestselling author of Eve: How the Female Body Drove 200 Million Years of Human Evolution.) For example, Bohannon exp…
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Today’s episode dives into everything happening this week in true crime with @_annieelise. From new cases to updates on existing ones and more. Join our True Crime Club for access to BTS, Bonus Content, Our Private Group Chat, Giveaways and More! Shop Our True Crime Merch Follow the podcast on: IG, Facebook and TikTok For Business Inquiries: 10toLi…
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Hvad er ego-spiritualitet? Dét dykker jeg ned i sammen med min gæst & ven Jesper Westmark, som besøger ENHED rummet for fjerde gang. Jesper er traumeterapeut, shaman & meditationsmentor & har skrevet bogen “Vi er Magiske”. Du kan bl.a. høre om: Hvad ego-spiritualitet er Hvilke faldgrupper der kan være her Hvorfor det eksisterer & hvordan ego-spirit…
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Det her er del 2 af samtalen med Jesper Westmark. Det anbefales at du går tilbage i dit podcast feed & lytter til del 1, inden du lytter med her. Hvad er ego-spiritualitet? Dét dykker jeg ned i sammen med min gæst & ven Jesper Westmark, som besøger ENHED rummet for fjerde gang. Jesper er traumeterapeut, shaman & meditationsmentor & har skrevet boge…
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